David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
◙ Messages | ||||||
◙ English ● 2014 · 6 |
▼ Messages 6 Now I have placed the messages in the right order. When I started with these messages, I wrote them in reverse order. That was because I thought that I not should write something of interest in these messages, so there always only was the last message which was something to read. But I started to write a bit of everything here, so therefore the messages now are in right order. By clicking on the ▼ symbol on the message pages, you will come to the last message at the bottom on the page. And by clicking on the latest links at the main pages, you also will come directly to the last message. ▬ A question which easily is asked, is; why should someone do something like these crimes, with mind control. That is something these criminals not have told anything about, they keep their motives secret. It is possible to think that they are doing this, because they like to do so; but that is only something I think without knowing anything about that. ▬ Here is a picture of me at New Year's Eve 1969 ‐ 70, by my grandparents, when I was 14 years old. I show this picture because of the sweater. It is a traditional Norwegian garment called Setesdalskofte (Setesdals Sweater), named after a place in Norway called Setesdal. It was my mother who had knitted it, and embroidered the colored pattern, she made different such traditional things. Later she also made her own knitting yarn from the wool from their own sheep. This is something I think that these criminals have influenced me to wear out and forget. It seems as it can be like that. This sweater was something to dress up with, not something to wear out by using it carelessly. I had it for a long time, maybe my mother had made it larger when I grew larger, and that the color pattern had been made larger from the beginning. Today this also is something I think it could be smart to get. But now I have bought so many such things from before, so I must let it be for a while. By putting out this picture, I have done something which makes this coming back to me again. I also think about how I look interested at something. I could be very interested in different things, and sometimes I started to read different books about such things I got interested in. That could be all sorts of things. ▬ Here is a picture from my parents' photo album. It is of my wife and me. Probably this photography is photographed by my mother. It must be after we got married February 14, 1975, because the brass dish and the table cloth were presents for our wedding. Here we also have made things. The sofa was something we made together; my wife made the things of textile, and I made the things of wood. On the left it stands three boxes on top of each other. In the corner, the sketch book which my wife used for drawing. Up on the right, a sewing box I had made to my wife. In front of the table, a tin with Richmond pipe tobacco. It was nearly impossible to find out something about this tobacco, therefore I have a picture of this tin also. Such things become something to go on for one's memory. By looking at this picture, I think about how my wife not wanted to be separated and divorced. Before we got separated, we was at Halvorsens Conditori (Halvorsen's Café) by Wessels Plass (Wessel's Square) in Oslo. My wife said again and again, that this is wrong. Nor I either wanted to be separated and divorced, I had started to think that we had to be divorced. I said that everything would become well, but my wife did not agree. After I had moved, I constantly had a feeling of pain inside of me. My wife and I were good friends, and neither of us really wanted to be divorced. So these criminals have caused that we got divorced, even neither of us wanted to be that. ▬ Here is another picture from my parents' photo album, it is my daughter and me on Christmas Eve 1984. After we were divorced, our daughter was by her mother and father every other Christmas. She had very good contact with many in my family. That had been so since she was born. It was my father who drove her and her mother home from the maternity ward. This was what people not concerned to us, meddled themselves into, in 1986. At that time our situation was; that our daughter, her mother, and I; had regularly contact with each other every week. These people have from the very first time, done different things which are illegal. It become more and more of them. The police was part of it. They are not allowed to hinder the contact between my daughter and me. And they are not allowed to force me to a psychiatric clinic. I had went to a doctor because of muscle pains, which was an old problem, which I had had for more than ten years. Those who did these illegal things, do not want to clear up this case. That is why these problems only have become more and more, instead of being cleared up. There was nothing wrong at all. Those who meddled themselves into our situation, made it worse and worse. All of them lied to me, so I did not understand what they were doing. All they have said about what I have done, said, or thought; are wrong. No of them had talked to me about what they were lying about, they only talked to each other. This dreadful situation, has been caused by these criminals who use mind control. These criminals are very weak people; all they are doing, are something they are hiding. It can be that it is a trick by them, to get people to do illegal things, because then such people will hide, what has happened. In the time to come; I will write more continuously and coherently about this. That will take some time. This last year; I really have got a much better understanding of what it is which has happened. ▬ The picture from Christmas Eve, by my family in 1984, in the previous message April 23; has got a function, to encircle the period from around Christmas 1984 to Christmas 1985. This period contains different happenings; which led to the dreadful situation, which started right after New Year, in the beginning of 1986. Therefore this picture has got an important role for me, regarding understanding about that year. Just here; I also can tell about something very typical: When I now started up the computer; I did that because I first of all, wanted to look at this picture again. When I opened the folder where it was stored, I did not see it; (even it was there). All the icons were shown as clear pictures. Such things are something very typical, which often happen to me. This picture was only stored in the folder I have for this web site on my computer. It become in some way difficult for me, to be able to see it. I looked around in other folders. When I after some searching around, looked in that folder again; then I saw it. That folder now contains 18 images and one html page file. In this context, I also can mention another example: When I for some months ago, searched for LP records I had before 1976; I among others looked for the record 'Piano Concerto In B Flat Minor' by 'Pyotr Tchaikovsky'. (Also written about in Messages 4, Monday, December 9, 2013.) Here is a picture of that record. I searched for this vinyl LP cover on Google images, in the way that only