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● English ○ 2016 · 3 |
Texts 3 · 2016 · 3 The last days, a little detail hasn’t been possible for me, to get out of my mind. I have thought about that this little detail, which I earlier never have thought about; is a little, but decisive factor. It is that I in just a little moment, reacted irrational, in a way I now understand, that I hadn’t done by myself. Therefore, it must be an influence by the criminals. I also have been influenced to not to understand this. This small misreaction was a reaction to something other irrational, which happened. Because of that, it is talk of two irrational details. Wednesday, January 15, 1986; I went and visited my daughter and her mother at their place, and we talked friendly together. Everything was normal, as it had been for years. When my daughter was with me, at my place four days later, Sunday, January 19, 1986; my daughter’s mother phoned about three o’clock, and asked if she could come and fetch our daughter earlier than planned. Her family had come and visited her. I asked our daughter if she wanted that. She answered no, she didn’t want that. Then I asked our daughter if she would travel earlier to her mother, if she could be more together with me another time. Then she said yes, if she could be more together with me another time, she could travel earlier to her mother. I asked her mother if this agreement was OK, and she answered yes. I also said that our daughter sat and listen to this agreement. So this is something we must take care of that we are doing, I said. Yes, she answered. At Monday, January 20, 1986; I phoned to my daughter’s mother about four o’clock in the evening, to talk about that our daughter should be more together with me. Then she didn’t say anything, and only put down the receiver. What I now have thought about; that was an irrational misreaction by me; was, that after that, I started to think that my daughters mother had been afraid of me. But it was no reason for that. Therefor this reaction by me, was an irrational misreaction. That my daughter’s mother put down the receiver, was also an irrational behavior. This was, that I was influenced to, not to understand what happened. I didn’t start to understand what happened. If I had understood correctly about what happened, then I could have behaved much better. But I understood it wrong. An influence to understand a situation as this, in a wrong way, is a special influence. I have thought much about how this is, the last two days. Because I thought my daughter’s mother had been afraid of me, I asked another person to go and say to her, that she didn’t need to be afraid of me. This was also something I was influenced to do. This person was mentally confused and only talked nonsense. I was influenced to not to understand that also. I think this person also must be influenced by the criminals. This became catastrophic. It was an irrational misreaction by me, that I after my daughter’s mother had put down the receiver, started to think that she had become afraid of me. This must be because of an influence by the criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds. Because of this irrational misreaction, I started to think and do everything wrong after that. It was my daughter’s mother’s family who had influenced her to put down the receiver. If I had understood that, which is correct, then I had thought and done everything in another way. The father of my daughter’s mother had become afraid of me. I didn’t understand anything about that, because I didn’t have any thoughts about hurting him. That was an irrational misreaction by him. That also had something to do with something which had happened 12 years earlier. The father of my daughter’s mother started to walk about and describe everything wrong about us. He started to say that our daughter was afraid of me, and that she didn’t want to be together with me. He went about and talked about everything of this, as something else than it was. When I talked with my daughter’s mother Friday, January 31, 1986; she told me that it had been so terrible, when her family was there Sunday, January 19, 1986. She said that they had been too many for her, and that she hadn’t managed to deal with, that they had started to behave so terrible, she said to me. When I talked with my daughter’s mother Friday, February 7, 1986; she said to me that her father didn’t understand anything about our situation. Her father had at that time, started to dominate everything regarding us and our daughter. She also said that my doctor had been so terrible against her. She didn’t want to talk with her any more. In this text I only write about how this irrational misreaction by me, is an important influence. There is much more to write about this. When I start to do that, I must write for months. That is very much more than a little text like this. To show a little more, of how this situation is built up by others, I can mention to typical examples, which shows that. Earlier I had helped both the father of my daughter’s mother, and the person I asked to go and talk to my daughter’s mother. That I had helped them much, earlier; become something I used to put pressure on them, to do something they didn’t want to do, and couldn’t do either. This became two decisive factors in 1986. These two examples are systematically influences, which should become exactly what they became. I think these two factors have influenced both these two people in ways, which undermined their mental conditions. They became driven to something they hadn’t done by themselves, and that undermined their minds in a way they didn’t understand. Both became raving mad. The criminals have use the same method two times. But it is much more than that, to write more about regarding this. October 25, 2016, David H. Hegg Today I started to think about how something happened with my daughter’s mother in 1986. Something happened with her, which was, that she became changed, in a way she didn’t want herself. Why is this? Her own understanding about herself lost its footing. She lost her footing in her own life. Friday, January 31, 1986; we talked together in her home. When I talked about whom it could be possible to talk to, about what I had started to understand that went on in secret, she asked me to call one of my friends, and ask him to come to us. Some days earlier, I had asked him to go and talk to her, about that she didn’t need to be afraid of me. Therefore, she knew who he was. But, she didn’t knew him more than that. At that time, I also started to think that this was because she was afraid of me. Just before this, I had said to my friend that he didn’t know anything about this situation, and that he shouldn’t have more to do with it. I said that, to my daughter’s mother. I said that we could ask her father to come instead. But she said that her father didn’t understand anything about this, and she didn’t want that. My daughter’s mother didn’t want her father to come, because she said that he didn’t understand about this. I didn’t what my friend to come, because I said that he didn’t understand about this. At this moment, she understood