David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
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● English ○ 2015 · 16 · 1 |
Texts 2 · 2015 · 2016 · 1 Before writing this text, I thought about music. I think that has to do with, how these criminals who use mind control, have influenced me in that connection. The first aim for influencing my musical interest, is to change my original way of having that interest. Next, it looks like I have been influenced to begin reading about LP records in music magazines, and buy records because of what I had read, without hearing them first. I also looked after different kinds of unusual and distinctive records, which never or seldom were heard, or played on the radio. Typical I bought all kinds of different music, which no one around me knew anything about. That resulted in, that I became alone about my musical interest. It looks like that, is because I shall be alone with my interest for music. Earlier, music had been an active part of my social life, with different friends. We both listened to records, and played different musical instruments. Here a new section appears in my thoughts. That is typical. It seems like influences, like this one, are done in order, one after another. When I have understood the first step in such an influence, the next step comes out in my thoughts afterwards. This next step, is that this influence has as its goal, to isolate me from being in stimulating development together with other people. Everything I cared about, should become something I was alone about. For a long time I have thought about that music is communication. This communication has to do with how people booth like to sing and play musical instruments, and they like to listen to music. I have thought about that different sorts of music, do not have to do with that one of them is better than another of them. Different people like different music. Different music develop in different ways, and are good music all of it. There are different kinds of good music. This gets me to think that this is something typical with us humans. We do not like to be the same way every one of us. We like to be different from one another. Together with that, we also like to have something in common. Different individuals and different ethnic groups, have nothing to win by being enemies. It is natural for humans to be different in a peaceful way. To be different is stimulating. I think the criminals who use mind control, use conflicts between individuals and peoples, as a method to break down all of us in the whole world. It seems as if this can be, because they want every single person in this world, to only become an insignificant piece, which they can control. But I don’t know what their goal is. It is necessary to look at the whole world, in a way similar to how we look at a country. Today we do things together in the world, and that is the same way as it is in a country. Therefore the whole world today, has to be seen in a corresponding way, to how we look at a country. It is wrong to do bad things against one another in the world. The world is a whole. A good world is good for everyone. If we humans want to be developed humans, then we must behave like that. That is what we want. It is these criminals who use mind control, who try to ruin that. I think these criminals break down all kinds of folk culture. people’s democracies fall apart, and lose their significances. These destructions are only destructive. We humans must start to work together, not against one another. It is much to win, by working together. There is only much to lose, by working against one another. There are different kinds of good humans. November 27, 2015, David H. Hegg I have got four thoughts one after another. I wonder what can be the connections between these four thoughts. 1. Individuals go through the doors into large apartment buildings, where they disappear, and become as nothing, without contact with each other. 2. That humans can think, understand and talk with each other, is what humans most of all are. 3. Air, water and earth, form the basis for that life can exist. 4. It is by finding out, understanding, writing and talking, that we humans can solve our problems and achieve good societies and a good world. ▪ That something exists; isn’t a coincidence. There has never been nothing; because from nothing, nothing can come into being. Nothing, as a phenomenon; does not exists. It isn’t a coincidence; that something always has existed. These thoughts came because of the third thought. There aren’t because of coincidences; that there exist air, water and earth, which form the basis for that life can exist. When it isn’t a coincidence, that something exists; then it isn’t a coincidence, what it is which exists either. The cause for this world; has always existed. Life on earth forms the basis for that we humans can exist. Therefore; air, water and earth, form the basis for that we humans can be here and think, understand, write and talk. These aspects show how the second thought got me to think. There aren’t because of coincidences that we humans can think, understand, write and talk. That we humans disappear in large apartment buildings, and become as nothing, is something it is necessary to understand about, and do something with. It is the whole humankind which exists. The whole humankind doesn’t exists because a few of the humans shall control the rest, and develop a world where most of the humans are as nothing. These aspects show what I thought about, because of the first thought. To make most of the humans to be as nothing, is wrong. Humans are something; which they shall be. Humans shall be something; they shall not be as nothing. Typical humans become something together with each other. An alternation between one’s own thoughts, and to share one’s thoughts along with others’ thoughts, are what we humans are. Humans aren’t things. It