David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
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● English ○ 2016 · 3 |
Texts 2 · 2016 · 3 24. Different ways of thinking I think the criminals, who use mind control, have managed to lock people’s way of thinking into a deadlocked mindset. In this text, I will try to write a little bit about some few examples about that. My preparation for this text, started with that I wrote down these two notes: People can build up one another. People can break down one another. These two notes can form the basis of looking at many different problems to address. It can be about a married couple, organized groups, communities, and the whole world. After I started to think about these two notes, I began to think about that these criminals have locked our ways of thinking. It has become impossible for us to come out of these deadlocked mindsets. I have thought about how it can be possible for all the inhabitants of a country, to build one another up, or break one another down. The same can be regarding the whole world. Thoughts about this has become so much, that I don’t start to write more about it in this little text. I think about that many of the texts I have written, like this one; can be compared with unlocking locked doors in our minds. These locked doors hide a diversity of alternatives for us. Our modes of living in our societies for instance, could have been in many different successful ways. But these criminals lock our way of thinking in a bad deadlocked mindset. These thoughts start up so much in my mind, that I can’t begin to write about it in this little text. But I hope that this little text, can be something which calls up and liberates others’ thoughts. Let us take a little step aside. Think about how the nature so clearly is made of many parts, which strongly build one another up. It has often been said, look at the nature and learn from that. Well, look at the nature and learn from how all the parts in the nature build one another up. We humans can also live like that, if we want to. But then we must come free from these criminals’ idiocy, and start to find out and understand about how we can manage that. We can even both build up one another, and also live in a way which is good for the nature. So it can be possible to say that we humans also is a positive part of the nature, on this planet. It is possible to say: Look at the tiger, and see how the strong tiger takes the weaker animals. Well, we humans can also easily take the weaker animals. But if we don’t have any weapons available, we shouldn’t think we can take a tiger out in the wild nature. So it is possible to understand that this world is arranged in a balanced way. We humans aren’t God or something similar to that, that is the most important we can understand about such tings. I have also thought about how practical people think about practical plans, to do things; how we shall work in the societies for instance. Theoretical people think about theoretical plans, to do things; how we shall work in the societies for instance. Inventors have sometimes been practical, and sometimes been theoretical. The inventor of the wheel was practical. The inventor of the numerical system was theoretical. It is necessary to have a teamwork between practical and theoretical people, if we shall be able to do things right in our societies. A lack of practical people in the political leaderships today, is a catastrophe. I also will add that I am sure about, that female and male humans must work together, to be able to reach human results to a wider extent. It is possible to understand how people with common interests help one another. These criminals are one‐sided people who only develop their own one‐sided interests; and they are extremely dangerous, selfish and evil idiots. They have been able to carry on their idiocy without any resistance. (But don’t do that mistake to believe that poisonous snakes, with their small brains, aren’t dangerous. Because, even their brains are small, their poisons are dangerous.) April 10, 2016, David H. Hegg Today I got an experience of having reached a finalization, of my development against what has been done against me. I started to think; what can this experience be? And I got some thoughts about, that it was my practical manner, these criminals who use mind control, most of all disliked me for. I think it can be; that these criminals especially dislike, that people, who work practical and make the things, get importance. They want practical people who make things, to be like nothing, without any significance. I think they dislike all kinds of positive valuation of people who make things. People who make things, shall not be like clever people; and they shall not come into view in the social life. After this, I start to think about that these criminals can have influenced to, that practical skills, shall not be anything worthy and important to have. I think it can be possible to talk about practical intelligence. I think this can be something with vital importance. I think these criminals in this way, have wanted to eliminate the understanding about what practical intelligence is, and what practical skills are. They don’t like anything practical at all, and want all of it away. I think it can be possible to find out, how different kinds of practical abilities are important abilities to understand about, bout in our educational activities, and in our social activities. I think practical abilities are something necessary of what it is, which we humans are. We are both theoretically and practically. We can have lost our understanding about what different kinds of practical abilities are, and what those abilities can mean. To make things are also something important for us humans to do. A