that her father had a wrong influence over it all. And he had also had a wrong influence over her, just before this. Because I thought she wanted someone to come, because she was afraid of me; I said that she could call my friend, and ask him to come. But I didn’t want to call him, because I didn’t want him to come. This must be something I was influenced to, by the criminals who do crimes against the humans’ minds. This was too stupid. She said that she wanted my friend to come and help me. This must be because she had experienced him as a person, who wanted to help me. When I said that I didn’t what to call him, but that she could do it; she called him. After that, it took too much time before he came. I said that now my friend had started to do something, because he had become flustered. Today I understand that he had done her afraid of me, when she called him. He had no reason to do that. That was because of what her father had said to him some days before, which was something wrong. What she didn’t know, because she didn’t know him, was; that at that point of time, it was him, who was dangerous, because he had become flustered and started to imagine himself wrong things. Some days earlier, when my friend was there, he met her father there. Now I understand that they both have influenced each other, with their different imaginations. Before they met, they had their own imagination each. After they had met, they got each other’s imaginations in addition to their own, which only was stuff and nonsense. It had nothing to do with what was correct. In this situation Friday, January 31, 1986; my daughters mother thought about that I didn’t know how her father did everything wrong, and I thought about that she didn’t know how my friend did everything wrong. My friend only knew about a very little part of my life, nearly nothing. We had only met and talked superficial about other things, than about ourselves. We shouldn’t have called neither of them. It became catastrophic that we didn’t found out that early enough. They had become two terrible twaddlers, who started to walk about and talked nonsense about us to others. This must in one way or another, be because of influences by the criminals. At this point of time, our daughter was on her way home from a theater, together with her friend and her friend’s mother. This looks clearly as if; it all is a complex plan, made by others. Our problem was that we didn’t understand about that. If we had understood about what really went on, then we could have managed to do everything much better. When thinking about that my daughter’s mother became changed, in a way she didn’t want herself; I now started to think about that her father sometimes had a tendency to say the opposite, of what he wanted to achieve; when he talked with someone, who didn’t agree with him. He could comply with the person he talked to, when he wanted to influence the person to an opposite understanding. Because of that, he could have talked to her in a way, which achieved the opposite of what she wanted, without her understanding about it. In addition to that, her whole family became influenced of her father’s wrong imaginations, which strengthened how she changed, in a way she didn’t want. Her father could have a driving force, which characterizes influenced people. Such influences are not the person’s own thoughts and feelings. Such influences from outside, have played a part in our lives for a long time, without our understanding about it. Of course there where many other things with her father; he worked hard and wanted to be kind. This is something I today only just have started to understand a little about. A text like this, is something I compare with a little piece from an archaeological dig. After digging out many of them, such pieces start to show what it all can be. Influences by the criminals are something decisive with all of this. Without these influences, noting of this had happened. This situation is build up like a structure, the more it is possible to find out about it, the more it is like that. To understand about that, will make it possible to understand what this is. For our daughter, this situation got a special difficulty. The more I did kind things for her, the more her mother’s father wanted to ruin her contact with me. The more she wanted to be together with me and my family, the more he wanted to ruin it for her. And he got as usual, his whole family to dance to his tune. That had happened before, in 1974. This has been very difficult for our daughter. Her mother’s father wasn’t like that, before this situation started to develop in 1985. This is something which took control over her mother’s father. It looks as if he started to be afraid, of that I wanted to take our daughter away from her mother, that is totally wrong. At that time, I wanted that our daughter should have her main home, where she lived together with her mother. I wanted to support that. For her mother, it became too much for her, how her daughter was hurt because of all of this. It was too much to bear for her. Actually, that was what happened to me also. Some has done a crime, to achieve this. Some want to hide what has happened. It is difficult not to understand. It is much easier to understand. It can be possible to see the whole situation, like a schematic visualization. Where the different people and how they affect one another and the whole situation, are shown as symbols. How the situation develops, can be shown with a sequence of different schematic visualizations. In this visualized presentation, a series of errors can be shown. These errors have ruined what was correct about us and our situation together. Confronted with these errors, it can be possible to correct them all. The criminals who do crimes against the humans’ minds, have planned and influenced to all of this. It is no doubt about that. They are dangerous because they can do such things. October 27, 2016, David H. Hegg I think the criminals want to influence humans; to be as if the soul is the body’s soul, instead of that the body is the soul’s body. The criminals want to influence to, that the body shall control the soul, instead of that the soul controls the body. A human is like a soul, which have a body. I think that a human’s body is a spiritual creature. I think that a human’s soul isn’t a physical creature. A human isn’t a thing. The criminals want humans to be things. First, this shows a contempt for the humans. After that, it shows a wish of ruining what the humans really are. I think this is, that they want to control the humans, as if humans are things they control. They want humans to be physical creatures; instead of spiritual creatures. ▪ We humans can understand what we shall decide. We can’t decide what we shall understand. This is a true philosophical definition. Philosophical development has played an important part in our cultural and political development. This is something, which always will be like that, because we humans can understand. Philosophy has to do with that we understand about understanding. The criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, want to decide what we shall