Tuesday, June 3, 2014
In the last message, Sunday, June 1; I had a link to six of my daughter's records in 1986. There was also one record more which become her record, after I had bought it. This record was Vazelina Bilopphøggers / Fem Fyrer Med Ved (The Vazelina Carwreckers / Five Guys With Firewood) from 1984. So this also was one of hers records. Therefore I made this link again, with that record also. Then it has been correct. This Norwegian rock band had produced exactly this record in Nashville, USA, in 1983; it become very popular in Norway. Their texts and performances are funny and of high standard.
We bought these records from 1980. But we did many other things, and my daughter liked more that I read four her. We bought some books, and went to the library and found books there also. Typical I read a book continuous for her at one day, some breaks maybe, but it could be done in the course of a few hours.
She liked to listen to these records, and we played them now and then.
David H. Hegg