David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
◙ Messages | ||||||
◙ English ● 2015 · 12 |
▼ Messages 12 All the time from March 2013, these messages have reflected how I have found back to my original personality, after I had that breakthrough, where I saw through, that I had been influenced to write a note in my notebook. This note had the intention to make me believe that the note was correct, when I looked at it ten years later. Ten years later, everything to go on around what this note was about, had disappeared. Ten years afterwards I had no possibilities to find out more around what this note was about, any longer. The last days I also have come further. But I think I have found out very much about my past again now. Actually, I have found out more than I understood when this influence was done against me in 1976. There is a little note, I the last days, have thought much about that I shall write. That is, that these criminals have influenced me to eat unhealthy and live unhealthy. And I think that is something, which also have influenced the whole society and the world around me. What I have found out now, is that this unhealthy dieting, typical starts to develop, by that I shall live very healthy. But gradual it changes to be more and more unhealthy. This is something typical. This first step, is because that has its intention to get me under their control. With this first step, I have done something these criminals have influenced me to do, and because of that, they have started to get control over what I do. One of different tricks; is that this first step becomes too much extensive and complicated to keep up in the long run. Because of this, I think it is necessary for everyone to understand, that it is important to establish a healthy dieting. Also something good to eat, shall usually be something healthy. It has been very easy to live unhealthy today; and that is something to be aware of and watch out for. ▬ Now I have thought about how my mind has moved between different parts of my life. Today I focus on the day the police came and took me from my daughter in 1986. 'Why did they do that?' Someone will ask. 'You must have done something.' Someone will say. I had taken good care of my daughter. I wanted to give her a safe, strong and stable childhood in connection to my family. That was a first priority in my life. I had regularly helped her mother with many things. I had helped her redecorating the whole flat they lived in. That was what I had done, nothing else. This was the only reason I could find as a cause for why the police took me again and again, they wanted to ruin the life for my daughter and her mother, nothing else. I had not done anything wrong at all. This development where the police took me from my daughter, continued again and again. After some months, I did not remember anything any longer, and I did not understand anything any longer. I remember that I thought, that the only thing I remember now, is where I live, nothing else. Before this started, I understood a lot about what happened around me. During this period, no one told me a single word about why they did this against me. This is what I am focused on today. ▬ Now I have reached a summarizing regarding a couple of simple things. It has first to do with a memory image I wrote about in Messages 9, Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Then I wrote about a memory image, which was, that I in my early childhood, built a high tower together with my friends. And an adult came and stopped us. Now I have been taken up with a wooded area called Østmarka (The East Land) for a while, which is on the outskirts of Oslo. I grew up nearby this wooden area. I remember that I was on a trip together with my parents, to a fire watchtower made of logs, on a height called Haukåsen (The Hawk Ridge) in Østmarka. The tower was five stories high. On the top of the tower, there was a fire watch hut. Under the hut, there was a platform for hikers. Up to this platform, there was ladders between each story. It was fun to climb up in this open tower. I remember that I wanted to walk to this tower again, but my mother did not want to go to this tower again, she thought it was a dangerous place. This tower was replaced with a new tower in 1964, so it must have been in 1964 or before that. I think that this memory image about building a tower, is a change of that I was very overwhelmed of this high tower in Østmarka, early in my childhood. This tower made an impression on my when I was a little boy, with the wonderful view over the large wood. This change did that I not remembered, that I was up in this tower, when I was a Child. ▪
▪ Later I also became interested in simple model aircrafts. I made different types of them; it was interesting to get them to fly in different ways. I typical only used thin sticks, balsa wood, rice paper, rubber band engines, or I made gliders. There was a shop near by which had different such things separately for sale. Gliders were also something I liked to send from a high place. I liked to see them fly. The memory image about that we tried to fly with a big kite, dragged by a bicycle, has changed this. This change has caused that I did not remember, that we made that kite, when I was a little boy. This is also something I wrote about in message Tuesday, January 27, 2015. ▪ These wrong memories are like being something else. To understand these two things, is like taking off a disguise you did not understand that had changed oneself. Therefore this is something important to find out about. ▬ Regarding the last message, October 10, I afterwards have got thoughts about that both these two memory images have one thing in common. These two memory images about the tower and the kite, are about that an adult came and stopped the developments of the processes before they had reached any kinds of results. I think that is something important regarding how this has been done. Of course, these memory images have not happened, therefore it is nothing I remember, it is something else. It is something which seems, like memory, but it is not memory. Now I also have had thoughts about that these real memories I have remembered again, had been dead, and now are alive again. This is something I think, it is not facts. After thinking about that, I also think that I am not dead either. Such things are also only thoughts. I think that what has happened to me, is that I have been manipulated, but this manipulation is done with very dangerous means. This manipulation is much more than only psychological manipulation. That I can remember, what are correct again, also show that the correct memories had not been removed. ▬ Here I have made a schematic picture of how life consists of a balance between something, which breaks