understand. That is a fundamental crime contrary to human development. We humans understand together, and we have a kind of common way of thinking and understanding. Think about the boomerang, invented by Aboriginal Australians. It must have been a coincidence that one person first found out about the boomerang, after that, everybody has continued carrying on how to use a boomerang. That is now for a very long time. Similar things as the boomerang, have also been used other places in the world. When a human finds out something new, all the humans continue to know about it afterwards. One of different modern ways of thinking; is that humans must have the power over themselves, if they shall be free. Regarding how our societies have developed through the history, this is also relevant regarding modern political changes. Regarding political systems seen in a historical perspective, it is relevant to understand about different social systems. Modern political thinking has to do with how social systems earlier used the people, for the benefit of the power holders. Modern thinking is that the people shall use the social system, for the benefit of the people themselves. If we think about the working class, which highly is relevant regarding modern political thinking. It becomes relevant to think about the difference; between how the system can use the working class to others’ advantage, and how the working class can use the system to their own advantage. This has to do with ideas about how the working class shall have the power over themselves; or not. It also has to do with if we all shall see ourselves as different workers, or if some shall see themselves as something else. This question has been asked because of ideas about human rights; not because of ideas about economics. The fundamental is that we humans work for our prosperity; the more we work, the more prosperity we get. My intention with this section; is to bring this question to the fore. I think the criminals want to remove the thoughts about this subject; and I think that is dangerous. We humans must understand more, than we already have done; not less. We must develop our understanding; not stop developing our understanding. This has to do with everything we have understood until today, and how we shall understand more in the future. Today we don’t understand what happens, and that is dangerous. The criminals are changing us as humans, in a way, which is, that they want us to be controllable in a way we don’t understand ourselves. The criminals have caused in‐depth destructions of our development of modern thinking and understanding. Today it all has been a terrible mess. All parts of our understanding have been influenced in wrong ways. Philosophical and political perspectives have become wrong. Trickeries take control over our lives; instead of that understandings make us take control over our lives by ourselves. Essentially our thinking and understanding about such things, have to do with being humans. We develop that we are humans, that is the most important we humans do. We develop to be humans. We have started to ruin the planet we live on, because of a soulless understanding of values. That isn’t the last thing we can do. That is something we never can do. October 30, 2016, David H. Hegg The last two days I have made some random notes about what the influences can do. It is because I have thought about that. These notes aren’t a complete compilation. They are only some fast notes, which I just have got in my thoughts the last days. I have written them down as a preliminary preparation for more thorough work later. 1.) The criminals strengthen the influences in different ways. By understanding these ways of strengthening the influences, they can be reduced, and then the influences lose effect. A typical strengthening is to get you to believe in the influences, don’t believe in them. 2.) New influenced situations become habits in the course of time. Something that was unwanted, or something you didn’t like, in the beginning; can also be habits after some time. It is possible to get used to influences. 3.) It is possible to be used to that you are influenced to experience, that it is something you have to do in the future. You hadn’t wanted to do it immediately, but influences can work over time, in a way that change what you first hadn’t wanted to do. It is possible to be influenced to be used to, that something must happen. The opposite can also be an influence; that something you first wanted to do, after some time have been changed to something you don’t want to do any more. That can start with putting it off. 4.) It is possible to be influenced to be used to believing in influences. If you have understood something about an influence, it is also possible to be used to that you understood about not believing in the influence. 5.) When you have started to understand about influences, then one’s own energy can start to achieve something. Typical influences also try to turn this around again, but it is possible to understand that also. When you have started to win against the influences, then you will win more and more. 6.) Influences can influence you to get opposite motives in proportion to something you are influenced to do. This is that your motives are the opposite, of what you are influenced to do. You think that you do the opposite. 7.) Two people who want to be friends, can be influenced to behave so they become enemies. The influenced behavior of one, meets the other’s influenced reluctance. 8.) A number of people can be influenced to influence one another in an influenced way. It can for example cause a happening. Such influences can influence situations, it can be something absurd, and it can be something else. 9.) When I had remembered something I was influenced not to remember, then the influences worked in a way, so I experienced that what I had remembered disappeared again. But it didn’t really disappear. It must be a kind of hallucination. It is possible to understand that this is an influence. 10.) When I understood that I was influenced to remember something, which not had happened, then the influences worked in a way, so I experienced that it even so had happened. But I didn’t believe in it. It is possible to understand that this is an influence. 11.) It is possible to be influenced to not experience correct what happens. 12.) It is possible to be influenced to not experience correct what one are doing. 13.) It is possible to be used to experience that things are something else, than what are correct. 14.) I have been influence to not brush my teeth. It should only happen one time, because I was tired. But it happened again and again. I brushed my teeth at another time than usually, because I didn’t want to let it be. Now I have understood it, and I brush my teeth as usual again. 