
Monday, June 3, 2013

This is something which is very conspicuous in me, which I clearly comprehend that it is something with. But what I all these years have found out, is that I never remember correct, even if it the whole time is something with what I remember. Therefore all these can also be wrong, but it is something with it, and that is in a very clear way for me.

Every time when you have decided you for something you shall do or carry out, so shall this always happen. First it always starts with that you know clearly and crisply what it is you shall do. Next this happen, you relax and know so clearly what it is you have decided you for that shall happen. But in the moment you really do this piece of work, it all suddenly disappears for you like a nothing is what happens, and in this short moment, this hits you. You do the opposite of what you wanted, but that you can not know, because this lays hidden inside of you where this all the time works and works every single day your whole life.

You shall always at least do one mistake when you are doing something, especially if you write something. Exactly this only mistake, shall be completely impossible for you to discover, because every time you start to correct your own mistakes, so happens this. Every time before you find the last of your mistakes, that one always has been taken away with this I now are saying. This only mistake which always is left in the end, is by itself completely correct, without you can understand how. It is because that when you see this only mistake, become that one in your thoughts the completely opposite of what you are seeing, it becomes completely correct and proper. And with that you can never be able to find your last mistake, because it always is corrected by this, which, then every time happened.

Every time you start to think something about what this is, shall exactly this which is your thoughts, become to this I here have said to you that this is. And so you will never manage to find out something else than this you all the time lead you to believe that this is.

This is God in you. A man with kind voice but bad opinions about all this I today have done against you. One who helps you with believing in that you will manage to find out about this, but who in reality only helps us all the time further in your life from now on. This God shall you feel that now and then is with you. And some times this will happen. When something important has happened with you, you will in the course of some days begin to remember that it was a voice from within in you which started to talk from your mouth and meddle itself with what has happened, and this voice does this. It only goes along with you in al you are doing, but with a very big and powerful role in the existence which you only understand that is like that, but never notice that lead to something.

David H. Hegg