Something Suspicious Has Happened Comment In 1986 is a text I wrote June 17, 2004, 'Something Suspicious Has Happened'. It is about what happened in 1986, which ruined the contact between my daughter and me, also the contact between her mother and me. This ruined our lives. This text is essentially correct. It is insufficient, but absolutely not worthless. October 22, 2014. ▬ This text was first written June 17, 2004. It is about how the relationship between my daughter and me was ruined in a completely unbelievable way in 1986. Now it is possible to see this in a larger perspective, but this text is so thorough worked with, that I let it be as it was. Now February 10, 2013, I have made some few changes, but the whole is the same as it first was written.
2 This text is about how my daughter and I got our family fellowship broken because of interference from others in 1986. It is because I lost my memory in 1986 that I am writing about this a so long time afterwards. It is difficult to give an overall picture of this case. And it is difficult to explain it all in a brief way. It is because of a number of individuals those are involved and each of them have many sides those together forms a complex situation. This text is about different connections which together show a more overall picture of the situation.
3 The calendar at the beginning of this text shows the first three months in 1986. The days marked with blue are the days which were agreed for being together between my daughter and me. My daughter and I had known each other since her birth, for ten years at that time. This year in 1986, contains the keys to the explanation of a situation which has become so incomprehensible and unhappily for my family, my friends, myself, and everything that has to do with my life. It is centered on what concerns the family fellowship between my daughter and me.
4 It most of all began in January that year in 1986, therefore it is especially important to be accurate with these three months; January, February, and March. The connection to understand the whole situation includes a period of 14 years from 1972 to 1986, therefore this case has to do with something complicated. What has happened after 1986 also explains even more about what this whole situation is, today the whole case consists in a period of 32 years. Such things are hard to improve, but it was easy for others to injure so much. The reason why I am busy with this case today, 18 years after 1986, is that I lost my memory in 1986 and therefore become helpless regarding what happened. I knew what happened was wrong, but I could not do anything against it because of the lost of my memory. The last 18 years I have been preoccupied with this case, and today I understand it all mainly exact and complete. What I have used so much time during these years with finicky works both nights and days to find out, others have used a few minutes of easy carelessness to start up and disorder. Typically many serious crimes with their serious consequences have been done in the course of a few minutes, so; seriously wrong things can be done during a few minutes. Through the last 18 years until today I carefully have gone through many different areas that have something to do with this case.
5 Through the first time after 1986, about three years, I got worse and worse and the lost of my memory become even more difficult for me. During this period I got much more ill of rheumatism which had bin a serious illness for me since 1974. The pains from the rheumatism were so hard that I sometimes was afraid to lose consciousness because of the feeling of these pains. I thought that the pains are not dangerous, they are only painful, and I did not perceive so much of these pains which ravaged my body. Because of the hard outbreak of rheumatism during these years, I learnt a lot about this illness, and little by little I have learnt about how to handle it, and today I have got much better again. The rheumatism is only a latent illness in my body today, which I can perceive as a kind of susceptibly for rheumatism. The rheumatic symptoms can sometimes for example arrive because of about half a hour with the bad effects of icy draught from an open window in the wintertime with snow and cold outside, this can be felt as an icy snake which attacks a part of my body and poisons me with rheumatic inflammation when I am in a warm room. This sort of attack can take place in my fingers for example, but also in other parts of my body. In my case the rheumatism can be felt as I imagine it is to be poisoned, for example from a snake. Today I can manage to stop outbreaks of the rheumatism, because I understand such and other things, and it is not painful any longer.
