

When I write a few words her now, I just finished this new design, for this Web Site which has been on the Internet for many years.

The two pages in the part 'Important'; 'Important' and 'Facts', have been written in a fast way, to bring out a little information immediately. It is now this year, that I have begun to find out something correctly about these things. And because of that, I wrote these two texts at once. From now on, I will start to work more thoroughly. Therefore I also now have made this new Web Site, which is made to be used for that purpose.

The text 'In 1986', is written many years ago, and is about something very suspicious which has happened to me.

Under this link 'Messages', I will write a little. a couple of times every month, so others can understand how I am working with something for this Web Site.

Monday, March 18, 2013

David H. Hegg