Saturday, October 5, 2013
I have some thoughts about ideology and school of thought in this regard, in proportion to this crime with mind control. It had been possible to use years to write an extensive book about this important subject, but here I use some minutes to write a few words about it. This is something important, which I her only make a little note about.
I think these criminals have influenced me to read a little of Karl Marx, and start to find out about communism. My own years of growth was characterize by an ideal about private initiative and common co-operation, where people shows drive and joint responsibility. And I had no clear political conviction, I more believed in development and learning about how to build a good society. But that needs people who care about their society, and who want to do something to make them be good societies. In general, a good society is something that must be created every day.
A few thoughts about ideology: I think communism is based on a kind of intention, which was developed and brought forth to understanding in many different ways. And that these criminals use communism to get people not to understand this common intention which is about humans' equality. Her I only have wrote some keywords about this.
Another thought I have about communism, is that to have a society to succeed with that idea, is dependent on that everyone back up that society. Because there shall not be suppression or power over the people. I think that the idea of communism has its most serious problem, with being an utopian wish which it is addicted of that every single individual in the society want to back up that society.
My intention to write this, is that I think these criminals ruin something for us, which we do not know about how they are doing. They make us more and more not to be able to understand something important the very most of us want to find ways to reach and succeed with. They get us to loose our knowledge of such intentions, and to not understand anything about it any more. This is also only some key words.
David H. Hegg