
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Since yesterday, Saturday 27, I have had different thoughts about more to write about. But I have waited. I have thought that there can be millions of things to write about regarding this; but now I must stop, and start to work with this in another way.

For example; right after I had written the previous message, I started to think that these criminals can make misleading influences regarding every single thing they are doing, when they are doing these influences. But after that again; I started to think about, that I do not know what they have done against me. I only know that they have done something against me. That is also what they have done against me, they have given me wrong knowledge and understanding about what this is. And that is done in a way, so I can be sure about that it is correct. So what I have achieve; is to uncover exactly that. What they have done to archive that, is something I only know very little about. But I know; that they have influenced me, to make a note about a person, who I shall think I have talked to. But that person do not exists, and I have not talked to him.

In 1986; I was exposed to extremely unlawful things, against me and those nearest to me. Instead of being corrected; this went form bad to worse, and others came along instead of doing something against it. The police did not help, they become criminals instead of taking criminals; and not small criminals, very big crimes have they done. And the consequences of these crimes are terrible, and those who are guilty, know that, and are only afraid because they care about their own situations. This became dangerous for their victims. This situation became gradually worse and worse. This happened in a way, which was completely incomprehensible for me. People behaved madly. And I become totally mentally ruined, so much, that maybe no one can understand how much that was.

People would not admit that they had done something wrong; and because of that, things become worse and worse until everything was ruined.

When I have made a new messages page for 2015; I think that I shall change how I go on working with this.

I must finishing the redecoration of my apartment, which is half done. And I think it can be something positive, that I think about something else for some time. After that, I must start to work in a more connected and well arranged way. I must work with texts which I use much more time on; weeks, months, and maybe longer. But already now; it is possible to find out on this website, that such things goes on, in a way it is very difficult to find out about.

It seems likely, that these criminals, who use mind control, have caused this situation in 1986. And I am thinking much about what they can have done, to achieve that.

This messages section was made to write some messages now and then, about what I am working with regarding this. And how things goes. It is also possible to write some thoughts about all sorts of things. So I will still write something now and then.

David H. Hegg