15.) Such influences can have been don against oneself. Influences can have been done against other people you know. There can be all kinds of intentions with such influences. We are in the middle of it. It is necessary to start to understand about this. This has gone on for a long time. When we start to understand about this, then it becomes possible to start to stop how such influences work. It becomes possible to stop the influences from continuing to reach their goals. Something typical is that such influences are weaker influences, which are strengthened by different combinations. It is also typical that influenced people are influenced to be sure about, that they aren’t influenced. October 30, 2016, David H. Hegg The last days I have thought about that the criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, have influenced to an imbalance in the development of humankind. I have got two questions in my mind: Has the economy started to use the humans; instead of that the humans use the economy? Has the economic development started to ruin the development of humankind? When thinking about these two questions, it becomes relevant to think about balance. These criminals’ hidden role causes an imbalance among all the humans in the world. These criminals’ hidden roles also cause imbalance in different smaller human connections. Because these criminals have obtained a hidden superior force over our thinking and understanding, that result in a human imbalance for humankind. This has resulted in an imbalance in the development of humankind. The human power of humankind has come under control, and is used by these criminals. The humaneness of humankind doesn’t matter as it should have done. And the inhumanity of the criminals matter as it shouldn’t have done. Today’s economic development becomes a power that these criminals have the power over, by using their hidden methods. It is possible to put forward a way of stating the problem, which is, that today’s economic development has displaced the humaneness and started to use humankind in a destructive way. It has become a cold and mechanical development, as if it all is an inhuman machine. Actually, machines progressively replace humans in service‐based occupations, which also progressively dominate our lives more and more. Our way of life becomes more and more like a frightening cold machinery, where false happiness is for sale. The humans are more and more controlled and used in ways, which the humans themselves don’t decide how shall be. It becomes easier and easier to get power over the humans. And it becomes more and more difficult for the humans to get power over themselves. I think the criminals have influenced to what we produce, what we buy, what we are doing, and how all of it is organized. I think this now has become in a way, that we hadn’t done ourselves. It is as if we have walked backwards, when we thought we walked forward. It all has become as if it all is an artificial and false hallucination, where we don’t know what the reality is any longer. Everything has become the opposite of what it looks like, because of development of false imaginations about everything. Our human possibilities have been hindered and hampered in developing, and haven’t been set free as we have thought about to do. It is because we don’t understand what goes on, that this imbalance have started to develop. In the world today, we humans aren’t doing what we really had wanted to do. I think this is something very dangerous, which we must start to find out about, understand, and change as fast as possible. These criminals cause different destructions in different ways. The human sufferings in the world today is the worst they are doing. It is necessary that all of us in the world care about that now. But these criminals do more. Therefore, these criminals are the most malicious and dangerous that exist. An imbalance in the development of humankind has arisen. We all have to change. That will be interesting, and we will have much to do. And not least, everything will be better. It requires that we find back, to what now have been ruined for us. We must show consideration for one another, agree and work together in good ways, and help one another as humans shall do. It will be many things to find out about and much to understand. Imbalance causes that things collapse. That is what we must hinder that happens with the whole world. We must find again the balance. It all is strongest when the whole world and we humans exist in a varied and multifarious balance. This is only a fast and easy text about this important and much more extensive subject. October 31, 2016, David H. Hegg To split up the social fellowship into disconnected fragments, without any connected development; seems to be one of the important intentions, with what has happened to me. I think the criminals, who do crimes against humans’ minds, have wanted to pulverize the people’s development of political power. The people’s political power became a possibility, after all in the society got the right to vote in political elections. When all got the right to vote, the people got the power; and I think that is what, these criminals really are ruining. Social fellowship has two sides. It is the whole fellowship, and it is every single person’s inner being’s adaptation. I think these criminals fully understand about both these two sides; the whole fellowship, and the individual’s inner being’s adaptation. The criminals ruin both these sides of the social fellowship, and make the people helpless against this crime, which we haven’t known about. When the people got the right to vote, and because for that got the political power; then the power situation became turned around. By coordinating themselves, the people could get the political power in the society. This is what these criminals are ruining, I think. November 4, 2016, David H. Hegg Think about how it is possible to see different ways of reward in the society. Who it is that give rewards, can be different. What it is that is rewarded, can be different. Why rewards are handed out, can be different. And it can be different sorts of rewards. It can be possible to see two different motives for rewards. 1.) A person or people can be rewarded for something they did, without thinking about getting a reward for it. People only did something, because they wanted to achieve an unselfish result. After that, others started to think about that this deserves a reward. 