
244. Strong tastes

I have thought about that I am “influenced” to feel like having strong tastes. There is also a tendency to only wanting the strongest tastes. This is about food and drink, snacks and goodies, etc. It is likely that this shall lead to unhealthy food habits and unhealthy lifestyles.

All the different tastes of drinks are something to think about. Naturally we had drunk pure water when we are thirsty, as something basic. Sweet drinks and salty snacks are some things to think about what can be. Combination of sugar and salt in itself, is the next to think about. But that is only an example of how such things can be something we are exposed to and use without thinking about what it is.

The tastes we have around us are natural and artificial tastes. Artificial tastes are nothing, and sometimes toxic. Fruits and other natural tastes are something. Of course there are some natural toxic things also. Artificial tastes can manipulate one’s natural taste understanding, and lead to wrong dieting.

This shows that the criminals are taken up with “influencing” to all possible harmful things they can do to damage people’s health. Therefore that is something it is important to watch out for in all ways which it can be possible to do.

Something to beware of, is that the criminals typical can “influence” people to be taken up with living healthy, in ways that are unhealthy in ways they don’t understand why are unhealthy. Good health has to do with interplay between different things.

I think the criminals can “influence” to systematic lack of vitamins and other nutrients, and also to systematically consumption of something unhealthy. Such things establish systematically unhealthy food habits.

The criminals have been doing this for a long time, so they have done very much of everything they have done, also of such things which are harmful for people’s health. Of course they also “influence” to explaining away all of it, so people have started to believe in wrong understanding about everything the criminals have tricked them to do wrong.

People are “influenced” to resign and accept that it is something wrong with everything, and that they not really can trust anything. People live like leaves that are drifted around by the wind, without being able to do something with how the societies control their lives in untrustworthy ways, and keep secret for them all the wrong things the societies are doing.

The tastes are only one phenomenon, of many other phenomena, that the criminals use to trick people. This text only points out that this is something to understand about, that goes on. The criminals trick us in this way. Strong tastes don’t automatically give you strong health.

Something else, which is relevant to think about regarding this; that is how many of us also breathe polluted air. Clean air, water and food; are natural health factors. When the air both tastes bad and smells bad, and you have to swallow the part of it you can’t breathe, if you not are able to spit it out; then something has been terrible wrong. I think the criminals have wanted that people shall breathe polluted air. And then it is likely that they also have wanted to pollute as much as possible of what we use. Clean air, water and food; are of great value.

It is likely that the criminals have wanted to produce pollution, and thought out different ways of obtaining that, in all possible ways. Typical the criminals can have “influenced” people to do things they not had wanted to do, if they not had been “influenced” to do those things. We are used to think that pollution is a side effect, but it is thinkable that the criminals have had pollution as the main product. The same can be regarding unhealthy additives in food, they are the main products.

This text was written about three weeks ago. The three last texts have been written in reverse order of how they are publicized.

April 23, 2019, David H. Hegg