looks like, that when it is too many humans together, then the contact between them disappears. Because of that, what the humans are also disappear. It is important to find out how we can do something, to correct this phenomenon. I think the criminals who use mind control, have found out about this long ago. The fourth thought is about that we humans shall use our abilities. Our abilities are most of all that we can find out, understand, write and talk with each other. It is because of something which always has existed, that it is, like this. I think the criminals, who use mind control, ruin these possibilities for us humans. Her I have put this way of stating this problem into a serious perspective. With these thoughts, I want to point out that it is something important with our existence. Because of that, it is important to find out, understand and be able to do something, with what these criminals who use mind control, are doing. Homicides and wars are typical destructive. To understand and talk with each other are typical constructive. I think that to understand and talk with each other, are the future for us humans. This text is only a few words, which shows a perspective in this way. These criminals are ruining the most important possibilities we have, which also are the meaning with our existence. When we know about what they are doing, then it becomes possible for us to start to do something with that. This text is meant to activate more thoughts about these things. It is to show what this is. This isn’t finished thoughts. This is some kinds of start‐up thoughts, written down without any further formulation. December 8, 2015, David H. Hegg What is the will? This is a large topic. The human’s will, is typical an influenced part, of a human. Even so, we typical say; that the will is a person’s own will, which the person oneself is responsible for. To be able to take responsibility for one’s own will, it is necessary to understand about that other people, and other influences, can control one’s will. Someone who denies, that something can control one’s will, can be in danger of always being like a marionette, a puppet controlled from above by strings. To understand that other factors control one’s will, is one of the most important things to understand. Her I only will start the thoughts thinking about what this is. After I started to write this text, I understood that this is a subject, it is possible to work with for months, if not for years, to write about. Here I only will use a short time, and mention a few words about this. Some of these few words are; that this is something important. When I think about this subject, I start to think about that hunger gets you to want to eat. This is a combination between hunger and will. Thirst gets you to want to drink. This is a combination between thirst and will. I write these examples, because they are simple approaches to different and more complicated approaches to the topic. If you are hungry, but don’t want to eat, because you want to be on a diet; that is that your will don’t want to comply with the hunger. If you are underweight, and not hungry, but want to eat to become healthy; then that is, that your will want to eat even you not are hungry. It can be that you feel full after eating, but the food tastes so good, that you still eat more. Or, you are hungry, but the food tastes so bad, that you don’t eat because of that. The will can be as opposed to experiences of inner driving forces. One’s will can also be as opposed to others wills, which want something else than oneself. The opposite can be the situation, one’s will agree with these influences. There are also situations where one’s will is influenced by contrary inner driving forces and contrary other people. The will can be manipulate by others. That is well known. It can be done in different ways. The most advanced ways, can be difficult to understand, sometimes nearly impossible. In proportion to the crimes with mind control, which I write about on this web site; it is possible to understand that these criminals do so the humans’ wills aren’t free. That crime hinder the humans’ wills in being free. It is as if humans’ wills are locked up. I think this is something which can become better, when we understand about it. The will shall be the individuals own will. That is something important. Therefore, these criminals are doing a serious crime. December 16, 2015, David H. Hegg Humans’ minds are consisting of different mental functions. Such functions are for example; will, memory, the feelings, the ability to understand, the ability to associate, etc. These crimes with mind control get humans to function wrong. To see this clearly, it can be useful to compare with some simple mechanical constructions, where some mechanical parts function together. That can for example be a sewing machine, a typewriter, or a drilling machine. If the sewing machine doesn’t get the sewing thread into the needle, it doesn’t work even it is in use. If the typewriter doesn’t have ink ribbon, it doesn’t work even it is in use. If the drilling machine goes the wrong way, it doesn’t work even it is in use, etc. These influences by mind control can influence the different parts in humans’ minds. If you are influenced to remember something wrong, that can influence your will to do something you not had wanted to do. If you feel something which isn’t correct, that can influence your will to do, or not to do, something you not had wanted to do, or not to do, etc. These examples are only a few simple examples, to begin to understand about this. These functions by different mental parts, can be influenced in thousands of different ways. Mental functions influence each other; and they work tougher. The will is both a result; and a cause. The will can be influenced by different influences, and in that way become a result. The will can because of influences, decide to do