6 There are two factors that work destructive together regarding the kind of rheumatism which I have, my kind of rheumatism is in my muscle mass. Typical it can be active at one location in my body and then it is quickly spreading around in other parts of my body or in my whole body, it is a kind of inflammation which is spreading. These two destructive factors are; that the body both gets cold, and also loses temperature because of sweat or perspiration, at the same time. These two factors can be influenced of; the external temperature, clothes and bedclothes, different kind of food and drink, physical activities and also mental activities that make an inner energy and heat in the body. These four improvable factors; temperature, clothes, food, and activities; can be adjusted to work to cure both quick and over the years, but it is not as easy as it seems to be. For my part I like to use sportswear because such clothes are made to be functional, healthy and for physical activities, but I also use ordinary clothes. The first symptoms of this illness are not painful, but they are dangerous, and they can be difficult to understand what are. Typical it is uncomfortable to sit still or rest when these first symptoms arrive, and it disturbs the sleep too. I have thought that this can be an incomprehensible problem for some children and also for some adults. The first symptoms are only something incomprehensible in one's humane creature, and these are almost impossible to understand what are. In my case the cold can give an anesthetic to the rheumatic pains, but that does the rheumatism worse in a way that undermine the health and weakens one's resistance. Only to say these tings in a passing way to such patients are almost hopeless, they do not understand about it, they need hours and months and years with thoroughly studying to manage such things. Ordinary doctors do not have enough time for such patients, they have not used enough time to learn about it either. My situation in many ways, is not a sickness but a lifestyle problem regarding cold temperature and physical standstill and physical tension among other things, and therefore something normal. I think such patients' problem often is to understand about what rheumatism is, and other people' ignorance that makes these other people scared are also negative for rheumatic individuals. Therefore more knowledge about rheumatism among all people would be something positive for rheumatic individuals and for everybody else too. The ignorance among people does it difficult to understand and find out about rheumatism at an early stage, and that is something important, this illness is often developing more than necessary because of a general ignorance. In 1986 I had worked as an electrician from 1983, and the first symptoms of rheumatism started already a few weeks after I began at this work in 1983. These first symptoms are not aching, it feels like something streams a little in my body. I quitted my job as an electrician in 1986. I also worked as an electrician from 1973 to 1978, during these years I got more and more ill of rheumatism, up to it was completely terrible. The reasons could be: cold draughts, sitting on cold floors and the like, unwise clothes, tensed working postures and standstill for a long time during the working days, and ignorance about the problem which is something very considerably. To understand about this problem is not so easy at all, it is much more difficult to understand about this problem than it is to explain about it. Typical it is necessary to do more to understand enough about this problem, which is much of the problem itself, it is so difficult to understand what happens to oneself. It is necessary to look careful at each cause one by one and also at the connections of the causes, for hours and months and years. Otherwise I have had many jobs: caretaker at different places, working with children and youths at different places, paper boy and mailman at different places, opinion polls, interviewer, telemarketing, and sales clerk at different places, and different further educations. All these other situations has not been homogeneous regarding the rheumatic symptoms, but has changed. Today I am quite well.
7 After 1989 I started to work systematically regarding my memory, and also methodically as I got used to it and learnt about what I was doing. I took jobs for shorter periods, and worked with this case the whole days in other periods, also through the whole nights sometimes. It was painful to remember again, with strong pains in my mental organism, and for many years I only managed to hold on for half an hour with such works between the pauses which also could be for about half an hour too. I think that a human's spiritual creature could not be broken because that is impossible, this is what I think about it. I started to look at my own life as an existence between a cause and a result with its functions in such a connection. I did a lot of physical activities most every day, ate healthy food, and I did not use drugs. I have written more than 1000 pages, I do not exactly know how many, sometimes it was more than 100 pages during a few months. A great deal of it has been preliminary works which I have not kept. It is my understanding about how my daughter has suffered, that has tormented me. I was told that my daughter screamed of want after her father and that the police had promised to take me away every time I tried to contact her. They did all the most evil things they could manage to do, in different ways again and again. After 2000 I have found some important dates in archives at the public authorities sector of Oslo city, and in that way I have managed to get a correct picture of the situation, after all these years.
8 In some reason January 1986 is the most important month to understand the human situation in this whole case. In another reason February and March 1986 are the most important months to understand the public situation in this whole case, which includes the roles of many public employed and such. But also from April to October some important things happened which was extremely malicious against my daughter and me. We both tried to restore our fellowship through the year, but public employed and others whom had begun to interfere between us, did the situation even more unhappily every time one of us tried to do something to restore the situation. That was because they wanted to hide what was done wrong, and they knew that I could not remember what had happened and therefore was helpless.