down, and something, which builds up. This can be seen in different connections. I also think this is important regarding humans' health. I have thought about that health among other things, is about a proportion between something which breaks down, and something which builds up. These proportions in humans can vary, and are not the same regarding different humans, I think. I think that health, among different things, is about that what builds up, must be much enough in proportion to what breaks down. I think that a balance between these two proportions is something important. I think this can be something the criminals who use mind control can know about, and keep secret how they use knowledge about this, to influence others to become ill in different ways. Too much which breaks down, in proportions to too little which builds up, can result in different illnesses. Other parts of life and the societies can also exist of this proportion. ▬ On second thoughts after the last message, October 14, about the proportion between breaking down and building up; I have got more thoughts. Regarding my own situation which became ruined in 1986; it is relevant to understand that the factors, which broke down, became more than what could have happened by itself. Because of this, it is relevant to talk about an unnatural and artificial situation, which not could have arisen by itself. It is also possible to think about another way of looking at the society. It is possible to say that people can be ill because of how the society is. But instead of changing the society, people for example eat happy pills. It is possible to think, that all these people (which are a large number in many countries), should not have eaten happy pills, they should have changed the societies and the whole world. Thoughts about that these criminals who use mind control, have a strategy behind this development, are not far away in one's mind. A third phenomenon, is how the way of understanding the social situation, has been twisted from understanding about unfairness in the societies, to talk about strong and weak people instead. I think this is something, these criminals who use min control, have caused by using their methods which can influence people's way of thinking. The fourth I think about, is how people's reason to work; have twisted from working for the society, to work for a profit which not is theirs and not is for the society. This can be very meaningless, and cause an experience of that life is meaningless, and the people get happy pills instead of a real and strong meaning of life. The fifth subject I think about, is that the criminals who use mind control, typical change people's thoughts about what is correct. These criminals do not typical influence people to do something they think is wrong; they change what people think it is correct to do. A new way of thinking today, is for example that everything is acceptable to do to earn money. If you earn much money today, then it is, the same as, if you do something valuable. Earlier it more could be; that if you do something valuable, then you earn much money. Modern marketing more and more controls what people see as right and wrong. What I have experienced, tells me that experience of strong depression and anxiety etc., can be caused by the methods the criminals who use mental control use. I think these experiences can be very strong and difficult to manage. ▬ Today I did not know what to write about, so I started to read the last message, October 15. When I read the first section, about that it was an unnatural and artificial situation, which ruined for me in 1986; I started to think about that such an unnatural and artificial situation, do not have any natural and genuine solution. After that, I started to think about that this unnatural and artificial situation; was started up by different untruths, from different places, by different humans, at the same time. Behind this multifarious situation; these criminals who use mind control, hide their role. When I have thought about this, I start to think that what, has ruined for my daughter and her mother, are all these lies. Of course, this has ruined for me the same way. Now I only have pictures about my daughter, her mother and me, as screen saver, which turns on after one minute with passivity on my computer. I think about how that was what I most of all cared about, when this influence was done against me in 1976. At that time, I most of all cared about my family. What I very much have done against this influence, is to influence myself against this influence. I think and try to understand how I am influenced, and think out ways of influencing myself against these influences. Among different things, for example I am influenced to forget, because of that, I influence myself to remember. When I understand that I am influenced to something, I consistently try to influence myself to the opposite. I am influenced to do the opposite of my own will. That results in that I want to do the opposite of my own will. By doing the opposite of that again, I then do what I will, and the opposite of these criminals' will. This is a little bothersome. But it is really only a question about understanding correct. I have thought about that it can be compared with, that it takes many years to move only an inch. When looking back on it, it is little; but to change it, is very much to do. These influences are special, I think about that they do not cause logical and understandable results. Because of that, these influences are something special to tackle. But by understanding about such things, and more and more about it, it becomes more and more possible to tackle these influences. The problem is that we do not know about what it is. When we know about what it is, then it is not so impossible any longer. I think these criminals are used to play an easy game, because we others have not understood what they are doing. Typical these criminals cause conflicts. All ways of stating problems are different, in proportion to what they look like before you know about the criminals, who use mind control. Because of this; it is them against us others, here in the world, nothing else. Someone can think; that is not much, but it is the same as I wrote about using many years to move only one inch. That can look like it is impossible to manage to do something against this, but that is not correct, it is possible. These criminals cause wrong ideas about different things. ▬ In the last message October 22, the first section, I wrote about that such unnatural and artificial situations (caused by these criminals who use mind control), do not have any natural and genuine solutions. After that, I got thoughts about that the only thing it is possible to do with such situations (caused