
78. 15 random notes

The last two days I have made some random notes about what the influences can do. It is because I have thought about that. These notes aren’t a complete compilation. They are only some fast notes, which I just have got in my thoughts the last days. I have written them down as a preliminary preparation for more thorough work later.

1.) The criminals strengthen the influences in different ways. By understanding these ways of strengthening the influences, they can be reduced, and then the influences lose effect. A typical strengthening is to get you to believe in the influences, don’t believe in them.

2.) New influenced situations become habits in the course of time. Something that was unwanted, or something you didn’t like, in the beginning; can also be habits after some time. It is possible to get used to influences.

3.) It is possible to be used to that you are influenced to experience, that it is something you have to do in the future. You hadn’t wanted to do it immediately, but influences can work over time, in a way that change what you first hadn’t wanted to do. It is possible to be influenced to be used to, that something must happen. The opposite can also be an influence; that something you first wanted to do, after some time have been changed to something you don’t want to do any more. That can start with putting it off.

4.) It is possible to be influenced to be used to believing in influences. If you have understood something about an influence, it is also possible to be used to that you understood about not believing in the influence.

5.) When you have started to understand about influences, then one’s own energy can start to achieve something. Typical influences also try to turn this around again, but it is possible to understand that also. When you have started to win against the influences, then you will win more and more.

6.) Influences can influence you to get opposite motives in proportion to something you are influenced to do. This is that your motives are the opposite, of what you are influenced to do. You think that you do the opposite.

7.) Two people who want to be friends, can be influenced to behave so they become enemies. The influenced behavior of one, meets the other’s influenced reluctance.

8.) A number of people can be influenced to influence one another in an influenced way. It can for example cause a happening. Such influences can influence situations, it can be something absurd, and it can be something else.

9.) When I had remembered something I was influenced not to remember, then the influences worked in a way, so I experienced that what I had remembered disappeared again. But it didn’t really disappear. It must be a kind of hallucination. It is possible to understand that this is an influence.

10.) When I understood that I was influenced to remember something, which not had happened, then the influences worked in a way, so I experienced that it even so had happened. But I didn’t believe in it. It is possible to understand that this is an influence.

11.) It is possible to be influenced to not experience correct what happens.

12.) It is possible to be influenced to not experience correct what one are doing.

13.) It is possible to be used to experience that things are something else, than what are correct.

14.) I have been influence to not brush my teeth. It should only happen one time, because I was tired. But it happened again and again. I brushed my teeth at another time than usually, because I didn’t want to let it be. Now I have understood it, and I brush my teeth as usual again.

15.) Such influences can have been don against oneself. Influences can have been done against other people you know. There can be all kinds of intentions with such influences. We are in the middle of it. It is necessary to start to understand about this. This has gone on for a long time. When we start to understand about this, then it becomes possible to start to stop how such influences work. It becomes possible to stop the influences from continuing to reach their goals. Something typical is that such influences are weaker influences, which are strengthened by different combinations. It is also typical that influenced people are influenced to be sure about, that they aren’t influenced.

October 30, 2016, David H. Hegg