David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
◙ Messages | ||||||
◙ English ● 2014 · 5 |
▼ Messages 5 The last days I have thought about, that I among other things can have been influenced in a way; which I think, it can be easy to do, but difficult to understand. This simple way is this: 1. First; I am influenced by this criminals who use mind control. 2. After that; I have been influenced to influence others. 3. The next; this influence by me, makes other to do thing which I do not like. 4. In the end; I do not like others, because they have done things which I have influenced them to do. This systematic way of doing this, can be in different ways. It shows how dangerous this activity with mind control is. This systematism is only one of different things it can be possible to do with this method. ▬ These messages have among other things been about how I have found back to what was before 1976, when I think this crime has been done against me. That development backwards, has not at all been stagnant. So a good starting point for me, to begin to work with this crime against me, becomes better and better every day. It is a big change which has gone on inside of me. Therefore, my situation in the beginning of this year, is that I understand, that I can write something sensible about this. And I think that it is not so long, before I am in progress with that. Many things have come in place inside of me, the last year. The last I have become in contact with again, is the tea set which we bought in 1975. We also bought a dinner set in the same design. This was something central and important in our life, which had to do with that we had cheerful visits by others. And that was something we wanted to give an enjoyable form with this set. Her is a picture of the tea set. We used a cotton tea filter which we could use for a long time, before it had to be replaced. It was only to rinse it and hang it up to dry after each use. This set was made by the Norwegian faience factory Figgjo Fajanse – Stavangerflint AS, later Figgjo AS, after 1979. The design was by Nils Aarrestad Sivertsen, and the set was called Amber. Now I remember that we were in the shop and bought it, and such things. All of these had disappeared from my mind, the cotton tea filter also. And when it comes back, I experience it strongly for some hours and days. Because of that; I think that it is the meaning with this set, which has been ruined. Something which had to do with friendships and cheerful gatherings. We often drank Twinings Earl Grey tea, but also other teas, like blackcurrant tea. That had also disappeared from my mind. All of these had disappeared from my mind. So what comes back, are many things which this set had to do with. If I transfer this to the society; I think it has to do with becoming rootless. In our case, it has to do with how our inter‐human situation has been manipulated and ruined. The last days, I also have thought about; that if mistakes not shall happen, then mistakes can not be possible. An example of that; is that if it shall be impossible to drive a wrong way, then only one way can be possible. After I have thought about this fore some days, I think that maybe these criminals try to do their crimes after such a strategy. That can be something they do regarding when, where, and how they influence their victims. I think that everything this criminals are doing, is contemptible. If people find out about it, nothing of it will work any longer, they are extremely weak people. ▬
These things are also something which had disappeared from my mind. And I make a little note about it today, so that can help me remember it. In this way; these messages also are my working notes. My own situation is also consisting of many pieces, which have to be put together in a correct way; to understand what it all is. ▬ Just now, I thought that these criminals can have used their method to make it impossible fore humans to understand the conflicts between them. This thoughts comes as a result of what I have been influenced to; I have been influenced to not understand the situation which started to ruin my life for me and those nearest to me. This can lead to that the conflicts ruin people, instead of making them all be better than they were before. Conflicts between humans can be that something is wrong, and to find solutions to these conflicts, can be that the humans make progress and become better than before. To hinder these positive results, can be something very detrimental; which makes way for undesirable effects. This is only something I think; it is not something I know. ▬ The last days; I have thought about how it now soon is one year, since I had a breakthrough regarding this subject. That was when I understood that I had been influenced to write down a note; with the name 'Syver Volden'. About ten years later; this note got me to start to believe in something, which never had happened. It also started to get this influence against me, to begin to work; because I was sure about that the note was something correct. At that time; this name which I found in that note, was something indistinct in my mind. Therefore the note, started to make me want to find out about this. The note become a fact, which only was something I was influenced to think it was. That was a central trickery, which it was decisive for me to understand about. That breakthrough, one year ago in March this year; has brought me to a correct understanding about what has happened to me. And I think that in March this year, I shall sit and work with the first well‐worked‐out text about what has happened to me. After I got back the teapot we bought in 1974 or 1975, I also have remembered the tea we drank. And I started to remember that the Twinings tea tin box we often bought, had a quadrangular lid. Later the lid was changed to a circular lid. To be sure about this, become an important little detail in my memory. Because; then I understood that my memory works correctly in that way. Her is a picture of two such tins, which I have found on the internet. One with a rusty quadrangular lid, 250 g. And one with a circular lid, 4 oz / 113 g. To be sure about