
Monday, November 18, 2013

In the message yesterday, Sunday, November 17; in the tenth section, I refer to the message Wednesday, October 9, 2013. This is about that it looks like, that this development of a wrong account, and a wrong understanding, about what goes on with these crimes with mind control; that is what these criminals have wanted me to gain. I have been influenced to begin finding out wrong about all, about this. What is the fact, I think is that it is impossible for someone to remember, what has been done against oneself in this way; and that is how it is for me also.

When I wrote about how I think, this memory image in the message October 9, has been thought out from these criminals; is that something it is impossible for me to find out about. But I have got thoughts about, that it may have been something, which have been planned to happened after a determined development of wrong understanding by me. But I have also thought about, that it maybe was planned to happened at exact that time. It is impossible for me to remember what have been done to me regarding this. It has happened, that is a fact.

I think that underlying mental functions in humans, sometimes can be 100% accurate.

Regarding that I in the last message, wrote about that this memory image could have been planned to start May 9th, in an undetermined year; I think it is more likely, that it should have been on a Monday. It could also have been planned to be in the spring. April and May is in the spring in Norway. But as I have written, I have also thought about that it was planned to happened in 2011. But it is impossible for me to remember something about how this have been done against me. But it is possible for me to be sure about that it has been done something like this against me.

When people got different thoughts about such things, they typically have been influenced to misinform about it. What really is, is that this is impossible to discover regarding oneself, and that is what is so dangerous with this method. So all different talking about such things, is typically misinformation which people have been influenced to talk about; by reason of an influence they not can discover. Maybe other things also can cause such things.

But this misinformation which these criminals have caused, shows that it is necessary for them to misinform. That shows us, that this is something it is possible for us to find out about, if we start to do that the right way.

In addition to this misinformation; it is clear that these criminals have wanted to ruin my life. And that is not because I actively took part in some social involvement, because I was not at all active in that way. I was active with family and friend, outdoor life, music, books, moulding, and such things. I had a kind of quiet behaviour in 1976.

I think it maybe can be easy to use this method with mind control. Maybe these criminals only need to use a drug or drugs against a person, and then talk some superficial babble for some minutes; and afterwards they can forget it. People can not find out about it, that is what they hide that they are doing. But maybe it also are easy for them, to make dangerous simple plans for the whole future of mankind, which can ruin the whole Earth in a malicious way, if we not stop them.

This mind control is something which it is possible to do; then it is obvious that malicious people do that. Because when this method is possible; then it is necessary to find them who use it, because it is obvious that it is people, who want to do so, and therefore they also do so.

A comparison: Do you think that there not will be someone, who do something; because that is forbidden? No. Someone will do what is possible, even when it is forbidden. And this method, with a drug or drugs and mind control, is possible; and easy to hide!

David H. Hegg