Slyness Comment Slyness is a text about how these influences go completely along with the influenced person, as if the influences are the person’s oneself. February 8, 2016. Slyness One of different important ways these influences with mind control, goes on; is that the influences go completely along with the influenced person. That type of influences are like something, which goes along with you, in a way you are influenced to experience that is the same, as you. You can also be influenced to like the influence, which hides, that it ruins for you. That type of influences ruin for you in that way. When you try to reach your goals, these types of influences go along with you, and ruin it all for you, on your way to reach your goals. These criminals are sly. And they are sly in different ways. In this text I write about exactly this trick. That the influences go completely along with you, to ruin for you in that way. This can work in a way, so the influences adapt and adjust themselves all the time. That works in a way, so the influences gradually achieve their intentions. These influences can in a way lose, so their intentions step backwards; but then these influences start again, the same way as before. Such a way of working, can develop in the course of a person’s whole life. It is also possible to understand that the same way of working, also can work in wider connections, with different people, and in the whole society. These types of influences will typical lead to the opposite, of what you had wanted to achieve. That works in a way which continuous manipulates you. These criminals are insidious and cunning, but they are not invincible. All these influences are based on that people don’t know about it. If you know about it, and understand about it, then it works less and less. It is important not to believe in these influences, when you understand that it is such influences. This is something I have written many times, but even so I write it one more time. This is something central with all these influences. It is important to be more focused on your whole life, as your life. Every day is one day in your whole life. It is important all the time to have contact with one’s whole life, and how it has developed. Monday, February 8, 2016, David H. Hegg |