Saturday, November 7, 2015
In the last message, November 6, I mentioned some examples of influences, which are consequences of activating factors. These examples are simplified, but even so, they are very relevant. It can be that it is possible to make influences, like these examples. My experience tells me that these influences, typical are done as series of influences, one after another, put into systems of parallel series, which work more or less together. And such systems form periods, which also come one after another, as different systems. This way of doing this, can change people, and achieve aims, totally different from what these influenced people otherwise had done.
When a person is in step 1, these influences cannot influence that person to change to step 3. But it is possible to influence the person to change to step 2. When the person is in step 2, then it is possible to influence the person to step 3, etc. This can continue, step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. This can also be something which happens to groups of people. People do also influence each other. One influenced person can influence others.
I think that it is possible for not influenced people, to influence influenced people. This is that it can be possible to influence influenced people, in a way so these influences by these criminals do not work. But this is one thing these criminals know, and they do things to hinder that. They can do many things at the same time, which makes each of them credible. They can do things, only to be able to do something else afterwards. They can do things very slowly. An influenced person can keep secret what the person are thinking about. It can be so‐called lonely wolfs, and such. There are many ways to use these influences, which conquer peoples' possibilities to find out about it.
This method does it possible to use it in a way, which makes it more difficult to find out about it, than if the method not had been used.
It is also possible to influence to achieve activating factors. This is something I have experienced very clearly. Because of that, it is possible to both influence to the activating factors, and the consequences.
In the message, November 4, I wrote about that I can have been influenced, so the record Harvest with Neil Young should become nothing for me. After that, I have had some vague experiences, which I interpret like this: An influence is, than when I listen to the record Harvest, I afterwards shall forget it. This shall work in a way, so I forget it more and more, the more I listen to it. This can be the same for all my records from before 1976. The activating factor, is that I want to listen to the record because I like it, and I listen to it. The consequence is, that I forget it. I think an influence like that, can have been made more complex than what I have written about here. But this is what I can comprehend.
All the time I have been taken up with these influences, I have found out that it is necessary, that the influenced person does not understand something about these influences. Therefore it always helps to understand something.
Why this crime not has been cleared up, must be because these criminals influence the people who naturally should have done that. These criminals can have influenced them both directly, and indirectly via other people, textbooks, education, etc. It is easy to find out, how people through our long history, have struggled many years to study and learn to only be idiots, who afterwards gain social positions. It is impossible to reach the important positions in the societies, before having become a big enough idiot. But there are also correct knowledges to learn today. I think the idiotic part, only is like a small part in our cultural development today. But a speck of dust in the machinery, can ruin the whole machinery.
This activity by these criminals can have changed our world today, into something else than it otherwise had been today. And this can be very much. But when we have found out about it, and understood it, then it is possible to do things correctly. What is correct regarding our world? It is correct to unmask and correct swindle and fake things. Such things is what has ruined our world today.
It is possible for us humans to do what is possible. It is many things, which is possible. The societies can be in many ways. What is impossible for us humans to do, is only what is impossible to do. I think these criminals have ruined the democratic development in the world today, so the democratic development not shall be able to form the future. Therefore, it is important to do much to build up again the democratic development regarding this. It is important to be very careful. Find the right way to go, and go it very carefully.
It is necessary to understand, that these damages these criminals have done to our societies and our world, have not been a result of something necessary. These damages are only results of these criminals' will, nothing else. It must be the peoples good will, which shall form the future. Many things are possible. A good democratic development, must be the way to find the way we want to go. When looking at the world today. It seems necessary to find a way of co‐ordinating the whole world. We must be a perfect complement to one another in the world. For example; it is necessary for the whole world to save the rain forests some places, then other countries must work together with these countries which have the rain forests. These countries must save the rain forests four all of us, and we others must work together with them so they got other things to live on. This was only an example, there are many such things which we must work together regarding, in the world today.
These criminals have influenced me to think that CIA has something to do with what they have done to me. That is a certain thing to go on, to know that CIA has nothing to do with it. These criminals have not done any ting to help me to find out who they really are. It is not difficult for people to hide things, only idiots think it is impossible for people to hide things. To hide these crimes, are not difficult at all.
David H. Hegg