by these criminals), is to do the same as we do, when we disarm a bomb and the like. This is to render harmless a bomb, to cause that it not can detonate any longer. For example by removing the percussion cap. This is only a metaphoric way of formulating this. Such unnatural and artificial situations (caused by these criminals), can typical be dangerous situations consisting of different groups of people and different ideas etc. To disarm such situations, it is necessary to understand what these criminals are doing. I think about that this is to unmask the hidden plan, the involved people in such situations, do not understand. Typical such plans will ruin for them all in the end. To disarm such situations, are to take away how the situations are explosive in ways, which get people to attack each other. I think these criminals make explosive situations consisting of different groups of people; such situations are made in a way, which can detonate in different ways. In the opposite way, I think that these criminals also can take the power away from positive things people are doing. ▬ The three last messages are written in succession, regarding how the criminals who use mind control, make unnatural and artificial situations. In the last message I wrote about; that to solve problems because of such situations, can be compared with disarming a bomb. After that; I started to think that one single individual, can also be influenced with the intention of detonating. This can consist of different influences which charge up the person, with stronger and stronger feelings of motivation and strength, until it detonates. Such a building up of stronger and stronger energies and powers in a human; can consist of many things, and systematic ways of working together. Here I only shall write a few key words. Something very dangerous; are memory images of things which not have happened, or which in another ways not are correct. That can be connected with other things in a person's life, in an extremely dangerous way. After that, I start thinking about that such things also can be something; such a person not shall say anything about, but keep as hidden motivation. This type of influences can also be done in other ways, which cause wrong experiences of different things. My own experience of these influences, also gives me grounds to think that it is possible to influence by giving different commands. Many other influences are possible, and by putting them together, it all can be a strong motivation. In the end of these few key words, I also start thinking of how it becomes more effective, when real happenings also become a part of the plans such influences are made after. Such an influenced person is full of feelings and experiences of that one's wrong understanding is correct. Now I also have thought about, that our modern historical development brought about, that the weapons lost against development of knowledge and understanding about the humans and the societies. I think these criminals want to influence people to use weapons, because that is not the strongest way humans can be, to develop humankind. A development of humankind, is what we all will benefit by. I think the situation for us humans today, is that humankind must win; and I think these criminals are ruining that, by their hidden activity. When I wrote this text, I started to think about how automatic proofreading tries to remove some words, when you are using a word processing software. This is a widespread trend today. And; I started to think that these criminals want to take away possibilities, and power in our languages and writings. I thought that to write, sometimes can be compared with complex mathematical equations with various unknowns. I think about how it is possible to find out more, by talking and writing very correct, in ways that for example show how things are hidden in our social life and social systems. For example; can a confused and incomprehensible social situation, be made crisp and clean and understandable by good writing. It was the art of movable printing, which brought so much more possibilities to the development of humankind. Picture also used in Messages 3, Thursday, September 26, 2013. ▬ Today I made a discovery. I think about it as something similar, to finding something important after many years of searching after something to find out about. A little detail, which is important. It was when I was out on my newspaper delivery round about 3 AM last night. I use an electronic list over what I shall deliver. That is on a PDA, which is the same, as a smartphone. I was looking at some information similar to the picture below. Third floor shall have a newspaper with the code DN at door 6 from the left. Second floor shall have a newspaper with the code AFM at door 2 from the left. DN is Dagens Næringsliv (Today's Business Life), AFM is Aftenposten (The Evening Post) I went into the corridor in the third floor, with six apartments; one in each end, three on the other side, and one to the right on the side I came in. When I walk in the corridor towards door 6 on my right side, I see AFM where it is DN on the PDA, and I see that AFM change to DN which is correct (AFM is wrong, and is not written there). I think this can be, that I saw AFM in about 0.1 second, and I saw it change to DN in about 0.1 second. This was crisp and clean, and it is the first time I have seen this. For a long time, many years, I have known that I can misconceive, like this; but this is the first time I saw this. I am used to have security systems to work after (to prevent doing such mistakes), because I think about other things the whole time, therefore I always discover such mistakes. But now and then I have done the mistake before I discover it, sometimes just afterwards, or some minutes afterwards, it can also happened that I discover the mistake one or more hours afterwards. When I have changed round two different papers like this, I typical can slowly understand it in about one minute afterwards. I think this is, that these influences do not work as strong, as they must over me. I now think that this is an example of how strong these influences are over humans. This strong effect can be used in different ways. The short time this happened, is also an example of that such effects, like this, typical work for a short time. For a short time, DN can change to AFM. I wonder what they have done to gain this. Maybe a general influence, regarding that they have influenced me to work with delivering newspapers. This night I got a pizza divided in pieces in a box, from a snack bar. Someone had ordered it, but not picked it up, it was a very good pizza. After eating all of it, I was so filled up that I felt a pressure in my head. I think this can have slowed down my mental