
Sunday, January 4, 2015

After the previous message, January 3, I first was minded of, that now I should start to do other things. And I came to a kind of stationary state, where I thought about that I had to begin to do other things. I looked through the last message several times; I also did that more than I thought it was necessary. It is typical for me to do more than I think is necessary regarding this. And just now, when I once more had read through this text; some important thoughts started to form in my mind. Like some small insignificant pieces, which came together in my mind, and formed a little and nearly imperceptible explanation, like an nearly invisible important thing.

These pieces in my mind, were; the HOFNAR Casino cigarillos, and what I wrote about in Messages 3, October 9, 10, 11, 2013. These two factors came together with a memory, about that I should have said to my wife in 1976, that I should become a smart one, like the person on the lid of the cigarillos box. I should trick all of them. This should be, that I have a second‐sighted meaning over my life, which helps me to get through to the goal with my life. This became something, which I put in connection with, that these influences can start up subconscious processes. All these pieces became together; an understanding about that I should have been formed, to become very smart and dangerous against them, who I in the end should have been influenced to believe, that are these criminals. I should not have found out correct, and started a very smart and dangerous activity, based on wrong knowledge and wrong understanding.

This memory; about that I should have said to my wife in 1976, that I should become a smart one, like the person on the lid of the cigarillos box; have been something which have come up in my mind. I think that was in the nineties. And it became something which seemed to be, something which had happened, which I could not do anything about, that was in that way.

Today; these pieces formed an understanding, about that I have been influenced to experience, that God have a plan with my life, and helps me. Now; I am so different from what that should have been, so it was something distantly for me, which slowly and nearly imperceptible became something, which I understood.

I think that this can be the total plan these criminals have influenced me to realize.

To write a text like this; is for me, to manage to make an understandable account about things it is difficult to comprehend. The first way of expressing a text like this, is to form what this can be. After that again, it is possible to come further on. All these messages are only some kinds of working notes, something I have written to work more with it later on. I think it is good, that others can find out something about this, as early as possible.

David H. Hegg