

The development of the use of the language, with writing symbols, writing tools, printing presses (invented by Johannes Gutenberg 1398 - 1468), and radio broadcastings; have developed mankind's knowledge in an explosive way. I got an association to the big bang concept (creating of the universe) in my thoughts, when thinking about this topic. With television broadcastings, both the language and moving pictures are possible to communicate simultaneously. Internet is today's versatile and dynamic media, with continuous backwards and forwards connections in all directions.

Techniques which have developed the communication between people in this way, have energized and widened the thinking and understanding by mankind enormously. When looking at the last centuries, it seems clear that this intellectual activity; among many things, has realized the humaneness of mankind. It is my conviction that this has to do with the fulfilling of the meaning with mankind.

We who live today, can experience this development level as a matter of course. But this development of humaneness, is not a matter of course. If we neglect our development of humaneness, we will lose it. It is something we always must care about and actively understand. The development of humaneness is connected with the wider area of knowledge and understanding also, therefore the whole is a valuable heritage to care about. It is unacceptable that individuals on the earth today suffer under lack of humaneness by others.

How we humans develop our mental capacity, must be a central factor by the meaning with mankind. Therefore these techniques are something important in that way. These techniques works together with the development of our thoughts and human potential. These have to do with our cultural development over time.

It is important for us all to understand about how all of this work. It has to do with the fundamental meaning with the human race, and with being humans. We all must protect the development of the human race, against some fewer people who can have evil wishes about controlling other humans. Therefore it is important that we attack concealment of such wishes, and strongly work for openness regarding how things are in our societies and in the world.

How can we take care about how our modern possibilities today will develop in this perspective? This is an important question to think about, and to find out what to do with. Modern books, newspapers, radios, television broadcastings, and the Internet, have enormous potentials; and it is important for us very strongly to look after that these possibilities develop in ways that serve the future of mankind. Dirty tricks, evil plans and such, must be disclosed and very strongly stopped. It is the human race together who owns the possibilities of mankind, not a few evil people. Therefore we all must be active and responsible humans regarding our development as humans, and way of being humans!

July 5, 2012, David H. Hegg