9 This case has become to be made up of so many unhappily events which together are so difficult to see in an overall picture. In this text I shortly will try to explain the situation, and first and foremost I will focus on things which happened in January 1986 which has been some kind of hidden keys to understand some important things about this case.
11 From Sunday, January 19, to Friday, January 31, in 1986; our lives got changed from idyllic to tragic. This had one single cause, it was because of outsiders and intruders who had had nothing to do with our mutual situation. No one who knew well about our mutual situation and not wanted to hurt us, would have done something like these people have done to us. Until Sunday, January 19, 1986; the contacts between my daughter and me had been as it is shown in the calendar at the beginning of this text, where the days marked with blue are the days for being together between my daughter and me, our fellowship was something obvious. These two last weeks of January, 1986; become afterwards something that I could not find in my memory any longer. But today I remember detailed what happened during these two weeks, and that is what I first and foremost want to focus on in this text. It is some correct dates of important events which I have found out, that have been the key to the problem for me. In 1986, what happened during this two weeks were unexpected and unthinkable for me, and it was also unnecessary. If those who began to cause trouble for us had stayed away from it, our situation had been nice and well arranged during January, 1986, and also through the years afterwards.
12 Wednesday, January 15, 1986; I went and visited my daughter at home with her mother. In many ways this is the most important day to understand the human situation in this case. What happened this day and why it happened, could give half of the explanation about what has happened in this whole case. The other half of the explanation comes much easier after understanding what happened this day. Therefore it is useful to look at this day for a while, and not hurrying to everything else that only conceals the truths which take up the time for hours and months and years. This day can show how one piece of truth, is more worth than billions of lies, and how valuable it is to find such a piece of truth that explains what otherwise is impossible to understand. It also shows how important it is to use one's time on the truth to understand, instead of wasting one's whole lifetime on lies. Therefore it is also important to use one's time to find the truth, because instead one's whole lifetime could be wasted on nonsense so one's life also in addition become nonsense. Wednesday, January 15, 1986; there was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere between us three, like it normally was and had been for many years.
13 Earlier that day I had been at a doctor's office, for the first time in six months. Six months earlier from March to July in 1985, this doctor had treated me for pains in my muscles, that treatment was a doctor's certificate because of 'myalgia' for four months, one week, and one day; and physiotherapy during this period. That period of treatment was the first time I had seen this doctor, and I had got a pleasant impression of this doctor during this period. But the pains came back at once I started at work again. At January 15, 1986; I told the doctor that the reactions in my body had started again immediately after I had came back at work in 1985. I said that such treatment never had worked and that I have to do something else. To change my work is something that could work I said. I told the doctor there was various of difficulties for me regarding my life's relationships, and the special problems with my physical condition which had re-emerged were something I anticipated that would overpower me and do it impossible for me to manage my life's situation. The problems in my life's situation had to do with my daughter's mother's family and other such types of problems related to the community's situation around me. The doctor sullenly asked me: 'You got well of the treatment (in 1985)?' And I answered: 'Yes, I got well of the treatment.' The doctor then said that I had been well of the treatment, and therefore it is something else this time, you are depressed this time the doctor stated. That was what the doctor wrote in the papers and I got a doctor's certificate because of 'asthenia depression mentis'. But I had these incomprehensible reactions in my muscles which usually first arose in my legs, and that was the reason why I had visited the doctor, therefore the doctor's behavior took me by surprise.
14 Wednesday, January 15, 1986; I told my daughter's mother that the doctor earlier that day had done something wrong, I had got a doctor's certificate for depression, because of how the reactions in my muscles could make it difficult for me to manage my life's situation. It is wrong of the doctor to do so I said, and I said that it is impossible to trust this doctor who did so. It is not depression that is my illness, it is something in my muscles. But all doctors are fools regarding my illness I said, therefore it is hopeless to find something else than foolish doctors regarding this illness. I said that I have to do something by my self to become better again, change my job among other things. I said that it was important that this doctor not got the opportunity to do something more wrong that could even harm our lives.
