
241. Not anybody

The Second World War was really a war against madness. These mad people were too mad to be able to be behind that war, so that had to be someone else than themselves. Those who drove forward that war, were too mad to be the brain behind their own madness. Someone else had to be the brain behind their madness.

This was what the woman who “influenced” me in 1965 thought about, when she after the Second World War wanted to find out about who were behind that war.

When she was around and found different books, she didn’t need to take notes or take the books with her, she could write down 100 % correctly what she had read afterwards at other places. She could repeat it word for word all of it, all she needed to have.

She could repeat 100 % correctly what she had seen, heard and read, both words and figures. She wasn’t anybody. During the Second World War she had spied on the Nazis and found out much important information about them, which had been given forward to the resistance movement.

The criminals are the brains behind what has happened with me. But with me, there is one more brain behind what has happened, and that is this woman’s brain. And that brain isn’t to be trifled with. I think she has been cleverer than anybody can find out and understand, and she was the kindest person it is possible to think that someone can be. She was very clever and very kind. Her family, friends and boyfriend had given their lives for peace and freedom during the Second World War. She also had to give her life. People who gave their lives for peace and freedom were to trust, people who say something else are not to trust.

April 3, 2019, David H. Hegg