2.) A person or people can start to think about rewarding something, which they want people to do. Because of that, people can do something because they want a selfish reward. There can be two motives behind why rewards are handed out; an unselfish motive, or a selfish motive. Of course this only is a theoretical systematization, to put the thoughts in order. The reality is typical always composed of more than such theoretical systematizations. After thinking about these things, I get thoughts about that selfish rewards don’t need to be something negative. It is too much selfishness, which is negative. Both an individual’s own life, and the fellowship; are important. These two factors can also work together. It is imbalance between selfishness and unselfishness, which is negative. This train of thought came after I had started to write about this. I hadn’t thought about these different aspects beforehand. I started to think about this one day ago. I only thought about how rewards can be different things, when I started to write this text. This fast short text hasn’t gone thoroughly into this topic, this is only some opening thoughts about this. I publish this text now, because I don’t want to use more than 24 hours on this topic. Such texts I write, are different short texts about many different things. I think; that it is many different things, which we must start to think more about. I think that this diversity of thoughts; creates fusions of thoughts, trains of thought, logical conclusions, etc. I think it is important to resuscitate this diversity of thoughts, because I think the criminals have ruined this in ways we haven’t understood. If the balance of diversity disappears, then we lose our intellectual creative power, and our cultural development becomes thinned out. I think the criminals, who do crimes against humans’ minds, have been taken up with how they can influence to, that rewards can work in ways they want. I think they have wanted to use rewards in sly ways, which both can be something negative and dangerous. It is possible to think that it is something natural regarding rewards. Because of that, it also is possible to think that the criminals ruin what is natural regarding rewards. For humankind it is important that we reward what is positive for humankind. What is best for humankind, is also best for the whole world. That conclusion can be said the inverted way; what is best for the whole world, is also best for humankind. It is possible to say; that to care about others is a natural demand, to care about oneself is a natural right. I think a natural balance between these two factors, is the basis for happiness and a successful social development. November 9, 2016, David H. Hegg 82. One thing leads to another The influences by the criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, have a clear way of working in my situation, which is that one thing leads to another. This is one of the different tactics; which it is possible to understand, that the criminals use, to achieve their goals, by influencing peoples mind. For me this started in 1976. But it is also possible to understand that something similar started in 1962, when I was seven years old. Especially after 1986, this development of how one thing leads to another, has been clear. The happenings in 1986, were terrible human ruinous, and activated a series of terrible influences afterwards. The period between 1976 and 1986 was also ruinous. That period prepared to, and led forward to, a made up and compounded ruinous situation in 1986, which became more complicated than we were able to handle. It seems clear that this development of how such influences develop, by how one thing leads to another, also activated influences in other people than me, in 1986. That situation that year, was made up to be impossible for us to understand, because ruinous influences developed in an increasing way, which became too much for us. During these increasing ruinous months, we became manipulated to be less and less able to understand one another, and that became worse and worse. This situation in 1986 had been build up in ten years. When the situation started to develop, it happened as a sudden and unexpected situation. An important day shortly before this ruinous situation started, was Wednesday, January 15, 1986; that day everything was as usual, as it had been for many years. We talked with one another as usual. Five days later, the development of the increasing ruinous situation had started to develop. The development of this ruinous situation developed by how one thing leads to another. It was several different problems that became made worse, by different developments of how one thing led to another. It all became more and more incomprehensible and resulted in that we didn’t understand anything. Everything had became terrible, and we didn’t understand anything. This is the systematic picture of the situation in 1986. How one thing led to another in different ways, were how it all became terrible worse and worse. So how one thing leads to another, was one of the most important tactics, which was used to cause this totally unnecessary ruin. When this first had started, it all only became worse and worse in an increasing way afterwards. If it not had started, nothing of it had happened afterwards. A few strategic different things started it all. If we had understood what went on, it had been possible to stop it all after it had started also, but we didn’t understand what went on. November 11, 2016, David H. Hegg 83. Wednesday, January 15, 1986 Wednesday, January 15, 1986; is an important day regarding what has happened to me. Actually; what has happened, hasn’t only happened to me, it has happened to my daughter, her mother, our families, and our friends. What has happened, is also a part of what goes on in the whole society, and in the whole world. Therefore; what has happened to me, is about more than only me. January 15, 1986; I went to the doctor for the first time, after I had been at the same doctor about half a year earlier. I had been at the doctor because of muscle pains. Actually, it was rheumatism, which at that time, still was something I didn’t understand what was. I contacted the doctor in 1985, only because I wanted to find out about what this muscle problem is; but in 1986, I still hadn’t found out that. The doctor focused on treatment, and didn’t do what I first came for, which only was to find out what this is, nothing else. I didn’t want any treatment. The doctor surprised me in 1985, and took over the control, and said that she should make me healthy again. That didn’t work, and that was what I told the doctor January 15, 1986. Later that day, I went to see my daughter and her mother. This day an extensive situation had been done ready around us, by the influences by the criminals who do crimes against the humans’ minds. We sat and talked with one another the whole evening, and we didn’t know anything about what had been prepared around us. If we had known that, we could have understood this, and hindered it from happening. But we didn’t know anything about it. Why these different ruinous happenings happened after January 15, 1986; looks like, that it was because of, that quite many happenings happened, as if they were scheduled, to happen at particular dates and hours. These happenings are so many; therefore, it looks like, that it can’t be coincidences. When it looks like that, it gives reason to believe that it is, as it looks like. It looks like that these influences are done according to an exact systematized plan, were different things happen coordinated at dates and points of times. Why all of it happened, must be because these influences are so much conquering, that they achieved their different goals. These influences were done in a sly way; influenced people achieved the opposite of what they thought they should achieve. This ruinous development changed ours experiences of one another and ourselves, and our thoughts and understandings about it all became wrong. That evening; Wednesday, January 15, 1986; we didn’t know anything about what had been planned against us. We sat and talked with one another, as we were used to