this; is for me to be sure abut that I have got a more clear and correct memory again. To find out about some such details, is for me to find some correct facts among other facts in my memory. Some correct facts, makes it more possible for me to find even more correct facts. And this makes it possible for me to get correct facts to brake down a wrong memory. A wrong memory is confusing. A correct memory is understandable. Today I have started to do some changes, here where I now live. Such things have been influenced by this crime against me, for many years. During February; I want to arrange how I shall furnish my little apartment, so it in March is arranged in a way, which makes it easy for me to concentrate about writing the first well‐worked‐out text, about what has happened to me. I shall have a good place to work. I shall have a good place to make food and eat. And I shall have a good place to sleep. In a month; these things shall be in order, that is what I shall be doing the next month. My thoughts about what lies under this situation, which is influenced of this crime in the world; are that this crime has started to destroy a slowly and peaceful development, based on development of knowledge and facts. This is something I think; it is not something I know. ▬ This month is a changing period for me. From the next month, I must start doing things in another way than before on this Web site. I must start working in longer sequences. But today; I can write a few words about what have been my latest thoughts: I have thought about that this crime with mind control, can be seen like burglary into what humans are. That gives these criminals access to underlying human functions, which they not should had access to. And the criminal aspect, can be something important; these people can have based both their methods and their goals, on this criminal possibility. In that way; all they are doing are crimes which they have started with, because they have wanted to use that possibility. Access to these underlying human functions, gives these criminals possibilities to take different types of control over the humans, which these humans not know anything about themselves. Only a few such criminals, and a few victims who have been exposed to their crimes; are catastrophic. I now think about that these criminals can influence functions in humans, which makes thoughts and feelings etc.; and also functions which influence other humans. It can be possible for them to change what humans think and feel etc. This crime is something artificial; and not something innate. It can be a little difficult to find out about what it is, which these criminals have been able to start doing. Maybe they look at it like they have got possibilities, which are nearly magical. But these are not magical possibilities; these acts are very dangerous and contemptible crimes. Earlier I have written about how I have found back old things I used before. Other old things for daily use, have also been something good for me to get; food plates etc. I feel that such tings bring back my cultural roots. ▬ Now I am under way with changing things here where I live. So that is what I am thinking about just now. But I have a few words in my thoughts, regarding what I wrote in the last message; that these criminals could have started to think, that they nearly have got magic possibilities. I think that is regarding how this method makes it possible to influence what people got up in their minds, from inside of themselves. That can be many different things. They can change people. They can get people to believe that things have happened, which not have happened. Such things can get an influence over what people start to do, and how they start to behave. They can also design human characters, who start to develop their relationships to the influenced person, and who can talk with the person all of its life; that can even be God, and something similar. Such things can be something the influenced person starts to think has happened, or it can be something the influenced person starts to believe is a kind of spiritual contact. This can remind about sorcery, but it is not that; it is something which it is possible to find out about and understand. ▬ Today I will write a little bit; so it is something to look at, for them who look here now and then. The last weeks I have done many things. I have found different old things; which bring my thoughts about the past, back. I have also at the same time, remembered individuals and names, which I had forgotten. And I have also noticed, that I have got back a feeling of contact with people and situations inside of me. The refurnishing I have wrote about earlier, is well under way, but have been a little behind time because of these other tings I have mentioned here. But it will be finished now in March. Something to think about this time, is some thoughts which not are especially related to these crime with mind control. But it is related to being human beings, and therefore not of no interest in that connection. This is something fundamental in my own understanding of our existence. Nothing can come into existence from nothing. Therefore it always must have been something. Inside our world, everything must have a cause. But what always must have existed, can not be the same way. I think that this can be the cause for our universe where we exist. This shows that it must be something we do not know what is, which is the cause for our existence. ▬ After I last time wrote, that nothing can come into existence from nothing. There are some more thoughts in that connection. A fundamental question is: Does it exists something, or does it not exists something? The answer is easy. It does exists something. Our universe is a result of that something exists. Our universe is not the cause for that something exists. Of course it is relevant to say; that what, are inside our universe, that are because of our universe. But our universe has come into existence because of something else, which exists. After these thoughts, I started to think about that these criminals, who use mind control; maybe can have changed our way of thinking and developing