David H. Hegg’s Web Site ─ A Web Site about crimes against the humans’ minds | ||||||
◙ Messages | ||||||
◙ English ● 2013 · 1 |
▼ Messages 1 When I write a few words her now, I just finished this new design, for this Web Site which has been on the Internet for many years. The two pages in the part 'Important'; 'Important' and 'Facts', have been written in a fast way, to bring out a little information immediately. It is now this year, that I have begun to find out something correctly about these things. And because of that, I wrote these two texts at once. From now on, I will start to work more thoroughly. Therefore I also now have made this new Web Site, which is made to be used for that purpose. The text 'In 1986', is written many years ago, and is about something very suspicious which has happened to me. Under this link 'Messages', I will write a little. a couple of times every month, so others can understand how I am working with something for this Web Site. Monday, March 18, 2013 ▬ Here I will mention two important arguments: The first is that it happens too much unexpected and peculiar, which never should have happened. My own situation is a clear example for that. And the shooting massacres are also clear examples. Other unexpected and peculiar things also can be seen the same way. When an understandable explanation is not disclosed and found, then starts guessings which become to develop as explanations instead. But that explanation which agree with this, is that someone are influencing individuals with drugs and mind control, so that it happens different which never should could have happened. The next is, that this possibility it is obvious that someone use, when there not are doing any open and active protection against it. It is necessary to thoroughly protect oneself against this. To say something else; is the same as saying, that you can just safely travel away on a vacation with doors and windows open, because it is no one who do anything wrong, so that it is not necessary to protect oneself against that. Tuesday, March 19, 2013 ▬ In the next few weeks, I will try to write something briefly, which in an easy way, looks at my whole situation in context. ▬ Now I just have finished a new design for this Web Site. Some of the pages are still old design. But it has been a completely new design for new texts, so that these are arrange in this new system ahead in the future. The actual idea with the design; is to be neutral, imperceptible, and functional; in a way which does it easy to be preoccupied of the content on the Web Site. First I will write something which in a brief way puts my whole situation into context. At once I can write, that a key word is delusions. The total situation which developed around me in 1986, consists only of delusions by everyone. These delusions developed from individuals who not at all know anything about my circumstances of life, or not had seen me for many years, or who only insignificant only just had greeted me one or two times the last years. Those very nearest to me did not know not in the least about this. I did not want to trouble them with my difficulties, they lived another place. This activated the whole community apparatus around me, in a way I not had the remotest idea about. In the course of a few weeks and months, I had almost totally lost my memory. And I could not explain anything to anybody. What I write about in the texts 'Important' and 'Facts' under 'Important', in one way or another has the conclusive importance. (Thinking about to throw together the two texts without changing them. Want to keep the original development which appears there.) But this is completely away in how it all looks like as it is. It is different which have to do with this. But one factor, is that I am influenced to behave self-sacrificing, (I shall sacrifice myself away and disappear). I shall be extremely kind, (so that it damages me). In this way my normal behaviour is being overdone. It has also been influenced to the actual divorce before this again, I should move away to be kind. But I am also influenced to begin to think that I had talked to this strange person Syver Volden (see 'Facts'). This was something I wondered about what could be. It was like something I started to remember again. Here are some key factors described. This is some of that which does, that the situation that time in 1986 comes out of control; to the complete breakdown of it all. ▬ Now I understand that if I had could explain what had happened to me in 1986, it all had could been all right again by several individuals I then had could talked to. But I did not understand what happened, and could not explain anything, and lost my memory. It all was a whole string of simple misunderstandings. So that something important which was done to me from 1976 – 1977, was that I did not understand anything. It had been easy for me to straighten it all because of what I now understand. It has taken me 27 years to manage that. And in one period I did not remember anything at all about what had happened in 1986. ▬ Today I got a clear understanding about that what has happened to me, that is facts. But what I have started to think it can be caused of, that can be something I have been fooled to start to think. I also thought today that I among others things, I have been influenced to start to be preoccupied of that they use LSD and have something to do with the Second World War. Something has happened, and that is the important for me to concentrate about. I have been tricked away from understanding about what it is that really has been done to me. I have also thought, that if they who have done this to me, should have been able to correct what they have done to me, they had had to do that that time they did this to me. They are too weak to be able to correct it now. It is weak people who use such methods. But they cause horrible things. ▬ Now I understand that I do not have the planned brief text finished before some more weeks. That is because I started to change this Web Page to be more adapted to what I now write about. I have also had a comprehensive return of my personality to what I was used to before. I have thought that this is something it is appropriate for me to let work for some weeks. It has been very much which has happened inside of me now these days, and I am surprised of how much it is that happens to me. Already in the middle of the 1990s I found out that some had wanted me to do against my