something, and in that way become a cause, etc. A human exposes oneself. A human exposes one’s interpretation, of what have influenced oneself. Of course that can be many different influences. But, if someone have influenced the human, in a way the human don’t understand oneself; then the human exposes something from another person, without knowing about it, etc. This text is written in a few hours, and are only a simple introduction to this topic. December 23, 2015, David H. Hegg The unconscious is of vital importance regarding these influences with mind control. Being able to take care of this as good as possible, helps to develop one’s consciousness and understanding about the unconscious in oneself, and in humans generally. If an influence appears in oneself, it typical will work in one way or another, before it is possible to find out about it. To understand that one’s subconscious can contain wrong influences, and that it is necessary to consider, what happens from inside of oneself; help to stop such influences in becoming more and more. To find out that something in that way, was wrong; will make such influences become weaker and weaker and lose their effects. When you don’t believe in such influences any longer; then they become, as nothing. But they can come back, if you later start to believe in them. A rule of thumb is not to accept such influences form inside of oneself in an uncritical way. There can be many causes for why such influences can be wrong. One of them is this crime with mind control. One’s conscious thinking and understanding must find out more about what it can be. A critical manner towards such experiences from inside of oneself, can typical hinder many mistakes from being big destructive problems. A constant self‐criticism is a good manner. That can help you in hindering doing things you don’t understand are wrong. And that can lead you on the way to become a good human. The behavior regarding this problem becomes more and more something normal. It is necessary to be responsible, but it is possible to be that in a calm and easy‐going way. Typical humans both must see their own mistakes, and the errors with their goals, to be able to reach their goals. Such a manner can help to remove bad influences form ruining. A short time ago, I got a detection about how I had been influenced regarding my marriage. This is something I typical think that is something, which I can find out about, that is, like this. But I think that it can have been done in another way. I don’t know; maybe these criminals have said something like this to me. This detection is the reasons for this text. This shows how these criminals can ruin inside a human. It also shows that it is important to understand about the unconscious. “That you believe, that she you now are married to, don’t love you in any way, but gladly sees that you move away from her, is the same as your betrayal against her and you two’s love and relationship to each other. And for you two, that becomes your lifelong betrayal. That becomes your lifelong tragedy, which you never will be able to understand. Inside you, that is betrayal. For your outer being, this betrayal becomes that you love her so much, that you must move away from her. You shall become a twisted and distorted human, which looks strict, but are gradually constantly more and more bitter and angry at yourself, at that one you gradually more and more is like, which is inverted of that one you are now. Everything you are and do and wand to be, shall be twisted and distorted, so that you never understand, that you all the time become more and more like that one you are, when you are inverted to that one you are today. You become more and more like that one you don’t like.” Something cunning I have experienced with these influences, is that they typical appear like the perfect solution for a challenge or something similar. That is a typical trick. To understand that, makes it necessary to think twice, and be careful regarding this very dangerous trick. That can happen again and again until everything is ruined. The only solution you see, can be an influence which overshadows the correct solution. By starting to find out more before doing something, it can be possible to understand that the first idea was a wrong idea, which only overshadowed the correct idea. If a surprise or an unexpected happening, suddenly arise; then that can activate an influence. It is necessary to understand afterwards, that such things have become wrong. One of different intentions with such influences, is that you shall feel, that you are bound of what you have said or done, without wanting to say or do that. But it can be other intentions also. I have also understood, that something typical, is that these influences influence people to laugh, about what ruin themselves. One characteristic effect I have experienced many times by these influences; is that the influence can force oneself to something. If you don’t understand about an influence like that, the influence typical can work that way. But if you understand that it is an influence, or that it can be something wrong with that motive power inside in you; then such an influence don’t have the same control over you. You can also control yourself with your conscious thinking and understanding. The problem with such influences, is that the motive power continues, even you understand that it is wrong. This work in that way, that it influences your experience; so you experience the opposite, of what you think it is correct to experience. The more you can build up reluctance and begin to dislike such an influence, the weaker it becomes. Such an influence can also lose completely against how you very much don’t like it at all. I have experienced that it can come to a decisive turning point regarding influences like that, and in that moment, such an influence loses its effect. I think a turning point, like