
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Here I have made a schematic picture of how life consists of a balance between something, which breaks down, and something, which builds up. This can be seen in different connections.

I also think this is important regarding humans' health. I have thought about that health among other things, is about a proportion between something which breaks down, and something which builds up. These proportions in humans can vary, and are not the same regarding different humans, I think.

I think that health, among different things, is about that what builds up, must be much enough in proportion to what breaks down. I think that a balance between these two proportions is something important.

I think this can be something the criminals who use mind control can know about, and keep secret how they use knowledge about this, to influence others to become ill in different ways.

Too much which breaks down, in proportions to too little which builds up, can result in different illnesses. Other parts of life and the societies can also exist of this proportion.

David H. Hegg