situation, so everything worked slower in my head. Now it is 20 hours later, and I am still filled up, and have not eaten anything after 3 AM last night. I think this is something I never should have been able to discover. ▬ After the last message, October 27, some more thoughts have occurred in my mind. Exactly the situation, when this happened, has appeared more clearly for me. I think that is because this is something, I not should have comprehended. Therefore, this has come more out in my thoughts afterwards. Exactly this situation, is something I remember, as if it was, that it all absorbed me, in a way I only could understand some time afterwards. This is something, which ordinarily has happened without my knowledge of it. I have been angry because this has happen, for many years now. For example, it has happened many times, that when I count out newspapers to a small round (like five buildings), I have taken wrong newspapers regarding one of the papers. I have understood that I have seen another newspaper, than that on the list. I think this experience, of that the situation absorbs me, is something which should have made it impossible for me to understand this. This has also typical happened in a way, that is, that I deliver another newspaper than the correct one, to a subscriber. But typical I one or a few minutes afterwards, remember that it is wrong, because I remember it form earlier. I now also wonder if I discovered this, because I have approached to understand about it. I wonder if I just this time, understood that it was wrong, at the same time as it happened, and that I because of that, reacted this way. It can be that it was, that I did not believed in, what happened in just this moment. A few days ago, I also talked to the person who lives in this apartment. This situation is, that I only had these two newspapers left to deliver in this building. Therefor the next newspaper after this one, could have been delivered because that was the only one left to deliver. ▬ After messages October 27 and 28, I now also have some more thoughts. This is something, which is in a way, which I not should have found out anything about or understood something of. When I work with delivering newspapers, I use a quite big trolley. It is made of plastic on an iron framework, with a rain cover on the top. It has two wheels, support legs, and a handle to draw or push it. I often let the trolley stand still, and count out newspapers for a round with for example five buildings. There are different newspapers and magazines, and different of them each day. The electronic list, which shows what I shall deliver, and where; makes it possible for me to arrange such smaller rounds in ways, which sum up all the different papers on each round. The codes and the numbers for all the newspapers, are shown in the same way as the single newspapers, as on the picture below. When I count up these papers, it has happened that I have taken wrong papers. When I out on the round, find out that, I always have said to myself, that I saw it was the correct papers. I now think this has been, that the moment, when I take the wrong papers, I have a wrong picture of the newspaper code in my mind. Immediately afterwards, that is taken away, and I think I have done it correct. This has happened again and again and again. I have seen something else, than what is in the list. It is typical only one of the different newspapers, which has been wrong. Another situation, is that I find out that I have wrong newspapers left in the end on a round. Then I know, that I have done something wrong. But I am sure about that I have done everything correct. When I find the place where I have delivered a wrong newspaper, I always have said to myself, I am sure about that I delivered the right newspaper here. This has happened again and again and again. I have not discovered that I delivered a wrong newspaper; I have all the time thought that I delivered the correct newspaper to that subscriber. How the situation October 27, absorbs me, is something I think works in a way, which should have removed it all from my conscious state. This did it impossible for me earlier, to find out anything about this. This method makes it impossible for the conscious state for a short moment, to deal with what happens, and afterwards it all is gone. This is how these two situations often have turned out. For many years, I have understood that this is because of these influences, but it has been impossible to find out anything about it. This has not happened often, there can have been weeks and months without any such situations. If it happens, it typical happens only one time at one day. But I have thought that this is something which should have become more and more, but instead it has become less and less. Now and then, a few times in a year, it can have happened many times at one day, four and five times. I have always calmed down regarding such things, and become more relaxed and exactly in details, instead of being flustered. I have never been flustered because of such things. It has even now and then, been possible for me to think through the whole route, with hundreds of newspapers, after I am finished; and then also finding where I have done something wrong, because I have wrong newspapers left when I am finished. But that has been other types of mistakes, like walked past a place because I did something else than usual etc. I think there are thousands of different other possibilities with this method, than what I have written a little about here. ▬ The three last days I have written about how I am influenced, so the codes in the list with newspapers I shall deliver, change so I deliver wrong newspapers. Today I think there can have gone on a gradually destruction of that influence. Earlier I also have thought about, that it gradually can be possible to break down such influences, little by little. In messages October 27 and 28, I wrote about that one or a few minutes after, I did the mistake, I slowly can understand it afterwards. And that I then, could go back and correct it. In message October 29, I wrote that I could find out, that I have wrong newspapers left in the end of a small round. Then I know, that I have done something wrong. Today I think that this first worked that way, that I found out about it in the end of a small round. But lately, I began to find out about it just afterwards, in about a few minutes after I did the mistake. Tuesday, October 27, I found out about it before I did it. How this is something, which takes some days to dissolve and find out about; is something I think is because, this is something I was stuck in. Out on the newspaper route on Thursday, I wondered if it had happened some changes regarding this influence. I did not discover any