Sunday, April 12, 2015
After the message yesterday, Saturday, April 11; I got some thoughts about another human factor of importance. This is also something it is possible to see, that has been more or less considerable in the course of our history. I think about how humans has shown a tendency to worship and glorify a human, or humans, they start to have as a superior power. I have thought about that there are two sides regarding suppression, and both are important; these are suppression, and to submit oneself under an oppressor. These two sides work together. Of course there typical ends with an impossible situation, after some time, for the people under an oppressor.
Humans are social beings. We function together in a mutual way, where different human qualities influence each other and create common development. We humans must typical see things from different sides. Someone who want to lie, can say that something only has one side, or some sides can be removed. When these other sides are brought in, the whole situation can typical become totally different.
If we think about money; it is possible to say, that the money system can be something very useful for us humans, and in that way also something very valuable. But life has many sides, and to care too much about one side of it, as money, can be a mistake. It is possible to be too much single‐tracked regarding economics; especially for the society as a whole.
I think that economics has got a too much decisive role in the world today. I think it has developed an unbalance regarding this; other important things for us humans in this world, also have importance.
I think that these criminals who use mind control, are busy with doing something with the different sides regarding us humans. These different sides, which we have to hold together; to understand correctly about things, regarding our lives and societies. I think that they are influencing us in a way, where the different sides in our lives and societies, are brought out of their correct proportions. And I think that in this way, they have been able to totally ruin many important things for us humans.
I also think about that these criminals who use mind control; are some people in this world, who not have many like‐minded. I think that is one of the factors, which has influenced them to start doing what they are doing; they totally hide how they do extremely malicious things.
David H. Hegg