that, can be because oneself have understood enough against the influence. It is important not to give way for a feeling that such an influence remove one’s conscious state. That is only trickery; it isn’t real. In such a situation, which typical only lasts for a short time, it is important to concentrate oneself about being strong in oneself, and not let one’s thoughts think as these stupid influences want. Influenced individuals, live in a kind of constant hallucination. There is an invisible film between them and the reality, so they cannot comprehend the reality correct. But, the ability to think and understand is not out of function. If influenced people start to understand something, then it begins to be possible to work oneself out of this influenced state. By doing so, this becomes better and better minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, and year after year. I think about the subconscious as an administrator for the human. And that these criminals, who use mind control, commit break‐ins into humans’ subconscious. This text is only a little beginning to find out and understand more about this. December 30, 2015, David H. Hegg Control is a word of crucial importance regarding these influences with mind control. A human being experiences that it has control over one’s own creature. That another person or people, should be able to take control over oneself without one’s own knowledge about it, seems unthinkable. But that is what can be possible with these influences with mind control. It is because it has been possible for these criminals to influence the humans’ subconsciousness, without that the conscious state has knowledge about it. I start to write about this, because I think about how I for many years, only have been influenced by these influences, when I have tried to find out about them. I have been influence to find out about these things, in a way, which these criminals have influenced me to do. So when I have tried to find out about it, I only have found out what I have been influenced to find out. What I tried to find out about, got control over me; instead of that I got control over it. I was influenced to start to try to find out about it, so this could be that way. It helps when you begin to understand, that it is in that way it goes on. Can this be something typical? Oh yes! That is how it is. Everybody who earlier have tried to find out something about these things, have only done something they have been influenced to do. And they have only found out something they have been influenced to find out. So years after years I struggled with finding out, but I only found out something I had been influenced to find out. But I think this not has worked, as it was meant to be, this time. So I think that I a little bit all the time, have found out a little more, than it was meant to be that I should have done. And now I have found out much correct about these things. I think about how this has been something in my subconsciousness, which it has been impossible for me to know what is. Something which have influenced me to find out wrong, about what I have tried to find out about. That is something to think about. It is nothing more to say about that. That is how it has been. But little by little I have found out more, than these criminals had planned that I should have done. A key word regarding that, can be that I have done much more, than they had planned that I should have done. I have used much time on every single little bit of what all these have been about. And I have wanted to be absolutely 100% sure about things, not only absolutely sure. It is necessary to work oneself out of this control. It is necessary to do so much more work, that it becomes enough. That can be in the proportion thousand to one; like many thousands times more than you thought were necessary. But it is also about being able to do a few correct things, which can start to turn it all around. In my case, that was to see through and unmask what these memory images were. Such memory images are key factors in how I was influenced. By understanding a few important of them, I started to understand it all. What took so very much time, was to reach that turning point. To understand about these memory images, didn’t take so much time. It is possible to say; that what took so much time, was to not understand anything. To understand something, didn’t take so much time. Memory images are dangerous influences by these criminals, which you experience that you remember. But such memory images are something which never have happened. These influences can be about different things. Typical it is something which becomes more and more the more you try to find out about it. This can also take control over you, when you try to find out about it. These false memory images can be what make you to do something, you otherwise never had done, because you believe in that, which you think, is something, you remember that has happened. It helps to know that this can be done this way. Such memory images typically become crisp and clean. But it can even so be possible to find out about that such things never have happened. You can at the same time, have been influenced not to talk about it, and that can be dangerous not to do. But of course, other people can have been influenced the same way. Typical it helps to know and understand about these tings. I think that these criminals maybe only need to do very little, which starts up very much. If they do it exactly, (and people don’t understand anything at all,) then it becomes exactly as they want. January 6, 2016, David H. Hegg Something centrally with these influences with mind control, are that they mentally inveigle and displace individuals in proportion to the reality. These subconscious influences become in that way, like an invisible spiritual higher power; which the individuals experience, that have a power over them, which