own will. And that is a strong detail, because I at that time did not know anything else about this. Later I have read about experiments with LSD in that way. It has been clear for me that hallucinatory effects and delusions are central with this method. And it has been clear for me that the possibility to influence the subconsciousness in a way, that the person do not know afterwards; is something important. When someone use these techniques to influence individuals' mind, they get a conquering power over their thoughts and feelings. And that is very dangerous. This is something it is necessary to find out about and hinder. On the Internet it is possible to find out much about that different countries and organizations have done a lot of experiments with LSD and these things. Therefore it is obvious that some have started to use this possibility. The last weeks I have started to think that use of these possibilities, and the madness; walk hand in hand. And that means that these people can have something to do with how the Second World War was developed and carried out with all its madness. It is possible that these people can be some who never have said anything about what kind of drug they use, or what they do. And that all the other experiments with LSD are something else. These people typical hide their activity behind things they get other people to do. And it is possible for them to get people to do such experiments, and in that way hide their own unknown activity behind it. They have played, and are still playing; an easy and gruesome game. It is very easy for some to do it that way. I know for sure that this has been done to me, I am 100% sure. The most dangerous it is possible to do with this, is to do nothing. Because it is because people do nothing, that they can do what they are doing. About my situation in 1986, so is it all only misunderstandings; and that also absolutely 100% all of it. It was not anything wrong at all. And all the problems which started to develop, were caused by people who not know anything about what it was talked about. From the first beginning, I did not understand anything about what they had started to talk about, and that become worse and worse. My family and the nearest to me, did not know about it, and had not any such ideas as they far away from me started to talk so very much about regarding me. Some of them had not seen me for many years. So all of that, was only wrong. And it is very wrong to let the people most far away from a person, get the possibility to say what to do against å person. After some time, they had ruined my family to. They ruined everything which had to do with my life. And the cause for it, was absolutely nothing. ▬ Today I got a clear understanding about that something very important for these criminals, is something which it is very important for us to understand. That is their protection against being disclosed. And that is a kind of psychological barrier, which they very thoroughly builds up. This barrier causes that we do not realize that these criminals exist, and do not understand that they are doing something. This is very important for them to cause, and it is very important for us to find out about that, and understand how it works. ▬ Today I have been focused on how I have been influenced to start being preoccupied with this. I did not start to find out something in 1986, I started to do something which others, had wanted me to do. And that was because I should begin to find out wrong about this; so that neither I nor others should understand anything correct at all. I have been used to misinform about this. That is what has happened to me, and it is no doubt about that at all, it is 100% surely. I have been struggling with this for days and nights since 1986, and that is not because of nothing. These criminals are some, and they must be found. This is something I clearly have understand this year, and therefore I now are careful with what I am doing; but I am on the way with things to come here on the Web Page. No one should be afraid of these criminals, they are only very weak and bad people. ▬ Even though I have not written something new; I have been very busy with this matter the whole time. It is things under way to come on the Web Page: both within a shorter time and a longer time, from now. I have prepared many things the last weeks. I think that it is important to find out about other things in this connection. I have only very little done that; because I think that I shall keep my mind on what only I know about, regarding this issue, which others can not know. But for others who approach to these things from an outside viewpoint; it can be something very important to do so, to collect other sources which have to do with this. This year I have got a totally new understanding about my situation; and I now understand that I have started to understand about my situation in a correct way. It can be that I can not remember any thing at all, about what has been done to me, but I can be absolutely sure about that something has been done to me. My whole situation is marked by that these criminals have wanted me to start to believe in what they have influenced me to do. That is to misinform, and that shows that they have a reason to misinform, which shows that this otherwise can be disclosed. This case is consisting of a number of indistinct facts which shows that something serious is hidden. It is necessary to begin to work with this; that can bring a gradually more clear understanding about what this is. ▬ Today I am focused on that it will be important to find out what these criminals do with humans. Among other things it is all possible reason to think, that they have started to get individuals to do something you not had expected from them. If we manage that, we can start to find out when and where they have started with this, and how it has developed. This is obvious something they are busy with hindering that someone can manage. In that way, it is extra difficult to manage that, and it is typical that we have to look after for misleading influence. ▬ Today I have had some thoughts about what can has gone wrong, after these criminals started their hidden activity. And first I started to think; that they maybe hated how the most of the humans around the world, started to accept the new ways of understanding and thinking, which also was a step forward for the humans. It all had to do with how the humans started to understand more