
74. A destructive development

Different outsider people not concerned in our personal situation, started to create problems for my daughter, her mother and me, in 1986. Every time they did something, they did it worse. Others caused the whole problem. They only made things worse. They didn’t understand anything, and they ruined our own possibility to find out about the situation.

In the beginning in 1986, I had been taken up with that other people had delusions. But this resulted in that this became turned around, and against me, and others started to say that I had delusions. The whole situation was the problem. The whole situation consisted of different problematical connections. The father of my daughter’s mother for example, had started to be afraid of that my daughter likes to be together with me and my family. This was because of different influenced causalities, which influenced him. It was a worsening of misunderstandings. I think he is one of them, who was influenced by the criminals. He hadn’t had any such thoughts by himself. He became a victim of the situation. This only became worse and he had an increasing influence over others, which others didn’t understand what was. The whole family of my daughter’s mother started to mess up the situation. But this situation was much more than only that. It was an indistinct and complex situation, which outsiders didn’t understand anything about at all.

Every time something happened, it made the situation worse. The problem was something, which from the beginning, was caused by people who didn’t know about what our personal situation was.

All these people, who became more and more, didn’t know and didn’t understand what they did. These people caused and developed the problem. Friday, January 31, 1986; the policer came and took me away from my daughter. That was the only thing the police did. But the only thing they did, was something they didn’t know and didn’t understand, and they didn’t do anything to find it out. Later the same day, I said that it was normal, that I was there; the police officer laughed at me, and didn’t care about what I said. What I said, was true. I had helped my daughter’s mother in redecorating their apartment, where I was when they came and took me. It had been normal for years that I was there weekly. Many people knew that. The person who called the police, did that only because of his own delusions. That was absurd; he didn’t know anything about us at all. He had nothing to say to others about what the situation was.

The person who called the police, didn’t know anything at all about us. He had had nothing to do with our situation, and didn’t know anything about it. He behaved totally insanely. A chief physician in psychiatry stood behind that this insanely behavior became carried out. Neither I nor my daughter and her mother, had had anything to do with this psychiatrist. Maybe this other person had become her patient, I don’t know how that was. This was a situation with different random people, who suddenly and unexpected meddled in our lives in destructive ways.

Only people who ruined for us, started to walk about and talk about us. All the other normal people, who was a great many more, hadn’t anything to talk about, and they didn’t say anything, not a single word. Only mentally confused people walked about everywhere in the town and talked about us. 100 people could have said, that what one of these confused people said, was totally wrong. I didn’t know about what went on, it happened without my knowledge of it. And no one told me about what these people said.

I didn’t understand anything at all. I started to think that it was because of something unlawful, which goes on in our society, that this happened. And I thought that the person, how called the police, didn’t understand about this, and was used by the people who were doing this unlawful activity. Afterwards I sat totally alone with these thoughts. I didn’t talk to others about it, because I didn’t want to bother others. Especially I didn’t want to worry my parents. I have always wanted to be of help, not to be of trouble. That is also how I look at myself in the society, that I shall be a positive citizen. From my childhood I have been brought up to that I shall help others, who need help. I haven’t been brought up to get help, I have been brought up to be a help. The idea of course is that we all shall help one another with creating a good society.

I understand that these criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, have influenced to that it shall bring its own punishment for me, that I want to be a help in my society.

It is first this year, in 2016, that I completely have started to understand, what it was which happened Friday, January 31, 1986; it all is totally absurd. It is also a very serious crime against my daughter, there is no doubt about that.

This was something unlawful to do. It is because of that, that this situation haven’t been cleared up. Because of the consequences, it is something extremely unlawful to do. The guilty people, are people who have important social positions, and they protect themselves against that this situation becomes cleared up. This is something all these people have done until this day.

It isn’t something unlawful to keep to the arrangement of being together between my daughter and me. But it is something unlawful to hinder it. It is a reason for, why my daughter haven’t been together with me after 1986. It is because of a crime, which someone want to hinder, that shall be cleared up.

My daughter, her mother and I, became human ruined; and too many people around us, have afterwards continued to carry on this destructive development. The family of my daughter’s mother, who only have worsening the situation, has surrounded my daughter and her mother all the time. Simultaneously I have been totally alone all the time. All these years I have been totally alone with all of this, that is now thirty years.

Originally, none of these other people had anything to do with our situation. When it was like that, we had no problems at all, as the problems we got because of this destructive development.

Everything which happened, worsened our situation. This is because the criminals, who do crimes against the humans’ minds, have caused it all. Especially they have caused how these important people hinder that the situation becomes cleared up, that is something essential with it all. Everything seems to indicate that several of these people are influenced by the criminals.

In 1986, our daughter, her mother and I, lost our mental footings towards acting in accordance with our own lives. The madness around us broke loose from the control of the common sense, because the police hindered me in stopping it. Everything fell apart and we started to hover around like leaves in the wind. We didn’t have mental footings any longer, to behave in a suitable way and achieve what we wanted to achieve “step by step”. Today I experience that I have got back my mental footings. My thoughts and understanding can develop in a suitable way again, “step by step”.

How is it regarding the question of guilt, when these criminals get others than themselves to do crimes? Usually people are responsible for how they let others influence themselves. But that, is because people have a responsibility for what they can know and understand by themselves. When these criminals influence people to do crimes, these influenced people haven’t had the possibility to know and understand that they have been influenced. In addition to that, these criminals also get so much control over the influenced people’s minds, that these criminals can be compared with the drivers of cars, and the influenced people can be compared with the cars. Those who are the guilty, are the drivers of the cars, not the cars. The question of will is also something central; the criminals can influence people’s will to be the opposite, of what their will really is.

My decision in this question; is that the criminals, who do crimes against humans’ minds, are 100% guilty. Those who have been influenced by these criminals, are 100% innocent; when they haven’t known and understood, that these influences have been done against them. Influenced people can be dangerous in greater or less degree, but they are 100% innocent. It is many different aspects to emphasize regarding this question. When looking at them one by one, I get the same answer every time: The criminals, who do crimes against humans’ minds, are 100% guilty for what they have got others to do. One of different factors, is that these influences get people to think and feel that they are doing something else, than what they really are doing. Everything has been changed inside and outside, for influenced people; nothing is what it really is, for them any longer.

That these criminals use others; makes their crimes larger, than if they had done the crimes themselves. Quite simply this is my crystal clear decision regarding this question about guilt.

To deal with one’s own will; has to do with how one’s will becomes influenced, by how you start to understand more than you did before. When you understand about this crime, then you understand more than before. In this connection, it can be typical to experience more than one will inside oneself, when you start to understand that something, like this, can have been done against yourself. It can for example be opposite wills. Then it is necessary to think and understand about these different wills inside oneself. It takes time to deal with such things. You gradually understand more and more.

October 23, 2016, David H. Hegg