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Messages 9

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

This time; I have looked for something which I had written about earlier in this messages section. Then I see, that I again and again writes, that now I am finished with this process, which I write messages regarding here. And in the previous message, December 28, 2014; I also wrote that. But just after that message, I got a new factor in my thoughts. I then think, that this is because I do not know, what has been done against me. And this process with writing these messages, has become a kind of reversing, which discovers one factor after the other. I have some unfinished thoughts, abut that this is because I have been influenced to have a driving force to find out wrong, which has led me to find out correct. But, of course, I want to find out about this; and I also think, that this is a maximum fundamental natural driving force. Now I really think, that I have reached a kind of goal; and maybe it this time, will be, that I am finished with this process.

First after the previous message; I got a memory, which I think must be the same as about the box of chocolates with Mon Chéri, which I have written about December 25, 26, 27, and 28, 2014. It is that I bought a box with HOFNAR Casino cigarillos to my wife, at that time when this influence was done against me in 1976.

I can not believe that I have bought these cigarillos to my wife. And therefore I think that this also is a memory image, about something which not has happened. These cigarillos is something I first got in my mind for many years ago, I think it was in the nineties. These two memory images, abut chocolates and cigarillos, have come up in my mind when I have been concentrated about the day, when this influence was done against me. These two memory images, are then misleading influences, which it is positive for me to find out about.

After this; I got thoughts about, that these influences can start up subconscious processes, which the consciousness do not know about or understand. And these thoughts become something I started to think, that is something important. Such subconscious processes can be many things. For example; if you try to remember a person's name, you after some time; hours, days, months, or years; sometimes remember it again. Something can also come up in your thoughts, without any activity regarding that by your consciousness; but when you got it in your mind, then you start to care about it.

I think that these criminals who use mind control, want to make many different such subconscious processes. And I also think that they manage that also.

After this, I started to think about what I wrote about in Messages 3, October 9, 10, 11, 2013. Where I wrote about a memory image, which was about something, which should make me believe, that the police and other social institutions had been taken over by these criminals.

Now, when I write this; I think about that these memory images starts with a little, and become more and more. It also is something, which can be more and more different things; like it is a possibility, which can achieve more and more different things, after a person have started to believe in a little of it. I think these criminals have done this, in a way where I first have been influenced with something very likely, but after I have started to believe in that, it becomes more and more. It works with a step by step tactic; the first makes the second likely, the second makes the third likely, the third makes the fourth likely, and this can continue that way. But you had not started to believe in the fourth; if you not had had the first, the second, and the third first. So it is smart to step back, so it not becomes more and more, but less and less. So, now when I am back where it all began, I hope it has become nothing. That this cigar case was the last.

There are more such things, than I have written about here on this web page. I also think there can be more than I until today have thought about. But these things, like this chocolates and cigarillos, have got much energy in my mind. And I have struggled with finding out about it. Afterwards; it also feels like something similar to washing one's mind and whole creature. Afterwards; such things feels unpleasant in one's whole mind and body, and I want them away.

That these memory images are stronger that real memory; is something important to know. It is something a person will become 100% sure about that is true, even it not is true. It can also replace correct memory, because it is something stronger.

After what I just wrote about in the passage above, I now think that Man's most important ability, is to understand.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

After the previous message, January 3, I first was minded of, that now I should start to do other things. And I came to a kind of stationary state, where I thought about that I had to begin to do other things. I looked through the last message several times; I also did that more than I thought it was necessary. It is typical for me to do more than I think is necessary regarding this. And just now, when I once more had read through this text; some important thoughts started to form in my mind. Like some small insignificant pieces, which came together in my mind, and formed a little and nearly imperceptible explanation, like an nearly invisible important thing.

These pieces in my mind, were; the HOFNAR Casino cigarillos, and what I wrote about in Messages 3, October 9, 10, 11, 2013. These two factors came together with a memory, about that I should have said to my wife in 1976, that I should become a smart one, like the person on the lid of the cigarillos box. I should trick all of them. This should be, that I have a second‐sighted meaning over my life, which helps me to get through to the goal with my life. This became something, which I put in connection with, that these influences can start up subconscious processes. All these pieces became together; an understanding about that I should have been formed, to become very smart and dangerous against them, who I in the end should have been influenced to believe, that are these criminals. I should not have found out correct, and started a very smart and dangerous activity, based on wrong knowledge and wrong understanding.

This memory; about that I should have said to my wife in 1976, that I should become a smart one, like the person on the lid of the cigarillos box; have been something which have come up in my mind. I think that was in the nineties. And it became something which seemed to be, something which had happened, which I could not do anything about, that was in that way.

Today; these pieces formed an understanding, about that I have been influenced to experience, that God have a plan with my life, and helps me. Now; I am so different from what that should have been, so it was something distantly for me, which slowly and nearly imperceptible became something, which I understood.

I think that this can be the total plan these criminals have influenced me to realize.

To write a text like this; is for me, to manage to make an understandable account about things it is difficult to comprehend. The first way of expressing a text like this, is to form what this can be. After that again, it is possible to come further on. All these messages are only some kinds of working notes, something I have written to work more with it later on. I think it is good, that others can find out something about this, as early as possible.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

After the messages January 3, and 4; different thoughts have appeared in my mind. These thoughts are connected to what I have written about in these two messages. I also perceive this in a way, which dimly forms the outlines of something systematically.

First; I have got some thoughts about that the God I wrote about in Messages 3, October 9, 10, 11, 2013; pops up like a jack‐in‐the‐box. This is something I both think, and which also emerges in my thoughts, as something these criminals have said to me. But it is impossible for me to be sure about that, because it also emerges in my thoughts; that these criminals have said to me, that all I think they have said to me, shall be what they have said. A jack‐in‐the‐box is a toy for children; where a figure, a clown or a jester etc., pops up of a box as a surprise.

The next is; that the box of chocolates with Mon Chéri, and the box with HOFNAR Casino cigarillos, which I have memory images about, that I gave to my wife; have moved from happening in 1976 to 1975. This is; that when something, like that, happens with this; then it is, like something goes on with this.

The third is; that I think, that I now have got the control over the four corners, of the quadrangle all these influences forms in me. This also emerges in my thoughts, as something these criminals have said to me; that they have the control over the four corners, of the quadrangle all these influences forms in me. It is impossible for me to be sure about, if this is like that or not.

The fourth is; that this Cod I wrote about in Messages 3, October 9, 10, 11, 2013; could be something like a court jester, which it is a picture of, outside the box with HOFNAR Casino cigarillos. That was a funny and ruthless and completely merciless God. This is not a God; it is something, I think these criminals laugh at, when they are influencing people that way.