than they had done before, during the 19th and 20th century. After that, I began to think that they have used the old well known strategy; divide and rule, which all the humans in the world should have understood, but even did not understood at all. And in that way, they have brought about much more dramatic conflicts, which otherwise never had been. Because the humans had accepted what is true with the new ways of understanding and thinking. And therefore the humans had had a situation with both agreeing and disagreeing, not only disagreeing. So; in the end, I got some really big thoughts. And very big thoughts can sometimes be a little overwhelming. But these thoughts are really simple and easy. Even God, if God exists, must accept what is true; but it exist humans who do not want to accept what is true. And that kind of humans, can be these criminals. It is humans who put themselves over God, if God exists. (Regarding the question if God exists or not, my thoughts are; that what it is, that are facts. That are some facts we do not know what are.) ▬ After I realized how I have been influenced, to be absolutely certain about that something has happened, which absolutely not has happened; I have experienced an inner change, where all which has to do with this, get another way of being. I experience that I now adapt me to a new approach to this. It is much I can not know, because it is impossible to remember what has been done to one selves in this way. But it is much I can understand. That this is like a puzzle, where some of the pieces are missing, is a relevant description. The most important in this note, is that I am today are focused on that these criminals get individuals to be absolutely certain about that something is correct, when it absolutely not is correct. And this is something very dangerous. We find ourselves in a situation where psychological manipulation, with use of intensive working dangerous drugs, is the danger we are placed towards. To understand this; is a substantial better situation, than not understanding it. This call for something specially from us, and it is difficult in a special way, we are influenced in a dangerous way. It is always better to start to understand, the difference is only that; then you are not happily ignorant any longer. It is very dangerous to be happily ignorant about that something is dangerous. You are not safe when you are happily ignorant about that something is dangerous. Some of what we not understand, is how easy this can be for them to do. To know can be difficult; but it is much better than not to know. These criminals must be a few, otherwise it in one way or another would have been disclosed. Has it been a few, who start to understand this, that has started to be dangerous for these criminals. And are there a few more, so it starts to be really dangerous for them. ▬ Here is a short message again. After I found out that they have got me to remember, that something has happened; which really has not happened. I in a way have unmasked some of how this is doing. An when I now look back on what has happened, so is my saturation like this; that after, that I in 1986 started to want to find out about what has happened, I understand only less and less, and I got more and more confused. So that the more I have tried to understand, the less I have understood, and the more I have been confused. This development turns around for me now. I begin to understand that I have been influenced to want to begin to find out, in a way that does, that I only find out less and less correct, and more and more wrong. This can be a method they also ordinarily surround themselves with, generally also. That people who want to find out something, only find out more and more wrong. Among other things because of that they never leave behind tracks or evidence after themselves; so that people find out other things and wrong explanations. But that they have used me to misinform, shows that they themselves can see and imagine a danger for otherwise being unmasked. And how it is with that, it is important to find out about. I am well under way, but I have many different things I have to do; both work and earn money, and other tings. But I see clearly how I will work with the Web Page ahead, so here things are under way, which already are a little bit planned. ▬ It is the Norwegian national day today; a day characterized by a lot of different traditional celebratings, especially the children's parades all places in the country. Every single school in the country join this tradition with the children's parades. I have worked much the last time, and use the day to relax. I get some thoughts about something which has been important for my identity. That is; that it must be an eternal cause, which has created the universe where we live. And I think that an eternal cause must have eternal motives and intentions, because of what its own situation is. We humans are a result of a creation, we are not the creator. And it is a very big difference between these two positions; the creations and the creator. It is impossible for something to come into existence from nothing, so that can never has happened. Therefore it always has been something; and what that is, we do not know. Regarding this thoughts, I think: It is not up to me to decide what all is. And I can not know what all is, and what can be the meaning of this world. But I exist in an eternity; and I think that what I am doing can have a place in the eternity. Because of this, I have a strong feeling of that it is important for every individuals what they are doing and how they behave. So this is a strong part of my personality, which I want to share with you. I now also have a clear understanding about; that these methods or method with drugs or drug, which I am preoccupied with; is something these criminals are doing with us, which we can not remember anything of at all afterwards. What they have done to me, is to influence me to start to believe that I remember something. That is not that I have started to find out something, it is them who have startled to get me to do what they want. Why do they want me to begin to talk wrong about these things? That must be because they are afraid of that people otherwise can start to understand something, They need to confuse us so we do not start to understand something. This confusing is something important to find out about and understand. Because then we are closer to find out about what this