final conclusion can be, that these criminals, don’t want those who make the things, to have any rights regarding the values they create. That will then, also be the same for all kinds of work, which people do. Workers shall not have possibilities to achieve power to assert their interests. I think these criminals don’t want a composition of different interests. They want their own interests to be the only interests, which shall decide how everything shall be. It is idiotic to try to lock the development. Today, things are different from before. In the future, things will be different from today. We humans are under way with understanding more and more. This is something I have thought about today. I think it can be more with these criminals. These thoughts have appeared as what I experience it was about, which these criminals disliked me for in 1976. I experience that they disliked me because of my practical skills, that was what I most of all was, at that time in 1976, a person with different practical skills. Exact and correct are two terms which function together with each other. Can it be possible to say; theoretical correct, practical exact? Well…, maybe. It can be possible to say: To understand something is theoretical. To do something is practical. To understand correctly and do it exactly; is a way of using these two terms. To find out exactly and understand it correctly; is another way of using these two terms. Below I have made a schematic picture of correct understanding with exact focus. You encircle correctly around it all, and locate exactly from different angles; and find out what it is. ► Link to four larger pictures. Separate window. April 12, 2016, David H. Hegg That peoples all over the world don’t know what these criminals do, forms a lack of natural resistance. Lake of resistance, has an effect as a vacuum. This works as an inverted power; which gives these criminals power, because of the lake of power against themselves. It is as the power these criminals have, is that they have taken the power away from the peoples. Peoples don’t know about what they should have reacted against. The criminals have taken the reaction against themselves, away from the peoples. They have taken away the peoples’ possibility to resistance. These criminals can experience this situation as enormous power. This is a manipulation of the peoples in the world, which creates a manipulated power to these criminals. This works because the peoples don’t know about it. This can be compared with being blind, against an enemy who can see. To know about it, can be compared with being able to see. When we understand what these criminals do, then they have lost this manipulative inverted way of having power. To understand about these criminals, will in many ways be to find out about how oneself have been influenced directly or indirectly. It is also necessary to find out about them. This will in some ways, be a kind of mental development against them. April 14, 2016, David H. Hegg In a good community, there is a strong social fellowship, with a living experience of community. There are living ties of fellowship between all the peoples. If one of the inhabitants gets problems in different ways, the others will take hold of that person, to bring the person back to a good situation. This can be regarding all kinds of difficulties, like being exposed to something bad, or that the person has started to do something bad. It can be all kinds of difficulties. The inhabitants in such a community, will early take hold of and bring the situation back to a god situation again. If one of the inhabitants gains advantages in different ways, that people doesn’t fail the others, but continues to be a strength for the others. A society like this; is a harmonious, strong and constructive society. A society like this, doesn’t lose one another, neither because of disadvantages nor because of advantages. The society will win; instead of lose. Without the society, no one had got disadvantages or advantages. I think a society like I here have described with a few words, is something these criminals ruin. I think the criminals who use mind control, want to ruin this strength between the peoples, as much as possible. The society I here have described, is the society the modern political development want to develop. It is much to think about and care about, to be able to develop such a society. It requires much social activity and initiative among the people, with development of knowledge and understanding about how to develop a good society. The reward is a safe and nice society for all, were it is good to live. People in a society like this, understand that they gain a lot valuable by being like this. Institutional measures like crime prevention measures, police and social welfare offices, etc.; can’t be primary measures. Measures like these, can only work as secondary measures. I think it is a catastrophe that these criminals ruin this. I think this is the only way it is possible to succeed with a modern society. I think, that this is only one of different things these criminals are doing. I also think they want to cause wars, to break down all the warring factions. I think these criminals do many different things. This text is only a few key words about this, to bring the topic to light. April 15, 2016, David H. Hegg I think the criminals, who use mind control, make us to be like race horses wearing blinders, which prevent the horses from seeing to the rear and the side. I started to think about this, because I began to think that the most important problem for the economy, is the economy itself. After some time, I started to think that this isn’t something only regarding the economy. Therefore I use the heading blinders; instead of economy as the heading for this