My summing up is; that I have succeeded in stepping back and out of this control over me, that is something I now can be sure about. But I can not be sure about exactly what these criminals have said and done against me. I think I am near to understand what it is; but even though, I can not know for sure, to what extent I have a correct or a wrong understanding of what they have done against me. But I am sure about that I now have succeeded in stepping back and out of this control over me. And I also have an understanding about, that I have some kind of control, over what this situation is for me.

I also think about how these influences can look like something pointless, when you look at it from outside; but it takes a total control over you, when you do not understand anything about what it does to you. So these two differences, are something important to understand about. In one way, it is something pointless. In another way, it is something extremely dangerous. This has to do with how this works in an incomprehensible way. It helps to find out and understand about it. And what helps, can of course help more and more and more etc.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

In the previous message, January 6, in the fourth chapter, I wrote about how I now have got thoughts about; that I have got the control over the four corners, of the quadrangle all these influences forms in me. In the first chapter, I wrote about that I dimly can perceive the outlines of something systematically. Now I think that this quadrangle is a kind of labyrinth, which should have had a control over me, which more and more should have taken the power over me, when I had I tried to do something against this. This should have worked in a way; so I more and more had come under control of these criminals, when I tried to work against them. I should more and more got through to the opposite, of what I had tried to reach. I should also more and more become the opposite, of what I am. It should have been impossible for me, to come out of this systematism. I also think, that in the end, I should have killed them who had wanted to take these criminals, instead of being able to find out about these criminals. This is what I now think that this systematism is; and it has no power over me at all.

It also looks like for me, that the main purpose these criminals have had with me, is to ruin what I could have been. It can look like for me, that they have done something with me, which they do not care about afterwards. But I have thought about, that the destructions against me in 1986, can have been because of influences which have been planned exactly for that time. Beyond that, it looks like they have wanted me to misinform about what this is.

I have also thought about if it is possible for these criminals, to make influences which are about dates and particular times of the day. And influences which are about arriving at a place and meeting a particular person or people. Ever since I started to find out about these things, I have thought about that, but I do not know anything about if such things are possible or not. In any case; these influences do not force you to do things. But they can push you ahead to do things, but not so much that you must do it. These influences trick you into doing something. And things can develop in a way, which you do not understand. But if you are more careful and do not do things too fast etc., then it is possible to change such influences, even you do not know what it can be. It is important never to start to believe in mysterious signs about things and such, always be factual and sober and thoroughly. If you care about such a possibility, and watch out for such possibilities, it is possible to hinder such things from happening, even you do not know what it could have been. All of these influences are about different kinds of trickeries. These influences are weak possibilities; which these criminals must keep secret, to get them to work. The strength with these influences; is how they can get your own power, to be these influence's power. These influences do not have so much power themselves.

As far as I now can see, I think I have reached a kind of goal with these messages. And now I must start to work in another way with this. This has been clear for me for some time now.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why do birds have wings?
Because they shall fly.
Why shall birds fly?
That is not as easy to answer, as why they have wings. It is not impossible to begin to think about this. It shall be a varied life on Earth; that is my first thought. But what it is, which can be the complete aim, is something we do not know. There is something within this world, which we humans do not know what is.

Why do fishes have fins?
Because they shall swim.
Why shall fishes swim?
That is not as easy to answer, as why they have fins. It is not impossible to begin to think about this. It shall be a varied life on Earth; that is my first thought. But what it is, which can be the complete aim, is something we do not know. There is something within this world, which we humans do not know what is.

Why do animals have legs?
Because they shall walk.
Why shall animals walk?
That is not as easy to answer, as why they have legs. It is not impossible to begin to think about this. It shall be a varied life on Earth; that is my first thought. But what it is, which can be the complete aim, is something we do not know. There is something within this world, which we humans do not know what is.

Why do humans have thoughts?
Because they shall understand.
Why shall humans understand?
That is not as easy to answer, as why they have thoughts. It is not impossible to begin to think about this. We shall understand about what we are; that is my first thought. But what it is, which can be the complete aim, is something we do not know.

There is something within this world, which we humans do not know what is. And that is something which has to do with, what it is; which is outside this world, and outside the universe; which is what it all has come into being because of what is. I do not know what that is. Something I think, is that this can be something, which is outside the system, which we are within.

Not to ask enough questions; can make people think, that they know everything. But it is not possible for us humans on Earth, to know everything.

We humans can be able to understand as much as possible, of what it all is. But we can never decide, what it all shall be.

A human's worst threat, hindrance, destroyer, etc.; can be the human itself. This is like that, both for one human, and for groups of many humans. What I think about in this regard; is how the humans' own mistakes, can ruin for them more than anything else. And not to want to understand one own mistakes, can be the worst mistake humans can do.

Sometimes humans can never reach their aims; if they not bout change their aims, and also how they want to gain them.

I think this is something these criminals, who use mind control, know. Because of that, they influence people to get aims and ways of reaching them, which are impossible for them to achieve. And I also think, that this is something these criminals do in a way, which ruin for all different humans on Earth. They can have influenced all of us, to do things wrong; in a way which we do not know about, that they have done against us.

An example: If all different groups in the world, only care about the half of what it is, which they care about; that can form the basis of conflicts. And if one group only care abut one of the half part, of what it is, which they care about; and another group only care abut the other half part, of what it is, which they care about; then such a situation has become a result of systematical manipulation. In this example, two groups have become enemies; when they care abut two different sides of the same case. But this is only an example, to make it possible to understand what I think about.

Many of such things are like mathematics. You do not reach the answer, by being angry etc. You only reach the answer, by doing it correct etc. And the worst of it all; is that by using methods like this, it can be possible for some people, to make others mad of hatred against each other.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Below I have written some thoughts, which are about my view on what the whole is. Something exists, that is for certain. And that is something serious. These thoughts give me a kind of spiritual footing, and understanding about that it is something serious with our existence.

The humans can understand more, than they can decide.

A fundamental question for us humans, is if it exists something or not. Something exists. What is it which exists? It is possible to understand, that our universe is a result. Because of that, it is possible to think; that what really exists, is the cause. The cause for this universe, is something we do not know what is. It is possible to think; that this cause has created, or in a way we do not understand, caused the system, which we are within. This system; which consists of electrons, protons and neutrons. The cause for this, can be something else, which we do not know what is.

Nothing come into being from nothing. Therefore it has always been something. That can be the cause for this universe. What it is which always has exists, is something we do not know what is.

I have also thought about; that movement, is what causes time in our existence. Movement in the space makes time. This is only an interesting thought I have ended up with, when I have thought about, what it is which exists. This is something which creates time, as a phenomenon in our existence. But I do not understand more than that.