many pictures were displayed. I saw this cover many times for a long time, (I think that it can have been so for many years), but when I saw it, I said to myself: 'This is absolutely not the correct cover.' First when I had been able to break through this hindrance in my mind; then I remembered, that it was that cower. This was like a step by step walk backwards in my mind. And at that point of time, that was very clear for me, it was no doubt about that, I remembered it very clearly again. I thought that it was, like I always had had that record, like I had seen it last time the day before. Things like this, are something very typical; which often happen to me. In this way, such ordinary things are important for me, regarding finding out about what has happened to me. I think I have been influenced with this mind control method, in a way which causes such things. This shows how powerful such an influence can be. All in all it seems very likely that this has been done by this influence, but I can not remember what has been done to me by this influence. If this is correct, which I am very sure about that it is; then such power by this method, is available in all kind of use of it. Now; back to the picture again. This picture from Christmas Eve 1984, shows my daughter and me at the home by my parents. My daughter holds a toy horse in her hands. Before Christmas, my daughter's mother told me that our daughter should like to get a toy horse called 'My Little Pony', as Christmas present. This was something she was interested in together with her friends, something they had talked about that they should start to play with together; her mother told me. The idea with this toy concept, was also that children, especially girls, could play with these things together. She said that I could buy such a hors to our daughter for Christmas. All of this is something I remember very well. I went to one of the best equipped and long‐established toy shops in Oslo, and asked for a My Little Pony. The shop assistant smiled, and said that they had two kinds of such horses, and found two horses and placed them on the counter. I thought it was the same, which of these two horses I gave to my daughter, and chose the horse which looked most like a horse. This toy had changed, and the idea had developed, since it started to be made in 1982. At Christmas Eve we had a good old‐fashioned Christmas celebration. The house was decorated with Christmas decorations. The Christmas tree stood in the middle of the living room. The animals on the farm also got something extra for Christmas. It was many things to pay attention to, sometimes wild animals outside the windows among trees covered with snow. All the days friends and relatives had come to greet us, it was a time full of smiles and friendliness, light and delight under the starry sky. Christmas is dark age in Norway. To unwrap the Christmas presents, is only on of many amusing things which happens, but it is traditionally the highlight of Christmas Eve. If I not remember wrong, Santa Claus also came and greets us, that was my father who had dressed up as Santa. Our daughter loved to be here; she got different presents, and had a nice time. The horse was also unwrapped, our daughter become glad, and I think she thought about what she had talked abut with her friends. After Christmas; her mother told me that I had bought wrong horse. And that our daughter had become so very sad. But she had rushed to the shop together with our daughter, and bought the correct horse; and then everything was all right again, she said. During this year, there was talked about a few people who behaved confused and irrational (insane). It was these few people who started to say that I was insane, (that was their insanity). All of that talking was based on nothing, not a word of it was correct. If they had wanted, hundreds of other cold have said something else. The people who started to listen to these few people, did not do anything to find out something, they only let these irrational people use them. To find out abut such a situation, it had been necessary to walk out and around to many places, to find out what it was that happened, but no one did that. I did not understand what they were doing. For example; later that year someone told me, that one person had talked about that I thought he was a CIA agent. That was not true. I did not think he was a CIA agent. I was 100% sure about that he not was a CIA agent. I only said so, because I joked and talked nonsense. When I said that, I smiled and thought about that he not was that. I said it because I got confirmed, that he not was that, because of how he reacted. Therefore I sais it again and again some times, but not so many times. After that, I did not thought more about it. This was one of the things they started to talk about, without my knowledge about it. I think it is these criminals who use mind control, who have got me to behave that way. This whole situation, can look like it is directed. But that contains so much; so that is something I must work much more with, before I can tell more about it. During 1986; there was carried out a voluntary test which concluded with, that I not was insane. This test ruined me. But my daughter's family, and in that way also my daughter, were told that I was forced to a hospital because I was insane, and in that way also dangerous. That was a lie; which was decisive to all the destructive development, which continued afterwards. Later I also got some pills which gave me hallucinations, I throw them in the trashcan and did not come back to the doctor. I thought that if I went to the doctor again, the doctor would kill me. This situation that year, were carried out by people who later that year, should have been put in prison. Because that not happened, our lives become totally ruined by them. The police who should have stopped such a crime, helped it instead. It seems clearly that it is these criminals, who use mind control, who have caused this whole situation. And that started already in 1976. It also seems clearly, that it is these criminals, who brings in the word CIA in this connection. It can also be that it is these criminals, who brings in the word LSD also. But it is impossible for me to be absolutely sure about what they have done regarding such tings. I think that these criminals not have told me a single word about who they really are, what they really are doing, or what kind of drug they really have used on me. I also think that these criminals have cared so little about me, that they do not remember me. But I do not know anything about that. It can look like, that they have wanted to ruin my role, as an ordinary robust citizen. And that they have wanted to ruin the impression about, that such individuals are responsible citizens. It can also look like, they have wanted to use me to misinform. Maybe they also have wanted that I in the end should be violently and dangerous. It is also something to go on for thinking that they have wanted me to be totally insane. Maybe that was what they were sure about, the few minutes they thought about me after their crimes against me, and that they so forgot me, because they had more important things to think about. But I do not know anything about this. It can also be that it is wrong to leave out of account, that they have done this very thoroughly; because they disliked me very much, but that could not has to do with politics, I was not involved in politics. ▬