text. I think this is something typical, regarding what these criminals are doing in many ways, regarding many things. In this text, I will concentrate on the economy in that occasion. However, I think what I am taken up with, is something typical with different important parts of our societies and our lives. As typical with texts I write, like this one, I have some thoughts about how to get into position in one’s thoughts, to be able to look at this in another way, than what is common today. And I write a few key words about that. This different view, is about that it is the economy itself, which develops the economic problems. This has among others to do with that the economy has become too much dominant, so other important and necessary considerations lose importance. It is possible to say; that a bricklayer know how to build brick houses, but not how to build houses made of wood. A carpenter know how to build houses of wood, but not how to build brick houses. To build hoses of both bricks and wood, bricklayers and carpenters must cooperate. The economy has more and more developed to be a glorified and protected factor of power. The economy develops as a problem. This is because of these criminals’ trickeries, which it is important to find out about. If we take a step aside; it is possible to talk about the rich, and the poor. In a historical perspective, it typical has been the rich, who have taken unfair advantages of the poor. It hasn’t been any co‐operation, it has been that the privileged have risen themselves above the poor, and controlled them in a selfish way. If the economy has its intention to continue, like that; then the economy hide a bad intention, which we don’t see, because we wear blinders. Is this the problem? I think the problem is the criminals, who use mind control. And I think these criminals make it difficult, and even impossible, to understand what we are doing ourselves. I think these criminals lay a smoke screen over the establishing of routines, which they trick us to work in. This way of laying a smoke screen over what they really want to achieve, is what I think about with saying that these criminals make us wearing blinders. It is profitable for the rich to co‐operate with the rich, and to take unfair advantages of the poor. For the poor to co‐operate with the poor, isn’t profitable. Typical for the modern time, the poor have tried to organize themselves to achieve political reforms. In all social groups, other peoples also have more or less been interested in achieving such political reforms. I think this is one of the ways of stating the problem, which these criminals want to make it impossible for us to understand. If it looks like, that it is only one way the societies can be; then some people hide how they are tricking us. Societies can be in many different successful ways. We must agree about how we want the societies to be, typical there are many considerations to think about. Democracy isn’t that oneself shall decide how everything shall be. Democracy is to show regard for what others want, and make good possibilities for all. It is impossible to set the fox to keep the geese. (In Norwegian we say that “it is impossible to set the he‐goat to look after the bag of oats ”.) The economy develops as a covert system of power. These criminals also develop different other systems of power. These systems cause difficulties. Automatic systems by machines, leads to that human conditions don’t have any significances. Human values are the most important values, which must be on the top of importance. We must understand and find out about how we can create human values. If you want the world to be, like a race track for race horses, of course you have to do what are needed to gain that. But, if you want the world to be something else, of course you have to do something else, which are needed to gain something else. In this text I have used different metaphorical descriptions. That has to do with that it is important to do this correct. In this text, I only make a fast sketch about this. Finally, I will write a metaphor more. We live with blinders, like race horses on the race track. We are like race horses, which run lap after lap, while those who sit and watch, cash in the big winnings. This isn’t the way this world is meant to be. Instead of developing human societies; an inhuman system which these criminals live by, is in progress in the world, in a way which makes us experience it, as something else that what it really is. These criminals’ strategy, is that their own road lead forward. All other’s roads, shall be destroyed. What shall we do with this? I think we must find out and understand about it. We must be cleverer than ever, and that is something we today have possibilities to be, we must use these possibilities we now have, that way. This is serious; we must behave responsibly. We must think about that this world shall continue to be a good world, also in the future. We are responsible for the world’s future. Small steps the right way, are better that a big step the wrong way. Learning while doing, is what this will be; I think. Learning by small steps, is a safe way to go. This world must change, it is no doubt about that. We humans are more than we know about, every one of us is that; and that is also the whole world. These criminals want to get humans to be like simple things. These criminals are dangerous idiots. What is typical with how the modern history started to gain improvements? It is, that the humans started to find out correct about things. And they started to understand more correct. This is what, these criminals have started to ruin. Because of that, it is necessary to find out correct about these criminals, and understand correct about them. ▪ Disasters are something