A bird is an intelligent construction.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Why do people believe in delusions? One thing; is that people can develop delusions, and people can be influenced to develop delusions. But in this text; I want to turn the spotlight on, how delusions are spread out by how people believe in, what other people say to them. It is dangerous only to believe in what other people are saying; without doing anything to find out about if it is true or not. As a matter of fact, that was what happened against me in 1986. People believed in something some people said, which not was true. I had been taken up with that there were some people around me, who had delusions. That was what started this situation in 1986. Who listened to delusions that time? The police just as much as anybody others. It had not been difficult at all, to find out that nothing of it was true. What is difficult; is to find out that one has done something wrong. I did not knew what they were doing; and no one said it to me. This is an old phenomenon; which has been something very dangerous in our whole history down to our time today. Think about how much evil people have done, because they only have believed in what others have said to them, something they never should have done. Such things can become more and more, and worse and worse. It was when people started to understand about such things, that our societies started to become better into or modern history; something it is catastrophic to forget.

The human brain is an intelligent construction.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A bird is an intelligent construction. The human brain is also an intelligent construction. A bird is a whole living creature. The human brain is a body part. Both of them are constructions.

A bird can do what it is meant to do, and it is good at it too. The human brain can also do what it is meant to do, and it is good at it too.

A human's head is meant to be more, than only something to have the hat on, but it is suitable for that too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In the course of the last days, I have found one more discovery. It is a little detail, which has great importance. This is regarding such a memory image, which I have written about earlier. Something I have been influenced to remember, which not has happened.

This memory image has been very clear in my mind for many years. It should have happened when I was a youth. I was together with two other friends, a dark evening on a small road in the neighborhood. There were simple lamps along the road, which went through a residential district with gardens and a little park. This road started by the subway station which is on the top of the ground here outside the city center.

Some other youths came against us from the subway station. We had not seen them before. I am not sure any longer, if it was three or four. It is a long time since I first had this memory image. One of them asked for matches. When one of my friends gave him matches, he put my friend down on the ground, and all of them started to kick him when they laughed. I said to my other friend, that now we must take them, and he reacted immediately and ran away. I shouted that they should stop, and shouted to my friend that he should stand up. They stopped kicking him; I said to him that we had to find the third, and we ran towards him.

The friend which had been kicked, said to me that I had looked so dangerous. And here comes my new discovery which I have found. This is because I shall think I am dangerous.

Other such things also support the same, that I shall think I am dangerous. For example that I made me a dagger of tree, when I was a child, which also only is such a memory image.

Other memory images which are about my childhood and youth years. Are that we flew with big kites, which we drew up in the air with bicycles; and a friend and I made a telephone to each other with a radio and a tape recorder. All such memory images are typical put together of different parts, which makes them credible.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lastly in the previous message, January 27, I wrote about a memory image. It was about that we flew with big kites, which we drew up in the air with bicycles, when I was a child.

It is a long time ago since I first got this memory image. When I remember it better; it was that we tried to fly with big kites, but we did not succeed. In connection to this; I also remember an old memory image, about that we built a high tower, higher and higher, with shuttering wallboards which now are obsolete. These shuttering wallboards had different sizes, where made of boards, and not larger than it was easy to carry them. Such wallboards lay around after the building activity. Some adults came and stopped us. This has nor happened.

I see these two memory images as something similar. This is something which comes as something else, than the correct memory about my childhood, which is influenced to disappear.

The memory image about a telephone connection, contains also that the wire was tapped. We should have used dynamite wires, which also lay around after the building activity.

These memory images are systematic influences, which are done in a way, which makes them credible.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The last week I have been taken up with a movie series, which I watched together with my friends, when I was a teenager. I had not thought to care about this movie series at all. One day, a short time ago, when I was walking around in the city centre in Oslo; I went into a shop which sells CDs, LPs and DVDs etc. And without having planned it, or thought about it; I started to look after one DVD from this series. I thought that I only had seen one of the movies from this series, and looked after that one. I only found a box set, with all the movies from the series. First I did not want to buy this box, and I looked around in the shop without having any idea about shopping anything. After being in the shop for some time, I bought the box set, because it did not cost more than a little more, than one DVD. But it was like I only wanted to care about one movie from this series.

After I had come home, and watched the one movie which I thought I only had seen; I become uncertain about what I had seen when I was a teenager. I watched all the movies, 14 pieces. After that, I watched all the movies I could have seen until 1974, 5 pieces. Then I started to think that I maybe had seen all these 5 movies. And it was like it was difficult for me, to find out about this.

This movie series is a Norwegian series called Olsen‐Banden (The Olsen‐Gang), based on a Danish series with the same name. It is a humorous crime series, with a completely unrealistic contents, where the criminals are some good‐natured people who are very unlucky. The police are humorous described, and is also very unlucky. The series makes fun with these criminal characters and police characters, in a way which is very unreal. The real world is not at all like this movie series; and that is something I have thought about now, when I have been taken up with these movies. This nice story about such things in the society, which makes people laughing; is about something, which not at all is nice and something to laugh about, in the real world.

All these years I have been taken up with this, I have thought about that these criminals, who use mind control, have influenced our societies regarding how we behave and react. I have thought about that they have influenced us to laugh away things we could have understood about our societies; in a way which have changed how we were regarding such things before. And I have thought about that they have influenced us to laugh away our own significance.

What I first thought was one movie; I later thought could be, that we saw five movies. And to get this back in correct order; was like changing a messy incoherent muddle, into an extensive picture, clear and comprehensible. To gain this change, I have seen these five movies many times, the first more than the last, five to eight times maybe. It started to become something with these movies, after I had seen them several times. These five movies are:

(The Olsen‐Gang);
first night August 11, 1969.

Olsen‐banden og Dynamitt‐Harry
(The Olsen‐gang and Dynamite‐Harry);
first night August 10, 1970.

Olsen‐banden tar gull
(The Olsen‐gang takes gold);
first night September 9, 1972.

Olsen‐banden og Dynamitt‐Harry går amok
(The Olsen‐gang and Dynamite‐Harry goes amok);
first night December 26, 1973.

Olsen‐banden møter Kongen og Knekten
(The Olsen‐gang meets The King and The Fellow);
first night August 15, 1974.

The reason why I write about this; is that I got some clear thoughts: I thought that it is not my memory, which has disappeared; it is the connection to my memory, which has disappeared. An experience of disorder in the memory, is also what it is about. And to get these things in order; is like changing myself, like changing who I am, because I remember who I was when I saw these movies. Because of these thoughts; I wrote this text.

I have thought about that these criminals, who use mind control, can have influenced me regarding this movie series. But I can not find out about how. It is something suspicious about that I was so sure about, that I only had seen one movie. That movie was called Olsen‐banden og Dynamitt‐Harry (The Olsen‐gang and Dynamite‐Harry) in my mind, but I did not remember what the movie was about.

