
My thinking

My thinking is that instead of choosing between Celsius and Fahrenheit, it is better to choose Kelvin. Kelvin's scale starts at absolute zero and only has degrees of heat. Kelvin's scale is also better to understand the world's climate situation. For example: 274.15 degrees Kelvin is 1 degree Celsius or 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the average temperature on Earth can not be many per cent more than 274.15 degrees Kelvin. (William Thomson Baron Kelvin, Scottish physicist 1824–1907.)

Correspondingly I think that instead of choosing between capitalism and socialism, it is better to choose something better. That is regarding how it is necessary to start on something else for the humans on earth; regarding how the earth nor the humans themselves, can go on as it is today. It is appropriate to understand that these two systems, capitalism and socialism, are something that someone use; which use the populations, and in that way also humankind and the possibilities of the whole planet Earth. What could gradually become something else? That is an important question to be honest with, which is what I first and foremost want to tell about that matter.

I also think that the evil has no sense in the creation of our existence. The evil is something which appears as a problem regarding the humans.

April 30, 2005, David H. Hegg