our thoughts, when we are talking to each other etc. It can be something natural in how we humans develop our logical thinking. This can be an innate function which we humans have, which naturally will bring us to more understanding and knowledge. ▬ The redecoration keeps on. I say to myself, that I shall be finished in March. And I think it will be like that. I do much more than I first had planned. But that will be a good result. Many things also happen with myself, in connection to how I have been influenced. These are so much, that I not will use time to that now. But many things, are like, the intention is to ruin, what was my own personal development, in all its ways. Some thoughts this time also: For many years, I have thought about that mess, chaos and stupidity by humans; are dependent on that such things are possible. And I have thought about, that to do such things possible, does it necessary to have a very advanced and accurate working created world. Such things are possible, because of a very capable creation of our world. I have also thought about, that it can be very difficult to be stupid. But it is not always like that; stupidity can often be because of different bad behaviours like carelessness and irresponsibility etc., and that is something else, it is not that one are struggling with something, one not can find out about. ▬ I have reason to think that this influence by mind control; among other things, have had the intention to ruin all of my own personal development. Today I started to think about what this involves. I started to think; that I should try to find some understanding about what this involves. And after some time, I got some thoughts about that this involves, that what I call myself, has been ruined and changed. When I say; this is myself, so and so and so etc.; that, is what these criminals have ruined and changed. When I now write this note, I do not write more about it at this time; it can be different things to look at in this connection. I also think; that for me, these criminals have done something I shall start to be taken up with. If it not like that; I think this kind of influence can be unknown. But there seems like, that these criminals need to misinform, and that indicates that it can be possible to begin and understand and find out about this. ▬ Just at this moment; I got some thoughts about how the same human being, can be influenced and develop oneself to the opposite personality. To illustrate what I mean; it can be like the good Jesus, or like the evil Devil. This is something we can understand; it is very important for us humans to find out about this, and understand about it, the best we can. What I wrote about in the previous message, that these criminals can ruin and change what a person call oneself; is what I have in mind. I think these criminals had planned to change my personality to its opposite; also in that way, that I should be extremely evil. And I think that can be something these criminals do more of. I also think that this phenomenon is something it is more and more important for us humans to understand about; the more we develop our societies and possibilities. Understanding and possibilities to manage this phenomenon; has to do with what is the most important for us humans. Such things are the most important to deal with for us humans; and I think that lies and other trickery never will work in this connection. Only honest and truthful involvement is possible. It is not us humans who have created how these tings work; and it will never be like that, for us humans. We must understand correct. When I write this; I have moved my personality back to my youth and early life. And today that movement has come a very long way. I feel like I am, like I was at that time. To reach that; I have found back different things which associate me to who I was before. And I think about what happened in that period of my life. This has been very much now, I have done this for a year now, and it has worked like I have wanted, I have found back to who I was before these criminals influenced me. ▬ The redecoration of my apartment, where I now live; is something I want to do in a way which puts me into a framework, where I am surrounded of something which influences me to work the best way with what I am working with on this Web Site. Simultaneous I have been taken up with things, which have had to do with hobbies and interests in my childhood and youth years. The latest is a bamboo fly fishing rod, which I yesterday remembered, that I got, when I was a child. This bamboo fly fishing rod, is connected to different things and situations; and it become a very strong thing to go by, in how I find back to the original myself. This fly fishing rod was bought, when I was a child. It had a fly fishing reel, but it was bought with an ordinary fishing line and a fishing hook for earthworm fishing. Earthworm fishing can be an easy way to get fish, and I got fishes in small streams, surrounded by bushes and such. This fly fishing rod had a suitable dimension for me, when I was a child. I throw the hook with the earthworm away from me, out in the water. Later it could be possible to us it for fly fishing also, which is a little more difficult, but also something witch can be fun to do. This bamboo fly fishing rod is something which emerges, as something, which has a very strong function in how I have been influenced by these criminals, who use mind control. This happened yesterday, and is an example of how these things goes on with me these days. This also is something which seems to indicate, that to ruin my personality, is one of the important things which has been done against me. The day before yesterday, I started to think about that these criminals have ruined what was my own original development pattern. And they have influenced me to develop in a way, which only damages, what was my own original development pattern. Now latest, I made this schematic picture below, of how these criminals can influence us to fight against each other, without knowing that they are the cause for it. If we know that they are the cause for it, then we have got in contact with that, like