Monday, December 30, 2013
Now, this year soon is over; and a new year starts. This year has been the most important year; regarding how I have found out something correct, about this crime with mind control.
Today I think about that the method these criminals use, can be used in many ways. And there can be, that one of the possibilities; is to only start processes in the subconscious mind, which afterwards influence the person in many different ways.
This possibility is dangerous; and it is necessary to do something against it, because there are people who want to use such a possibility.
I think that the human beings have the possibilities, to succeed with intellectual and social development, in a fairly way. To free the human possibilities, is the meaning with our existence, I think; not to control other humans. I think that there are possibilities build in; into our human existence. I also think that it can be a huge crime, not to believe in these possibilities; because it is these possibilities we humans shall try to manage to develop, to do right. We shall not start to believe in malicious social solutions.
David H. Hegg