for many years. Since we got separated in 1979, and divorced in 1980, we continued to have much contact with one another. But that contact was only us three, our daughter, her mother and me; we never had contact with other people any more, when we three were together. This is one of different preparations, which these criminals had influenced our situation to be. Others than our neighbors, didn’t know about our contact with one another. I told my daughter’s mother that I had been at the doctor, and that the doctor had reported me sick because of depression. I said that was wrong, and that not any doctors understand what my health problem is. I must find a way to take care of it myself, I said. I must find something else to do as my work, that had worked before, so that can work again, I said. 16 days later, that doctor did so the police came and took me away from my daughter. The doctor have never said to me, that she had anything to do with that. At that time when this happened, I didn’t have any thoughts about that the doctor could have done that. The doctor didn’t know anything about my personal life. What the doctor has done, is strictly forbidden. If I had known this on January 15, I only could have refrain from contacting that doctor, and none of these problems had started to develop. But January 15, this was something we still didn’t know that already was prepared, by influences by the criminals. What happened after January 15, was not only because of one person, there became more and more people around us, who behaved as totally insane people. But I didn’t know about that, at that time. When I said, that I had been reported sick, my daughter’s mother said that then I could came more to her place and be more together with our daughter there. I answered that I couldn’t start to rest on being reported sick, I had to find a way to take care of my health problem by myself, I said. But it was possible for me to come and be more together with our daughter at their place, so that was something I wanted to do, I said. We talked about different things the whole evening. Our daughter typical went out and came in again. Sometimes she came in together with her friends, or she went out together with her friends. Normally I travelled home to my place again with the last underground. We talked about all sorts of things. During the conversation, I said to my daughter’s mother, that she could phone her family, and invite them to come and visit them the next Sunday. I wanted that our daughter should have good contact with her mother’s family. This also was an influence by the criminals. If I had known that, I only could have refrain from saying that, and none of these problems had started to develop. At once after that Sunday, my daughter’s mother’s father started to hinder the contact between my daughter and me. That was something strictly forbidden, but I couldn’t understand anything, and only became confused. He hadn’t been like that against us earlier. We had talked friendly a short time earlier, where my daughter and her mother lived. He didn’t know anything at all about her contact with me and my family, whom she was tied to in a close way since she was born. This didn’t happen only because of what had happened that Sunday, January 19; different things happened as a complex situation, consisting of different things. This time I shall try to sketch out some few of the important factors, which caused how this problem took the upper hand. I will do that by mentioning some key words. There are much more which interlock with one another. That had developed over many years. When I am thinking about these things, it is like there are influences, which shall hinder me in being able to explain it; even I now know what it was. Such influences get me to think that they are; like the brake pedal, or the gas pedal in a car. When the influences shall hinder one in something, it is like the brake pedal. When the influences shall get one to do something, it is like the gas pedal. Then I think, that when the influence “sets foot on the brake pedal”, I can “set foot on the gas pedal”. When the influence “sets foot on the gas pedal”, I can “set foot on the brake pedal”. Such thoughts aren’t exactly correct, but they can help oneself to deal with such influences. The decisive factor, is that the criminals succeeded in achieving their goals. That was because the influences were done in such ways, which these criminals had planned, that should succeed. When we didn’t know about this, then these influences were done in a conquering way, which achieved their goals. If we had understood about that such things went on, then we could have hindered it from happen already ten years earlier. But we didn’t know anything about it, and all of it happened as the criminals had planned. This is because their methods make it possible for them, to reach the goals they use these methods to reach. The more this situation developed in 1986, the more difficult it became for us. All who meddled in our situation, made it worse. If others hadn’t meddled in our situation, nothing had happened, and everything had continued as usual for us in 1986. Initially everything was as we were used to in 1986, there were no problems. But in 1986, these problems had been prepared in ten years. These influences have created different personality types, which have been given different roles in the situation. What these people have said and done, are something such influences have got them to do. It isn’t these people who have thought out what this became. It is the criminals who have thought out what these people have said and done. The influences use time, and are suited and adjusted so they shall work. If influences don’t work, no one know that. How this situation developed, is quite extensive. The chronological order, and how different things interlocked; is important. This time I only will mention some key words. To write a total description, is very much more. Eight people had key roles in the beginning of the situation in 1986. That was my daughter’s mother’s father, her brother, a friend of mine, a doctor, a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist more, a psychologist, and a police officer. None of these people knew anything at all, about our situation. These people created the whole problem, without these people, we hadn’t had any problem, as this problem. It looks like, that all these eight people were influenced by the criminals. But if I hadn’t been influenced also, the problem hadn’t started to develop. January 15, 1986, I went to the doctor to tell her that the treatment against my muscle pains, hadn’t worked. The doctor became cross and fretful, and said that it was something else this time. She reported me sick because of depression. I became surprised and resigned. Wednesday, January 15, after I had been at the doctor, my daughter’s mother and I talked with each other. I said that my daughter’s mother could phone her family and invite them to her on January 19, 1986. I also said that I had been at a doctor, who only did everything wrong. We talked together the whole evening, as it had been normal for us to do for many years. A