is. They are not God. They are some people here on Earth. And I think that what we have got in this connection, are different abilities which together are able to find out about these criminals and arrest them. I think we are joining the long development of mankind when we start to find out and do something with this problem. What they have done to every one us, we do not know before we find out about it. What they are hiding for us, we can not trust. I think they are doing something with it all, not only with one part or interest. Therefore they have not changed oneself regarding something else around oneself. They have changed everyone and it all. I also think that something essential with this method, is that they can talk and influence us in a way we can not remember afterwards. For the rest, I am in good development regarding other things to come on the Web Site in the time to come. The last weeks and days I in a strong way more and more have become the person I was before. That is a strange experience for me, and I very clearly understand that they have changed me. Things come back to normal again when I understand about this. But I do not remember what they have done to me. ▬ Now I just have thought about whether it is possible to get one's intellectual ability to be on the top of one's own creature or not; in that way that one's intellectual ability is the upper deciding power of one's own personal meaning. And I think that it is not impossible. After that I got some thoughts about that the hidden activity I am preoccupied with finding out about, that is not the worlds most clever humans who have used their intellectual possibilities to take unfair advantage of them who not are so clever as themselves. I think this hidden activity can be people who are suitably stupid enough. The power is in the drug or drugs they use, not in their intellectual capacity. And that is what is dangerous; it is these suitably stupid people with this dangerous drug or drugs in this hidden activity. They are managing to hide what they are doing to other humans. First it is suitably stupid people; after that it becomes dangerous people with a dangerous drug or drugs. And that is in proportion to the meaning with this world, the world is not their property. ▬ Now I have just started with the text which I have announced for some while; where I in a short and easy way will try to put it all together. I have among other things used the time to influence myself by music which I listened to before. Here is one example from YouTube, but I listened to different various types of music, classical of course, which this piece from 1972 indicates, ► Gemini Suite. This is the B side of this album Gemini Suite by ► Jon Lord which I especially like to listen to. Jon Lord was the keyboardist in the well known rock band Deep Purple. He died last year, and that was sad. I had a tape recorder when I was a youth, and recorded different music which my different friends bought, like this one. I also got some music from one of my friend's older brother, I think. Records among people like us, where at that time something valuable which where handled with great care, no fingerprints and no dust on the records. They where valuable things. I also bought some records myself, like this one; ► The Who, Tommy; here is the cut ► Pinball Wizard from the album Tommy. Her I have shared some of the sound I have heard the last days, with you. My life at that time was market by that I was preoccupied with many different things. I played different instruments, like Piano which I had had a good progress on, I also went to a piano teacher; but also violin, flutes and other instruments. I did different types of paintings and drawings, molding, and I liked to be out in the nature with a tent together with my friends. I visited now and then different cultural arrangements in the city Oslo in Norway, where I lived, and still live. I clearly understand that I have been influenced to not remember anything of these things any longer, but now I remember it all. And that is much interesting to remember again. Later on I met other people who I also got records from, to record on my tape recorder. I do not have the tape recorder any longer, but it is easy to find the music on the internet today. What I remember from what has been done to me in 1976, regarding the situation which has become so incomprehensible from 1986, is that I have been influenced to remember an hallucination; about that my wife at that time shouted out, that she wanted a divorce. My daughter sat on the floor and played with her toys. And when this come up in my memory (from nothing), I thought that this is something I must understand in silence, that I do not understand what is the problem with my wife and me. I must think about that my daughter can not grow up in such a home. And I never talked about it to a single person. This was in the late 1970s. I think this has never happened. And it is one of the things which have been done to start the situation in 1986. If I not had started to understand this things, I still strongly had believed in this and continued not to talk about it. The especially with this hallucinations is that they are more clearly than what is normal and come stronger up in one's memory. And the dangerous is that it is impossible to remember that this has been done to oneself. ▬ The whole time I have been preoccupied with this subject, I have had a clear understanding about that I have been influenced to eat and live unhealthy. And I have wanted to tell you exactly what it is you not shall do in that regard. Just now, I got some thoughts about it, which bout can be relevant and also typical for how some of these things are been doing. I now think that I have been influenced to do the exactly opposite to what I know about eating and living healthy. And after this, I got an understanding about that I now have three clear breakthroughs: 1. The person Syver Volden who I have been influenced to believe that had done such things to me. 2. That I have been influenced to believe in an hallucination where my wife in the late 1970s shouted out that she wanted a divorce, and I because of that decided that I had to move because I did not understand my wife. This thoughts have I never talked about, because I thought that my wife would become better if I moved. 3. That I shall eat and live exactly opposite to that I know about eating and living healthy. These three things which I now have found out, gives me a feeling of that I just barely have been able to change the control which has been taken over me. These are three things which change much when I understand them. ▬ Now I just have reached one more important detail to understand about in this connection, where I try to clear up what has happened to me. It was when I on Tuesday this week, went for a walk to take a photograph of the underground station; where my daughter, her mother, and I took a normal goodbye to each other on Sunday, January 19, 1986. That was by Tøyen underground station.