I also have something else to tell, after yesterday. It is about what I yesterday remembered about the toy horse, which I bought to my daughter for Christmas in 1984. Today, the day after I remembered this; this memory about this horse has got a kind of disappearing in my mind. I think that must be a kind of influence, which is like, that all I remember about such things, shall disappear from my memory. But I do not remember anything about what it is which can have been don against me regarding this. It can also be; that I never should be able to understand, what happened to me in 1986. But I do not forget this toy horse; and I understand more and more about what happened in 1986. All these photographs, it must be more than thousand of them now; are important for how I begin to remember much better about my past again. The time I use on them in between, hours after hours, for days and weeks and months; are also something which begin to work. I think that one of the intentions with this influence by mental control; is to get me to not use time on these things any more. When I use time on these things again, changes slowly start to develop, and I slowly begin to remember again. An addition An addition more ▬ Today I have got an understanding, regarding what I yesterday, April 27; wrote about the toy horse which I bought to my daughter. The memory about this horse, got a kind of disappearing in my mind, after I first had remembered it. Today I think that it can have something to do with how I in the summer 1986, not remembered anything about what had happened earlier that year. I think it can be an influence which has worked in a way, so all which had happened regarding how the situation become so wrong, was something I should forget. And that I therefore got this remarkable memory disappearing, regarding this toy horse; because I connected it to how that situation had developed, after I gave this toy horse to my daughter. The only thing I can think of, about how this can be possible; is that this method does it possible for these criminals, to talk to a kin of control function in the humans' mind. All the images I now have, also show how very glad our daughter was together with my family that summer 1985, a short time before this situation started to develop in the beginning of 1986. ▬ Today I want to turn the attention to, how it seems like, that some of this method with use of mind control, is influence like use of technical components in the mind. I started to think about this, after I in the last message, April 28, wrote about how this looks like, that it can be, like talking to a kind of control function in the humans' mind. Regarding that, I thought about how a sweater I got from my wife, was replace with a new one, and she continued to use the first sweater. I wrote abut this in the Messages 1 ‐ Wednesday, July 17, 2013. Here I have found a better image of my wife with that sweater. In 1976 we were on a camping trip. In 1977 we were on a cycle tour. On this cycle picture we are leaving my parents farm. A detail like this, is something imperceptible, which can have a sly intention. It can be necessary to have it in mind for some time, before you start to understand more and more about what such a sly intention can be. I do not write more about that this time. I do not know whether these criminals have influenced me to say something which caused, that this happened or not, but I think it can be like that. Another detail, is what I wrote about in the message Saturday, April 26, 2014. About when I opened a folder, where a image was stored, and I did not see it; (even it was there). When I am here in my writings in this messages section; I also think that I will write about something I have had in mind for a long time, many years. I do not now remember when this first came up in my mind. It is such a memory image. This memory image, is that my daughters mother talks to me, before this situation in 1986, like she was second‐sighted. She says to me, that later she will become so bad, and do so much wrong which she do not understand, that what she really want, is that I kill her; because at that time she can not understand that any longer. This was something she only could understand before it happened. This is an example of how these criminals are. I can not find any other reason for why they do something like this, than this is something they like to do. When I had this memory image in my mind, which was like, that I remembered it; I thought that I can not do what she has said. Maybe this is an early step, which they have wanted to come further with in a later connection; but I do not know anything about that. Today I think, that this could have been the beginning of a long and bloody road, which I have been influenced to walk, there the one after another, should have got what I had thought that was what they deserve, who had caused so much evil. This is also something I hold together with, how I after that I lost my memory in 1986; started to remember wrong afterwards, about what had happened. The psychiatrist for example, had got the role as one of these criminals, who use mental control; which not was correct. Others also had got such roles, like these criminals; which not was correct. But I can not remember what it is these criminals really have done to me, and what they really have wanted to achieve. Maybe the influences I have been influenced with; not have worked so conquering, as they were meant to do. Maybe all of this newer have been so dominating over me, as it was meant to be. Maybe I all the time have had too much other mental activity and thinking in my mind. I do not know. Today I think, that it is impossible for me to remember what I have been influenced with. I can not remember what have been said to me, I think. Now I am totally out of such influences. But how I suddenly not can see things I am looking for and such, is still something which can happen. Regarding my daughter's mother; I think that this problems are caused by how these criminals have influenced me. She and me were very constant and steady in our relationship together with each other. We did not demand things from each other. We liked to be together. I can not remember that we have quarrelled a single time. What I have wrote about in this message, shows how these criminals can want to get people who love each other, to kill each other. And it is grounds to think, that they also can achieve such results. How this is something which it can be influence to, like by use of technical components in the mind, can be the cause for that. It is caused by manipulative techniques. Regarding my daughter, all of these also are strange. Last time she and me were together, she wanted to be more together with me. And she has never had another contact with me, than that. It has been other people how she has had contact with, who have influenced her to experience it different. When I understand that she has