
25. Exact and correct

Today I got an experience of having reached a finalization, of my development against what has been done against me. I started to think; what can this experience be? And I got some thoughts about, that it was my practical manner, these criminals who use mind control, most of all disliked me for.

I think it can be; that these criminals especially dislike, that people, who work practical and make the things, get importance. They want practical people who make things, to be like nothing, without any significance. I think they dislike all kinds of positive valuation of people who make things. People who make things, shall not be like clever people; and they shall not come into view in the social life.

After this, I start to think about that these criminals can have influenced to, that practical skills, shall not be anything worthy and important to have.

I think it can be possible to talk about practical intelligence. I think this can be something with vital importance. I think these criminals in this way, have wanted to eliminate the understanding about what practical intelligence is, and what practical skills are. They don’t like anything practical at all, and want all of it away.

I think it can be possible to find out, how different kinds of practical abilities are important abilities to understand about, bout in our educational activities, and in our social activities. I think practical abilities are something necessary of what it is, which we humans are. We are both theoretically and practically. We can have lost our understanding about what different kinds of practical abilities are, and what those abilities can mean. To make things are also something important for us humans to do.

A final conclusion can be, that these criminals, don’t want those who make the things, to have any rights regarding the values they create. That will then, also be the same for all kinds of work, which people do. Workers shall not have possibilities to achieve power to assert their interests.

I think these criminals don’t want a composition of different interests. They want their own interests to be the only interests, which shall decide how everything shall be.

It is idiotic to try to lock the development. Today, things are different from before. In the future, things will be different from today. We humans are under way with understanding more and more.

This is something I have thought about today. I think it can be more with these criminals. These thoughts have appeared as what I experience it was about, which these criminals disliked me for in 1976. I experience that they disliked me because of my practical skills, that was what I most of all was, at that time in 1976, a person with different practical skills.

Exact and correct are two terms which function together with each other.

Can it be possible to say; theoretical correct, practical exact? Well…, maybe.

It can be possible to say: To understand something is theoretical. To do something is practical. To understand correctly and do it exactly; is a way of using these two terms. To find out exactly and understand it correctly; is another way of using these two terms.

Below I have made a schematic picture of correct understanding with exact focus. You encircle correctly around it all, and locate exactly from different angles; and find out what it is.

April 12, 2016, David H. Hegg