Tuesday, August 5, 2014
After the three messages July 24, and 27, and August 1; about the wallet; I now have got a kind of summing up in my mind. Here I will mention how I have understood this summing up; with a few key words.
1. The wallet witch I had pictures of my child and my wife inside; should hide these pictures in my mind, and show me a hallucination of an imprinted Viking ship on its outside. The love for my child and wife should change to be love for Vikings and weapons.
2. The knife which I wrote about in the Messages 2; September 11, 2013; with a handle which shall symbolize daggers, is the next. First I should buy this knife because I am interested in outdoor life; but it should change to be a dagger.
3. I should be interested in bows and arrows, for sport and shooting on small game. This should start to change me to begin to be interested in weapons.
4. I should get a hallucination about that criminals who use drugs and mind control, had taken over nearly the whole Norwegian society and the western world. And because I also had got a hallucination about that these criminals are afraid of that I could have a knife, I should look after a little knife to frighten them. This should bring me in contact with weapons. And after that, I should love weapons like I loved my child and my wife, who I had pictures of in my wallet. These weapons should gradually be more and more dangerous; and I should love these weapons more and more. First an air gun, next a real gun; and after that, more and more dangerous weapons.
This is clearly and crisply for me. All these phases have happened; but it has always ended with that I think, that it is something wrong. But that has not been easy, I have had strong inner activity regarding these influences.
It is because I have unmasked how this has been done against me, that all these influences have been hindered. Today this is not difficult for me at all. I think that the most dangerous I can do against these criminals, is what I do on this web site. I do not think that these criminals are so many, but I do not know anything about how many they are.
David H. Hegg