During this walk, I clearly started to understand that our divorce become a very pleasant divorce. And right from the beginning, we started to take a very long walk in the summer months, when my daughter and I followed my daughter's mother back to one of the different public transport stations. With this pleasant divorce, we got no common family or friends, we become totally alone together, with much to do with each other. I think that this situation was something it was meant to be, because of how I earlier had been influenced with drugs and talking. This walks, when my daughter and I, followed my daughter's mother on her way home again, after she had followed our daughter to me. We often started in the middle on the day, and said goodbye to each other in the evening. It was always a little sad to finally say goodbye to each other. During the walks we had sat on the lawns or the seats and talked to each other in the different parks we went through. Afterwards my daughter and I walked back again together. This was typical. I followed my daughter back to her mother again. And that become the same, I often took the last underground home again. So now, I am in good progress. And I hope I will have finished the first brief text about this, during a couple of weeks. ▬ This is something which is very conspicuous in me, which I clearly comprehend that it is something with. But what I all these years have found out, is that I never remember correct, even if it the whole time is something with what I remember. Therefore all these can also be wrong, but it is something with it, and that is in a very clear way for me. 1. 2. 3. 4. ▬ After I wrote the message text yesterday; I today got a concentrated focus in my mind, about that the systematic method, is like this: 1. You relax ant think that everything is under control. These four methodical notes, I write here to show that it is methodical ways of doing things, which I understand that I am exposed to. Like I wrote yesterday; I all the years have remembered wrong, even it always is something with it in this connection. So that can be this time also, but I think that I now have come closer to what this is about. I also understand that I am exposed to slowly changing influences, which shall work over a long time, sometimes several decades. One method in this connection; is to let me start believe that things have happened, which not have happened. One example is that it has bin hallucinated memory images where I remember situation images where I do not want to help people any more. In these images I can have been laughing of such situations. One example I think is such a image; is a frightened naked woman full of blood who came running down the street. I stood on the sidewalk and smiled of it, and thought that I shall not get involved in the problems in my society any longer. I shall not care about problems around me in the society any longer. And I shall believe that I now have been like that, and that that is who I am. I have several different such memory images in that connection. This possibility can of course be used in many ways. Her I have written a little to give a hint of what it is I find out about that has been done to me. From today, I think that I shall try to write the text which I for a long time have written about that I shall write. The situation is that everything regarding this, has changed for me this year, so that I have got a new understanding of it all. And because of that, I adapt myself to this new situation, and that is what has taken some time to do. ▬ Here is something which came up in my thoughts after I experience to have come in very good balance in proportion to my own life. This I have achieved with being exactly with finding back earlier content in my life. For example I have been able to remember how I and my friends talked about record covers for circa 40 years ago. I have been preoccupied of that constant changes and new things all the time, can do that we lose the contact with our own life content and the understanding of ourselves. Like it always is with this; it all can be wrong, but it is something with it also. I think it is impossible for me to remember something correct about this. Here it starts: This will turns on you, and that which is of importance in your life. Your political role in this society is completely insignificant. But your human being's role, is here with us been understood to be wholly awful. You are too kind and understanding, and are with that an enemy of this you today not gets to know anything about what is we are doing. All humans in this whole world shall be subordinated this we want that shall take the power from them all, and your silly being shall newer get shown some understanding for how we then have to destroy all the humans in the world to get this to come in order, under our power over them all. Now I will know what you want coming to do, if you were confronted with this I now just told you. What would you done against these who have such goals? 'I would have taken them.' This I exactly had expected that you would say. With that I know what we have to do with you. Take them, shall be to kill them all. Say now that to me, next time I ask you about this. What want you coming to do against these who have such goals? 