85. The power of peace
I think the criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, influence to that armed military development shall ruin for peaceful political development. Peaceful political development want to find ways to unite the people to get power to achieve results. Armed military development also want to get power to achieve results.
Peaceful political development brings people into playing an active part in the society, so people’s own participation is the power in the society. I think the criminals want to ruin how the people can develop ways to get that society to work. That development also want to unite different peoples and societies, and the whole world.
The criminals have tricked us to start to believe in armed military force. Behind how they trick us to believe in armed military force, they hide how they have influenced all parts in conflicts, and how they have influenced to armed conflicts. The criminals have developed conflicts. They influence people to kill one another, instead of understanding one another. Disagreement; is to not understand one another. I think these criminals think, that they lose their selfish power interests, by honorable peaceful political development. They want to take the power away from the people, and use armed military force as their power.
These criminals have created a dangerous chaos in the world today. We must be clever when we shall start to do something with this. It is possible for us humans to be clever in peaceful political ways. To understand is peaceful. In this context; people seek agreement, and avoid increasing of disagreements. Peaceful political development; is the basis for how peaceful political development can work. Peaceful political development isn’t only a good future, it also is a good present time. The peaceful society will also find new ways of doing things, as time goes by. This society will develop new peaceful possibilities over time. The people’s peaceful possibilities will develop and come into reality. When we understand about these criminals, then the understanding can start to win again, as it earlier did.
A figurative account of today’s situation; is that the criminals have got us into “a room of war”, were we fight against one another. Without these criminals’ influences, we hadn’t been in that “room of war”, “the room of war” hadn’t exist either.
We humans win development. That is, what we humans together can win.
Together we are happy. One by one we are sad. That is how it is. That is how we humans are.
The power of peace, is the power of understanding. By joining the way of peace, you join the way of friendship and peaceful possibilities. That is the way where we build up one another, and don’t destroy one another; a way of progress and joy. Scatter smile and joy on your way, not sorrow and hatred. We humans aren’t evil, we only can be the tool of evil. Be the tool of good, and do what humans shall do.
This text isn’t a finished text about this. This text only comes out with a way of stating the problem.
When understanding, again can be imparted between us, without the criminals’ ruining of it; then our understanding will fill us, and lift us up from the ignorance. By understanding one another, we understand much more, than by not understanding one another. When we have got ours heads lifted up, we can look around, and see and understand how much good it is possible for us to do together.
November 25, 2016, David H. Hegg