
49. Locked political development

Today I think about that these criminals, who use mind control, have wanted to stop the political development. I have started to think that this began at the time around 1900, this is a point in time I have come out with because I think these criminals can have started with something already before the First World War, 1914 – 1918.

I think it was a situation where constant changes had become something normal. In different ways had new discoveries gradually changed people’s knowledge and understanding. This was something people had been used to. Political development was also a natural part of this situation. It was something natural and normal that things were in change. It was no doubt about that things earlier had been wrong, and that new discoveries had become correct.

To be in change was the situation. To continue to be in change was the future. I think this situation where changes were something normal, was what these criminals started to counteract. Because of this, I think that to lock the political development, was one of these criminals aims.

I think different situations around in the world have been stopped at different stages, regarding political development. To stop the situations have been one of these criminals’ aims. And when the situations were stopped, these criminals started to influence so new problems slowly have developed. The goal is to turn the historical development upside down. Very shortly, it is possible to say, that these criminals want it to look like, that humaneness is dangerous because it creates inhumanity, kindness is dangerous because it leads to malice, etc.

Peace was a necessary condition for this situation around 1900. And this new movement which worked for political development, didn’t want war. War was the last this movement wanted. Therefore, I think these criminals have started to think, that wars can ruin this new movement.

I think that it in broad outline, was that the Communistic community developed and led to the Social Democratic community. This is only a simple general view over it all, which has been very much. I think about that this was a peaceful movement, which had peace as its basis. And that war only was wanted, by them who want to ruin this movement.

The Social Democratic idea created a situation where all different peoples faced a situation, which wasn’t experienced, as too much for anybody, at the current time. People had time to think and understand, and that was what they did. Different human worth and selfish greed had become a wrong foundation for how the society should develop; human equality and justice had become the correct foundation for how the society should develop. I think this is what these criminals want to ruin.

I think the criminals have wanted to make the situation more critical, to make the contrasts larger. They want it all to be ruined and be incomprehensible. They make things to look like something else than they are.

July 8, 2016, David H. Hegg