15 After my daughter's mother and I had finished this theme of conversation at January 15, she told me that our daughter had said to her that she wanted to be more together with me. And she said that I could come to visit our daughter more than before, also in the mornings because I had got a doctor's certificate, when our daughter come home from school for instance. I answered that I could come to visit our daughter more than before, but it was important that I also could use my time to get some other work for my living I answered. This new agreement did our daughter happy and strong, with her life's different relationships in safety and under understandable control in her own mind. This new agreement was something our daughter by herself had thrown her weight about to gain, what she also then knew was her situation's possibility to have the right to reach. Circa twelve days earlier I had told her that her mother's family not had the right to hinder her in being together with me, what she then had told me anxious about that they had talked about to do, this happened in the weekend after Friday, January 3, 1986; when we were together at my place. I told my daughter that she could talk about it to her mother whom not wanted to hinder her in being together with me I said. At that time my daughter and I had a lot of good plans we were preoccupied with and interested in to realize through the year 1986. My daughter should get her own motorcycle equipment for example; a leather suit, boots, gloves, and a helmet. There were many things we talked about to do this year, because she had grown older and we had new possibilities.
16 Later in the evening on Wednesday, January 15, 1986; my daughter's mother and I talked about how our daughter was fond of being together with me. I liked how her mother had been positive and helpful regarding our daughter and me across the years since 1979, and I wanted to be something similarly to our daughter and her. It was something sad in her face regarding how her family circle was opposite to mine towards our daughter, her family was not so positive for our daughter as my family was. I talked about that I had been preoccupied with how our daughter should have a good relationship to my family, I said that I had done a lot of things to gain this situation. I had planned and arranged this situation thoroughly across the years since 1979. I told her that I used to arrange how my family came to visit us in between when our daughter was at my place, and that I followed up the contact our daughter had to my family. I said that she could do the like and take care of such a situation by herself, and that I also could adjust the contact with our daughter in connection to what she had planned for the weekends. I said to her that she could arrange it such as I did and invite her family to come to her place at next Sunday which was set for being together for our daughter and me, for instance, and that my daughter and I could be more together at other days afterwards as an adjustment. And I talked about this as a flexible way to practice how our daughter could be in contact with her both parents and her both families. The rest of the day January 15, 1986; we were doing usual things like eating supper before I went home to my place.
17 The four important things we had talked about this day; Wednesday, January 15, 1986; are: 1.) a foolish doctor 2.) our daughter wanted to be more together with me 3.) I should visit our daughter more than before 4.) a flexible way of practice our daughter's contact with her both parents and families.
18 First in 2000 I remembered that something important happened at this date at Wednesday, January 15, 1986 ; and from then on I have remembered even more about what happened. The reason why I started to remember this day in 2000, is at that time I began to find dates about this situation in public authorities' archives. Correct dates became so important for me to place things in a correct chronological order, that I made calendars for each year from 1972 to 2000. I got the information about all this dates at the library in Oslo city. This is an example of how I have done a lot of work regarding to find some small pieces of correct and important information. It was in 1972 I for the first time met someone in my daughter's mother's family for example. It was her mother's brother whom said he had heard so much about me, and he wanted to get in contact with me. I knew nothing about him and had never heard a single word about him before. In this context it is also appropriate to add that it was my daughter's mother's brother whom in the beginning from 1972 to 1974 talked to my daughter's mother because he wanted her to be my girlfriend. This was something strange for me at that time, which I did not comprehend.