All these movies have also been shown many times on TV, and I have seen them, but not thought about them. This series has been popular both in Denmark, where it was made in 14 pieces, from 1968 to 1998; and in Norway, where it also was made in 14 pieces, from 1969 to 1999.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Just now, when I paid attention to the TV news about wars around in the world, at the same time as I was working with this web site on my computer; I got some thoughts, which I thought I could write:

In all times past, as we essentially can find out about it; it always has been like that the instruments of power in the modern societies, the last thousands of years, have had the power over the people. It is something completely new, and totally unusual; that the people shall have the power over the instruments of power in the societies; which is modern democracy. This is such a big change, which affects all the citizens; so it is necessary to care very much about it. Such changes do not come easy; to think that, is a terrible mistake. Such changes are also something intellectual, which need peace to be developed. And such a peaceful intellectual development, is what a opposite interest is threatened by. Therefore such a opposite interest; can gain their interests by causing wars, instead of peace. They can influence others to start wars; they do not make war themselves.

What it all is about; is that Mankind is in progress, with being what the humans are. And that is something important, which is something else. It is a loss for Mankind, not to care enough about what this is. It is not the humans who have decided how this is. What is it then? It is something else than the humans. We must understand about what this is. The humans have not created this world and this universe; therefore this world is created by something else than the humans.

To create a concept, about that the humans shall decide what has crated Mankind and what the meaning is; is the same to elevate oneself to God. No humans are God. Humans can understand, that is what humans are.

What is not something new, is that the people do not understand enough; about what all the small changes which others do, to get power over the people, to get advantages because of it; in all results in. In the course of many years, and several generations, many small changes in the societies, can have turned around what people in the beginning thought was in progress. Each time it seems harmless, but each time it has tricked the people a little, in a way which they did not understood; and in the end, it all has turned around what it was, the people in the beginning thought it was, what it should have been. Simultaneous, the people who have achieved the power over the people, do not nor understand what has happened; neither with the societies, nor with themselves. So changes are necessary for all humans, not only for some of them. And such changes have to do with what it is, which really matters.

And in the end of this text; I got some other thoughts about something more to write:

I am totally alone with what I am doing against these criminals, who use mind control; which I write about on this web site. I am one single human, who stands up against them all in the whole world. And I am not at all afraid of them. I think that if these criminals had known about me, which I think they not do; then all of them had been afraid of me. This is because they are so weak. These criminals do not use strength; they use betrayal, and they betray Mankind. I despise these criminals.

You, who read this; you are maybe also alone just now. And I write this, because just you shall understand; that you do not need to be afraid. You need to be calm and careful. But you do not at all need to be afraid of these criminals.

These criminals have been able to start up dangerous things, by influencing other humans; but they are not dangerous themselves.

It is possible to buy what you need; but it is not possible in the same way, to buy happiness, (this is a very short formulation about this). This has to do with the predetermined meaning of Mankind. I think that these criminals do not understand about real happiness, and that they are evil. These two conditions have done them extremely weak.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

After the previous message, February 11; I have got thoughts about what it is, which exactly is different with this influence with mind control, from how other influences are. I have had some kind of concentration about this, in a way which looks at this difference, as a particular phenomenon. And that is something important; it is this difference which makes this method so dangerous.

The first is; the influence with this method is conquering. But how is exactly that? That is what I have thought about today. I have thought about this as a phenomenon; and that is important, it is important to focus on exactly what this difference is.

This influence is something artificial and unnatural. This influence is not something a person has found out, learned, or been told about in a normal way. It turns out as something, which only happens with a person, without any natural cause. And this which only happens, that happens in a conquering way. This is like something the person strongly experiences that is correct in different ways; important, necessary, unavoidable, etc. But such reasons are not the cause, that become the opposite; such reasons are the result by this method.

Hypnosis is also something it is obvious to think about that is relevant in this connection.

A typical experience I have done many times; is that it is necessary to understand, that what I was 100% sure about, is not correct anyway.

These words about this came fast; after I have had this in my mind today. It is something new for me, to formulate something understandable about; and therefore I stop here. This phenomenon, which is this difference, is something important to define.

Something else, is something I have heard several times. It is something which happens when doctors discuss with others. Typical a doctor can say; 'I am a doctor'. Doctors say that to achieve power behind their arguments. It had also been possible for such doctors to say; 'I am God'. These to examples are about the same. It is not who you are, which matters when you talk, but what you say. It is not how you are which matters, it is what you know. Sometimes other people know many thousands times more about something, than what a doctor know about the same. It can also be; that others know something, but doctors know nothing.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

In the second part of the message February 11, I wrote; that 'you need to be calm and careful. But you do not at all need to be afraid of these criminals'. Today I think about; that what is dangerous with these criminals, is what they do to get an individual into the situation where this influence can be done against that individual.

As far I can find out about it; it seems for me, that these criminals were a little extra friendly and taken up with me, at that time they did this influence against me. It can be that one of them wanted to talk with me, in a friendly and interested way. There were also more than one, and all of them were friendly and had gentle faces. That one who wanted to talk with me, asked if I wanted something to drink. After that I become dizzy, and this person said I needed a doctor. And then they set about doing this influence against me.

It is impossible for me to be sure about what they have done against me. And that must be because it is impossible to remember it afterwards. I do not know what these criminals are doing; but her I have written some words about what it is, which is dangerous with these criminals.

These criminals can not do anything which disclose themselves. So in that way, it is impossible for them to be dangerous. But what I have written about here, is a way of deceiving people, which they can do in different ways.

Yourself can also be dangerous against yourself, because you understand too late, that you do something stupid. So it is necessary to be very calm and careful, and to think about this. Think about; that it is yourself, who can do something dangerous.

If you are influenced by these criminals; then it is necessary to apply the brakes on in a very strong way, regarding all you are doing. What you most are sure about that is correct, can be what most is wrong, etc.

But it is possible for yourself to understand it all; only be calm and careful. This influence will lose its effect gradually, as you understand more and more. And it is possible to understand more and more, in a way which goes better and better. Sensible thinking works against all kinds of such influences and their different effects. It helps to bring oneself back to normal.

Idiots around you, are also something very dangerous, which you must be very careful with. Idiots around you, can ruin everything for you. So that is also something to be aware of, from the first time you understand something about this. Because idiots think they understand more, because they do not know or understand anything at all; than you do, who know and understand something. And such idiots can be extremely dangerous. Idiots can always be extremely dangerous, because they always do something idiotic. So do always remember; idiots are very dangerous, do never forget that.

Remember also; the most dangerous idiot, can also be yourself. Never forget that either.

It is something especially to find out about this. It is necessary to be calm and careful. These criminals can not do anything against you; if they not are able to trick you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

For some days ago, I put back some texts from 2003 to 2013, in the 'Miscellaneous' section, (a link on the top of the web site). One of the texts is Crimes, from March 19, 2009. Under this text I originally had this text. This is not included when I put it back again. But I have it here below.

