
Saturday, November 2, 2013

If you understand yourself; then you understand about what you are influenced of. Oneself has an influenced position in the community; which can be seen like an interplay between oneself inside of oneself, and the community around oneself outside of oneself.

People who think that oneself only are a simple thing, which only are oneself and nothing more to understand about; they must take some time to think it more over. There is something which are oneself; but that is something which is much influenced by other things, than oneself inside of oneself.

Her I have made a schematic picture in all haste, within a few minutes. I have found out that such pictures can be helpful to begin to think further. After I have made such pictures, I afterwards have understand better than before. This is only something to begin with, not thoroughly thought through and worked out. So this can be made better.

To think about who yourself is, can be something important to do.

What does this mind control part in this picture do? I think it takes power over oneself, because oneself do not understand about it. And that is what these criminals want to do. And they use it in all kinds of ways, in all kinds of connections.

I now think that this crime which goes on, is impossible to discover. This can be done to people without their knowledge about it at all. Therefore it is important to start to understand what goes on inside of one's own mind. Because there you have great possibilities to begin to be important yourself. But first you must begin to understand what goes on.

Your own importance in yourself can be more and stronger. And different ways of manipulation and sly control from different causes can be less and weaker. If you think that nothing can control other people; then you have to think again. Because that is something very possible.

Therefore this especially crime I am occupied with on this Web Site; also is something which is very possible. If you do not understand that at first; then you must think it more over. Because such things are something very usual in our history and present time.

This is something it is necessary to gradually become more and more aware of. Our minds are very able to manage this. But it is necessary to find out correct about this, to be able to do that.

This mind control method is very dangerous when we do not know about it. But it becomes less dangerous if we start to find out about it. And in the end, it is possible for us to completely defeat this threat.

I think these criminals control what happens regarding such things, to protect themselves that way, which misinforming us about what this can be. It is necessary for us to do more, to find out about this; than only thinking about things which now and then happens. Maybe they started with this crime already in the 1930s.

Much bad can have been done against us, by this criminals. But for the most of us, others have had it much worse; that is something to think about.

It is not a job to be a human. We all are humans. A job in such connections, can be something which has to do with extraordinary things. But we ordinary people must also do what we can; otherwise this can not be kept going. All kinds of declines will become worse and worse. Typical ordinary people can find out about things; and they can do something before things have become too dangerous, for example. But then we most start to behave like humans; go out of our hoses, join each other, and talk and find out about what to do. We can not only sit still and look at how it all becomes worse and worse. Individuals with jobs regarding the society, do not create what kind of society we get, it is all of us who create what kind of society we get.

It seems like these criminals who use mind control, make ordinary people passive, and some few people active in a bad way. This can not continue. Modern communications technologies can have stared to work like a filter between us. It is necessary for us to join each other in a real way, and live like real humans.

What these criminals want to gain, will become worse and worse. And it will newer work. These people are not positive members of our societies, they are negative criminals.

David H. Hegg