'I would have killed them all.' That answer I liked to here. Now we have the power over you, that we need to get this to work in you. That impetus, will slowly start to drive you away from sanity, and over in complete insanity, there only you yourself understand what you are busy with, and no one else in the whole world. Only I here, who you not even know who are, know what this little I here done, does against one such like you. In the course of the time you shall start to be occupied with martial art and weapons of all kind. And one day will you like a number of others, start your own little war with all your terrible weapons. This will destroy you and your nearest family and your friends. Now it shall be done exact encroachments against you in relation to what is your fathers family, your mothers family, your own family with your wife and your child, and your wife's family. You are only busy with music, and have woodwork as your outstanding field, this will now gradually be destroyed and disappear for you. With that this has been defined for you, and is with that been laid in to the part in you where this will start to work with destroying you after these directions which I here shall describe what shall be. ...And so starts actual this, we now shall decide that will happen... ...This will show itself for you in the same way as dreams do... ▬ Today I made this schematic description of my daughters life in 1986. This situation was her life when she was ten years old. And that was her strength which made her feel safe and gave her a solid life situation. Her mothers family did not know about her life with her fathers family, and her father's family did not know about her life with her mother's family; but she know about it all herself. It was a very big crime to ruin this situation. And that happened without any reason for it. What I had done to her mother for instance, was to help her when she need help with joiner's work and other things. She had also always called me when she was sick, so I helped her with go shopping and such. I had been extraordinary kind to both my daughter and her mother, and it was incomprehensible for me what started to happen in 1986. ▬ Today I found another record I had forgotten, which I listen to earlier. Chicago II from 1970, with the American rock band Chicago, which I had recorded on my tape recorder. I have also put together so-called 'Best of' or 'History of' records with MP3 music files to get the same as the vinyl records. All the time I become more back to the person I was before, so it goes forward every day. ▬
▬ A key factor to why this situation become worse and worse from 1986, is that I was influenced to want to find out and understand about it every time something had happened. And my loyalty to my daughter is all the time unshakeable. I had very god contact with my daughter already when she was only two months old, and that contact become more and more interesting for me. Only I know how that is; I was much alone with my daughter at that time, because her mother was doing some other things in some of the evenings every week. I learned my daughter to eat with a teaspoon when she was two months old, and that was a result of communication. I could also always get her to stop crying, also when it was because of pains in new teeth; which also was a result of communication. So to start harming our contact with each other, is a very big crime. Also her mother has the same loyalty, I will never do anything wrong to her. This was a kind of trap for me, which all the time urged me to mentally work me more and more into the manipulating misinformation I have been influenced with, which then more and more ruined my own situation and understanding about things. This is 100% sure, it has been so too much of such things, therefore the explanation is that it is something which is going on. Now this is turned around ▬ Now I have influenced myself even more with records I was used to listen to in the 70s. I walked through the half of Oslo city and looked in four shops which sell old records, before I found the six records box set of six Norwegian ballad singers. 'Norske Viseprofiler' (Norwegian Song Profiles). This collection of Norwegian ballad singers from the 70s came out from the Norwegian book club 'Den norske Bokklubben' late in 1976, probably in November – December. My wife that time and I bought it because we was members of the book club, and got the offer to buy it. We thought it would be a historical documentation to have from that time. These six singers are among others, distinct people in Norwegian history who interpreted well–known lyrical poets, traditional songs, important social issues, foreign translations, own compositions, psychological and abstract psychological lyrical poetries, etc. Finn Kalvik's song 'En tur rundt i byen' for example, is a translation of Ralph McTell's, 'Streets of London'. If you want to see pictures and names of songs from the collection, you can click on the link below which open a separate window. ► Norwegian Song Profiles, October 1976. Separate window. To play this records, I had to buy me a record player; something I was determined to newer do. I bought the cheapest I found, and put it in a cupboard with a glass door. Inside behind the record player I sat a LED lamp which lights on the record player. So now the record player plays in the light and shines out in the room. And I think this record player plays well, and I have begun to like to listen to records on the record player. I have also bought a record I got from my daughter's mother at my birthday in 1979 after we were separated; Åge Aleksandersen 'Lirekassa' (The Barrel Organ) from 1977 which only is available on vinyl, (Norwegian). These have really got me back to myself again. So that development has now reached its goal I think. ▬ Now I have made a picture of how I think that the drug works, which must be used in this connection. It is possible that this drug does not have any adverse effects. The very dangerous with this possibility, is that it is possible to us it without anyone finding out anything. I also have a clear understanding about; that what have been done with this possibility, that become stronger in its way of working, than what is natural. That can both work to influence the influenced individual, but also to make the influenced individual to work stronger for its influenced role. Someone can be influenced to work stronger than normal, for different goals. Others can be influenced to be ruined by the influence, so that they do not manage to work for what they want to do. This picture is made to get a clear understanding of how dangerous this drug must be. I do not know if we humans have three mental parts or something else. I have done this to show how dangerous this is. ▬ Today I made up my mind to begin to write the first short text, where I try to put it all together, which I now have announced to do the last six months. Then I first began to make a schematic description of the beginning of my daughter's life. This was her situation the first three and a half years of her life. Such pictures make me get a clearer relation to the situation I try to find out about and understand. These pictures are schematic descriptions which shows something important. After that I start to think that some images from this beginning of an individuals life, would be in place. So here are five images from the first half year of my daughter's life. She was born in the middle of the summer 1975. And these images are from the summer 1975 to Christmastime in December 1975.