been afraid of me, I let her in peace. But I have never done something to her, which should get her to be afraid of me. I want that she shall have a good life. Other people have looked her up to harm her, they did not let her in peace. Also people who started to be involved from outside, have behaved that way, looked up my daughter to harm her, because they not wanted this case to be cleared up. There have never been any problems between my daughter and me. It was not together with me, that my daughter become afraid of me, it was together with others. The same is also between her mother and me. They have got every single one of all of their problems, together with other people than me. Today I have very kind feelings for both my daughter and her mother. I think that these criminals have wanted to harm us, by influencing me. That is the problem. I had never wanted that to happen. But I could not even understand that it had been done to me. It is first after that many things have happened, that it is possible for me to understand abut, that something has been done to me. Before the problems in 1986 started to develop; it was a series of different occurrences, which had led to that. But I do not write about that here now, that are very much. When these things are understood, together with this mind control crime, then that situation is easy to understand. To write about all of that, I need more time than a few hours, which are what I have used on this text. ▬ After I wrote the last message, Tuesday, April 29, about a memory image there my daughter's mother talked as she was second‐sighted. I have started to see this memory image, together with what I called a memory movie (because it was so much), in Messages 3; Wednesday, October 9, 2013; Thursday, October 10, 2013; and Friday, October 11, 2013. That memory movie; was about a situation, where God was involved. In this memory movie, which I think has been the most crisp and clean; I on Monday, May 9, 2011; find out that these criminals are in the police. And in the sequel after what I found out that day; it all slowly started to develop in a way, where I more understood that Cod wanted me to find other humans out in the big world, and then start a kind of very strong military way of attacking the whole society and the whole western world. What I wrote about yesterday; April 29, was that the mother of my daughter, should have been second‐sighted. Earlier in our life, she should have told me that I one day must kill here. (This is only trickery from these mind control criminals.) Today, the day after; I think that this was in the years around 2000; and that it came together with, or straight afterwards, that I started to find out wrong about these crimes in the nineties, after I lost my memory in 1986. Today I also remember this, in a way; there this was regarding how our daughter had suffered because of what had been done against us. And afterwards I should start to kill all of them; because then, that was the only thing she really wanted, but not could understand any longer. She would then be at another place, and be glad because of what I had started to do. Regarding the family of these psychiatrists for example, (two of them were in the same family); I have had repeated thoughts about that I should kill them all on Christmas Eve, when all of them were together. But it should not stop there, the rest of these people, also should have been killed. I have had thoughts about that I should start to live in disguise, so they not could find me, even they had started to understand that it was me, who had started to do something. I should have been dangerous enough. Now I think that these two memory images (movies), are like the one after the other. And that it should become worse and worse. About this regarding my daughter's mother. I had thoughts about, that I could not believe in what she had said. Maybe she only had been confused. And I did not want to kill her. Such second‐sighted things, are not so very safe to believe in, I thought. If this is an alternative in this influence by these criminals; then it is so that the next time it becomes worse and clearer. But I do not remember what they have done to me, and can therefore not find out correctly about such things. But today I see it in that way, that these two memory images (movies) came one after the other. It has been many years between them. ▬ Now I am scanning pictures from my own photo album. By looking so thoroughly on the pictures, as that becomes; it becomes possible for me to say, that I can start to understand, what it is which is behind the pictures. Behind these pictures, I have begun to see an intention from these criminals who use mind control. That intention is to have influence over all my time, and also all our time regarding those nearest to me. And I think that one of the intentions with this influence, is that there not shall be time to start doing and developing our own things. These criminals have wanted to have control over all the time; camping trips, cycle tours, carpentering, health problems, schools, etc. What else this could have been, I do not know; but it had quite for certain been something else. And over many years, something else had become something very much different. Today our situation should have been another situation. Today we should have had another life. But we are not alone in this world regarding having it like that. When it has been as it has been, the first comparison I get in my thoughts, is; that it has been like being in prison. In this prison it has been possible for us to be in contact with each other, but we have not been free. When our situation got worsen in 1986, the first comparison I get in my thoughts, is; that it was, like our prison guards made it worse for us. This has not been a prison made of cement and bricks. It has been made of these mind control influences. To make this prison, is only one of the intentions with this mind control influences. To come out of this mind control prison, can be compared with being free. I think this also can be understood in all other connections in the societies and in the whole world. What means this? I will say; that it means, that we must be careful. We do not know what it is which has been ruined in this way. We must find out about that. We must find out about facts, about what it is which has been going on in this way, on account of these criminals. Today it should have been another world. ▬ While I am scanning old photographs, I now also found this picture below. It is the only picture I have from where we lived from 1976, until I moved early in 1979. This picture is from December 1979, when my daughter and her mother lived there. This piano was bought by a second‐hand store in the summer 1976, I repaired it and painted it and got it tuned by a piano tuner. This piano had a wooden frame for the strings. The desk was the desk I used when I was a child, at that time it stood in my own room. I think that these criminals who use mind control, can have influenced me in a way so we touched up this living room, to be something like this. But I can not remember what they really have done to me, I only have some suspects about what it can be.