such things at all. And I thought about that now, all of it has disappeared. I had many magazines in addition to the newspaper that night. And I thought about, that tonight the job goes absolutely 100% perfect. Actually, I thought that I felt, as I was like clean water. I walked through the newspaper route, and thought about how that was odd thoughts. Even so, was that, what I thought. The whole newspaper route takes many hours. ▬ Today I want to focus on the essential function with the influence, which I have written about October 27, 28, 29 and 30. When I delivered a newspaper to a subscriber, I in a moment did not know what I was doing, and I delivered a wrong newspaper. When I after that very short moment, knew what I was doing again, then I perceived, that I had delivered the correct newspaper. I had not any knowledge of this moment, where I did not know what I did. If I after such a situation, in the end of a round, discovered that I had wrong newspapers left in the end; then I was sure about, that I had delivered the correct newspaper, where I had delivered a wrong newspaper. This could also happened in the end of one building with many apartments. This was something I more and more understood, and I found out that I could not believe in what I remembered, that I had done. I had to go systematically through all the places I could have done exactly that mistake. I understood this better and better. Even I understood that this happened, like this, it happened again and again. The same could also happen when I picked up newspapers for one building, or a round with more than one building. Out on the round, I could find out that I had picked up wrong newspapers regarding one of the newspapers. Before that, I was sure about that I had done it all correct. Why should these criminals want to ruin that work for me? I do not know. The nearest thoughts I have about it, is that I should have been squeezed to start a criminal career, as a robber. This new career should have allowed my faculties to develop completely. Maybe this should have financed extreme cruel plans against my society and the rest of the world. There are something, which tells me, that they have influenced me to get in contact with the most dangerous people in the world. And I should have found out wrong, about who the criminals who use mind control are. (Nothing of this has happened.) ▬ Today, five days after Tuesday, October 27; when I wrote about, that I saw AFM at a place where it was written DN, in the list which shows the newspapers I shall deliver on my newspaper round. I now think that how I thought, that it lasted for 0.1 second, and after that disappeared during 0.1 second; is a contraction and shortened space of time. I think this can be because of how this influence has been done against me. Today it seems for me, that it lasted for 1 second, and that it maybe disappeared during 1 second. When I was out of that building, and walked just round the corner, I stopped by an open place. There I thought that I should make a note about this. All the way, from when it happened, to I was at that spot; I was taken up with this occurrence. In this note, I wrote that it had lasted 0.2 second. When I looked at that note at home, I thought about that this had lasted for a very short time, and I thought that 0.1 second was more correct. The first I thought today, is that it has been said to me; that this shall last for one second. Afterwards that shall be divided and shortened, and so disappear, and happen again and again. Today I have had thoughts about that this can have been done as a calculation, with two or more steps, which ends with zero, nothing and maybe a minus number. But my thoughts about this are always indistinct. Something typical which I many times have thought such things can be, is that what they say, is that: then this takes over (bla, bla, bla), then this takes over (bla, bla, bla), then this takes over (bla, bla, bla), etc. I cannot find out what has been said to me regarding this, but it is very important to discover what I discovered on Tuesday, October 27. I now think that this has removed that problem for me. I also think that it has been a gradually development in a period of many years, which has led to this change. ▬ After the last message Sunday, November 1, I started to think about that I in the fifth section, wrote about that this influence maybe contained a calculation. A short time after that, I started to think about another influence, which has happened just as much, as that I wrote about Tuesday, October 27. This is also something I understood more and more, so it gradually became completely crisp and clean for me how it worked. This influence was, that when I counted up newspapers for a building with many apartments, or a small round; there was subtracted one newspaper. If the number for one of the newspapers for example was 11, I up in the building or out on the small round, found out that I had only taken 10 newspapers with me. This happened again and again with different newspapers, so I more and more understood that this was an influence, by these criminals who use mind control. This was also something I understood more and more that worked this way. Even so, it happened again and again and again. Every time, I was sure about that I had counted the right number. The influence was, that one was subtracted from the total number, when I picked up the newspapers. This happened every time in a way, which I did not discover. Now this also has been something I think can have been something, which never happens again. ▬ Today I got a thought I not will characterize: 'Nothing (as a phenomenon,) does not exists. It is something which exists.' I am watching a video with Neil Young from 1971. I bought the album 'Harvest' by him when I was a teenager. I am watching this video, and I am thinking about how peaceful that situation is. He sits there so peaceful with his guitar and sings his songs. ► Neil Young - In Concert 1971 BBC ▬ After I wrote the last message, November 3, I have thought about what I wrote: 'Nothing (as a phenomenon,) does not exists. It is something which exists.' Afterwards I have thought more about this. I think it maybe can be, that the album Harvest with Neil Young, was the one of my LP albums in 1976, which I mostly had identified myself with. I think that these criminals can have influenced me regarding that in 1976. That album should have become nothing for me, and I should not have existed anymore, I should have become another. Music had been one of my strongest interests, both listening to music, and playing music. When I bought this album, I first become interested in the LP cover. I liked the way the letters were written outside the cover. I also liked the colors. Because of that, I wanted to listen