friend of mine went to the doctor and talked about me. I still don’t know what that was. I thought the doctor helped him with his problems. When the doctor never said anything to me, about what she had talked about with him; I thought that was about him. He had had different problems. He had also been a psychiatric patient. Now I understand that he said that I was insane and homosexual. These assertions weren’t true, it all only was nonsense. This person had mixed up all of these by himself. The doctor became pleased and glad. January 20, my daughter’s mother put down the receiver when I called her on the phone. A few days later, the father of my daughter’s mother was there, when I came to visit them. They didn’t let me in, and her father drove me home. We talked for a short time at my place. He said that my daughter’s mother wasn’t well, so I had to leave her alone. I had talked to her a few days earlier, and knew that this wasn’t true. I had been confused, and started to wonder what had happened. It looks like, that the family of my daughters mother, hide something they are afraid of, that others shall understand. But I think this really is, that they are influences by the criminals. Twelve years earlier they messed up the family of my daughter’s mother’s father’s sister. And this was something we had talked about right ahead of this, in 1986. I asked my friend to go and say to my daughter’s mother that she didn’t have to be afraid of me. When he came back; he said that she wasn’t afraid of me. Her father was there, he liked him, he said and smiled. You shall not be there, he proudly said to me. I said to him that he didn’t understand anything about this, and that he shouldn’t have more to do with these things. I hadn’t known that her father was there. He became puzzled and answered yes. I went to the doctor again. She said that my friend had been there. But when she didn’t say anything about what he had talked about, I thought that they had talked about his problems. Friday, January 31, 1986; I went to my daughter’s mother to talk with her, because she hadn’t come to me with our daughter, as it had been usual, that she did. It also had been usual that I followed our daughter to her mother, after she had been with me. Our daughter was together with a friend, and should be back again soon. After some time, my daughter’s mother wanted me to call my friend and ask him to come and help me. I said that I had said to him, that he shouldn’t have more to do with this. I said that she could call him, if she wanted that he should come. I thought she was afraid of me; something which was wrong. When my friend came, he said that I shouldn’t be there. After that, he called the police, which came and took me away. When my daughter came home, the police had taken her father from her. She became very angry for that. I had talked with one of the police officers three years earlier, when I worked in a youth club. That didn’t give that police officers permission to take me away from my child. The police took me to an emergency ward were there were two psychiatrists. They said that they wouldn’t let me go, if I not went to a psychiatric polyclinic early Monday morning, February 3. This is something very unlawful of these three people to do. I didn’t know who had arranged this, and became confused and didn’t understand why this had happened. It was the chief physician at that polyclinic, who had arranged this; but at that time, I didn’t know that. Afterwards I continued to visit a psychologist at the polyclinic, and I continued visiting the doctor. The next Friday, February 7, my daughter’s mother and I talked for about five hours. We talked about that things should be normal again for our daughter. Then my doctor called and talked to my daughter’s mother. After that, the police came and took me to the doctor. The police isn’t allowed to force people to doctors. When I went from the doctor that day, I understood that I during a few seconds, lost the most of my memory. After that again, I had forgotten that. The father and the brother of my daughter’s mother, and a friend of mine, had started to walk about and talk nonsense about us. They didn’t know anything about us. And they didn’t know anything about what had started to happen. I became more and more confused. The situation slowly became more and more wrong. Friday, February 28, the chief physician at the polyclinic, who was a psychiatrist, sent me to a test out about if I was insane. The police took me there. The psychiatrist at the test out, was a relative of the psychiatrist at the polyclinic. After this, I didn’t remember the polyclinic any more. And I had been totally mentally ruined. Later, the chief physician at the polyclinic, arranged that my daughter shouldn’t see me any more. That was because my daughter had wanted to get in contact with me again. It was the chief physician at the polyclinic, who arranged it all; the same person who earlier had sent the police to take her father away from her. I wasn’t her patient, neither was my daughter. All the time this chief physician stood behind what happened, without being there herself. More and more she thought out things to hinder the situation from been cleared up. The doctor finished it all by giving me psychiatric medicines, which gave me hallucinations. After that, I didn’t try to talk to someone about what had happened any more. I didn’t go back to the doctor again. I didn’t remember what had happened. It all had become as nothing. After this, the doctor repeatedly phoned me, and asked if she had come to taxi for handicapped. I understood that this was the doctor, and that she thought that I didn’t understand that. This made me even more confused. These people who meddling in our lives, ruined us all. Afterwards we didn’t understand anything more. We couldn’t talk with one another more. The situation only became worse and worse after these tings had happened. After this had happened, I didn’t know what had happened any more, and I couldn’t tell anybody else about what had happened. I didn’t remember anything about what had happened. Others lied more and more about us everyway everywhere. Our lives became more and more ruined. This text is only some key words. It will take months to write about this situation. Other people caused all the problems, originally there were no such problems, and we couldn’t understand what happened. There was no reason for this to happen. The criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, caused it all. This text is a little untidy and disconnected. That is because this is about very much more. It was difficult for me to write this text. I experience that influences by the criminals, try to hinder me in being able to understand this. But I think I am on the offensive against these things in my mind, so it goes better and better every day. This is a kind of shortened introduction, which shows a little of what this is about. I think about this text as the same as, that it is much work to make a road, but when you have made it, it is easy to drive on it. Now this text has been much work for me to write, but afterwards it has been something easy for me to deal