On http://www.youtube.com it is possible to hear this song:

Adriano Celentano il Ragazzo della via Gluck english version

This song was made in 1966. What have we learned after that? What have happened in my part of the world? And what have happened in the rest of the world? I believe that we still have some time to understand what we almost have lost.

Here I add more text which I write today:

Adriano Celentano is an Italian singer.
Il ragazzo della via Gluck 1966

English version, separate window:
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1u7l4H5iqE

In Norway we heard the Swedish version. Sweden and Norway are neighboring countries. The languages are mostly the same, but not completely. This song was very popular in Norway. It is a song which makes an impression on the listeners.

Here is one link:

Anna‐Lena Löfgren, separate window:
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70k2lHsBMKo

The introducer in the beginning of the movie, says:

Anna Lena Löfgran sings about the happy street. That one which disappeared, but which 'the top of the Swedish' listeners wanted to keep on for a long time, yes longest of all too. Because not any tune has stayed on the top for as a long time, as exactly this one.

Her is a translation of the lyrics. I have only tried to translated it word by word as much as possible. Swedish and Norwegian words sometimes have one word for two words in English. The articles are sometimes a part of the word. The difference between these languages, are also sometimes many words for one word in the other language. Many words have equivalent words, but it is also common that words not have equivalent words. The order of the words one after another, also typical change sometimes. And the languages also express themselves in different ways sometimes.

Lyckliga gatan (The happy street) 1967

Anna‐Lena Löfgren (Swedish singer)

The memories come so often to me,
now it all is gone I can not comprehend it.
Gone is the house where the ivy grew along,
gone is the wicket where we stood and hang about.
Happy street you which every day heard our great joy,
once were roses here where now a city fast grows forth.

The happy street you do not exist any more,
you have disappeared with the whole area.
Died down has the play, died down has the song.
High over the ground hovers the concrete,
when I come back it all was so changed,
levelled and destroyed, perverted and profaned.
Shall it between these high hoses one day, rise a song?
As singular and beautiful as that, we once heard.

Yes, everything is gone, and it is only so!
Even so I likely do not want to understand,
that my idyll, which all want to forget,
now is a dream which I once have got to dream.
Everything is gone; the house and the linden;
and my friends are spread with the wind.
Happy street, it is the time which has gone forth.
You have had to give way now to asphalt and to road metal.

The happy street you do not exist any more,
you have disappeared with the whole area.
Died down has the play, died down has the song.
High over the ground hovers the concrete,
when I come back it all was so changed,
levelled and destroyed, perverted and profaned.
Shall it between these high hoses one day, rise a song?
As singular and beautiful as that, we once heard.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

After the last message, February 25; I have thought about what it is, which this song is about. It is not difficult to understand what the song text tells about. It is easy to understand that the song text is about human nature values. And an easy conclusion is that human nature values have been removed and lost their power.

But what is it really which has happened? I think that these criminals, who use mind control, have done something regarding this, for a very long time now. Regarding that, it is necessary to remember, that their motives and goals are something unknown.

We automatically act in accordance with what we know. Something we do not know, is different. I think it is that way. That it is something we do not know. That we do not know about it, is what is important with this.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

After the message Wednesday, February 25; where I wrote about the song about how the way of life has changed, after people started to live in high tower blocks, instead of small houses. The Swedish version with the title 'Lyckliga gatan' (The happy street) from 1967, by 'Anna‐Lena Löfgren', which was the song I heard at that time in 1967; has got me to think about how this has changed.

In the happy street with small houses, it was the people who created the whole situation regarding everything. How the houses looked. The atmosphere among people. If you came from outside, you saw a place where the people had the power over the complete situation. You saw people outside their houses who had the power at that place. If there arose a problem; by humans or something else, the inhabitants were able to take care of it themselves. But more typical, the inhabitants created a good situation every day. Such a place could be without police year after year, typical the police only came to take a look after some years without any problems, and then they could see that people could take care of their own place in an excellent way. Such examples could have been may more than these I have mentioned here.

Dangerous criminals would typical come from outside. Such criminals could be everything; kind people who only looked for something to steal, and corrupted people who stuck at nothing to kill others and steal what they had. People in a happy street could do much against such things also, because they were in contact with each other all the time, and could come together very fast to do something suddenly. But organized criminals was something the police was more able to do something against.

There could be many things with the happy street. But in the happy street you saw the people who had the power there, and who characterized the situation you could experience there.

When people lose such things, it hurts. But when people never have experienced such things, it is more difficult to understand what it is about.

I think that people today have to understand about different such things, which hurt when you lose them; but which you must do more to understand what are, when you never have experienced them.

I think that these criminals, who use mind control, have been busy with ruin such things. This is something I think; it is always important to understand the difference between what a person think, and what a person know. But I am pretty sure about this. But to think something, is not the same as to find out correct, it is necessary to find out correct about all about these criminals. I also think that they want to be like God. Think about it this way; these criminals can choose between the top prize, or the bottom prize, regarding using this method. They choose the top price, they want to be like God. This is what they can do with this method, and they do what they can do with it; that is the way these people are, I think.

This text is about that they ruin what humans are.

Why are they doing this? That has to do with what such things always are about. There are people who do bad things. And it is always necessary to find out about such people. This is also something I do not know anything about. I only know that they have done this against me, I do not know more than that.

Now I also have started to work with the redecoration of my apartment, which I have put off for a very long time now. Now I feel that I one more time have reach a turning point. And I have set about doing things in another way, than I have done the last two years. This change took two years. First I thought that I would need a few days for this change, but I needed two years. It was like a journey into the unknown.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

After the messages February 25, March 4, and March 11; I became taken up with another Swedish song, which I also heard when I was a child. It is a song sung by Edvard Persson (Carl Edvard Persson, 1888 ‐ 1957), to a comedy movie called 'Kalle på Spången' in 1939. Music by Alvar Kraft (Karl Alvar Fredrik Kraft 1901 ‐ 1959). Lyrics by Charles Henry (born Karl Henrik Karlsson, pseudonym Charles Henry, signed later with Henry Henrüd, 1901 ‐ 1967). I remember this song very well; it has a human distinctive stamp, and a spiritual power. I did not know that it was a song to a movie; I heard it many times in the radio when I was a child. The song was very popular in Norway.

The song is called 'Jag har bott vid en landsväg' (I have lived by a country road).

Here is one link:

Edvard Persson, separate window:

Her is a translation of the lyrics. I have only tried to translate the content in the text so identical as possible.

I have lived by a country road

I have lived by a country road in my whole life,
and seen humans come and go.
I have seen the harvests grow,
at my turf in quiet,
while the storks built their abode.
I have seen the springs dawn,
I have heard the storms whine,
I have seen the wild geese's flight under dusking cloud.
I have lived by a country road in my whole life,
and seen humans come and go.

It is the memories evening,
it is peace in a humble abode,
beyond the road you remember their names.
They have found their peace,
after trouble and conflict,
have two humans come at harbor.