especially. Disasters need as fast help and improvements as possible. Disastrous social problems also need fast improvements. ▪ In the period these criminals have influenced us to struggle with how they trick us, the nature conservation has been neglected. I think this is something much more serious, than we understand now. I think we have to do some important things fast. In the period these criminals have influenced us, we could have created a very different world, than the world we have today. I think we today should have understood clearly, much about how valuable the nature is, it is more than we understand. Humans don’t have abilities to create a world like the world we live in, that is what we can understand today. We must take care of the world. April 20, 2016, David H. Hegg It is as if the criminals, who use mind control, have influenced me to get a taboo. It also looks like, that the same taboo, has become a taboo everywhere in the world. I think that is because of these criminals’ influences. This taboo is; that no one shall think, write or talk about; how oppression is a methodical main element through the whole history of our countries. This is still one of the most important things in our societies, in proportion to almost everything. Why shall no one talk about this? That must be because of these criminals’ influences. It is no doubt about that. They have been able to change how we now understand about our societies. This is still an essential unsolved problem. It is one of the most important political themes. Our societies are power systems, where oppression is methodical main elements. No places in the world is this problem solved. This political theme has been concealed. There are different angles to approach this problem. But it is impossible to evade it. It is an inevitable political theme. It can’t be swept under the carpet. It is a difficult problem, and it is necessary to do much regarding this problem. The solving of this problem has been stopped, many years before today. Maybe this problem has been covered more and more, already from a few years after 1900, I don’t know exactly. It seems clear as if that these criminals influence all parts of our societies. They change the whole picture. They increase the space between different social groups, and different other things. So, this is something I write about in connection to what these criminals are doing. I think this problem was solved halfway, and when we find back to correct understanding about it again, there are still much more to find out and to do about this problem. I think one of the most important things we humans do, is to find out correctly and understand correctly Because of that, we afterwards can start to do correctly. The methodical oppression in our societies’ power systems, establish different levels of economic living standards. These levels of living standards, establish different experiences of how it is usual and correct that things shall be. To develop the social class gap in the societies, has never had anything to do with that some are clever and some are stupid. It has to do with something else; it has to do with betrayal. If you are clever, you shall not betrayal your fellow men. We humans are created different, and that is because we together shall be able to reach good results. This text could have been much longer. But my intention with this text, is to bring into focus that I think the covering of this problem, is something these criminals have influenced to. Have these criminals also been able to create other taboos? Maybe, I just thought about that when this text was finished. This is typical for me, typical things come one at a time, after one another in my thoughts. April 24, 2016, David H. Hegg The four most known declarations of human rights; are the English, American, French and United Nations’. These declarations are in focus, when different people have been taken up with contributing to, that communities shall develop in a more fair and proper way. The declarations influence the humans to think about why they were written, what they are about, and what their aims are. These four declarations have weight in the history. Here are how the four declarations begin. English Bill of Rights of 1689: An explanatory paraphrase: “The king cannot suspend or create laws without the consent of parliament.” The American Declaration of Independence of 1776: “We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The French Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789: “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.” United Nations’; Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” April 25, 2016, David H. Hegg What do the declarations of human rights tell us? Different things of course. But I think about one particular thing. That is; that humans show a clear tendency, to start to oppress other humans if that isn’t prevented. And people start to cheer their oppressor. Because of that, communities become so bad that such declarations have been written. April 26, 2016, David H. Hegg Oppression and injustice are two words with two important meanings. Whether the firs leads to the second, or the second leads to the first, seem both to be possible. I don’t follow that way of stating the problem any longer, in this text. Fair distribution of the values created by the community; is an issue which gets importance, when you understand about oppression and injustice. It seems for me, as if the criminals, who use mind control, have influenced me to be confused when I think about this issue. And it is as if I shall not be able to understand anything sensible about this. It seems for me, as if these criminals have created an unnatural and artificial situation in the world, regarding this issue. I think it is necessary to