
57. A short text

This time I write a short text. Sometimes a few words mean a lot. These few words are decisive for the situation, which ruined for me and those closest to me in 1986.

people who work with other people in different ways, like doctors, psychiatrists, police officers, psychologists, etc.; don’t want to clear up their own mistakes.

The number one priority, which such people have, is their own professional career, and success in their own work. That is what they want to attain, with what they are doing to other people in their work.

But if clearing up has become something, which only will bring to light one own mistakes, then that has become something, which works against such people number one priority. When that is the case, it has become better for such people, that their victims become more ruined instead. Then such people’s number one priority, is achieved by ruining their victims more, instead of helping them with how it has been themselves who have ruined them.

In 1986, this had been the situation for all such people around me. All relevant social institutions around us, had become like this. They all helped one another to protect their own personal professional careers, by ruining us completely. And this is something such people don’t want to stop doing, because the most important for them all, are their own careers. No one of them, want to ruin one own career.

To clear up how other people than one self, have done something wrong, can be a feather in one’s cap. But if the people who have done wrong are many, and some of them also are important people in the society, then other people can begin to think, that it is better to help them who have done wrong, instead of their victims.

Then it isn’t so easy any longer, to be us, who became all these people’s victims.

The criminals who use mind control, have caused that situation, with that distinctive stamp, so it newer should be cleared up.

It seems like, that the criminals, who use mind control; are used to creating situations, where several people are involved.

August 29, 2016, David H. Hegg