21 At Monday, January 20, 1986; I phoned to my daughter's mother about four o'clock in the evening. It was because I wanted to follow up our promise to our daughter, which was that she should get more contact with me than before. When my daughter's mother answered and she heard it was me, she put down the receiver without any explanation. I got surprised and could not understand anything about why she did so. This began to occupy my mind the most strongly way, but I could not find out any reason or explanation for what has happened. Through the years I had been accustomed to that my daughter's mother had a trifling tendency to switch personality from the normal to opposite of the normal. This trifling tendency was something I had thought much about during many years at that time. I had found out that she always turned back to normal again if I behaved steady, calm, and quiet myself; usually after a few minutes she was back to normal again. I never got angry at her because of this trifling tendency. I was used to become kind and of few words to her every time this happened, which was not often. In 1986 it had been years between such trifling occurrences, which never had caused any trouble before. Because I was accustomed to her manner in this way; I was used to behave steady, calm, kind, and of few words; which also became my behavior this time. This kind of manner which my daughter's mother had, was something I never had wanted to talk about because I wanted to protect her against others' malice regarding that manner, so I had always been silently about it. This manner is something she with no doubt can not be blamed for, and she is not guilty regarding this manner; it happens because of psychological influence from other individuals. Regarding her relationship to me, her brother has had a manipulatively psychological influence over her mind, because it was he; in the years from 1972 to 1974, who wanted her to become my girlfriend and not herself. This has given her a tendency to switch personality from the normal to opposite of the normal; this is what I think about it. Other who she trusts, has influenced her with their own wishes which are the undermining influences, which has undermined her mind. As an accustomed manner for me through many years, I also this time at Monday, January 20, 1986; got steady, calm, kind, and of few words. This was the first time something like this had happened when my daughter's mother and I were on the telephone, so exactly this had never happened before. The next day, at Tuesday, January 21, 1986; I phoned to my daughter's mother again, about four o'clock in the evening, the same as the day before. And it was because I wanted to follow up our promise to our daughter, which was that she should get more contact with me than before. When my daughter's mother answered and she heard it was me, she said that I now have to understand, and that she did not want to ruin the relationship between my daughter and me, then she put down the receiver without any further explanation. I could not understand anything about why she did so.
22 At Wednesday, January 22, 1986; I went at the time agreed to the doctor's office for the second time, a week after January 15. It was because of illness in my muscles that I had contacted the doctor, and I had thought about that the doctor could not help me with the difficulties that had arisen the last week. Therefore I did not say a single word to the doctor about the situation regarding my daughter and her mother. And that was because I did not want the doctor to be involved in that matter. The doctor had got the illness in my muscles to work with, and nothing else, this was also because I did not want to strain the doctor more than the doctor could care for. I had a good impression of this doctor from half a year before, and I did not want to strain the doctor too much because of what I thought was a good relationship. I had thought that a doctor like this general practitioner has a few minutes for every patient, and could not begin to work with something that would take hours to begin to know a little bit about, so my private situation was not a job for this doctor. I had made up my mind not to involve the doctor in my private situation. When I had been sitting at the waiting room for a while, it was my turn to come in to the doctor's office for some minutes. The doctor told me that a person whom knows who I am, had been there and talked to the doctor. The doctor asked me about what I think about this person, and I would not begin to say anything bad about this person, so I answered shortly that he is okay. I thought that the doctor could talk with this new patient without involving me in that matter, it was something between the doctor and him; I thought. The doctor did not tell me anything about what this person had said, and that was because the doctor had duty of confidentiality regarding this new patient, as regarding every other patients too; this was what I thought about it. This person had been very much ill, and had often come to me to talk about his illnesses, and I thought it was a relief that he had went to a doctor with his problems. He had never had something to do with my family, my friends, my jobs, nor my social activities; I had been an active individual in my society. He had come to Norway from another Western European country about six years earlier. I had much to think about this week, and I thought it was a relief that this person had began to go to a doctor with his problems instead of to me. What I had thought to do regarding my own illness had been disturbed of what had happened the last week. I had thought about to find me another job, that was what had helped against my illness in earlier situations. But I was taken by surprise regarding this new situation regarding my daughter and her mother which had arose the last week.
23 At Wednesday or Thursday, January 23, 1986; I went to my daughter's and her mother's place because I thought that would be better than another telephone conversation. This is about a week after January 15; when my daughter's mother on her initiative, had said to me that I could come more often to visit my daughter at her place. When I had rang the doorbell, my daughter's mother started to talk to me trough the letter drop in the entrance door. She could not let me inn, she said, again and again. And after some minutes she told me that her father should drive me home again, and so he did. He told me with flickering eyes; that my daughter's mother was not well, and that I have to let her be in peace. I know this was not correct, but I could not understand anything about what was going on. My daughter's mother was well on Sunday 19, a few days before. And when she had been ill before, she had been used to phone me. After a short period in my living room, he drove back again.
