
151. What we must do

What is dangerous, with what the criminals are doing, is the control they have, by the influences they have done. Therefore, the most important counteraction is to come out of the control by these influences.

These influences and this control have two functions, which are the first I think about. 1.) The influences influence people to feel, think, understand and behave; in controlled ways. 2.) The influences also influence people to not to feel, think, understand and behave; in ways that can change the influenced control. Therefore the influences both activate to do something, and to not to do something. By these two functions, the influences can influence us to do things, which we also are influenced to not to find out about how is wrong.

Because this has gone on for a long time, this trickery of all of us has been much. All the time it has been necessary that we haven’t understood about what this is. All the time we have been influenced to do something, which we don’t understand what is. This has one important aspect: When we now understand about this, then we have much to understand from.

When we start to understand what this is, then we also start to come out of this control by these influences.

When we start to come out of this control, then we start to understand how the criminals have played us off against one another. We can understand that this is ruining for us all, and that this, is what is dangerous for us all. We must come out of this control, by understanding about what these influences are. And we must find out about what the criminals have been doing. All the people in the world must start to work together in secrecy, against these criminals, and find out about them. That is what these criminals don’t want that we shall do. That is what we must do. We must stop doing what the criminals want; and start doing what they don’t want.

The control by these influences is what is dangerous for us all. The criminals don’t agree with any of us. They have only influenced all of us with different strategic tactical influences. The criminals aren’t a known interest group, they are an unknown interest group. We haven’t known about them; but now we do. I think they are the worst ever. They are very sly; but they aren’t strong.

I never blame people for what the criminals have influenced them to do, because I know how the criminals have influenced myself to do things, which I never had wanted to do. This is in short, that the influences have created a wrong picture inside oneself, about what something is. And the wrong picture also lakes knowledge of what it really is. We all are influenced to ruin for ourselves. The criminals influence people to think they are doing right, when they are doing wrong. It is important to come out of this control, by understanding about what the criminals are doing.

April 27, 2017, David H. Hegg