I have lived by a country road in my whole life,
and seen humans come and go.
Whatever passes by,
one thing shall for ever continue to be,
it is the love's life melody.
When we tired of years,
in the direction of the unknown walk,
follow future relations well in our tracks.
I have lived by a country road in my whole life,
and seen humans come and go.

Singer: Edvard Persson 1939
Music: Alvar Kraft
Lyrics: Charles Henry

After this, I think it can be interesting to hear another well‐known Swedish accordion musician from the same time. This one is called a Scandinavian musician. Carl Jularbo (born Karl Oskar Karlsson, also called Calle Jularbo, 1893 ‐ 1966). This musician is said to be that one who has made the most recordings in Scandinavia, 1577. That are really many recordings, maybe that still are the most in Scandinavia. This musician played a particular folk music, which is the same in both Sweden and Norway. Carl Jularbo was very popular in Norway.

Here is a link to a musical piece called 'Livet i Finnskogarna' (The life in the Finn Forests) from 1915. It is a waltz. Typical other music types in this category of music, are; reinlender, polka and masurka. This is also music I heard many times in the radio when I was a child, and I remember it very well. It is a musical piece with musical power. This musical piece was very popular in Norway.

Here is one link:

Carl Jularbo - Livet i Finnskogarna, separate window:

When I now have written about these musicians. Another musician from my childhood also steps forward in my mind. This one also a musician I heard many times in the radio when I was a child, and I remember her very well. It is Miriam Makeba. She brought African music around the world, and also to Norway where she was very popular. Miriam Makeba (Zenzile Miriam Makeba 1932 ‐ 2008) was a South African singer.

Here is a link to a song by her, Malaika. The Kenyan musician Fadhili William and his band The Jambo Boys, were the first who recorded this song, called Malaika, in 1960. There are different stories about the song's origin. This movie is from 1969. I do not understand the language in this song. But her voice is a great instrument, which makes fine music it is fantastic to listen to. This song also sounds with a human distinctive stamp, and a spiritual power.

Here is one link:

Miriam Makeba - Malaika, separate window:

When I was a child, I heard much folk music in the radio. And a well‐known Norwegian folk musical piece is called 'Fanitullen', played on hardingfele (Hardanger fiddle). 'Fanitullen' means 'Fanden's tune'. (Fanden is only in singular definite, Fand + en, en is the definite masculine gender article in singular.) This word is a kind of folktale word. It is translated to the Devil in English, but that is misleading. Because in Norwegian, the Devil always is called Djevelen. The word 'Fanden' is a folktale name for the Evil One, from Norwegian mythology and folktales. This figure has several names, typical he is small and cheat, he is a typical loser, but he also is very creepy. He want to impress, and he can impress; this can also get him to do something stupid. There are different figures in Norwegian mythology and folktales; troll, the underground creatures, sorcerers, witches, and different other sporadic strange figures. Because of this, the name 'Fanitullen' is a fairy tale phenomenon.

The legend behind this folk tune, is that a person saw a little man in the basement, sitting on a barrel, playing this music when he tramped the time with his foot on the barrel, and his foot was a horse's hoof. In Norwegian folk tales; 'Fanden' could have two horse's hoofs, instead of two feet. This music category is called 'slått'. You listen to a 'slått', play a 'slått', or 'slåtts'. A 'slått' is folk music. There are two main groups of 'slåtts'; 'gangar' with 6/8 and 2/4 time signature, and 'springar' with 3/4 time signature. Fanitullen has 2/4 time signature, and is called a 'halling'. There are much more to find out about such folk music, it has developed in the course of hundreds of years, and is very good. I heard this slått many times in the radio when I was a child, it is a very good one, and I remember it very well. (The sound of the letter 'å'; is corresponding to walk, if you write it wåk.) (The sound of the letter 'a'; is corresponding to the 'a' in a car.)

Hardingfele (Hardanger fiddle) is a distinctively Norwegian folk instrument. In addition to the four strings, there are four or five strings below the four strings.

Below it is a link; where it is possible to hear Christian Borlaug playing 'Fanitullen' on Hardingfele (Hardanger fiddle). On the picture it is possible to see a Hardingfele. And he also has a Norwegian folk costume on. Such folk costumes are many various in Norway. These folk costumes, musical instruments, and musicians; are typical active at local areas in Norway. This type of music, typically gives people energy and joy.

Christian Borlaug is born in Norway in 1973, and he is well‐known in the Norwegian Hardingfele (Hardanger fiddle) community. He has made two CDs: The CD 'Austmannsspel ‐ slåtter under Norefjell' (2008) (Austmann's play ‐ slåtts under North Montane); and the CD 'Ruske‐Saras minne' (2012) (Ruske‐Sara's memorie). He also takes part on other CD's. He has played around in the world, and won many first prizes. On the web site www.hardangerfiddle.com it is possible to download a MP3 file with the tune 'Fanitullen'.

Here is another link to the tune 'Fanitullen'. This is a tune it sparkles of, and Christian Borlaug plays it indeed very well.

Here is one link:

Christian Borlaug - Fanitullen, separate window:

Another musical piece which also is connected with Norwegian mythology and folk tales, is 'I Dovregubbens hall' (In the Hall of the Mountain King) by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg from 1876. That is music to a dramatic poem and play by the Norwegian author Henrik Ibsen.

Edvard Grieg (Edvard Hagerup Grieg 1843 ‐ 1907) was interested in folk music. He was a classical composer who was inspired by the nature and folk music. He was one of the most of all well‐known Norwegian composers.

Henrik Ibsen (Henrik Johan Ibsen, 1828 ‐ 1906) was one of the most of all well‐known Norwegian authors.

Here is a link to 'I Dovregubbens hall' (In the Hall of the Mountain King), played by the Berlin Philharmonic. It is also lyrics to this music, but that is not taken with in this excellent performance. I heard this music many times in the radio when I was a child, and I remember it very well.

Edvard Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountain King, separate window:

When I was a child, these musical pieces were music I experienced as very fine music. That is also the same today.

There where one state‐operated radio channel in Norway at that time (NRK), which broadcasted one channel (it was closed all night); and a channel on the short wave, to all the seamen. Norway had many seamen at that time. There were also different district's broadcastings from different places in Norway. This channel published a magazine every week. At home we had that magazine, and we ticked off programs we wanted to hear. There where often programs which all in the family heard together, (more than one time every week).

There were thorough articles about many of the radio programs. The programs were made proper and conscientious. There were different categories of programs. Advertising in the radio was forbidden. When you bought a radio, you become registered, and had to start paying a small charge to the one radio station which was available. You could have many radios on one registration.

It was normal that all in Norway listened much to the radio; news, weather reports were important for everyone who worked outdoor, other information, different thematic programs, entertainment, children's programs, etc. The radio should reflect all social groups and ways of thinking in the society. This radio station also had its own orchestra, 'Kringkastingsorkestret' (The broadcasting orchestra).

