
79. Imbalance

The last days I have thought about that the criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, have influenced to an imbalance in the development of humankind. I have got two questions in my mind: Has the economy started to use the humans; instead of that the humans use the economy? Has the economic development started to ruin the development of humankind?

When thinking about these two questions, it becomes relevant to think about balance. These criminals’ hidden role causes an imbalance among all the humans in the world. These criminals’ hidden roles also cause imbalance in different smaller human connections.

Because these criminals have obtained a hidden superior force over our thinking and understanding, that result in a human imbalance for humankind. This has resulted in an imbalance in the development of humankind. The human power of humankind has come under control, and is used by these criminals. The humaneness of humankind doesn’t matter as it should have done. And the inhumanity of the criminals matter as it shouldn’t have done.

Today’s economic development becomes a power that these criminals have the power over, by using their hidden methods. It is possible to put forward a way of stating the problem, which is, that today’s economic development has displaced the humaneness and started to use humankind in a destructive way. It has become a cold and mechanical development, as if it all is an inhuman machine. Actually, machines progressively replace humans in service‐based occupations, which also progressively dominate our lives more and more. Our way of life becomes more and more like a frightening cold machinery, where false happiness is for sale. The humans are more and more controlled and used in ways, which the humans themselves don’t decide how shall be. It becomes easier and easier to get power over the humans. And it becomes more and more difficult for the humans to get power over themselves.

I think the criminals have influenced to what we produce, what we buy, what we are doing, and how all of it is organized. I think this now has become in a way, that we hadn’t done ourselves. It is as if we have walked backwards, when we thought we walked forward. It all has become as if it all is an artificial and false hallucination, where we don’t know what the reality is any longer. Everything has become the opposite of what it looks like, because of development of false imaginations about everything. Our human possibilities have been hindered and hampered in developing, and haven’t been set free as we have thought about to do.

It is because we don’t understand what goes on, that this imbalance have started to develop. In the world today, we humans aren’t doing what we really had wanted to do. I think this is something very dangerous, which we must start to find out about, understand, and change as fast as possible.

These criminals cause different destructions in different ways. The human sufferings in the world today is the worst they are doing. It is necessary that all of us in the world care about that now. But these criminals do more. Therefore, these criminals are the most malicious and dangerous that exist.

An imbalance in the development of humankind has arisen. We all have to change. That will be interesting, and we will have much to do. And not least, everything will be better. It requires that we find back, to what now have been ruined for us. We must show consideration for one another, agree and work together in good ways, and help one another as humans shall do. It will be many things to find out about and much to understand.

Imbalance causes that things collapse. That is what we must hinder that happens with the whole world. We must find again the balance. It all is strongest when the whole world and we humans exist in a varied and multifarious balance.

This is only a fast and easy text about this important and much more extensive subject.

October 31, 2016, David H. Hegg