to the record in the record shop. And when I listened to the record, the music impressed me, and I bought the album. It is likely I bought this album in 1972. I become 17 that year. I think about how a person attached to the publishing business, which published books, had much contact with me the first five years of my life. And I think about that she learned me to be fond of the written words. The written words have brought humankind a big step forward. Not least in a human way. All aspects of humans' thinking have been written about and read about. Books tell us about our history, our knowledge about different things, and about our thoughts. Old books tell us about what people thought about earlier, and are also important. Books also tell different stories, which are about different things to think about, these books can also sometimes learn us something. Lighter books to read have also much interest among people. I think both the cover and the music was something which touched me with the album Harvest. It is first now I think about this. I think about that this is as far, as this retrieving has come today. And I think that are very much with me, which have come back again now. I am looking at my own life as a development process, where I find out about what these criminals have done against me. That nothing (as a phenomenon,) does not exists, is something I think must be a fact. ▬ In the message, October 27, I wrote about how I saw another delivery code for one of the newspapers I deliver on my newspaper round. I think about how this is an influence, which is a consequence of something. The activating factor is that I look at that code, to deliver that newspaper. The consequence is that the code change to a code for another newspaper. An activating factor, and a consequence, are two aspects which recur in different influences. I have thought about that this principle can be seen in other examples. For example: To remember something, can be an activating factor to forget that. To like something, can be an activating factor to not like that. To want to do something, can be an activating factor to not want to do that. That you like something, can be an activating factor to not like that. This systematism can be done more or less specified; exact for one thing, or generally. I have found out that it typical is possible to counteract and hinder influences when you understand them. Typical such influences work because you do not understand them. But some influences also happen without one's knowledge about it. But if you understand something, that works against all types of influences. ▬ In the last message, November 6, I mentioned some examples of influences, which are consequences of activating factors. These examples are simplified, but even so, they are very relevant. It can be that it is possible to make influences, like these examples. My experience tells me that these influences, typical are done as series of influences, one after another, put into systems of parallel series, which work more or less together. And such systems form periods, which also come one after another, as different systems. This way of doing this, can change people, and achieve aims, totally different from what these influenced people otherwise had done. When a person is in step 1, these influences cannot influence that person to change to step 3. But it is possible to influence the person to change to step 2. When the person is in step 2, then it is possible to influence the person to step 3, etc. This can continue, step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. This can also be something which happens to groups of people. People do also influence each other. One influenced person can influence others. I think that it is possible for not influenced people, to influence influenced people. This is that it can be possible to influence influenced people, in a way so these influences by these criminals do not work. But this is one thing these criminals know, and they do things to hinder that. They can do many things at the same time, which makes each of them credible. They can do things, only to be able to do something else afterwards. They can do things very slowly. An influenced person can keep secret what the person are thinking about. It can be so‐called lonely wolfs, and such. There are many ways to use these influences, which conquer peoples' possibilities to find out about it. This method does it possible to use it in a way, which makes it more difficult to find out about it, than if the method not had been used. It is also possible to influence to achieve activating factors. This is something I have experienced very clearly. Because of that, it is possible to both influence to the activating factors, and the consequences. In the message, November 4, I wrote about that I can have been influenced, so the record Harvest with Neil Young should become nothing for me. After that, I have had some vague experiences, which I interpret like this: An influence is, than when I listen to the record Harvest, I afterwards shall forget it. This shall work in a way, so I forget it more and more, the more I listen to it. This can be the same for all my records from before 1976. The activating factor, is that I want to listen to the record because I like it, and I listen to it. The consequence is, that I forget it. I think an influence like that, can have been made more complex than what I have written about here. But this is what I can comprehend. All the time I have been taken up with these influences, I have found out that it is necessary, that the influenced person does not understand something about these influences. Therefore it always helps to understand something. Why this crime not has been cleared up, must be because these criminals influence the people who naturally should have done that. These criminals can have influenced them both directly, and indirectly via other people, textbooks, education, etc. It is easy to find out, how people through our long history, have struggled many years to study and learn to only be idiots, who afterwards gain social positions. It is impossible to reach the important positions in the societies, before having become a big enough idiot. But there are also correct knowledges to learn today. I think the idiotic part, only is like a small part in our cultural development today. But a speck of dust in the machinery, can ruin the whole machinery. This activity by these criminals can have changed our world today, into something else than it otherwise had been today. And this can be very much. But when we have found out about it, and understood it, then it is possible to do things correctly. What is correct regarding our world? It is correct to unmask and correct swindle and fake things. Such things