My goal is to find out about this and understand what has happened, so that our situation can be better again. Now I wonder if something has happened early in the summer 1976 or early before that again. Because I remember that I told my wife that when I should take the qualifying examination as an electrician June 17, 1976, at the birthday of my daughter; she could travel to her family for a short time, so I could prepare to get a really good qualifying examination. What then happened, was that my wife one day told me that she had to travel away from me. I did not understand anything at all. We continued to have much to do with each other, like a camping trip and many other things, so that was strange. Because of this, I did not prepare for my qualifying examination at all, I only was occupied of this new situation which was something surprising for me. I got the mark 1,78 at the examination, 1 is the best. But I did not care about it, and had not prepared anything for it at all. I wonder if this can be because of something they had done to me, to get me to talk about this in a way I was influenced to, so it all went wrong. Or maybe they had got to do something with others too, even before they did something to me. But this is something I started to think about now, and nothing I have thought more that a little about. Later that summer, we moved together again in a much larger flat, something which had happened in any case anyhow. ▬ It is too many things which have worked together in this case. And that is not accidental occurrences. It is humans' work. To blame a kind of God or something like that for doing such things, would be a serious insult, so that is not the case. A such part in our existence is not like that at all. Now I also remember better what can has happened early in the summer 1976. I said to my wife that she could move to her parents for a while, so I could prepare for a good qualifying examination as an electrician. And because of that she become very sad and answered that she well could move. I did not understand the situation that time, because for me it was that I very strongly wanted to do something good for here an our child an us all. So I could not understand that she become sad. Later that summer we moved together again. Afterwards this has influenced me all the years, I have thought that my wife had problems with living together with me, so I have let her be in peace to be kind to her. This can typical be something I have been influenced to do. And it can be early in 1976 that all of these have been done to me. So every day I come closer to a clearing-up of the situation. ▬ 1. Today I feel so fine. 2. And therefore I now think, that what, has broken me so terrible down; is psychological effects, which have developed by how I have been influenced. 3. I have also now thought about; that I also have been influenced by how my subconscious functions have been changed. 4. By understanding about these things, I become extremely much better again. And therefore I think that it will be much to gain, by finding out about these things; and then be able to help people who have got their lives damaged by these criminals. ▬ This day I have more interesting things to write about for them who are attentive to what goes on at this Web Site. I have written these messages so that people who are interested, can understand that there are things on the way. I also have tried to give a little more information in these messages, when I am still only at the beginning of something I want to write. For some months ago this year, I thought that I fast and easy could write about how I have had a breakthrough regarding this case. But as the weeks have past, it has been like walking ahead in darkness, and every day I find out something new that I did not know that I would find. Today I have a clear understanding about that I am not doing against my own will any longer. I am doing against these criminals will. And that is what is natural and right for me to do. So things are much better now, than for some months ago. I have been preoccupied about music records I had before. To remember about these things, have been useful; for this interest for records was something which absorbs me much earlier in my life. I can both read musical notes and write musical notes, and therefore I am interested in listen to how different music have been made. And by remembering about this, I also start to remember more things also. Now I have thought about how my wife and I recorded music form the radio, on our tape recorded in 1975 and 1976. This tape was the most interesting music we had. And it is also the most interesting music of all the music I remember about. The tape was an earlier spool tape, which could play for hours. As the time went on, we got a lot of interesting music on this tape. At my wife's birthday in 1975, I bought here a record by Janis Joplin as a present. That was a double album with two records, called Janis. And the second record is very interesting, because that is earlier songs by here, folk music and such. My wife's father came and visited us at her birthday, after he had finished his work on his job that day. Things were enjoyable at that time. ► Here is a link to more information about this record. It opens in a separate window. Janis Joplin's biggest hit was her interpretation of 'Me and Bobby McGee' by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster. It became a number one hit which was at the top of the U.S. singles chart in 1971, after she died 26 years old in 1970. She was born in Texas, USA; and died in California. Janis Joplin was characterized in being both soulful and amusing, in addition to being a unique talented musician. She had reached to be loved by many in her short life, who all become sad when she died in 1970. I now understand that my wife, our child, and I; had a very enjoyable life together before these criminals came into our lives early in 1976. Here is a photo of my wife that time, in the summer 1975. She is a