Monday, October 7, 2013
Yesterday I was out and delivered Sunday newspapers in the morning. It was a one-time temporary job near by, which took about four hours, five hours all in all. I went on foot with a trolley. It was two newspaper deliveries, two separate jobs. The whole delivery was modern buildings. The first part of the delivery was high rise buildings with elevators. The rest had three and four storeys. All of it was easy to do, it was easy to run up the stairs, also nine storys in one of the high rise buildings where the elevator did not work. I felt well and thought that it is easy to this job, I am not getting tired of it at all.
When the delivery was finished, and I went on my way home again; there was a clearly and crisply voice inside of me, with a short one-time message: 'Take the police first'. This voice could not be heard in my ears; it came as a silent experience, like it was inside of me. I write clearly and crisply, because this was something very clear to understand. It was meant to be; that I should have killed the police first, and the others afterwards. If this could have been something I should have 'heard', or something I should have been influenced to want to do, I do not know.
First I thought that it happens so many such things with me, so I shall not care about this happening. And I shall not write about it either, I thought. But after I had slept, about six hours later, when I woke up; I start to think that this could have something to do, with my strong contact with my childhood now these days. And I thought that these criminals can have talked about, to take over the most important voice I have heard from my earliest childhood. I have been looking at pictures from that time for months now, so that can well be my mother's voice they have used. For a period now, I have cared about my family and my mother and father from before I was born. Maybe this silent one-time message inside of me, is the last I should get from their influence over me. I think this works that way, that I had not lost this message; its way of working, had let me clearly and crisply understand this message.
I also include; that I out on this job yesterday, thought that it only is an enjoyment to do the this job.
Here is a picture of me, when I was 14 months old.
When I write this; I write about something I think, and try to understand. It is nothing I remember. I also think that I for many years now, maybe should have developed myself and my secret plans, so that I today had done much in this regard. But I have been working strongly with what I write a little about on this Web Site instead.
That these criminals do like I write about here, is something I think can be typical that they are doing. But I have no memory about that this has been done against me, only this experience yesterday.
When the text was written to here, and after a while; I got some thoughts about that I have experienced much about, that to build on loyalty in the society fails. So I think that, is something these criminals brake down, and want to replace with to build on use of force in the society instead. They brake down the human qualities, so people lose their democratic power.
Among many thoughts about why they are doing this, I think it maybe is because they think it is funny.
For me personal, this is about breaking free from these criminals' influence over me. That Influence is sly moves they do in the psychology of the subconsciousness. When I have found out about these sly influences, they do not work any longer.
The subconsciousness also works regarding the humans' social behavior. When you have thought it over for some time, you understand that that can be quite much. So influences against humans' subconsciousness, can work in social ways also.
David H. Hegg