
The important knowledge

How much can it be possible for us humans on Earth to develop our abilities? Every individual has to start from the beginning in its personal development. But the cultural development has a very great influence on a person's development. Here I have asked a question no one of us humans can give a correct answer to.

There exists a correct answer for every single question; but it is not always possible for us humans to find the correct answer even though we sometimes can. Therefore, there exists a correct answer to the introductive question in this text too, but we humans do not know what that answer is. Is it possible; that the answer is given from the beginning of this world's existence? We do not know that either, but it is not unthinkable. What is impossible; is that our existence has arisen out of nothing. That this existence has arisen out of something we can think can be the opposite of nothing; is therefore not unthinkable that either. So, we can be sure of that it is much we do not know about.

The reader maybe understands that I have a tendency to ask such questions, like I have done in this text. That is how it is. I have developed a tendency to ask such questions; for afterwards to start thinking about the questions. I think that the reader also can think. Questions we do not find answers to, can still be valuable because such questions bring us to other questions we can find answers to, and we come further with our understanding. Of course the reader also knows that only the truths are the right answers. And here we have reached an important knowledge; only honest people understand how bad and dangerous liars are; the liars do not understand that, themselves. It is thinkable that the humans on Earth can develop their abilities very much; but if the liars get the control over the world, the humans will end up like prisoners within the liars lies where they do not find out about the truths because our development will stop by the lies. It is important that the truths win against the lies regarding the humans, the world, our existence, and such.

Such lies give the liars power over other humans they do to prisoners of their lies. Such liars do not want to lose their lies because then they also lose their power, which only are lies. This is something very old in this world, and it becomes more and more dangerous as the development of our civilization in the world developing more and more.

It is something important to think about, that to protect the lies, it is necessary to ban the truths. The liars commit an intricate activity which it is important to understand much about. Typically, our world today shows signs of intricate power games, which have been using lies, which have been outplayed from everywhere in this world in our history until this day. It is not good, it is bad. It is funny for all the idiots, but not for others. The whole world is being ruined because of it.

April 23, 2011, David H. Hegg