they cannot do anything about. This situation becomes an experienced state by the individual, by the individuals together, and by the whole world. This is something these criminals use as their power. They use it as they are an invisible spiritual higher power, which take the control from the humans, and control them in a way they think is God, or something similar. Those thoughts and understanding about this, emerged in my mind a few days ago, after I clearly had understood about an especially memory image in the 1990s. This memory image is that I remember, that an invisible spiritual higher power, has taken control over me, and talked to me with my own voice out of my own mouth. (But it has not happened.) This has given me an experience of that an invisible spiritual higher power controls me, in a way I cannot do anything about. To understand about this, takes away that experience. I start to understand about different such influences, which all of them, in different ways, have had their intentions to give me an experience of that there is a higher power, which have a control over me, which I cannot do anything about. To understand about this, does it possible for me to understand that I can eliminate this higher power by these criminals, and take back my own control over myself. These memory images where I remember that a higher power have talked out of my mouth, have mainly happened three times. First, it happened late in the 1980s, the next time in the middle of 1990s, and the third time in May, 2011. These three times have in all, developed an increasing experience of that such a higher power has control over me, in a way I cannot do anything about. In 2011 it was God. (But it has not happened.) Earlier it was not clear for me what this exactly was. Now I understand, that by understanding about this, it is possible for me to eliminate these influences, and take control over myself. It is necessary to actively work against and deliberate counteract these influences. January 13, 2016, David H. Hegg I think the conflicts are one of the things, these criminals (who use mind control,) use as their methods. They influence people to start conflicts, because they want to ruin for them with these conflicts. These influences hide typical their real aims, and how these influences can be co‐ordinated, are together something dangerous for all parts in conflicts. Typical these criminals have influenced to start conflicts. These criminals have done things to create conflicts. Contributing parts in such conflicts, have been influenced to be parts in the conflicts. The intentions are only to ruin for all parts. These criminals have hidden goals with these conflicts. To understand about this, makes it sensible to stop conflicts. Such conflicts ruin for all the parts in the conflicts. The conflicts are a small, hidden and sly enemy’s trickeries. January 25, 2016, David H. Hegg When these criminals (who use mind control,) started with their hidden influences against the societies and the whole world; at that time the societies and the whole world were under way with developing both the social systems, the knowledges about the humans, and different other things. It was not a stagnated situation. There was no question that the past had been wrong, with regard to human rights and understanding about human dignity. The present time was a starting point for a development into a right future. The situation was a process of development, not a finished situation. It was human values which were something important, which should be developed. Of course, there were also other interesting things to care about. In this text I want to stress that human values was a big and important subject. Human values should decide over the development in the societies and in the world, by democratic power; and among other things decide over the economy. It was not the economy which was the subject of conversation. It was human rights and human dignity, and how to change the societies to be right regarding such things; which was the subject of conversation. Human subjects had the strongest position regarding what was important. The criminals started at one time to destroy a historical process. Economy is not a goal; it is a tool at hand. For what? That is something a democratic representative government can decide. Democracy is more than only words; it is power to decide how the society and the whole world shall develop. It is also that every single human care about the democracy, and learn and understand about what it is which goes on. To work for a better society and a better world, is the most edifying and the strongest motivation. All kinds of useful works are something good to do. Back in time, it also had been much opposition against wars and all kinds of warfare. More and more there was established a situation where human interests should be developed peacefully. An understanding about that a peaceful development had the strongest possibility to realize human values, had been more and more spread. Armed conflicts had more and more been understood as very destructive situations. People looked forward to a development and a future where armed conflict had lost its credibility. A peaceful development had to be protected to be able to realize human values. I think these criminals use conflicts and wars to tear to pieces and break down, all kinds of cultural values and developed traditions. They do these destructions because they want to liberate the economy, by taking the freedom from the peoples in the whole world. Naturally, economic values had been of secondary importance. That doesn’t mean it is of no value. Economics can be one of different means, which can be used to reach human values and other things. I think that these things in a way have been turned upside down now. Economics has been of overriding importance; instead of secondary importance, which is correct. I think this