with. November 18, 2016, David H. Hegg The situation that developed after the influences by the criminals in 1976; makes me now feel that these influences created an artificial condition in me, which activated artificial energies inside me. This is that inner motivative factors, and reactions in proportion to these factors; have been artificial fabricated connections. In addition to that; these criminals who do crimes against humans minds, also influenced to change how I remembered and comprehended other people and what were around me. In the end, this also was about the whole world; that I understood the whole world in a wrong way. All of this is something foreign to me, which has been brought into my life from outside. The different energies which became activated in me because of this; as motive power to do things, feelings of different kinds, etc.; were an artificial condition in me. When I have been inside these influences’ influence over me, it has been impossible for me to understand about it. When I now are outside these influences’ influence, it is as I am free of being captured by these influences. To being captured by these influences, is that one’s thoughts, memories, feelings and reactions, etc.; are captured in a way it is impossible to understand what is. This captivity of one’s inner being, is created of how these influences work, and how the influences have possibilities. For me, I think it has been, that instead of how these influences more and more should have won over me; it has been that I more and more have won over the influences. When I have won over the influences, these influences more and more have became as nothing inside me. This looks like, that these influences must be able to develop more and more, as they are influenced to do, to be more and more dominating. When I little by little have understood more and more about this, it slowly has gone the opposite way; the influences more and more disappear. After I started to understand correct about these influences in 2013, I have started to overcome these influences much faster than before. That is now about three years. Within three years, I have overcome how these influences had developed in 37 years. It is like, that I earlier, instead of understanding a few important simple things; got lost in more and more incomprehensible unimportant things. The first ten years I had no idea that something, like this went on. After the first ten years, it all became much worse. After that again, I have had a constant understanding about that these criminals try to trick me. Therefore, I haven’t fully believed in anything, before I started to understand correct in 2013. All these forty years have been that I have understood something, simultaneous as the influences have developed, as they have been influenced to develop. The more these influences have done in me, the more I have understood about the influences. It seems like, that these criminals have influenced me very much. That has resulted in that I in the end have understood very much about the influences. It is clear, that when I understand correct about the influences, it is possible for me to eliminate the influences which I understand correct about. It is also an overall situation. As I understand more and more about these influences, it is like, that the whole situation inside me, caused by these influences, also generally becomes better all of it. It is as if the positive development inside me, wins against the negative development inside me, as a whole. ▪ Now I think about; that these criminals maybe think about the whole existence around them, as something smaller than themselves. I think about the whole existence around me, as something larger than myself. This has become about something larger than myself. I don’t know what everything is, but I think about the entire existence as something larger than myself. My situation towards these criminals and their crimes, weren’t something I chose to care about. This is what my life became. If I hadn’t won against these influences, these influences had won against me; that wasn’t something I chose. This situation forced me to win against the influences; otherwise, I had been forces to lose against the influences, which then had used me to do very bad things, I think. ▪ Why shall we humans understand? There must be a reason for that. I don’t understand more than that. It is important for us humans to understand correct. That is always the first we must do about everything. We must find out correct and understand correct. To find out correct about these criminals’ crimes, is something important to do. These criminals influence us to understand wrong. I think that is a fundamental crime. My ability to understand correct, has won against these influences’ attempt to influence me to understand wrong. ▪ We humans reach our different goals, because we all are humans. Everything we do has to do with how we all do different things. These criminals have betrayed that we all are humans, and reach our different coals because of that. No one had reached one’s goal alone. Both they who succeed, and they who not succeed; belong to the fellowship, where we all play a part. When people do things that have to do with other people’s life, then other people also are parts of what it is. ▪ It is possible to imagine a theoretical presentation of how a surplus comes into being. Imagine a bar chart with different bars for all the necessary things, which a society must produce, and how many of the population it is necessary to have to work in each bar. How efficient people shall work, is a consideration between different things. It isn’t necessary to work too much efficient. When the society has enough of the population, to work for all the necessary tings; there will be more of the population, who can do other things. Reduced working hours is also something it is possible to think about in this connection; then the surplus becomes leisure time, and time to do other things. These other tings is the surplus, which the society can have. All the humans in a society create this surplus. This is a fundamental understanding, which I think these criminals want to hinder, that we understand. This is a fundamental theoretical model; it is possible to make different such fundamental theoretical models. I think the criminals want to take this surplus, and have it themselves. But it is more than that; the criminals want to increase this surplus, to make it larger than what it natural had been. That has started to destroy the whole world, and everything has started to be wrong. In the old historical society, those in power took this surplus by oppressing the population. In modern thinking, power in the society shall be to the best for all, not only to the best for them who have power. Our understanding about things isn’t dependent on our practical reality. To understand correct will always start to make things better. Much is about how we behave towards one another, because of what we understand. To change our understanding, can go faster, that to change our practical reality. November 23, 2016, David H. Hegg |
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