Wednesday, October 2, 2013
This time I think I could have used the heading 'The End'. That is because I for some weeks now, have had thoughts about; that now I am at the end, of what has been done to me. This has not been clear for me; but after some weeks, I think I have got a fairly understanding, about that this is how this has been done to me. When I write this; I am at the end of what has been done to me.
This ending has not happened, and therefore it is difficult to understand what it should have been. But to try to give a very short description of it all; it first starts with that I was totally mentally ruined. When I after that; started to try to find out about what had happened, these influence which I have been exposed to, started to work and influenced me to find out things which not were right. That influence had the upper hand on me all the time, in that way that everything I thought that I found out, always was something I had been influenced to find out. My motivation to do something with this, has driven me into this influence more and more.
It seems for me; like, that before today; I could have died of bad dieting, or road accidents; in different ways. But if I live until today, I in the end should have killed other people. That must be because I should have become more and more mentally ruined. This has been done in this way: First I got an influence with a memory image of that one of these people, who influenced me with drugs and talking, was afraid of that I had a knife. Because of that; I thought that I should have a knife, so they could be afraid of me.
After I bought such a knife, it started to develop in a way; where I today think, that not had stopped before I had got the most powerful and dangerous weapons which it was possible to get, with a lot of ammunition. But early in this development, I start to think that this was something which I had been tricked to do. And I throw it all away on a place for recycling of rubbish. I only had laid them in a drawer, because I thought that I maybe should have needed them in the future. It was not advanced weapons, but it developed in a way so the weapons become stronger and stronger, but not so much before I found out that it was something wrong with it. So in that way; I stopped before it had begun. All of it was to trick me. And I think that the plan was, that in one way or another, I should have started to use them in a terrible way. With the best intentions about to fight against the evil. Now I think that this is the ending of what these criminals have done to me.
One example of how they have tricked me; is that they have made memory images in me, about that my father talked to med when I was a child, about that it was important to have a weapon when you have an enemy. And that I after that, made a dagger of tree; which I painted blue with blueberries. They have also made a memory picture of that my father said to me, that if wrong people had got the power over me, I could start to kill them from the top and downwards. Because when such people lose their boss, they do not know what to do, and I could have taken them all. But I understand that this is memory pictures which these criminals have made in me, and because I understand that, it has no influence over me at all, it is only bla, bla, bla.
I should not remember anything of myself any more, etc. But today; I know better about myself that I ever have done before; and I think also, better than what had been normal for me. So when I write this, this ending is something which not has succeed. And when a sly crime not has succeed; then it is possible to start and find out about it.
So far as I can see, it seems for me that these criminals want to brake down the people's political power. And that they now have done so for a long time, but still they are not finished. Among many things they do, they also break down people, and influence them to be bad in different ways.
One trick I am quite sure about that they use, is to get people to overdo what they want to do, so they in that way fail and become unsuccessful. But I think they have many other tricks too.
If these criminals know about me today, I do not know. I have thought that they maybe have done something by routine to me; and that they afterwards have forgotten me. But I do not know anything about that. To describe how I think about that, I can tell about one possibility I think of regarding how this have been done to me. I think that it could have been possible for them to put on me headphones, and play a tape which they use one all, as they take like me. It could have been put in some kind of answers, that I should have said, so they could se that the tape worked as it should. But I have no memory about that something like that has been done. I only writ it, to make more clear how much of this, not all, can have been done by routine.
My situation today, is that I have a clear understanding about what has been done to me, which I think is quite correct. And I have good contact with my own life and life history; I even think that can be better than normal. And that is also something, I have done my counter-reaction very strongly.
When I am at this stage in this situation, I understand that these criminals gain their influences by tricking people with their methods. And because they do this, in a way it is difficult to understand, they get it to work. They influence step by step, the first step can be the opposite of the last step, you got motivations and delusions etc. If you understand correct about this, it does not work at all, not a little bit. And when I write this, it has become the opposite; I want to do totally other things than what they have said to me. And I think that the most important I can do, is to write about this. They are not dangerous themselves, they get other humans and situations to be dangerous. They can develop confusion and animosity, etc. And they do these things over time. Their only defense; is to get people to believe that this not happens, so people do not start to try to find out about it.
David H. Hegg