is what has ruined our world today. It is possible for us humans to do what is possible. It is many things, which is possible. The societies can be in many ways. What is impossible for us humans to do, is only what is impossible to do. I think these criminals have ruined the democratic development in the world today, so the democratic development not shall be able to form the future. Therefore, it is important to do much to build up again the democratic development regarding this. It is important to be very careful. Find the right way to go, and go it very carefully. It is necessary to understand, that these damages these criminals have done to our societies and our world, have not been a result of something necessary. These damages are only results of these criminals' will, nothing else. It must be the peoples good will, which shall form the future. Many things are possible. A good democratic development, must be the way to find the way we want to go. When looking at the world today. It seems necessary to find a way of co‐ordinating the whole world. We must be a perfect complement to one another in the world. For example; it is necessary for the whole world to save the rain forests some places, then other countries must work together with these countries which have the rain forests. These countries must save the rain forests four all of us, and we others must work together with them so they got other things to live on. This was only an example, there are many such things which we must work together regarding, in the world today. These criminals have influenced me to think that CIA has something to do with what they have done to me. That is a certain thing to go on, to know that CIA has nothing to do with it. These criminals have not done any ting to help me to find out who they really are. It is not difficult for people to hide things, only idiots think it is impossible for people to hide things. To hide these crimes, are not difficult at all. ▬ I am thinking about how it is noteworthy, that I now remember very clearly, that I bought the record Harvest with Neil Young. I wrote about this record in the message November 4. I came into the record shop, together with some of my friends. I had no idea of buying a particular record. We sometimes only went to the record shop to see what were there. The record Harvest was put out, therefore I saw it at once. The record was released February 14, 1972; therefore I think this was early in 1972. At that time, I still was 16 years old. I got taken up with the elaborate letters on the cover, and I picked out the record and looked at it when I held it in my hands. The shop assistant said that 'that one is a good one'. I said that 'this one, I will listen to'. I went to the counter where it was possible to listen to the records with headphones, and the shop assistant put on the record so I could listen to it. I had not been interested in Neil Young earlier. It was the cover which had attracted my attention. Typical the shop assistant moved the pickup from song to song, so I faster could listen to all of them. And I think that happened this time also. I said to my friends, that 'this one is a good one, I buy this one'. I showed the cover to my friends, and looked at the back of the cover also, and said when I smiled, that 'they play in a barn'. I had been much in contact with farming all my life, and I liked that picture also. I could identify myself with that image. At home, I put the record on the turntable, moved the pickup to the outer edge of the record, and let it down on the record. The record started to play. I thought the record was distinctive in a fine way. The music sounded with a great musical depth. This record become something calm and interesting for me, like something, which is much in a soft way. I never got tired of listening to it. And now and then I listened to it. This record was different from the others, in its own special way. I thought that it gives peace and quiet. The more I get in contact with the records I had before 1976, the more I get in contact with the person I was at that time. Now it is as if I am just have been in that record shop and bought this record. ▬ All the time since I started to find out more about these influences in the nineties, I have thought about how much it is possible for these criminals to schedule humans' lives like after a time planner. Already in 1986, I started to understand a little, and I had become taken up with finding someone to talk to, about this. But at that time, everything suddenly got ruined for me, and I lost all of my memory. After the nineties, I have developed my understanding about this. First, it was that these influences worked in me, and I found out wrong things. But this was something I early started to understand, that they had influenced me to find out wrong. Today I think I understand much correct. All these years after the nineties, I have wondered how much they can get exact control over humans' lives. How much can these influences get control over times when things shall happen, places where things shall happen, and people who shall meet each other? This is possible, because it is such a function in humans, which these influences get control over. Both such things regarding a schedule, and other controlling things. It seems for me, that it is possible for these influences to get 100% exact control. But regarding this, as other tings regarding these influences; if something starts to hinder it, then it does not work perfect any longer. To become suspicious regarding what happens with oneself and others, will counteract these influences. To understand about it, will also work against it. Unexpected happenings can destroy it. This is something I think. I do not remember anything about that they have done such tings against me. But it seems clear for me, that they can get 100% exact control regarding a schedule with times, places, and different people. These influences are very conquering. But that is when we do not know anything about it. If we know something correct about it, then it is not like that any longer. Why everything went so wrong with me in 1986, seems like it can be because of influences over different people, after a schedule. That is how it looks like. And when it looks like that, then it can be like that. The intention with ruining me completely, has been to build me up again completely wrong afterwards, this is what it all looks like it is. ▬ In about the middle of last week, I understood how the rheumatic health problem started to develop. I do not want to write 'my rheumatic health problem', because I do not like to look at that problem as mine. That problem is something I do not like to have. I think that the people, who caused that problem for me, can get it back, I do not