I got in contact with this bamboo fly fishing rod, which I got in my childhood. ▬ In the last message, I wrote that my own original development pattern has been ruined. Today; I got thoughts in my mind, about that it can have something to do with ruining the pattern of society. But I do not know what these criminals are doing. I only know that they have done something against me. And that is something difficult for me to find out about. ▬ It is likely that these criminals who use mind control, do that because they are in a minority. And that they want to win over the majority. To obtain that, they can use the weak point by the majority. That is, that the majority must compromise; to avoid conflict, and to obtain agreement. If this is correct, the following principles will be their method. But I have no information about what they are doing. This is only something I think: The trouble / the conflict / etc, is the goal; The trouble / the conflict / etc, is the result; ▬ The last message from March 24, 2014; has been working in my thoughts after I wrote it. Before that, this is something I have had in my thoughts for a long time. The strong point I go through regarding this, is a short way of stating the problem: 'These criminals who use mind control; they want the problem, not the solution.' In proportion to this short definition; I think about war. These criminals want war; not peace. Regarding this, I think that conflicts like that, are so dangerous for us all; because they hide how they are the causes for the wars, and all the belligerents are the victims of the wars. This is what, that is so dangerous; such conflicts take us all, because we do not know the correct explanation for what it is which goes on. This has to do with how we humans change our comprehension, when we know something we did not know before. This is relevant in this connection, if we all had known it all; then we had not fought against each other, like that. In such wars; all are losers. These principles, which I called it, in the last messages; has to do with that I think about, that these criminals can trick us to develop conflicts against each other, where they hide how these conflicts have their intentions to ruin for us all. If we had known about all of this, then we had not developed these conflicts. This last month, March; has also been a period there I have reached insight about my childhood and myself, and better understanding about what has been done against me in 1976. (I am quite sure about that it was in 1976.) This have now been better than I earlier thought it could be possible to be. I think that these criminals have nearly no influence over me now. This is something special. There are things which become impossible to understand, and such; impossible to remember, and such; therefore it also is something special to come out of a control over oneself, like that. This month I have had a progress regarding this, which have been better than I earlier thought could be possible for me to reach. This makes me come in a good position to start to work more coherent with this, as I have wrote about before. But it has also delayed me one month, with the redecoration I also have wrote about before. I want to make a good place for me to work. I manoeuvre my whole life, to be able to do that. What these criminals want, have been a part of myself, and I must find out about that; such things are difficult, but not impossible to find out about. I have used time on things which have had to do with my past, which I earlier had forgotten. So it has been like finding more, and that took a little more time. But this development has accelerated, so this last part has gone very fast. Very much has happened with me, in a short time. I have come to understanding about how my life was; before this crime was done against me. But now, I must do the redecoration; I think that much can be done in a week or two. I have already done something; and I have all I need, also the new furniture and fixtures. Also when I bought these things, I started to remember more, and I bought some things which will influence me to remember more correct. So when I am finished; the room around me, will influence me to remember my earlier life, and work against how these criminals have influenced me. In this way, this fight has gone on inside of me; but it is not exactly a fight, it is a kind of manoeuvre against what they have done against me. Maybe I never can remember what has been said to me, when this was done against me. But there is no doubt about; that something, like this, has been done against me. ▬ The last days, I have remembered something new again. This get me to think, that I have been influenced to try to find out, without managing it. But I think I have been able to find out something correct. This is a little bit, and that is also the correct extent of what it can be possible for me to reach, I think. This last thing, has to do with something which developed, just when I started at school, when I was seven years old, in 1962. It seems like this also, is something which these criminals, who use mind control, has changed, so I not should find out correct about it. This happened like this: I moved to a new house together with my parents, when I was five years old, in 1960. Before that, I had been together with my parents for some years, when they joined the building association this house was a part of. Here I got a friend with the same age as me, who lived about 50 meters or 54.7 yards away from me. I think that the whole summer, just before I started at school, I was at the summer pasture together with my mother's mother. When I come home again; my friend had found new friends, and he should begin at another school than me. I think that I had thought, that we should go to school together. But when I started at school, I was alone; my friend had disappeared, bout from my home area, and was neither together with me at shcool, like I had thought it should be. At school, there where no one that I knew, and the school was in another area than my home area; but only a short time to walk, but then I also walked out of my home area. The other children around me