David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
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Facts This I wrote March 8, 2013. Today I remembered something, which I at once want to write here. I did not remember it all at the same time, but little by little, with some time between. For years I have remembered such which these people only have tricked me to start to begin to believe that is, that I remember something. This become possible because I after 1986 had lost my memory, and started to strive with remembering everything in my life again. But what I quote here, I experienced as liberating to remember, and maybe it is on to something which is totally correct about how this has been done to me. This is an other person who talks to me. Probably once in 1976‐1977: 'This possibility I want to use. And with this, so it starts. From here it all lays on top of each other. So that this, is the very last you manage to remember. And before that, you will have been dead many times, for that you can not manage. Now you do not know who I am, where you are, or where this is in the world. I am alone here, but you shall experience that it is more her. So that here we now are several who stand around you. Should you come out of this, you had to gone out from here now. But that you can not. You can not neither move your legs, nor arms, nor think, nor see other than this I now shall describe for you that will happen.' This I wrote March 10, 2013. 'The first I will do, is to take control over your physical body one's different parts. First your heart, this beats a fixed number beats per minute.' Today I comprehend that this happened once in 1976‐1977. I have been asked about to come to an office‐room, where I shall look at a fluorescent lamp which made noise. I am asked about if I want a refreshment. I collapse on the floor. This person comes with some more to drink, so I shall be better again. This I have written, to do it; instead of to let it be. It is not something I remember clearly, I remember almost nothing, it can be wrong, but it can also be right. Something has happened, I can only not remember what it was. The Notebook What follows I wrote March 2, 2013. This is an important fact regarding this serious crime, which I try to find out about. And in this connection that is unique, because these people never leave behind proofs from themselves. You never find evidences or traces, from what they have done. This activity brushes aside all the time; by people who want to explain it away, or who do not understand it. An it is something difficult to understand about, for them who wish to find out about it. In this serious connection this is, I also want to take with; that before I started with this 27 years ago, I was an active participant in the Norwegian society. I had both meant a lot, and achieved a lot; in this society. As a leader of the student council on a school from 1980 to 1982, I organized meetings and activities which brought this school's case into the social debate and the life of politics, in a way which become very decisive. After that, I was the leader for the personnel in a youth club, where I also worked very intense and got changed problems which had developed in the local community. For a short time I also joined a local radio. There I did not achieved anything special, but it is an example on that I was an active member of society. Where I lived in 1986, I was in contact with other people near by. I was often inside by elderly neighbours and helped them with things; and got often a cup of coffee, a nip of liquor and a pack of cigarettes as thanks, and we could sit and talk for a while. For 27 years I have been preoccupied with this. Now I have achieves a breakthrough, which does, that I understand how this hang together. This breakthrough is a note in a notebook, which I had when I was an electrician in the 1970s. On page 7 it is a note about buying shoes to my daughter, and therefore this must be in 1976 when she had been one year old. At that time I had no plans about starting with some of what I started with afterwards. I was eager in my work; but also vivid preoccupied of social life, both politically and culturally. I was not a member in, and had either earlier been a member in; any definite organization or political party. I was seeking and searching, and looked for answers and possibilities around me, regarding the social situation. I was cheerful, eager, constructive and talkative; and vivid preoccupied about all that happened and went on around me. And the whole time I was under way with, and was doing, a little of everything different which I was preoccupied with. This note is a name, which I probably wrote down in this notebook in 1976‐1977. This name they have influenced me to write down, so that I shall start to believe, that this person exists, but he does not exists. It is a hallucination they have made. This is done so that I later shall look after, that the name is in the notebook, to get confirmed that I once have talked to this person. But I have never talked with him. But that they have managed to get me to believe that I have, by influencing me with a drug or drugs and talking. Therefore this note is a little proof for that this has been don to me. The motive for this, must be to get me to begin to believe in more and more in something which they once have hallucinated out in me. It can be compared with a strand of hair, drop of blood, a fingerprint; something which is very little, but it is something. And it is necessary to come further with finding out more. This is something which some are doing, which they totally are able to hide that they are doing. They are very malicious, and therefore they are not so very many, and they have no official place in the society. What they did to me in 1976‐1977, had a decisive consequence for what happened with me 10 years later, and further also the whole time after that again right until today. Therefore this is something which very lets it hide. It is truly that this was done against me in 1976. And it is totally sure that it is done before I wrote down this name. If you only look at how the world looks like today, it lacks an understandable explanation. And in that connection this also comes in like an understandable explanation. Only look at these shooting massacres. Why should someone suddenly begin to behave like that. It is this hidden activity which is the explanation for it, they can influence individuals to do such. And it is those who do this influence, who really have motives for doing like they does it. Therefore they are not a part of the legal society. In 1976‐1977 I suddenly wrote, by a sudden thought, down