want to have it. To uncover how they did that, can in one way be looked at, in that way. I should not have understood this. When I do that, then it is a kind of reaction back, against what has been done against me. The picture below shows how it has worked, that I developed that health problem. The upper part of my body was very warm, and I did not notice that my legs were cold. I had a really warm sweater. I had got it from my mother, she had first used it herself. She had knitted it in a special way, which gave it a very rough texture, and that made it very warm. I used this sweater when I worked at this quite large building site. It can be I had used it at such building sites for some time. I think she gave it to me, so I could use it on my job, when I worked at cold places. This picture is also in the section Images, Photo Album, image 36, from 1976. This has worked in that way, that when I was very warm in the upper part of my body, then I did not take notice of that my legs were too cold. I had too little warm clothes on my legs, when I worked in cold temperatures. These mental influences work in a way, which can force their intentions. In the message Tuesday, October 27, 2015; I wrote about how I saw the code AFM where it stood DN in my list. This is not optional, I do not have a choice, I had to see AFM instead of DN. I think these influences work that way, in different other connections also. An example is; that these influences can force a person to laugh, in a situation where the person not had laughed by oneself. This is an example I have chosen, because it shows how multifarious these influences can work, that is only one of thousands of possible different examples. This work the same way, which it did when I saw AFM instead of DN. Such a laughter is a kind of hallucination. Experience of joy can be the same. These examples are only a little of how these influences are done. They are put together. They start up personal development. One of them comes after another of them. There are much more about how these influences can be used. When I think about which word I shall choose, like artificial, unnatural, insane, etc.; then I choose the word fault. I think about that word like it is used in the description technical fault. With this, I think about that it has been something wrong, in humans who are influenced by this method with mind control. This is something I think about like corresponding with a technical fault in a machine. Such a machine does not work as it shall any longer, it is necessary to find the fault, understand about it, and correct it. Possibly it also can be possible to compensate for how the fault or faults work. This building site belonged to the same place, where this mental influence was done against me. The building site was open, and quite cold in the winter half year, for a long time of the building period, not warm. First I worked around at different operative offices, for the same customer. These offices were in several different buildings in that part of the town. There were constant changes all the time, because of the technological development. I think it was, when I worked in that way, that this influence was done against me. At that time, I could be at different offices and different buildings every day. Typical I suddenly had to come to another office and do a little job there, and then go back, to continue where I was. ▬ In the last message, November 16, I wrote about how I was influenced to become very warm on my upper body, and not noticed that I became too cold on my legs. I started to only use short underpants through the winter. That is something suspicious, I had not done that before. Earlier I had used both long underpants made by cotton, and by wool, at the same time. These clothes became of importance when we began to work all the time at a large reconstruction site within the same bank company. Here it was openings so the cold came inside the building. I did not recognize anything during the working day. It was after I had gone to bed and became warm, that it started to arise incomprehensible noticeably things in my legs, which caused that I did not fall asleep. It was varying reactions. They could appear as if it was electrical currents in different ways. I could not lay still, and could not fall asleep. This became worse and worse. For months I nearly did not sleep anything at all. Sometimes these reactions decreased early in the morning, and maybe I slept some minutes, or half an hour. It was difficult to wake up, and I bought different alarm clocks, which I also placed upon plates and such, so they should sound higher. But this became more and more impossible for me to manage. One day I decided that I had to go to a doctor and get sleeping pills. I went to a doctor I not had been at before. But the doctor did not want to begin giving me sleeping pills, and tried all kinds of other pills instead, among others allergy pills which I should become sleepy from. But nothing worked. Strong sleeping pills did not work either. After many months with more and more different things, which did not work, I was at a place there they said to me, that I had to manage to take care of myself. The same day I quit my job. And I started to deliver newspapers by using a moped during the winter, and then it became much worse. But because I worked for a short time each day, that was something I managed to do. After some months, I became separated and divorced. I moved, and started to work as a temp janitor at different schools. These reactions became gradual less noticeable. This is how my health problem started in 1977. ▪ In these messages I have been taken up with finding back who I was before 1976. I have also discovered different things which have been done against me, by these criminals who use mind control. One of the different things I was interested in early in my life, was music. I had different musical instruments, and I listened to music. Now I have got some of my old vinyl records back. It influences me both to see the LP covers, and to play them on an old record player with 33 ⅓ rpm speed. I think it is important to see that rotating speed again. It brings back things in my mind. These shining black vinyl LPs were something fantastic for me, and they were taken care of as if they were made of gold. A record player was a kind of musical instrument, which played the records. ▪ Now I stop writing these messages. This has been something I not had planned to be this way. But now I let these messages remain here. Next time I write information, about how things are going, I put it under the link 'Info' on the top pf the web site. Now and then I will write a short text, and that I put under the link 'Miscellaneous'. ▬ |
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