find out about this, and to change this situation to be natural and true. I think we today easily could have had a good situation, there we politely open the doors for one another all of us, and help one another forward. A complicated and incomprehensible economic distribution system, is something totally unnecessary. I think these criminals create a lot of sorrows and problems for us all in the world. We mustn’t fight against one another; we must find out about these criminals and stop what they are doing. April 26, 2016, David H. Hegg How these criminals, who use mind control, change our experiences of things; is one of those things it is possible to focus on, regarding what these influences can be. The cause for this text, is that I now thought about a memory image, which these criminals have influenced me to get. Because I thought about this memory image, I started to think about that these influences can influence all kinds of experiences in different ways. This memory image is like this: In the summer, presumable in 1987, I sit in a chair in my living room, with the windows open. This is three stories up from the back yard, where I lived at that time. It was a sunny warm summer day. The entryway to the back yard is normally open. Down the back yard I faintly hear my daughter saying to her mother, “why”. And faintly I hear her mother answering, “I can’t”. I sit still with an empty smile in my face, and don’t do anything. I think that I can’t do anything, and that it is impossible for my daughter’s mother and me to talk to each other. At this time, I didn’t remember anything about what had happened in 1986. Absolutely all memory about what had happened, had more and more disappeared from my mind. Afterwards, this memory image had influenced me to experience, that this was how the situation had become. (Such a memory image hasn’t happened.) I write this example, because it is a fact. It is such facts, which get me to think about what these criminals can do. The fact is, that this memory image is a memory image they have caused. It also seems like that they can say things, like; be angry, be glad, be sad, laugh, smile, cry, etc.; to influence us regarding different situations and the like. I can write another example, about something I think they can have been able to cause. That is to develop heroin addiction in the societies. They both influence how people become addicted; and how the societies start to do things which not help. I think this is a typical way of doing things, for these criminals. In this example, I have mentioned two parts; I think they also can influence systems of more than two parts. They influence all parts, to reach a goal they hide behind such influences. Why should they influence to heroin addiction? That is because they want to break down our societies. We shall be emotional dulled. We shall accept that problems aren’t solved. And our societies shall fail. There can also be other intentions. It is impossible to try heroin one time, to find out how it works. After only one time, it is very difficult not to use it again, and again, etc. Heroin is an extremely dangerous drug. If a person has got heroin and used it, that person must travel far away from all the people who gave the person the drug, as fast as possible. It must be impossible for these other people, or person, to find the person they have conned. It isn’t so difficult to stop after one time, as it is later, after having used heroin more times. But it is always possible to stop again; it is difficult, but not impossible. people need help to be able to stop with a developed heroin addiction. This is something I know from several first‐hand sources. It is possible to be addicted to heroin, without being able to understand what goes on, because one has become so woozy all the time. Typical the police don’t help such people, the police only makes it worse for them. This has to do with how the societies do these things in a wrong way. An elephant don’t care about a mosquito, to say it that way; the societies don’t do enough the right way with this dangerous problem. The societies show these unhappy heroin addicts the back, and that is the way the societies lose against this problem. In this text, I have wanted to bring into focus how these influences, can change how we experience all kinds of things. When we know about such tings, then it is possible to begin to understand about such things. And it becomes possible to begin to change what these criminals have been able to cause. This can be regarding all kinds of situations. For example; I think the criminals influence to change how we experience that our societies develop injustice. Earlier, injustice was something very unpopular and bad. I think these criminals influence us to experience injustice as something very popular and fine. They influence us to be idiots. The development of injustice hasn’t failed. April 28, 2016, David H. Hegg When I watch the news on TV, and see how societies around the world are ravaged by conflicts, I think about how armed conflicts typical ruin for all the contending parties. Of course, I think that these criminals, who use mind control, have used their methods, to cause these conflicts. I think these criminals, in many ways; have been able to influence people to believe in, and use, the opposite way. The opposite way, I am thinking about; is to use weapons, instead of knowledge and understanding. I shall briefly write what I am thinking about: I think about two typical principles, which work against each other. Principle 1; is that development of knowledge and understanding, are how ideas about human equality and social justice achieve support from the majority of the people in a society. Principle 2; is that use of weapons, are how a historical developed power