24 On Friday, January 24, 1986; the person who had been and talked to the doctor earlier this week, came and visited me. I asked this person to go and tell my daughter's mother that she does not have to be afraid of me. There must be a misconception which causes how my daughter's mother has started to behave, I said. I thought that she had been afraid of me for something, which she does not have to be afraid of. You can tell her that this behavior she has begun with, is not necessary, I said to him. He answered that he could not manage to do so, but I said again that it is only an easy thing for you to do which you can manage. You only have to say to her that she have not to be afraid of me, I said. Half a year earlier I had helped him continuous in circa 24 hours to typewrite his basic university courses exercise from handwritten papers, which he wrote through during these 24 hours; so he got ready to the deadline. I could type quite speedy, so this was something easy for me to do. To work continuous in 24 hours was not either so unusual for me to do. I thought this situation at January 24, 1986; was an opportunity for him also, to do something helpful for me in an easy way, so that our relationship could become more equal. I thought that the whole situation that had arisen, only was something inessential small things. He answered at last that he should go and talk to her, he had never talked to her before. I sat in my living room and waited for a while until he came back again. When he came back he looked a fool, with a silly smile all over his face. My daughter's mother's father was there he said, and my daughter's mother's father liked him; he told me very proudly. You shall not be there, he said to me. I said to him that he did not understand anything of this, and that he only had to be away from it all and do nothing more regarding this. I thought that this person could only be troublesome and nothing else. This person had only said hello to my daughter, and he did not know anything about her and me. He was a stranger regarding my private life. If I had known that my daughter's mother's father was there at January 24, I never had asked this person to go and talk to my daughter's mother. I did not understand anything about what was going on.
25 The last week in January, 1986; it could be about Tuesday, January 28; I phoned my daughter's mother again. This time it was because I wanted to talk with my daughter. My daughter's mother answered, all right, and she went and got our daughter to the telephone. We talked for a while. All the time afterwards I have remembered that I said to my daughter, 'we shall be together again'. And she answered, 'at least I hope so'.
26 At Wednesday, January 29, 1986; I went at the time agreed to the doctor's office for the third time in the course of three weeks. But from January 15, which was the first time, and to January 29, which was this third time; exactly two weeks had passed. During these two weeks I only had talked a few minutes with the doctor, about 30 minutes if it all are put together, and nothing important about my private situation. It was because of illness in my muscles that I had contacted the doctor. As I have written before; I had thought about that the doctor could not help me with the difficulties that had arisen the last two weeks. Therefore I neither this time said a single word to the doctor about the situation regarding my daughter and her mother. This time the doctor, who is a woman, told me that my daughter's mother had phoned her. I got in a good mood and said to the doctor that maybe she could manage to talk to my daughter's mother. From earlier doctors, all in all about seven doctors, I was accustomed to theirs duty of confidentiality. The doctor answered that she could try. The doctor did not tell me anything about what my daughter's mother had said, and that was because the doctor had duty of confidentiality regarding this new patient, as regarding every other patients too; this was what I thought about it. Then the doctor told me that she knew about a director in psychiatry for a policlinic near to her office building, who also is a woman, whom she now and then met at their mutual cafeteria where they used to be at lunch. The doctor asked me about she should talk to this psychiatrist. I thought that was a good idea, maybe it could be a good thing for the doctor to talk to a psychiatrist. I exactly thought that it could be something helpful to the doctor regarding the doctor herself. If I had had psychiatric problems, it had been me that should go to a psychiatrist of course, and not the doctor, the doctor did not know anything about my psychological condition witch was not her job to do either. I did not have any psychiatric problems, I had problems in my muscles. My psychological condition was strong and normal, also because I through the years had hold out so much pains in my muscles which was that I had had to hold out to be put under heavy strain for years without giving way for any kind of depression. This was what happened this third time at the doctor's office. At this point of time the doctor had talked with two other individuals, without telling my anything about what. These two individuals were not my next of kin, those were many other individuals who had nothing that they wanted to tell this doctor about me. The doctor had neither talked to me about my private life and my psychological condition, nor to my next of kin about such things. This doctor did not know anything about my private life, those were very much the doctor did not know of course.
