292. Evil joy
Evil people’s malice, is these people’s means to achieve what is evil people’s goodness. Evil people’s goodness; is their selfish joy, which becomes their experience of selfish goodness. In this way evil people can experience the evil as their selfish goodness. Evil people can together with one another, share their evil joys with one another. This becomes; that evil people’s evil joys become their selfish evil goodness.
The malice is sly and false against the goodness, so that the good people don’t understand what the evil people are doing. The malice hides oneself as something different than what it in the reality is. The malice is something totally fixed and real, which the evil people hide what is, so that the other people not shall understand what their malice really is. It is something concrete and actual, which it is possible to find out about, and understand about all of it. But instead; the word malice is used to hide what malice is.
Malice, slyness and falseness are different sides of the malice’s complexity, because; the interplay between these different terms is what does that the good people don’t understand, how the evil people manage to trick them and use them. Today the people don’t have understanding about what malice really is, and that is because malice is much more complicated and made up than a one‐sided and simple word.
The malice don’t want that people shall understand what the word malice means, and that is how that word means something much more made up and complicated, than a simple word, which not any people understand what really means. That word means trickery, slyness, falseness and cunningness; put into a complicated and artful pattern, which not any other than the malice themselves shall know and understand what is. Because the evil people present themselves as good, and that is because they want that other people shall be tricked to believe on malice as their goodness, instead of sly and false malice.
So far as down to here in this text, this has now been understood as something much more difficult to find out about, than an abstract term which no one understands what means. This abstract term, which all the time has been the word malice, is a word people meet when they meet the malice’s sly and false trickery. Malice is something much more than an incomprehensible abstract term, and something completely factual. Malice is something cunning and false trickery, which it is necessary to find out correct about what is, and not continue to believe that is something incomprehensible.
Malice is something comprehensible which it is necessary for all the people in the world to start to understand correctly about what is. This text is only a little to begin with in that coherence. It is absolutely necessary that we come behind the word malice, and start to find out totally correct about what it is which really hides behind this sly and false word malice. Malice tricks the goodness, to believe on malice as goodness. This is very old, but once there was that this evil came into the reality of the humans, and from that time this evil has only ruined. Initially the evil didn’t exists, only lack of judgment and foolishness, but that isn’t malice. No humans are born evil. Malice doesn’t exists in this world’s whole created creation. Malice is something which ruins the whole world.
Lack of judgment and foolishness is something much less dangerous than malice. But of course the malice is very pleased with being able to use all the lack of judgment and foolishness it can manage to develop here in the world. In that way lack of judgment and foolishness become the dangerous malice’s conditions of existence.
In this text this has only been pointed out; that malice is something complex and concrete, and not something incomprehensible and abstract. It requires much time and work to find out correctly about this. And that has to go one in ways where the malice don’t have the possibility to contribute; to distort and divert everything which happens, and in other ways all the time think of ways of ruin it.
January 2, 2021, David H. Hegg