Monday, July 17, 2017
In March 2013, I gradually started to find out more and more correct about what had happened to me. When I reached this breakthrough for my understanding about this in March 2013, I first thought that I fast should be able to write something important about this. But when I had come through this breakthrough, I understood that I didn’t remember anything about my life anymore. I did know what I remembered, but I didn’t know what I still didn’t remembered. After that; a gradual development started to make progress, where I little by little found out more and more. Again and again I have thought that I had reached a possibility to finish my work about this, but always I started to find out more.
Now, more than four years after March 2013, I have found out the most important I can do. That is a little about what, where, when, how and who; about this. That is the most important I can do, and now I have reached that. This was difficult to find out about, because I was influenced to not to remember it. Therefore I had to find other clues than my memory about this. After I had found such clues, then my memory about this slowly started to wake up.
The last weeks I have been thinking about it all, after I now have got a general picture of it all. Today I have thought much about the day when these influences were done against me; Monday, December 29, 1975. I have thought about how I came to my job that day, and how I walked from the changing room to the palace where I worked. From minute to minute, I approached the situation when these influences were done against me that morning.
From now, I think I have to change my work with this, and start to work for longer continuous periods, with longer continuous texts about this. But first of all, I must finish the redecoration of my apartment, which I started with for more than four years ago. Everything has been a total mess around me during these four years, because of the unfinished redecoration. I think about that I now have written about what others need to know about this.
As usual, I will write a little on the web site now and then.