27 At Friday, January 31, 1986; this unusual situation which seemed like something unnecessary to me, had gone on for 12 days. I had made up my mind that this had to be enough of these foolishnesses. I had decided me not to accept these foolishnesses any longer. At this point of time I had not talked to anyone else about this unusual and stupid situation, which had gone on for 12 days. When this brief text is accessible to other individuals at Thursday, June 17, 2004; 18 years after 1986; that is the first time the truth about these 12 days is explained. And these 12 days are what all the rest is about, and nothing else. This text is accurate, which is something I have thought of will be to help those whom have suffered because of psychological pains all the years after these 12 foolish days in 1986. By my self I was sure and resolute without any unsteady behavior at Friday, January 31, 1986. About four days before I had talked with my daughter on the phone about that we should be together again, and this weekend was set to be together for my daughter and me. At this day there was only one thing I had to do, and that was to put an end to these foolishnesses. About four o'clock I was on my way to my daughter's home. Normally my daughter's mother should have brought our daughter to me this day, but she had behaved so unexpected for 12 days at this point of time, that I did not sat at home and waited any longer. Normally my daughter's mother and I should have talked on the phone regarding that our daughter should visits me for the weekend, but nothing had been normal the last 12 days. When I was at my daughter's home I rang the doorbell. My daughter's mother opened the door, and said that I should not be there. I answered that my daughter and I should be together for the weekend, and that she had to stop with her foolish behavior. Then she stopped her foolish behavior and said politely okay and let me enter the door, at this point of time she was normal again. Her father was not there this time. Our daughter had gone to visit the theatre, she said. Something like that had never happened before when our daughter should be together with me for the weekend. Our daughter's friend's mother had got some free tickets, and she and her child had wanted to take our daughter with them to the theatre. She will soon be back, my daughter's mother said; maybe at this time, she continued, when she concerned looked after the clock someplace. It should only be for a short time, she said. I understood that she thought of that our daughter wanted to see me, and therefore I smiled to her, I was accustomed to my daughter's mother's alterable behavior which I never got angry about. Because our daughter was not there, we started to talk about what had happened. Her family had behaved completely crazy on Sunday, January 19, 1986; and it had been so terrible, she said. They had begun to blame me, and that was because they did not understand what she had been unhappy for, she explained. She had not managed to behave in a useful way, because they were so many and the whole situation had taken her by surprise, she told me. Her father had become so unhappy, and she had begun to feel sorry for him, 'my dad is kind'; she said to me. Maybe he is kind, but he makes a lot of mess, I answered. I started to analyze our current situation. Then she said that she wanted someone to come and help us, and she wanted me to phone the same person that I had told to come and talk to her on Friday a week before. He can not help us, it is no point to ask him to come, and I will not phone him; I answered. But you can phone anyone you want, so if you want him to come, you can phone him, but he can not do anything else than sit here and do nothing; I continued. So if you want someone to come here to sit and do nothing, then you can phone him, but I do not want him to come and therefore I either want to phone him; I said. In retrospect I think she was influenced of that he was the only one who had done something, which was last Friday, others had not done anything; but she did not know him at all. She phoned this person. Afterwards it took to much time before he came, and I started to think, and I said to her that he could be a mentally disturbed person who typically could do something stupid and dangerous. She become mentally paralyzed with fright and could not talk. Then he rang the doorbell and came inside. Immediately he told me that I should not be there. 'You are mistaken', I said to him, I sat on a chair in the living room and waited for that my daughter should come home which was something he did not know anything about. He looked confused around himself and asked my daughter's mother where the telephone is. Then he phoned someone and said his name and yes. 'What are you doing', I said to him, and I got mentally paralyzed with shock and lost my memory regarding what I just had been very much concentrated about. He began to go zigzag confused around himself with an awkward look and without any meaning in his movements or in his chatters. My daughter's mother stood still and was pale and silent. About five or ten minutes afterwards someone rang the doorbell, and two police constables in uniform went inside. They looked at me and asked my daughter's mother, 'is it him?' She answered, 'yes'. Without any other questions or explanations they both brutally took me from the chair and brought me out. They did not even ask me for my name. I got paralyzed in both my mind and body and was completely powerless. I had never been in some kind of conflict with the law and the police. I did not understand anything. At that time it was not unlawful for parents to take care of their children in Norway. Out on the street stood a policeman I knew from before. I had talked to him before, early in 1983 when I worked at a youth club in another part of Oslo. Among other things I had told him about that my daughter lived here in this part of Oslo. Without any explanation he handcuffs me, and they pushed me into the back seat of the police car outside the windows where one of my daughter's friends lived. And then they drove me away to the casualty ward where the policeman who I knew from before, brought me into two psychiatrists. Nothing sensible happened at this office, all three of them only talked nonsense and looked foolish. All three of them said that I have to meet at the psychiatric policlinic near to the doctor's office building at Monday, February 3, 1986; about at nine o'clock in the morning. If I did not promise to do so, they said, they would not let me go free again. I understood completely nothing; and my mind was ruined. Not only was my relationship to my daughter offended, but also my relationship to my country. I had been an active member of my society in many ways for many years.