at home; was younger, or many years older. This was something which both surprised me, and made me become confused; when I began at school. It seems like this is something, which has been changed to become some totally else in my mind. Therefore, this is something clarifying for me to remember correct about. After some time at school, I also got a problem when I was learning the alphabet. The day we should have learned the whole alphabet, the teacher had said that we the next day should be able to say the whole alphabet by heart. My mother had used to hear me, when I had done my homework, but this day she was a little busy with making the dinner, and she said that it was good enough. She also said something about the letters w, x, z; that these letters was not Norwegian letters, and that we only used them in foreign words. I become unsure about this, and I did not think that I had learned my lessen good enough. But my mother said it vas good enough, and that I could be too clever also. The next day at school, the teacher said that I should say the whole alphabet. I become unsure, because I started to think about these foreign letters, which I not had understood, what it was that was different with. And when I come to these letters, it went wrong, I did not remember the order. And if I not remember wrong, I had to go in the corner because I not had done my homework. After that, I always said to my mother that I not had any homework, when she asked me about that. And I never learned the alphabet the time I went on that school. The teacher asked me again and again to say the alphabet, but it always become wrong when I come to w, x, z; and maybe after some time, even when I not had come longer that to a. Maybe this had become better, if I had had my friend as I was used to; I had could talked to him about the teacher, my mother, the alphabet, and w, x, z. But I was suddenly totally alone. I could not eat, and become very thin. My grandmother and grandfather gave me a plate and a soup plate with spoon, fork and knife for Christmas; and said that I had to eat more, I could not be so thin. This is the last I now have remembered, and I think this now must be enough. I write it down, so I remember it better. ▬ When I started to redecorate my apartment, to make it a good place to work with this Web site; I started to be taken up with different things, which have connections to parts of my earlier life. So when I write this text; I sit among paint tins, and different such earlier things which I have got hold of. This has delayed me, but it has also brought in, a better contact for me, with these earlier parts of my life. Here is a picture of some of the things, which I have got hold on. Especially the pipe tobaccos, has been in my thoughts. The package to the right, is from the seventies, it is about 40 years old. The package to the left, is from today. The black text says; 'smoking kills'. It was accidental that I used this tobacco, it was because it was a common pipe tobacco. The matchboxes to the right, is also from the seventies, and earlier. The matchbox to the left, is from today. The picture of coins on the matchboxes, are because so much money goes to charity purposes. The green advertising says; 'use feeling for nature'. The pipes are similar to the first pipes I had. The black pipe fell in the water by a large wharf in 1972, when I was 17 years old. The brown pipe broke apart at an earlier point of time. I did not smoke much, only a little. ► Larger picture in separate window. The reason for why I show this picture, is because that after I got these tobacco packages; I have thought about what the change between the old one and the new one shows. And here is what I thought about that today: I thought; that earlier, when the old package was used; then we had a living community, based on a natural and human community basis. Today, when the new package is used; we have a mechanical community, based on a systematic and regulated community basis. I am very sure about, that these criminals, who use mind control, have influenced me regarding smoking. I should not remember the first brown pipe, I think. And that could have been given a kind of hidden influence over me. I think that they have influenced me regarding how I smoke, and how much I smoke. I can not be sure, but maybe they have wanted to kill me, with how they have influenced me regarding smoking. Today I have not smoked for many years. For many years I have thought about, that these criminals have wanted to kill me with how they have influenced me, regarding how and how much I smoke; so that have put a damper on my smoking for a very long time now. ▬
When I have written about this, I have been thinking of that maybe these criminals have done much regarding tobacco and smoking. Tobaccos are not a food articles. And it is dangerous to use too much of it, I think that can have been understood for a long time. It should not have been so difficult to understand that. ▬ In the seventies there still was long pipes in the shops in Norway. Today, you nearly not find pipes at all, and long pipes are even more seldom. Below there is a picture of a long pipe; such pipes could also be much longer than this one. In the seventies there also was made some modern long pipes, where the smoke went back and forth several times, in that way it was a short long pipe. I think these long pipes gave a more comfortable smoke, and more waste products were left in the longer pipes. Pipes do not have a fixed quantity of tobacco, it can be less or more than a cigarette. But if there comes some smoke into the longs, there also come some waste products into the longs. A pipe can be cleaned with pipe cleaners, (these become black), (long pipes needs long pipe cleaners, they also become black). The lungs can not be cleaned that way, the longs are made for taking in oxygen, which is something important, for living creature as us humans. One of the things, I think they have done to me, regarding smoking; is that I shall want to start to smoke very little; but after I have started, it becomes more and more. I shall also bring the smoke with me everywhere; have it in the shirt pocket, near by