
180. Slow changes

Regarding these influences, it is as if my mind works slowly, with a step by step development. This is both when the influences have developed, and afterwards when I have found out about them. Sometimes sudden and surprising things also can happen, because of the influences, typical when something unexpected happens. But the slow and gradual development is typical. It was regarding finding out about the influences, that I now first thought about this. Afterwards, I thought about that this also is something typical with how the influences develop.

It is like my mind changes slowly. When my mind changes, then that is, that I change as a person. This is that I change slowly regarding these influences; both when they work, and when I find out about them. Because of this, I slowly change when I find out about this crime by the criminals.

I think about that the influences by the criminals; that, aren’t the same as natural influences. Natural influences also work slowly, like it is at school, when people learn more and more, year after year. But natural surprising happenings can also influence a person in a sudden way. A comparison with learning at schools and universities, over years and decades, is relevant; these influences work slowly more and more through a person’s whole life. This is one of different aspects regarding these influences. The influences influence people in all thinkable ways.

What I cared about to achieve, before these influences were done against me in 1975, was something I today should have forgotten. Because I now think about this, I start to care about what it was I thought about, at that time. The influences by the criminals have changed everything regarding how my life now has been, in proportion to how it was before. In 1975, my wife and I had started to think about our future life together with our daughter. That was what we cared about. For me, it is important to find out about this, when I understand, that it is in this way. Regarding me, there is no question that such influences have changed everything for me. These influences have changed my thoughts and understandings about different things in wrong ways, and that hadn’t happened if I had understood what it was. This has also been coordinated with how other people have been influenced around me. So, I am sure about that this is something important to find out about.

It is important to me to find out about and understand what these influences are in my life, and to find out what they have meant. Everything I had thought about doing, has been ruined. Then it is to find out about, how this has happened, which I now have to do.

This is similar to something I said to my daughter’s mother in the telephone in the summer 1986: “It is necessary to find out what this is. We cannot let such things happen without finding out what it is. I have to find out what this is.” After that, the doctor gave me some pills, which gave me hallucinations and ruined what little I had left of my memory. I started to hear things which didn’t happen. I throw the pills in the garbage can, and didn’t go back to the doctor. I had contacted the doctor because of muscle pain, and nothing else. I thought about that the only thing I remembered, was the way back to where I lived. This worsened during some years after that. What different individuals had done against me that year, had ruined my mind totally. Every single word they had said was an insane lie, and all they did were unlawful to do. They thought it was good fun. No one of these people said anything to me about what they talked about. I didn’t know what it was. Nothing of it, had anything to do with me. All of it vas nonsense.

This was incomprehensible for me. My family didn’t know anything about what had happened. Afterwards I didn’t remember what had happened, and because of that, I had been alone and helpless. I couldn’t tell others about what had happened, because I didn’t know what it was. My daughter and her mother also become mentally ruined, and we became dispersed from one another. That was also something unlawful to do. I hadn’t done anything wrong. In the end, they all knew that. It was only I who then didn’t know that anymore. They all knew that also. They, who had done unlawful things, didn’t want to put things in order again. That was a part of the criminals’ plan. I should be a victim of a crime that shouldn’t be cleared up. That crime is actually done by the criminals, who have influenced other people to do these things.

After writing this, I start to think about a parallel between what I wrote about above, and what happens in the whole world. In the societies and in parts of the societies, this can be in similar ways. Things change slowly over years and decades.

But what has changed? I think that is something the peoples in the world had started to think about how to do, around 1900, but not something people had done. I think the criminals can have changed how people started to try to do what they thought about to do. I think the new political ideas still were in the beginning of their development, when the criminals started to influence it all. It can be that what people cared about to achieve at that time, around 1900, was something we today don’t know what was, and don’t think about any more. People had started to think about the future. That was what people cared about. I don’t have exact information about this, therefor it is necessary to find out more about how this has been.

If this is correct, which it probably is in one way or another; then it is the criminals, that have influenced to the development in these years. The criminals have influenced people to do all kinds of different things in wrong ways. I think they have pushed things to different extremes, by their influences, to achieve opposites and disagreement between people. The criminals can also have influenced to different terrible wars and happenings. The idea of that the people should stand united, can be something the criminals have wanted to destroy.

To describe how I think these influences can have been used to cause changes of the political process, I think about this illustrative description. This is an imaginative paraphrase of the real situation: “We understand the influences of the others, but we don’t yield an inch from our own influences. We still firmly believe in what we are influenced to believe; and we don’t let how others are influenced to believe, affect us anything at all. They can talk as much as they want about how they are influenced to think, but we will not change how we are influenced to think!”

Everything people before us had thought about doing, has been ruined. Then it is to find out about, how this has happened, which we now have to do.

After I had written the text above, I started to get some thoughts in my mind, about something the person who influenced me in December 1975, could have said when he influenced me. I had been thinking about that it seems as, that some of the influences are scheduled to happen at particular times, and that they are exactly coordinated with influences in other individuals.

“Now there is one who has something to say to you. This person isn’t me, but one who very carefully have made plans for what now will be said. You shall now listen carefully, and repeat what I now say. I will never say anything about this to others, because this is your and mine secret world.”

This appeared in my mind when I thought about, that these influences have been done very accurately. There was nothing about what were before, and after these sentences, when I got this in my mind. It is impossible for me to understand if this is correct, partly correct, or wrong. Typical different such thoughts have appeared in my mind, and I typical think that these influences can cause all kinds of such different thoughts. What I have written here, was a little special. But it only appeared in my mind, I don’t know why.

I think the person who influenced me, has done different things, in different ways. If he has done something like this, then that is one of different other ways of influencing me.

October 8, 2017, David H. Hegg