▬ Regarding looking at earlier pictures, I now have got a clear experience of this: How different things you get relationships to look, are in a way photographed and saved inside in oneself. It is because of this, that you can recognize something, as something you have seen before. Especially regarding something you know well, this inner photograph album has a strong meaning. We humans are of course not ordinary photograph albums, for us humans this is something which turns out in another way. This comparison is only suitable to begin to understand about this. Today I think about that this can be something important to understand about, regarding how it can look like, that this, is something these criminals who use mind control, understand about, when they have tried to ruin for me. Because of that, this also can be something these criminals also do in other connections. These hallucinated memory images, which I have written about many times in this messages section, are also something I now start to think about regarding this. ▬ A short situational report today, can be illustrated in this way: Now my situation is like; that after reach the final day in a timetable for digging out an archeological pyramid, I find the most important part in the pyramid. This picture describes how I these days, find out and understand much more that I earlier this year, had thought could be possible. Therefore I now use a few months more, preparing to begin working with this in a more well‐arranged way. In this phase I also think that I have enough. I do not need to do more of these preparations. I only have to use a little more time on this last discovery. ▬ Now I have got a better overview of how my situation developed until 1986. This is in relation to how I in the summer 1986, did not remember anything. And it is the last days, that I have had an experience of getting everything put back where it belongs. In this message, I only will mention some key words. First of all, this started in 1976, or a short time before New Year 1975 ‐ 1976. Already in the summer 1976, the influence over me had caused that my wife and I moved away from each other, because of a misunderstanding. Later that summer, we moved together again. In the summer vacation 1977, we went on a cycle tour. I think that, that also was something I was influenced to. Because that should hinder us in getting in contact with our families, which is one of the intentions with this influence. In 1978 I become ill in a very destructive way, because I was influenced to behave so I got rheumatism whiteout understanding what it was. In contact with the doctor, I only was taken up with that I could not sleep, and become so terribly too much tired. This had developed for a long time, before I went to a doctor. When I went to the doctor, I thought that I had to start eating sleeping pills, which was something I not had wanted to begin to do. And the doctor got focused on that. There was some talking about tensions in my body. The doctor tried new things again and again, he did not want to give me strong sleeping pills. This led to an ongoing breakdown of my private situation and relation to my work. A friend said that my wife and I should go to family therapy. But that was a completely mistake, like messing around in the fog. The therapists got interesting thoughts up in their heads, but it had nothing to do with us. After a week or two, my wife only thought it was idiotic, but I got stuck there, because we needed the sick pay. The problem got only worse, and I quit my job. In 1979 we moved away from each other, got separated, and later divorced. I set about taken good care of my daughter. And in the years from then, to 1986, my daughter developed a very good relationship with me and my family. We also still had much contact all three; her mother, my daughter, and I. In 1982 we celebrated Christmas Eve together, and that was typical for how our contact with each other was. The summer 1985 I had been working in my old job again, for some years, but in another company than the first time. And the old health problems came back. In contact with a new doctor, the idiotic situation from 1978 also came back again, and this time it became even more idiotic. In the summer 1985 some special things happened. Normally the family of my daughter's mother visited them, at my daughter's birthday. But this time, they did not came, and I was there instead, together with her youngest sister which was the only from her family who came this time. This summer 1985; my daughter and I also visited her mother's parents at a place in Oslo, where they had a boat which they used much time at. This was a place where it was many boats, and they had contact with other boat owners there. Later her mothers father came to us, when my daughter was together with me in my apartment. He had asked his daughter, about asking me, if I could come together with him to visit his mother, who was at an old people's home. I said to her, that I could visit her grandmother together with her, but that I thought it was strange to visit her together with her father. I said that she could ask her father, if he wanted to come and see how our daughter and I had it at my place. He could take our daughter with him to his mother, I said. She answered that her father and I could manage fine to talk about that together. She talked like her father and I were very good friends, but I had talked very little with him the last years. When he come to my apartment, he got disappointed because I not wanted to come together with him to his mother, and he only become cross and grumpy about getting knowing about how much funny and interesting my daughter an I had together. And when I showed him our photo albums, he did not like that at all. After this, he took our daughter with him to his mother. This was surrounded with different misapprehensions which I not shall use more time on this time. Now I think that this was something very artificial, not a natural situation at all. And later this year, things become more and more artificial, and several confusing happenings developed in an increasing way this half‐year. I lent him two records. This is something strange. It has been impossible for me to remember which two records these were. But the last days, this is something I just these days have found better out about. Here I have a picture of two records, which I think, that maybe are the correct records. But I am not sure. It had been impossible for me to remember these two records, and that is something suspicious. I wonder if this can be because of this influence with mind control. I had started to read about music and records, and had got records as an interest. I bought monthly all kinds of different records. Andrés Segovia ‐ Maestro Segovia Peter Abrahamsen ‐ Er Der En Mening Med Livet These two records have been totally lost in my mind. The record by Segovia, was first a cover in my mind which I remembered as black. I have also thought that all the music on the record with Segovia, were by Isaac Albeniz, transcribed to guitar. But now I think it can be that it was this one, and the only piece by Albeniz on this record is Zambra Granadina. The record by Peter Abrahamsen (Danish) ‐ Er Der En Mening Med Livet (Is There a Meaning of Life), is a record where he sings poems by Rudolf Nilsen (a Norwegian poet). This music is not the same as other recordings with poems by Rudolf Nilsen. This record had totally disappeared from my memory. One day I started to remember that I had something Danish, and after some days I remembered this record again. This happened now recently. Here is a translation I have made of one of the poems on this record. I have only translated it word by word. On stone grounds The young birches in the black town They lift bravely their thin boughs But they will never be like the big trees, Rudolf Nilsen 1925 I think this is an example of why Rudolf Nilsen became that well‐known working class poet he is here in Norway. He expresses the dream about a better life, which is a part of the suppressed working class' soul. He gave words to the silent longing in their inner being. In his time, it was not long ago that the working class sometimes different places in Europe and other places in the world, had been shot and killed because of their social involvement for freedom and justice. At that time, the working class only should work for others' happiness, not for their own. 'The happiness is not for you. For the future's generation you shall open a better and brighter way.' are some another of his words, from the poem Bekjennelse (Confession). The first words in this poem, are: 'There is no meaning of life? You say: We are born and die, but is there an aim with it all, an intention with all that we do?' By his home as a child in Oslo's east side, there is an open area in the city which has his name, Rudolf Nilsens plass (Rudolf Nilsen's Square). Rudolf Nilsen was born in Kristiania (the name for Oslo from 1624 to 1924) in 1901, and died in Paris in 1929. I have never been especially interested in Rudolf Nilsen. I have heard about him many times, in different situations; as something you do not need to look up, to get to know about. He is a poet who I think, that has written very good and soulful poetries. He describes the working class as spiritual beings, instead of as manpower and labor. He was only 28 years old. I have a little suspicion about, that these criminals who use mind control, have influenced me to be interested in such things like Rudolf Nilsen's writings and the like. If so, then they have a hidden agenda by doing that. I think they have taken control over such tings they have wanted to ruin, in a way no one has understood, and ruined them in that way. Because of that, such things have been ruined, by how they have developed. But I do not have any certain information about what these criminals are doing.