is something these criminals use all the conflicts in the world today, to achieve. Because of this, all people in the world should understand that all these conflicts only ruin more and more for them all. In a peaceful way, it will be possible to find out about this. People are played out against each other. We humans have challenges because of our difficult past. But that is not that we are enemies. A peaceful way is the only way for us humans on this Earth. It is necessary to protect the democracy so the truth about different things can be known. Manipulating ways of tricking people to influence them and control them etc. is wrong. I think these criminals make enormous problems for us, by finding out about that, everything will be much more easy. This text is only a few key words about this. January 29, 2016, David H. Hegg Today I got a thought which is so sensational, that I write it here: “The criminals (who use mind control,) liberate themselves from democratic power, and from a democratic demand about human equality and fair distribution of the values which the community creates.” This is a thought which my thinking has lead to. It is a kind of sensational discovery in my thoughts. Something we not had thought. It can be like to discover, that we have moved in the opposite direction, of where our goal is. To liberate these criminals from democratic power; is to let them take the democratic power from us, so we don’t have it any more. I think it is, something like that, which goes on. They are tricking us in ways we not have understood. It is possible for these criminals to influence people to believe in, and like something opposite, of what they really like. They can also influence, so it looks like, that this wrong view, is correct. What these criminals are doing, are not logical things for us to understand. By understanding such things, it becomes more possible to find out about these things. These criminals hide themselves. They do that in a way, so we not shall understand who they are, and what they are doing. They influence people in all kinds of different ways, so influenced people can be all kinds of social roles. One of the possibilities with these influences, is that they can influence people to believe in, that what they are influenced to do, is right. These influences can be like giving people another reality, than the real reality. Because of this, we cannot easily find out and understand who these criminals are. Things around us, aren’t like it looks like. To understand about this, is to find out about the first hindrance, so it becomes possible to come further. Now I got another thought here in the end of this text: “It is a dangerous play these idiotic criminals are playing. Other people must stop them. ” January 30, 2016, David H. Hegg What shall a human do regarding such things: That oneself want to do the opposite, of what oneself want to do? That oneself like the opposite, of what oneself like? That oneself remember the opposite, of what really has happened? Etc. The first is to understand, that it can be like that. The next, is to think. It becomes necessary to look at a more extensive composition, regarding to finding out about such things. In an expanded perspective, more details can correct each other. Some things can become too much improbable. Things can also become impossible, so it is possible to understand that such tings have not happened. In my situation, different people I trust, have been given roles in influencing me, with saying things they never have said. Such things are memory hallucinations. Such things can have changed my understanding and experiences about different things. It is also possible to understand that changes in one’s feelings etc., can be because of such influences. In real life, in normal contact with real people, something similar also can happen. For instance can a person want to change another person’s experience of something, in a way the other person doesn’t understand, etc. That is also one of the things, which these criminals influence people to do. Regarding such things, it is necessary to understand, to think, to find out, etc. Sometimes it is possible to find out about things, by investigating what really has happened. Things like photographs can be helpful, and different other possibilities to find more out about things can be available. Etc. The whole picture in one’s mind about things, can have changed. Then it is useful to find back as much correct again, as it is possible to do. When the whole picture becomes more correct again, then everything becomes more correct again. It is important to understand clearly what you know are correct, what you not are sure about, and what you know are wrong. This is only a few words about this. A key word is that it is necessary to know about this. This is nothing to be hopeless of. When people have started to understand, that something like this goes on, then they already have reached a decisive change regarding what this is. These influences are dependent on, that we don’t know anything about this at all. These criminals are only weak swindlers, nothing dangerous at all if you see them face to face in a normal way. Critical thinking is necessary. It is possible to be good at finding out about this. A little is very good. A little more, is more of that. Already a little about this, have started to win against it. Slowly and calmly can much begin to be better. It is important to not believe in experiences regarding these things. Such experiences regarding these things, are typical empty hallucinations. If something like that happens, concentrate about something other, which is easy to do and think about. But do not do something dangerous in such a situation, like cleaning the windows high up, etc. (That can even be an influenced trick form these criminals.) February 1, 2016, David H. Hegg |
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