system put down the majority of the people, and their development of ideas about human equality and social justice. To describe this in a symbolic way; can be done this way: Principle 1; is that the pen win peaceful support from the majority of the people. Principle 2; is that the rifle win against the majority of the people. These two principles are always like this. If these two principles cause an armed conflict; then it is the historical power system, which tries to put down the majority of the people, and their peaceful development of ideas about human equality and social justice. An armed conflict about this, is because the majority of the people defend themselves, against how the historical power system always use weapons to maintain its ownership to have what it want. It is possible to say; that it has taken thousands of years for us humans, to develop our ideas about human equality and social justice. All the time, both good and bad have developed. It is the humans who have developed themselves, it is nothing else than that. And no humans have created the humans, and what the humans are. It is the humans who develop, nothing else. What I am thinking about; is that these criminals hide how they trick all the peoples in the world, to start to believe that they shall use weapons against one another. These criminals do this, because they want to ruin how the majority of the peoples in the world, typical can win against these criminals’ malice in a peaceful way. It is possible to say; that it has taken thousands of years, to develop these ideas about human equality and social justice. And it is typical that it is necessary to work year after year, to develop possibilities to realize such ideas. This is only a few words about this. This text is like opening a door, and be able to look into what this is about. It can sometimes be difficult to find the right key to open a door. But when you have found the key, it isn’t so difficult any longer. When the door is opened, and it becomes possible to understand what is behind the door, then it can be much to do about what it is possible to understand. I have use three days to find the words to this text. When I finally wrote it, I wrote it fast. May 3, 2016, David H. Hegg “Much wants more”, is from one of Aesop’s Fables, “The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs”. This fable is a short story, which can be read in less than a minute. When I tried to find the exact story on the internet, I only found all kinds of different versions. The story is about a wife and a husband, who had a goose, that laid a golden egg every day. This was of course a great blessing, and they become rich. However, as the time went on, they started to want to have more. So one day, they talked with each other and found out; that if they killed the goose, then they got all the golden eggs inside the goose at once. But when the goose was killed, they didn’t find a single golden egg inside the goose. Inside the death goose, it was exactly the same as in all geese. The married couple had lost their riches. Moral: Much wants more, and loses all. It is no unambiguous account about Aesop on the internet. He lived in Greek approximately 620 ‐ 564 before Christ. It repeats that he at first was a slave, who later became appreciated for his cleverness. This is a kind of parable, which it is typical to find different of, at different times, at different places, in the history. This saying is thousands of years old. Therefore, these thoughts have been thought, from a long time back before today. ▪ Yesterday I wrote down “much wants more” on a paper, to remember it. It came up in my thoughts as a strong point. After I had written it down, I put it aside, and thought that then I wouldn’t forget it. Afterwards it was as if this note came in center, of these influences by the criminals, who have influenced me with mind control. After some time, I thought I could write that. It was like this saying “much wants more” was something which should disappear and lose attention. This was so clear, that I thought, that I should write exactly that. May 5, 2016, David H. Hegg I think about the symbol “the broken rifle”; which had attention, and was used as a coat brand, early after 1900. This “antiwar movement” and the visual symbol of a broken rifle, have been surrounded with both trust and mistrust. We humans have always needed weapons to protect us against dangerous animals and dangerous humans. The “peace movement” calls attention to that the weapons can be the enemy of humankind. This is an important topic, which bring different ways of stating the problem to the fore. I write about this, because I think the criminals, who use mind control, hide something regarding this. If the weapons become directed against the criminals who use mind control, we maybe don’t need so much weapons. I don’t know. When the weapons have become something these criminals trick us to use against one another, then the weapons have become our enemies’ weapons, without our understanding about it. I think this is something, these criminals don’t want that we shall understand and find out about. May 5, 2016, David H. Hegg |
When you have opened this printable page, click 'Print', often Ctrl+P, and it will be printed as your printer is set up to print, Cmd+P on a Mac. Below there are 🖶 ► links to the texts one by one. Symbols are printer friendly. Headings are bookmarks. 🖶 ► 24. Different ways of thinking🖶 ► 25. Correct and exact 🖶 ► 26. Inverted power 🖶 ► 27. In a good community 🖶 ► 28. Blinders 🖶 ► 29. A taboo 🖶 ► 30. 1689 · 1776 · 1789 · 1948 🖶 ► 31. A clear tendency 🖶 ► 32. Oppression and injustice 🖶 ► 33. Experiences 🖶 ► 34. An opened door 🖶 ► 35. Much wants more 🖶 ► 36. Peace policy |
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