I had an old portable radio in my room. A portable radio before that time, was quite big and heavy. There were different programs I listened regularly to; for example a program where listeners could write to the program about poems they wanted to hear, the folk music half hour, readings from books (for example 'Hunger' by Knut Hamsun from 1890, read by Olafr Havrevold, which I remember very well, I was taken up with how it would end with the main character in the novel), radio theatre, music programs, other programs and accidental programs. The radio was something interesting.

I also listened to the short wave, where it was possible to hear radio from many different countries. I remember that I tried to make a good antenna, with a long wire. And such an antenna, could make miracles. The radio changed totally, and become fantastic.

Now I have a strange feeling; about that I the last two years, have been so very tired all the time. But now it is like I have come to a place in this mental process; where it is possible for me to rest a little. My thoughts about this, is today, that it is because I have worked against these influences in me.

In the end of this text, I start to think about, that these criminals who use mind control; get people themselves to ruin all what they like, by themselves. To achieve all what they do not like, also by themselves. And to like all they do not like.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

This situation; regarding how the relationship between my daughter, her mother and me, became ruined; had its first catastrophic day, Friday, January 31, 1986.

I have thought about, that this influence against me, by these criminals who use mind control; can have been done 10 years before. That would be Friday, January 30, 1976. I think this can have been done on a Friday, because Saturday and Sunday are free days. It can also be some of the Fridays right after January 30, 1976. But of course, it can have been any day of the week, I do not remember any thing about that.

For a long time now, I have thought about that this influence was done early in 1976; January, February or March. And I have thought about, that it can have been possible for these criminals, to do this in a way; where they have so much control, that they can have set a date for when this catastrophic situation should start, 10 years after they influenced me.

I have no perception about any date. But now I have a strong understanding about that this happened early in 1976. To realise the time when this was done against me, does it all more clearly set out for me.

I also have a perspective regarding this situation in 1986, which is like this: I am influenced. It seems very clear as, that one more was influenced. Maybe two more were influenced. Maybe three, four, five, etc. I am not sure. And I do not know. I look at this situation in a way, where I have different possibilities; there can have been a few people, some more, or many. If there are many, I think they have influenced me, to come together with other influenced people, who were influenced independent of if I had been there or not. But I do not know what it is which is correct regarding this.

From I first started to be taken up with this, I have thought that this influence gets a kind of control; over what maybe are 100% exact functions in humans, maybe only by a few words. And that these functions are some kind of managing functions inside of humans. I have thought about that such functions make it possible for us to feel, remember and think etc., because of that, it is impossible to remember that something, like this influence, has been done against oneself.

I think that bout directly influences, and indirectly influences, are possible. Directly influenced people are influenced by these criminals. Indirectly influenced people are influenced by other influenced people. I think that such transferrings of influences from influenced people, to others, and others again, have to do with the human nature. We are very social creatures, with many natural social functions.

For me, it is like the situation regarding this influence against me, got a fully control. I think that has to do with, how it seems like, that it is managing functions, which this influence takes control over. But I also think, that it is necessary, that no one know anything, about that this is going on. If we had known about this; I think it had been impossible to get this to work, as it has done regarding me. If not I had been able to find out about it, others had understood what had happened. So I think that it is necessary, that no one know anything, to get this method to work. That shows a weakness with this method; and I think these criminals have to eliminate that weakness, and maybe also other weaknesses, to get this method to work. These criminals are very sly, but they are not supernatural.

The 100 % control they have been able to take over me, is something I today think that also has to do with, how they have done something which takes control over everything in my; from a long time before this was done against me, from my earliest childhood. And because no one understood what happened, all the influences succeeded, because they have worked in a slow step by step way, during many years, 10 years from 1976 to 1986. From 1976 down to 2015, are 39 years, and I think that the intention with this influence, was that it should have been more and more. So because of that, it is a big difference, that it now is nothing.

I have some thoughts about, that this influence can have been done in a way, which is similar to program a computer. Not exactly the same, but maybe a kind of the same way of doing something. I do not remember exactly what has been done against me. But this is something I have had in my thoughts about this, form the beginning, when I started to be taken up with this.

These influences start up psychological processes, and they continue and become more and more during the individuals whole life periods. But it is also more that that. How other human functions are influenced, also continue and become more and more.

An example of how these influences can work; is how it for a long time, was impossible for me to retrieve the classical LP records, which I had, when I was a youth. One of these records, was the piano concerto in B flat minor, by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, recorded with piano soloist Sviatoslav Richter in 1963.

For many years, it was impossible for me to find that LP record again. But in December, 2013; eight months after the breakthrough I had regarding this, in March, 2013; it had become possible for me to find it again. I write about this record in 'Message 4', 'Monday, December 9, 2013'; where it is a link to more information about this record with Pyotr Tchaikovsky. It became possible for me to find all the four classical records again, which I had when I was a youth.

At that time in 2013, when I found this record again, I had searched after this record cover on Google Images, where it is possible to search for ' vinyl LP' and a relevant name for the LP record. When I searched for LPs, many covers became shown; and every time I saw this record's cover, I became completely sure about, that is not was that, and I excluded exactly especially that record more than the others, (that one which was the correct record).

For years I did this. After the breakthrough I had regarding this in March, 2013; I understood more about that these influences trick me, and I searched again and again. I thought it was necessary to find something to go on from earlier, to bring me back to what had been correct for me. But I also think, that this ardor for this; also can be because I in the end, should have found a wrong record, and thought that was the correct; but I do not know anything about how this has been done.

So; modern technology changed this; without that, I think it had been impossible. I bought these LP records in a little shop, which only sold classical music. And the shop assistant who also was the owner of this small unique shop, was enthusiastic and talked much about the music I bought. That has also been very important, to get me to remember this again; because I also remember what he said about these records. I saw this LP cover again and again on Google Images for years, and suddenly, I remembered that it was that. This was like forcing through a barrier, to find something behind, which had been hidden by the barrier. This was experienced like a positive joyful explosion in my mind, and that continued for many days afterwards. And I became very taken up with, that I had managed something so very difficult and important like this.

This example has become important for how I understand about these influences; and therefore I also write about it here. There are also many other things with these influences.

Now I also have a clear understanding about, that the complete influence over me, is like this: First, I always should fail when I tried to be kind. To be kind, should always bring its own punishment. But finally, I always should succeed very well in being cruel. I should have used all my abilities and human resources, and all my time; on being cruel. I think this should have been a totally ruin of all what I am, and the meaning I have as a human. Today I think that maybe all of these influences over me, have disappeared; that is because I have understood about how these influences are. All the time I have thought; that these influences have tried to trick me in different ways, so that has always come forward for me, regarding all of these.

