
Friday, June 20, 2014

Just now I was out in the grocer's shop, down on the street; a few meters away from the entrance, out to the sidewalk, here where I live. I live in a quiet residential area, by the edge of the city center in Oslo; an area where there mainly only are residential settlements, and here and there some grocer's shops or cafés. Around here there are a sports field, a park, a church, and a school; a typical urban residential environment. The buildings are low and look like they are between one story to six stories high. The ground is rough and slopes downwards towards the city center. Oslo is sometimes mentioned as the Oslo pan, because the city center is surrounded by hillsides. Out on the quiet sidewalks outside here where I live; there are children walking, they are talking and playing, typical on their way to or from; and adults who also are walking to or from, and who are talking to each other when they are more than one. Down in the grocer's shop here; I bought two portion cartons ready for drinking, with iced coffee. I wanted to give myself a kick to start to work with the redecoration of the apartment. Yesterday I worked extra much on my job, which I some days also do.

Well; when I drank these two iced coffees, I also looked at TV reportages about the different violent armed conflicts around in the world just now. And I got a kick about how we humans have our intellect as our most important possibility. This possibility is more important for us humans; than our possibility to make weapons. For us human beings, it has been our intellect which has done it possible for us to survive our long development here on this earth. It also must be the intellect which makes it possible for all of us in this world, to live together in a good way on this planet.

If we humans; let those who want to let the weapons win over the intellect, win; I think that can be the most catastrophic we can do. That can led to our destruction, in one way or another.

I think this can be exactly what these criminals who use this mind control, (which I write about on this web site,) are doing. These people are dangerous irresponsible people who have found a possibility to influence and use other humans, in a way it nearly is impossible to find out about. Therefore it is necessary to find out about them. To fight this threat, is the most important to do in our time. We can not let the weapons win over the intellect.

Just now it looks like the hidden strategy, is to break down our modern democratic development.

This situation is also characterized by that the artificiality also ruins what is natural. It is what is natural, which can be together with the life on the earth; too much of what is artificiality, can ruin the life on the earth. This is not a funny theoretical question; it is dangerous. This world and all that we humans are and can do, have not been created by the economy; but all of it can be ruined by the economy. This is also about that too much is something destructive. And other qualifications are necessary.

Just now; it looks like different individuals around in the world, are influenced to use weapons to gain something which are centered about something limited. These individuals have been tricked. They are not thinking about it all on this earth; which it is necessary for us humans today to do, in every ways. No one of us can only think about ourselves regarding the world and humans around us. In the end; they have fought to only gain their own ruin, in a larger game they not have understood, if they not start to understand about this larger threat.

We humans had come a long way to do the intellect, the facts, the truths, the humaneness, etc.; to the upper importance, in a way that was over the weapons' possibilities. And at that time, I think these criminals can have started to use their extremely weak but dangerous methods, to ruin this development. They fight against the humans' common sense.

After this kick; I now must start with the redecoration. All the things I need stands around me. I partly use the paint tins and boxes as tables and shelves etc.

David H. Hegg