the name Syver Volden in this notebook. I then did that, because I in that moment thought, that I had to remember the name of this person. But the especial with this, is that I never have talked with such a person. So why did I then write down this name, to remember such a person? That is in fact the core of the matter. Someone have that time influenced me with a drug, and talked to influence me with talking, in a way which I afterwards can not remember anything about. And they have got me to do this, so that I afterwards again shall begin to believe in that I really have met this person who do not exist. Because I later will look after in the notebook, and see that there is the name, so that I believe in, that I have met him. In this way, they get me to begin to believe in something they have tricked me to begin to believe in. Here is page 12 and 13 in this notebook. And on the top of page 13 this name has been noted by me in 1976‐1977. This name is written down there a time after that all or some of the other notes at the same page were written, and is not chronological correct placed from page to page in the time connection. I only wanted to write down the name one place or another in a hurry, when I actually was doing something else. The notebook is also used form both the front and the backside at the same time, and the notes are placed around in the notebook. Now it is 37 years since 1976. The notebook had yellow‐brown cover, but the cover is gone. Some of the other notes have strange spelling error. One page is 7,2 cm x 10,5 cm or 2,8 in x 4.1 in. The notebook has 56 pages without cover. Page 12 and 13 On the first pages in the notebook, I have noted down some important information; like dates of birth, Social Security number, bank account numbers, telephone numbers, etc. This is the first I wrote in the notebook, and this is written nicely and in order. In this way the notebook become something it was a reason for me to keep, because of these information on the three first pages. Two year later, I had quit as an electrician, and started as a news paper carrier. A little time after that again, I become separated and later on divorced. Further on I have many times got started with asserting myself well within different areas. But my life has still gradual crumbled more and more, and fallen to pieces. In 1986 become the life for both me and those nearest to me catastrophically and terribly ruined, without any explanation for it at all. After that I lost my memory and become totally helpless against everything which had destructive influence on my life. Gradually I have built me up again. And today it is very well with my condition, both mentally and physical, and I can be able to find out about such like I have done here. 12 pages from the notebook Page 8 and 9 Here is a date with a figure after, which I do not remember what stands there for. 'Husk bår' is 'Remember drill', 'bår' is written wrong, it should been 'bor'. 'Hull hare' is 'Hole hard', 'hare' is written wrong, it should been 'harde'. I remember that I experienced it difficult to write in this notebook, it was like the letters whir around for me, so it was difficult to hold them together in words. — Page 10 and 11 Here it is among other things noted down a number of holes, and a number of metres with cable wiring. I do not remember what this has to do with. 'Hull betong' is 'Holes concrete'. 'stein' is 'stone'. 'opl. tre' is 'wiring wood'. ('opl.' is an abbreviation for opplegg 'wiring') 'betong' is ' concrete'. 'Kaual' is 'duct'. 'Kaual' is written wrong, it should been 'Kanal'. — Page 12 and 13 Here I have written down shoe‐ and clothing‐ numbers to her I was married with. 'Sko' is 'Shoe'. 'Bokser' is 'Trousers'. 'Blureer' is ' Blouses'. 'Kjøler' is 'Dresses'. 'Kåper' is 'Coats'. 'Skjørt' is 'Skirt'. 'Bokser' is written wrong, it should be 'Bukser'. 'Blureer' is written wrong, it should be 'Bluser'. 'Kjøler' is written wrong, it should be'Kjoler '. The name 'Syver Volden' I remember that I wrote down in the notebook wholly suddenly once I was in the stairs up to the cloakroom and eating room on the loft, in from the backyard in Prinsens gate 18 in Oslo, when I worked as an electrician for A/S NEBB (A/S Norsk Elektrisk & Brown Boveri) in Den norske Creditbank in Kongens gate 20, 18 / Kirkegata 21 in Oslo. I remember that I suddenly stopped in the stairs and immediately wrote down this name only one place or another where it was space in the notebook. I got suddenly an impulse about that it was important to remember this name, which I in that moment took in that was a person I had talked with. This is what I have in my memory. 'Fredriks stangsgt.' is written wrong, it should be 'Frederik Stangs gate'. And I think that it was written 'Frederik Stangs gate 11 - 13', because that is a place which is in Oslo. It can also look like that; and that one of the figures is struck out, and that I have no thoughts about why I have done. This was probably a little job, which was urgent to get done. Maybe something which only took a little time. A job I was sent over to in a hurry, for then afterwards to come back where I was again. I also have a weak memory about, that it was where I then really worked, that they come with this job. Maybe it was something which only took a few minutes to do, for something they had at this place. But I am not sure about this. — Page 14 and 15 'DNC' is 'Den norske Creditbank', a large bank. 'brakka' is 'workmen's hut'. But this really was a loft in a block of shops and offices, with a entrance from the backyard, with the address Prinsens gate 18, near by the place where I was working. The numbers are two old telephone numbers. The notes here on these next pages, is regarding a job I helped my father-in-law at that time with, over some weeks. It was in a carpenter workshop. It was a work he did for some he knew, in exchange for some work they did for him. It was the firm he worked for which was in charge for the work, but it was a job he had beside his work in this firm, such was something ordinary which went on. The work consisted of correcting errors and lacks which were pointed out by a control. It was a day when he gave voice to that this was become too much for him, that I said, that I should help him with this. I did not take any payment for it, I only did it to help him with something which was become difficult for him to manage. The word 'bunnskruer' (bottom screws) on page 15 is first written wrong, with a 'p' instead of a 'b', beyond that there are only a few spelling errors in these notes. — Page 16 and 17 — Page 18 and 19 — March 10, 2013, David H. Hegg |
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