
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When I started to redecorate my apartment, to make it a good place to work with this Web site; I started to be taken up with different things, which have connections to parts of my earlier life. So when I write this text; I sit among paint tins, and different such earlier things which I have got hold of. This has delayed me, but it has also brought in, a better contact for me, with these earlier parts of my life.

Here is a picture of some of the things, which I have got hold on. Especially the pipe tobaccos, has been in my thoughts. The package to the right, is from the seventies, it is about 40 years old. The package to the left, is from today. The black text says; 'smoking kills'. It was accidental that I used this tobacco, it was because it was a common pipe tobacco. The matchboxes to the right, is also from the seventies, and earlier. The matchbox to the left, is from today. The picture of coins on the matchboxes, are because so much money goes to charity purposes. The green advertising says; 'use feeling for nature'. The pipes are similar to the first pipes I had. The black pipe fell in the water by a large wharf in 1972, when I was 17 years old. The brown pipe broke apart at an earlier point of time. I did not smoke much, only a little.

The reason for why I show this picture, is because that after I got these tobacco packages; I have thought about what the change between the old one and the new one shows. And here is what I thought about that today: I thought; that earlier, when the old package was used; then we had a living community, based on a natural and human community basis. Today, when the new package is used; we have a mechanical community, based on a systematic and regulated community basis.

I am very sure about, that these criminals, who use mind control, have influenced me regarding smoking. I should not remember the first brown pipe, I think. And that could have been given a kind of hidden influence over me. I think that they have influenced me regarding how I smoke, and how much I smoke. I can not be sure, but maybe they have wanted to kill me, with how they have influenced me regarding smoking. Today I have not smoked for many years. For many years I have thought about, that these criminals have wanted to kill me with how they have influenced me, regarding how and how much I smoke; so that have put a damper on my smoking for a very long time now.

David H. Hegg