The memory
All the time since the 1990s, when I started to try to find out about this crime with mind control; I have thought about how the memory in my mind works, regarding these influences with mind control. In the beginning, I thought it was possible to remember how these influences had been done. Now I think that was because I was influenced to think exactly that, because I was influenced to find out wrong. When I tried to remember how I had been influenced, I only found out something I had been influenced to find out. It seems like the whole influence against me at that time, was that I should find out what I had been influenced to find out. I was influenced to find out wrong about everything regarding this.
I think these criminals have done what they have done against me, because they are certain of that it is impossible to remember how these influences have been done. However, already in the 1990s I came a little bit close to what this really is; but I was influenced in a way which misled me. Now I understand this in that way; that I since the 1990s, a little bit more and more, have found out correct about this. It was when I understood about these memory images in 2013, that I really understood what this is. It is because I have understood about that, that I have found out about this. I think the memory in my mind is out of, and not in contact with, these influences.
I think I was influenced to find out about this, in a way I had been influenced to do, because it is impossible to remember how these influences have been done against oneself.
Now I think that these influences by mind control, are out of the memory. It seems for me that these influences have been done in a way, which the memory don’t have contact with. This is that the memory was out of function, when these influences were done, and afterwards the memory cannot find out anything about it. Because the memory didn’t work when these influences were done; the memory have not saved any information about it.
Now I think, that because the memory was out of function, when these influences were done, these influences are not saved in the memory. Something else has happened; these influences must have influenced something else than the memory. When this is written, it is possible to write; that these influences can influence the memory. That is how this look like, it is, for me.
Today I think that these influences influence something else than the memory. And that is something, which not loses effect in the course of time. These influences can cause different things. Regarding the memory, these influences can influence the memory.
What I have done to find out about this; is to understand about it. I have been able to understand what it is. But I have not been able to remember what it is. I think it is possible to understand more and more about these influences against oneself, it only depends on finding out what these influences do to oneself. For me, it has been of vital importance to understand about these memory images, which is, that you remember something, which not has happened.
These influences do not influence the memory. They influence something else than the memory. Afterwards, these influences can influence oneself in different ways, among other things influence the memory to remember something which not has happened.
These influences are not something you remember, they are something else. These influences are not something which work because you remember it, it is something else.
Thursday, January 14, 2016, David H. Hegg