► Here is a link to that music on YouTube. These two other records where bought after 1979. In the end of the summer 1985, I said to my daughter's mother that I could redecorate her bathroom. Earlier we already had touched up both the bathroom, kitchen, and other places in the apartment. This time I thought about doing something more in the bathroom, I felt well and had a lot of energy. That was my idea. Later in the winter, I had been so tired, and asked her if she could ask her father to do that. That was not his idea. The next time I saw him, he was in bad mood. At Christmas Eve 1985, our daughter was by her mother's family. Normally I called them at Christmas Eve, and first talked cheerfully with her grandfather and her mother, before I talked to her. But this time, here grandfather only was surly. I did not talk to her mother. And when I talked to my daughter, she had a mood like she was in a funeral. I said to my family, that something was wrong, and that I had to find out about it, when I came home. In the beginning of 1986; very much started to happen. Generally everything become more and more incomprehensible, and an increasing developing of nonsense grew around me, without my knowledge about it. Her I only shall mention some few key words about that. Early in 1986; I suddenly and unexpected, started to talk to my daughter's mother, about a traumatic situation which developed in her family in 1974. This was a situating crammed with wrong ideas, psychological repressions, and twisted feelings; in different ways among all the involved people. And this situation had not become any better afterwards, only worse and worse. I mention to my daughter's mother, something about that her father had wrong ideas, psychological repressions, and twisted feelings; regarding this situation. I said that he had done wrong. I said that he had done so wrong, that he had could been put in prison for it. But I said also, that this only was a way of showing, how wrong that was. I said that I thought that he really had wanted to be kind, and therefore he should not be put in prison, but got help to understand what had happened. I also said to here, that if she asked her father about when our daughter had birthday, then he would not know it, because he did not care about here, I said. But that could be quit normal; I also said. When she later asked him about that, he did not know it. And that started a volcano of insanity in her family. I also said other such things. And here we have something, which have started up a horrible development of even more wrong ideas, psychological repressions, and twisted feelings; in a dramatic way. It becomes a situation so mad, that it exceeds all what you normally could expect. It was a decisive move I did in this situation, which afterwards easily can be seen like it was directed from outside, by outstanding people. That was, that I one day early in 1986, said to my daughter's mother, that she could invite her family to her. And that she should do that one day our daughter was by me, and so could our daughter come earlier back to her. This was something, I at that moment had thoughts about, that was because our daughter should develop a good situation together with her mother's family. But this is so strange, that I do not think I had come to such thoughts by myself, this must be because of this influence by mind control. After the day her mother did that, our daughter have not been together with me and my family, which was something she was used to since she was born. That was something natural for her; like the ground below her, and the sky above her, something which always had been like that in her life. She had a very good contact with me and my family, which her mother's family and others never had known anything about. But I had heard some words about, that our daughter had liked to talk about that. So in that way, others knew something more than nothing. It was after this, that the situation become out of control. And that only become worse and worse. A person I had had contact with for some few years, also got involved. That was only absurd. He only had some confusing thoughts, which he had started to developed because of something I had said. This was something he started to be very much taken up with, while I did not think of it at all. I had only said something which was something I only did because I wanted to see how he reacted. I said that he was a CIA agent, but that was not something I thought that was true. This is something I must have been influenced to do. While this situation developed, I forgot this. This person did not know anything about my daughter and my family, and he had no knowledge about my situation. He had some totally wrong thoughts about me, nothing else. Both a psychiatrist early in 1986, and a doctor later in 1986; gave me pills which made me be totally mentally ruined. The first time, I had planned to travel and talk to my parents; for the first time, about this. But the psychiatrist tricked me, and got me to come to here polyclinic instead, the same day I had planned to travel. (I had never looked up this polyclinic, I had contacted a doctor because of pains in my muscles.) The psychiatrist had talked about this with her family, was one of the things I got told when I came to the clinic. Another psychiatrist who got involved, was in the same family. I got not talked to my parents. After what they did against me that time, I could not tell anything about what had happened any longer. This whole situating is marked by how many people around me, start to do things I did not know about. And all of it was only their own nonsense, not mine. When the year was over, some of them had qualified themselves for many years in prison. But at that time, I did not remember anything about what had happened, and could not understand anything of it. And that became worse and worse in the years to come after that. My mind continued to collapse more and more afterwards. All these different things in this situation, are too much at the same time! Such things do not happen by itself. Today, this is a overview I now can understand as a coherent whole. That is something new for me, this complete overview. But it is very much, that is also suspicious. How could something like this, become so very much? How can something become so wrong like this? That is an important question. Because this is not a natural situating. It is a artificial situation, which looks like, that it is directed by people from outside of all of it. This is not all. But here it could be possible to understand, that it is not unthinkable, that it is an influence by others, behind this development. It is much more. But her is a little insight into how the situation in 1986, had a background, which it is possible to find out about how has developed. And that is what I can do. I can not find out about what these