
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

After I was finished with finding out about the music I listen to before 1975; I now also have found old photographs which have been kept in drawers and cupboards. And now this really has been a change with me. I experience to be like I was at that time, and look at what has happened Afterwardss. And all I had wanted to do in the future at this earlier stage of my life, have been damaged. Here is a picture of me with a Spring Pasque Flower in my hand, from the summer 1967 when I was 12 years old. It is up in the mountains north in Gudbrandsdalen in Norway, and it is still some snow from the winter left in the background.

It is a little strange with this flower. For many years I thought that this flower looked like Red Clover, and I looked after that when I was up in the mountains. But I never found it. I wonder if I have been influenced to be like that, because it is no likeness between these two flowers. It is like it has been said to me, that I never shall find that flower again. But on this picture, I hold it in my hand. I have also looked it up in a flora for many years ago, but after that I started to think that it not was a Spring Pasque Flower I found in 1967, and that I not know what kind of flower that was, but on this photo I can see that it was a Spring Pasque Flower.

Such things makes my mind become crisp and clean again. And this little thing, with this little flower, is like a pill which helps clearing up my mind. It feels better also.

Why should someone do something like this, to me? I think the answer can be; that they did not do anything, they only talked something according to what they found out about me. And they did all of it at the same time; found out about things, and then influenced me with something they in a way they found out about to do. They have not done much to influence me, like they have done, they have only used a short time at one day.

When I now look at what happened in 1986, all of it looks unbelievable. And I think it is impossible that something like that can happen, without something else, which makes it be like that. Today it is easy for me to see it that way, but in 1986 I only become more and more confused and muddled in my mind.

A little thing; is how three policemen took me away from my daughter with handcuff on my hands, Friday, January 31, 1986. I had not done a little bit wrong at all. I said to one of the police officer that he could come with me and talk to some other people in one of the apartments in the stairway where my daughter lived with her mother. They could tell that it was something absolutely normal that I regularly came to that place because of my daughter. But the police officer laughed and said that he did not have time to that. All these people used some minutes to totally ruin our lives.

A short time later, I one day sat in that stairway and waited for my daughter and here mother to come home. And that day those who lived on the other side in that storey, came out with something to drink and eat to med. I sat there for a long time, but no one come, and then I went home again.

Instead of talking to these people, the police wanted to listen to a foreigner who did not know anything about my daughter, her mother, or this situation at all. At that time, this person had become totally mentally deranged, and he only talked nonsense.

Because I now work with bringing out newspapers to people's doors, I one day also come to this place again. I did that job because the person who has the job, was away for some reason. My daughter and her mother do not live at that place any longer. Her are two pictures I took from the place now in 2013, where I sat and waited that day in 1986.

I also have a picture from the stairway where I lived in 1986. This photo is from 1987, the bill on the wall is a wash list for the four apartments in this storey. Here my daughter regularly came together with her mother. It was also normal that they came and visited me, beyond what were arranged. Sometimes my daughter rang the door bell before her mother had come up the stairs.

This year I have understand how this has been done to me, and now it is possible for me to begin to work with a correct explanation.

This has been like walking on a road, you every day find out, that is longer than you saw the day before. But now I really think I am on the offensive towards how this has ruined me, and I think that should have been impossible to manage. So I think it can be more difficult to gain, than other humans can understand. It has happened inside of me, nothing has shown outside of me. It is like my face has been turned around, to look inside of me, to find out about many things which it is possible to find out about there. At once after the summer 1986, I did not remember anything at all, of what had happened the months before.

David H. Hegg