my mouth; and smoke while I work. Fore some years, in the nineties; I could go to a shop and buy one by one cigarette. At that time, I only bought one, two, or three cigarettes for one day. And I could quit the smoking fore some days or weeks, without any problems. Sometimes I only smoked half a cigarette, and the rest of it at a later time. At that time, I thought that smoking could make me think better, but I only found out wrong things. I also think that these criminals, have influenced me to think that I could smoke, to think better. Now, when I have found out correct things, I have not smoked at all. Something important to think about regarding smoking; that is, to understand what addiction for nicotine really is. It is important to understand that. To want a smoke; is something different, than to want something to eat because you are hungry. People who have problems with quitting smoking, can get help by understanding as good as possible about this. Something here; is something I think that is a technique, which these criminals, who use mind control, use in different ways: It is, that in a short moment, the mind is filled up with a control, which it is possible for them to achieve fore a short time. Such a control can put aside one's normal thinking fore a short time. And something else, which really not is something the person want, takes full control for a short time. This can also, among other things, get one to take a smoke more, also when one not has wanted to do that; one more, and one more, and one more, one package after the other package, the same day, etc. Today I think that the best to do, to be able to do something with this problem, is to live healthy. Eat healthy food, and have a healthy lifestyle. Get fresh air; and it can be good for the brain, to get some more oxygen, by doing some physical activities also; by doing so, we breathe stronger and are training our lungs. ▬ I make my living by handing out newspapers. I do this job on foot. I have often found out that the physical activity makes me to think a little further. It can also sometimes bring out a few new conclusions, and some new ways of putting things together, and make me see how these things can have something to do with each other. This happens when I feel that my condition is good and expands active energy; maybe also directly afterwards, as I have reach the top of energy, and have started on the way down again, where the energy starts to be used up. This is something normal, which I not normally care about. But this time, I write a few words about it; before I also write a few words about some thoughts which came up in my mind this time. First (this was not the first thoughts, but I put it first here); today it seems clear for me, that the method by using mind control, which have been used against me; is like this: This method influences the humans' subconsciousness in a way, which the consciousness and memory do not know anything about. So, it seems like, that it is impossible to remember, what has been done to oneself by this method. To know about this, is important; because it is important to know correctly about such things, which we want to find out about. By knowing this, we know something correct about what it is which these criminals are doing. And it is important to know correct, to be able to find out more about such things. The next (which was the first I thought about); is a comparison between two things: These two things; are a memory hallucination which I have had, and something similar which has to do with something, which has happened another place. I think that such memory hallucinations can arise in one's mind, a shorter or longer time after that these criminals have used this method on oneself. And I think that it must be because of something they have said. But this is only one, of many things I think it is possible to do with this method. This comparison makes me get a kind of a good grip on what has been done against me, in that way, that I feel, that my understanding is able to handle this problem for me. Such memory hallucinations start to develop in one's mind, after that it seeming should have happened. It is not something you see. It is something you start to slowly remember more and more. And these memory hallucinations are more credible than what really can have happened. And that it is not easy to understand. These two things are: 1. A memory hallucination which got me to move from my wife in 1979. Not I, and nor my wife; wanted to be divorced. It was this memory hallucination which was the cause, and that was about something which never had happened. 2. The next; is how Anders Behring Brevik, who carried out the terror act in Norway in July 22, 2011; told that he had an agreement with other knights. I see these two things as similar things. The meeting with these knights, is such a memory hallucination, and it has never happened. Both these two memory hallucinations led to actions, only based on these memory hallucinations. In principle, these two incidents are of the same kind; but the results are different. The memory hallucination which got me to move in 1979; was that my wife shouted out, that she wanted to be divorced while our child sat on the floor and played. And I thought that I had to take care of, that our child not had to grow up in such a home, so I had to move, but I would not talk about it to others. Anders Behring Brevik has had a memory hallucination about that he has meet other knights. Probably they can have given each other promises and sworn faithfulness to what they shall do; which afterwards become something he must obey. Heavy burdens had been put on his shoulders, which he wanted to carry out. But this had never happened. (Of course I do not know anything about this for sure, but it seems likely for me, that it must be something like this.) These two things tally with each other. It is the same technique which has been used. I have very much to work with, regarding this. But maybe this will be some of the final words, when I am finished with all of it. Now I must start with this much more time‐consuming work. ▬ |
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