criminals who use mind control, are doing other places in the world. This is only a rough sketch of a description about this situation. A finished description are about many other things, and must become very much longer. Maybe these criminals have been able to gain so extremely much regarding this situation, by doing very little, nearly nothing, but not totally nothing? Much can be said about how, this method with use of mind control, works. Here in the end of this message; I think about that this influence wins over the influenced person, and the influenced person wins over other people. This method can be used to break people down; and to get them to do especially things, and gain especially aims. ▬ In the last message, Wednesday, May 14, I among other things wrote about the record 'Er Der En Mening Med Livet' (Is There a Meaning of Life) by the now living Danish singer Peter Abrahamse in 1978. This record has lyrics by the Norwegian poet Rudolf Nilsen 1901 ‐ 1929. After I had worked with that message, where I translated some of Rudolf Nilsen's words, I heard that the lyrics on this record have some changes. First I heard the last words of the poem 'On stone grounds'. On this record, that are 'and only can be free inside.' The original words are, 'and only have a dream about forest and hillside.' This is totally different, but I did not start to write something here because of that. But on the last song on the record, 'Is There a Meaning of Life (Confession)', which is the poem 'Confession'; the first words have been changed in a way, which I want to write about here. Originally the words are 'There is no meaning of life?' On the record these words are. 'Is there a meaning of life?' This is a serious change. The original words ascertains that there is no meaning with such a life. But there is a question mark afterwards. Later in the poem, the meaning of life becomes to make it better for the future's generation. This is not the same as asking if there is a meaning of life. And I think the different is total. To ask if there is a meaning of life, can be a question by people who only are bored. But to ascertain that there is no meaning of life, that is to say that this is about something serious. These people had a life without meaning. But the poem tells about how it can be a meaning of life. I got thoughts about that this poet Rudolf Nilsen used some symbolical words. That can be seen in many ways, trees which have strike roots, lifts their thin boughs etc. I also think that about words like rifles and powder. You shall not let someone shoot you, then you shall shoot back, but you shall work for peace. It is important to read all about such words, and not take a few words out of the context. When working with this text, I also have got thoughts about that this has to do with, that the majority, the people, shall have the power, which is democracy. And then I started to think about that power of the majority, do not need to use weapons. This way of power do principally not need to use weapons as a systematic method. Because of this, it can be a hidden destructive move, to try to make it be necessary to use weapons in democracies, to ruin them. Here I have translated three of Rudolf Nilsens poems. I have only translated them word by word. The last one, 'Street Boy', have been performed as a song by the now living singer Lillebjørn Nilsen, he made it in 1973. I think that every single inhabitant of Norway in the decades after 1973, know that song. Here is a link to YouTube, where it is possible to hear that song. ► Lillebjørn Nilsen ‐ Gategutt by Rudolf Nilsen. On stone grounds The young birches in the black town They lift bravely their thin boughs But they will never be like the big trees, Rudolf Nilsen 1925 Confession There is no meaning of life? I know a meaning of life. It is that you never give way For yourself you have nothing to hope. I know a meaning of life. Rudolf Nilsen 1925 Street Boy I came to the world in a brick block of flats I have a song, a little simple song: It is my defiance, it is my belief and dream: In the crematory shall my white fire Rudolf Nilsen 1926 ▬ In the two foregoing messages, I unexpected have found out about; that two of these three poems by Rudolf Nilsen which I have quoted, have been changed when they have been recorded on a record. The third, Gategutt (Street Boy) which is sung by Lillebjørn Nilsen; also has two small changes. If it not was because I already had found out about such things, I had not thought about this third. But now I have become sharpened. I have not looked at other poems than these three. What are this small changes in Gategutt (Street Boy)? I could also have got a wrong text, which I only have found on the Internet. Has Lillebjørn Nilsen got a wrong text? Or has he done these small changes to make the song sound better? These are small changes. Here I shall show what I have found out, from my very easily collected material. First line in the second verse: Out of hand, this is an insignificant change. But what does this change do? The original line says: 'A little simple song.' Easy to understand with a few words. The song says: 'A quite little song.' Or: 'A rather little song.' Not much. If we think about that others can stand behind such things; then such differences can be important, because someone causes such changes systematically in a big extent regarding many things, our history etc. My understanding today; is that it is totally impossible for me to remember something, about what it is which has been done against me. But because I have been influenced to find out wrong, I then in the end have found out a little correct. But that is because I have had this special control over me, which others not have. So to find out about such things, requires that we must do different things to approach a clearing up. These criminals who use this mind control, of course do many other things than such things, too. And there are many possibilities with this method. To influence people; they can use others, the person or people themselves, or form trends etc. And they can made changes in an individuals subconscious mind. The fourth line in the fourth verse: The original line says: 'for that who listen to:' Something which is done for that who listen to. The song says: 'to that who listen to:' Something which is brought to that who listen to. I had never started to think about what I have wrote about in this message, if it not was because I began to be more and more taken up with these things. It is exactly such things I have thought that these criminals can do. So therefore I write this message too. But these criminals do many other things too. And exactly what they are doing, I do not have any information about. This message is about something which these criminals have the possibility to do. If they have done something regarding these examples, or not; are