I also think that what I have written about here, also can work in the societies and in the whole world, in one way or another. The world we see today, is not the world we should have reached, with all our modern knowledge and possibilities today.

They can have proceed methodically. They can have influenced them who should have found out about them. Or maybe diverted them in another way. When no one know about them, it has been possible for them to first eliminate hindrances, before they start to do something etc.

I also think about that all the need and sufferings in the world today, are something no good humans can think that shall continue, like that. This world must change. But I also think, that these criminals, who use mind control, have made big problems which have ruined big possibilities; and it is important to find out about that. That is, that I think, that it in reality are big possibilities for all the humans in the world today. Just think about the possibilities which are in every human. Every human on this planet, can make more than the single human needs oneself; and I think these criminals have ruined what that possibility can do. This is suppression of the human's possibilities. But what goes on, seems most of all like, that the humans are ruined by conflicts.

So I think these criminals have done something, which causes all these sufferings, and it is important to find out about that. I think there really are plenty of possibilities for the humans on this planet today. All kind of different humans should come together for finding a way to a better world. The first thing to do regarding that, is to find out about this, and understand what has gone on; and it is first of all much to do regarding finding out about this.

A happy world, is the very best that every humans can wish for. Because that is the best to have. From today; it is much to do, before we have reached that goal. How people are, and how they behave, are something important; and such things, are something it can be possible to do something with fast.

It is possible to think; that a human is the pilot in one's own creature. The creature has big possibilities. Oneself only need to learn how to use one's possibilities; the same way as a pilot must learn how to use one's equipments. Because of this, it is much possibilities in the humans in the world. I do not think that it has been created idiotic humans. Humans are a type of very developed creatures. It is how humans grow up and become influenced, which can result in ruined humans; but that can also be corrected.

Every single human can also make the world a better place. To do something positive for others, should normally be something others want. There should be demand for positive things. To do positive things around oneself, in one's job and other places, will be a positive part of the world.

It is necessary to stop them who make problems, to set free the humans' possibilities. This should be one of the most important tasks for a democratic leadership to carry out.

When I was young, in the 1970s, I often heard people say; that we must go with the development. It was talked about, how things developed in the society and in the world. When looking at the world today; it is important to understand, that we should not gone with the development, which has resulted in all the need and sufferings in the world today.

The modern societies today have also become machinelike lifeless systems, without humaneness and personality, in a way which is not good. We should not have gone with a development which results in bad things. To sell our conscience and happiness, is not smart, it is stupid. But the problem is of course, that we have not understood.

I think we humans must control the development, so it becomes something good; not go with a development which ends up with something bad. The development must be controlled by what is good for mankind. Both the democracy itself must be developed, done functional, people must know and understand enough to be able to carry on democracy; and how the societies and the world are developed by democracy, must also be developed. Democracy is that the people have the power over what things shall be in the societies. And it is important to develop this situation in itself, that the people are able to understand the societies and the world. It is necessary to understand what the social system does; and proportions, perspectives and connections in the society. A society is for the humans; not for anything else.

A good social situation must every day be created by the humans at a place. Humans can in many ways automatically be nice; but even so, it is necessary that people actively make a good situation where they live.

I think these criminals make people more and more dependent on how they get things to be. This is a opposite situation, we are not dependent on these criminals; but they are dependent on, that we become dependent on them. This whole situation becomes more and more bad, and is not something necessary.

It is necessary to have an active social situation among the people. A passive social situation among people is dangerous, and can led to many dangerous things; like dangerous stupidity, fanaticism, extremism and exclusion of liability. I also think, that it is not possible for me today, to write all about this; people will learn by doing it, that is always how such things are.

That strong men, and women, shall take care of all everywhere in the societies, look like something doubtful. That seems impossible. Such a way of doing things, can only gain more and more control and power over the people, until the whole situation is terrible. It is the people who must be able to take care of things everywhere in the societies. And there is much to do, to create such a situation where the people take care of things everywhere in the societies.

The people must understand that it is them, who have the responsibility. And it must be possible for the people to show responsibility and do sensible things. Among other things, the people must understand how they shall work together in a coordinated way. Such things must be done possible, by that much are done to make it possible.

When people understand that something is necessary to do, they typical become much more motivated to do something.

Modern economy is not something which is a fundamental part in this world's basic parts, it is not a natural part of the ecological system. The economy is not based on a fundamental truth. Modern economy is something humans have thought of. It is likely, that it can be different errors in our economy, as it works today. I think it is necessary to do a completely reconsideration of the modern economy. The economy can not develop in a way, which suppresses the peoples in the world, and hampering the human's possibilities around in the world. I think it is necessary to do something regarding this. People can not let the economy be like a dictatorship over them. But it claims the most responsible way of being, to begin doing something with this. I think it must be obvious, that these criminals who use mind control, have influenced how the economy is developing; but I do not have any information about this.

My own way of being, regarding dealing with these influences, has been to stop doing more; when I understand that things are influenced by these criminals. And then start to be very careful and thoroughly, and looking at everything down to the last detail in a regular way. These criminals can typical have caused repressions, transformations, wrong experiences and views about things. By doing much more than expected, it has been possible for me to gradually break through these hindrances in my thoughts. This can apply to how different parts of the societies, can have been influenced by these criminals.

These criminals have typically influenced me to get wrong understandings about things. And these wrong understandings about things, have been done in a way, which have the intention to fortify these wrong influences in a deadlocked way.

I think it is wrong, not to believe in the humans. We humans are able to live on this planet, in a good way. If something goes wrong, it is correct to find out about what it is; then it is possible to do something, with how things go wrong. I think we humans are able to win over all the negative tendencies. I think these criminals have done it to be the opposite, the negative tendencies have got their method's driving force. I also think that these criminals are very corrupted.

I think these criminals, who use mind control, have controlled the development, which we others have said, we must go with. This can have been possible for them, because this method has a conquering effect; and influenced people can become conquering, so the influence over them, wins over others around them, and it becomes more and more of these influences. These influences typical are done in a way, which start with something alluring, and end with something terrible. The first step leads to the next step, and in such a way things turn around and it ends with something else than it was in the beginning.

I think that it is possible to do much against this, if we understand about it. I think that to find out and understand about this, makes it possible to eliminate such influences. These influences are dependent on, that people do not know about it.

I think that these criminals do not care about me. They have done something against me one time. That is the only thing it has been possible for them to do against me. And they have forgotten me afterwards. I do not think they have found this web site. I think they have a kind of tactic, which is, that it is impossible, that something can go wrong with their activity, which they keep secret.

When I am finished with this text; I start to think that it seems like, that these criminals are ruining the peoples basis and ability, to have the responsibility and power as a democratic population. It seems like, they are ruining the population's and individual's manner, with the intention to make them irresponsible and indifferent to take democratic responsibility. In this way, they are breaking down the people's cultural foundation.

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