28 After Friday, January 31, 1986; everything became worse. And that was because of that many individuals who was employed in the public sector, had done something wrong on January 31, 1986; which they never wanted to straighten out again. Therefore both them, and even more individuals too, began to do more and more and worse and worse mistakes. The next Friday, February 7, I had lied and cried the whole night, because I was despondent about that the mother to my daughter become more and more abnormal, simultaneously as all laughed and had fun with it. Therefore I this Friday trawled to here again, and slapped to here like you do to unconscious people. I thought that I had to manage it alone, because all the others only had fun with this. She had normally always contacted me if she had difficulties. After that she become normal and we talked for five hours. I also went out and bought something good to eat, and come back again. But then my doctor called her, and a short time afterwards the police come and took me to the doctor. When I went from the doctor, I got strong physical reactions like strong streams through my body, and I understood in that moment that I lost all my memory. All who earlier had laughed and had so fun, started to say that I had been so bad to the mother of my daughter. I did not longer knew what had happened, and could not say anything to that. About four or five more times during February to March, 1986; I tried to get in contact with my daughter and her mother again. But every time the police came and took me away from my daughter again. Both the police and those who were employed in the public sector, laughed and had fun all the time. At Friday 31, I did not know that my doctor had anything to do with what happened that day. First many years afterwards I have understood that she and the director in psychiatry for the policlinic near to her office building, had met each other at their mutual cafeteria where they used to be at lunch, and where they laughed and had fun regarding my life while they were eating lunch together. The person who come at Friday, January 31; must have talked to my doctor regarding what happened that day, and my doctor must have talked to the director in psychiatry for the policlinic; these are something obvious. But I got no information about what they and others were doing. At Friday, February 28, 1986; I had arrange to visit my family whom lives an about three-hours-trip from Oslo where I live. But on Thursday, February 27, 1986; the psychologist whom I had been forced to visit on Monday, February 3, 1986; phoned me. He said that I had to come to his office the next day. When I came at his office on Friday, February 28, 1986; I met the director in psychiatry for the policlinic for the first time. They wanted to test out about I was mentally disturbed they told me. Then two policemen drove me to a hospital were a director in psychiatry for the test-out had arranged a whole section at the hospital with many other employs for this very big test-out. They should be doing the test-out for many days too. During this period I was together with my mother at my home one day. This was the first time someone from my family had contact with me that year. Then two police constables came, and without any explanation, they brutally snatched me away from my mother. My mother got a terrible breakdown with great shaking all over her face and body when she started to cry terrible. But such tings did not affect laughing police constables whom have fun. This has ruined my whole family whom had done nothing wrong. The director in psychiatry for the test-out, had the same family name as the director in psychiatry for the policlinic, and she also is a woman. After the test-out was finished during three or four days, I nearly could not remember my own name any longer, and nearly all my memory was gone. During February, 1986; I again and again got some kind of flow through my mind and body, and today I think that was my sorrow about how my daughter and my family got ruined, that broke down my biological substance which had to do with my mentally qualities. Those who did this laughed and had fun.
29 The cause that started this terrible situation, is that I during the period from January 3, to January 15, 1986; one or more times had talked with my daughter's mother about very unhappily things which has to do with here family. Instead of helping these individuals with these difficulties; such doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and the police; started to have fun with this situation. During the years afterwards, exactly these problems has increased and distorted the truth of what I here have written the truth about. June 17, 2004, David H. Hegg |