something I do not have any information about how can be, or not be. This situation, that we start to find out about this, should be understood like a positive possibility, I think. Not as a catastrophe. I think that the right thing to do, is to be glad that it becomes possible for us to begin to find out about this. The catastrophic situation is when we do not understand anything at all. ▬ Today I decided to listen to all the 13 songs on the vinyl record from 1978, 'Er der en mening med livet' (Is There a Meaning of Life); which I have written about in the two messages before this one. When I at the same time looked at the original texts, I found that only one song was correct, that was 'Refleks' (Reflection). Four were wrong. Eight were terrible. These terrible songs have texts which in different ways, totally ruin Rudolf Nilsen's texts; and even say the opposite to what he has written. It can be possible to see these texts as an insult to Rudolf Nilsen's texts. From the beginning, when I started to find out about this record, I have had thoughts abut that there can be something suspicious with this. No I am more sure about that. Maybe it is possible, that these criminals who use mind control; both have influenced me in 1976 to buy such a record (if that could be exactly this record, I do not know), and influenced Peter Abrahamsen to make this record in 1978, but I do not know. This type of influence both can get you to do something, and at the same time change your understanding about what you are doing. It is necessary to trick the influenced individual, but the influence itself is also conquering. Typical the influence also worm one's way, to be able to work, little by little. But this method have many possibilities. It is at bottom, some kind of a special influence, which these criminals must use in methodical ways to get it to work. To understand about it, can help a lot, and more and more also, so it can be possible to overcome this influence very much; so much, that it not should be a big problem any longer. Here I have translated (word by word), the poem 'The weekday'. On the record it is named 'Some are best to bear (The weekday)'. The version on the record have a opposite meaning to the original poem, that is on of the terrible versions. The original version, talks about something to deal with. On the record it is talked about that somebody shall do that. The red text is the text from the record. The weekday Something is worse to bear: Never to run for the life Never a shining victory ‐ Never get dare a fight for Rudolf Nilsen ‐ published 1929 (after his death) Some are best to bear (The weekday) Some are best to bear: They shall never run for the life They will never get a beaming victory ‐ They will never dare the fight (Long music sequence) Some are best to bear: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, (4:14 minutes) ▬ In the previous message, May 24, I wrote that only one song was correct, that was 'Refleks' (Reflection). This is regarding the vinyl record from 1978, 'Er der en mening med livet' (Is There a Meaning of Life); which I have written about. This is not correct. There are two mistakes on this song also. I had thought that I only should listen fast and briefly to all the songs, and note very briefly; correct, wrong, terrible. Therefore I was not prepared for going carefully through these songs. But afterwards, this song 'Reflection' has been constantly in my mind, because there are two small mistakes in that song also. Here they are: The second line in the first verse: The third line in the third verse: By going careful through exactly this song, these two errors can be seen as important mistakes in proportion to the original poem. Shades are not the same as forests, and has nothing to do with the meaning of the word forests either. And the moon's rays are not warm, although they are reflected from the sun. The poem writes about the light, not about the heat. Here is the original poem: Reflection Tonight the moon is golden, Then you let the look dwell And your eyes are filled Rudolf Nilsen 1925 There are not identical words between English and Norwegian language. The most concrete substantives and verbs often have identical words, but more special words and other parts of speech; do not have exactly identical words. So these translations which I have done word by word; are not paraphrased, but they are not exactly identical either. But it is possible to understand what the poems are about, and what the mistakes are about. This last example, shows how much a single word can change the meaning with things. At the same time as I have been thinking about this, I also have thought about that these criminals who use mind control; can make irrational reactions in humans. This means; that such reactions, are not related to what it is about, but to influences by mind control techniques. And it can look like, that such influences can spread around. This is, that people can have reactions which only are artificial reactions; and not natural reactions related to what it can be about. After I have written this, I start to think that these criminals also can make irrational experiences. A consequence of these, is that we become irrational beings, who behave in an artificial way; controlled by hidden plans. Why we do not understand this; is because it works in that way, that it makes us be taken up with acting in accordance with what happens. To understand about this; will help against it. We can understand about this, and change all of it also; but then we must find out about it. ▬ Today I have a clear picture in my mind, about how these criminals who use mind control, maybe use their method: First; this influence works in a conquering way. This leads to that such influences can be something, which I have thought about; like an engine, in the humans. Of course this is not an engine. But I look at it that way, because it illustrates how this influence, can drive the influenced person at a strong way. It is possible to think, that such an influence can look like, that the influenced person; has got an engine inside of oneself, which drives the person. Next; because of this, influenced individuals have got a driving force, which others do not have. The influenced individuals become the active individuals. The others become the passive spectators or the active followers. Because of this, these criminals can get control over what develops. After this; these criminals influence all the different individuals in different situations. For and against, and other positions. No one reach what they want, everyone only reach these criminal's goals without understanding about it. I have no information about what these criminals are doing. This is only something I have thought. It is many other things to take into consideration regarding this. ▬ |
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