very nice and kind person. Our problems have become too much, which we not was prepared for that could be like that. So these problems had developed so terrible too much, for a long time, without our understanding about it. Every time something new comes out from the 'darkness' in my mind, for me; I think that now I am at the end of understanding this problem. Maybe I this time really have reached the end, and that I now can start to work with an explanation about what has happened. That is so very much which no one could have expected. But that is how it is. When you come home and find your house totally damaged, you don not start to talk about that this is not possible; you start to ask, who have done this, and why. And that is the way my situation also is. When something has happened, you do not say that it can not happen; you ask who have done it, and why. And that is what I am doing. It is 100 % sure that this is like that; it is too many wrong things at one time. And very much; is absolutely not the same as nothing. A question then, could be; why have someone wanted to do so much? The answer is; that to cause so very much, these criminals have done so very little, nearly nothing, apart from using a few minutes or maybe about one hour on me, I think. In addition to some preparations. So that is the answer, to such a question. These criminals gain very much; by doing very little. I also now think that I have gone through all the different things which have been done to me. I think the plan has been that all of it should be enough. Maybe I should have died, or been insane, or end up in the gutter on the street without a place to live any longer; I do not know. I think that I all the way have done a little more against it all, than what has been expected, and maybe that is the explanation for why I am now in a so good condition, when I have reached the end of it all. This way of working as these things have been, is that I always have been influenced to what I shall do when I try to do something with this, again and again until it is finished. To try to find out and understand about what this is, shall ruin me more and more instead, that is the plane, I think. When I have thought that I have been doing something I understand against this problem, I only have done something I have been influenced to do, and that has always gone wrong, again and again, all the time. I have got stuck in this plan these criminals have made for me. The last time my daughter, here mother, and I; talked to each other early in 1986, the agreement was that my daughter should be more together with me than before. 12 days after that conversation, when the agreement was that my daughter and I should be together in the weekend, the police came and took me away from my daughter. That was because of a psychiatrist I never had talked to, or seen. I had nothing to do with that psychiatrist, and I had not either a psychiatric problem. Nothing wrong had happened that day, what had happen, was totally normal and correct. No one told me anything about who it was who had arrange this, or why; so therefore I could not say anything sensible to what happened. So at that time I did not know anything at all about the psychiatrist's role in this episode. I did not talk to my family, I was used to take care of my own things by my selves, without weigh down and worry my family, so they did not know anything about what was happening. I did not understand anything at all, when the police came and took me, I had sat calm on a chair and waited for my daughter who should come home in a short time. Before that I had been helpful to my daughter's mother, and helped here with many things for many years. The working week had ended, and it was no place for me to go, I sat in my own apartment the whole weekend, and did not understand anything at all. The police said that I had to go to the psychiatrist's clinic first on Monday morning. There I got no explanation at all for what had happened. After that, all become only worse and worse. And behind these people, a terrible serious crime is under its way, which is what all of these become to be day after day from that Friday. I got more and more ruined, and in the end, the summer 1986, I barely know where I lived, and nothing else was left in my memory and in my mind. So there is many things which have worked against us. Many different things hit us at the same time. These different things have nothing to do with each other. And that is also something, which among other things, shows that this is something suspicious. It is also too many suspicious circumstances. So when this whole picture becomes conspicuous, it is not any doubt about that this is something to find out about. The problems only became worse and worse by what was done, until the whole situation was totally ruined for us; that is also suspicious. ▬ Now I have thought of the mail box we had where we lived in 1975 and 1976. It was a normally green japanned metal Norwegian mail box on the fence by the street; about 11 inches wide, 13 inches high, and 5 inches deep, with a lid to open on the top. If you want, you can close a lid which only has a small aperture for letters with a padlock, under a tight lid over that again. This is a typical Norwegian mail box, but there are a lot of other different mail boxes which also are used in Norway. This type of mail box is used on fences, detached posts, and joint racks, etc. On the front of this mail box, my wife had painted our names and a little decoration. She made a very fine mail box. My thoughts about this mail box have been a little special, it becomes something very strong in my mind. It was connected with much energy in my thoughts for some hours. We got letters from others to this mail box. These letters was from individuals we had a kind of strong contact with, in that way that these letter contacts become something living, and we wrote back. It was a kind of contact which was similar to real contact face to face. Now I think that these criminals have found out about this, and been busy with this mail box. This is nothing I remember, it is only something I understand that can be like this. I ask myself, why is this mail box connected with so much energy in my mind. Our situation was that we had contact with some people, and these contacts were quite strong. During these hours I was thinking so energetically about this mail box, I thought about something which I started to think could have been the first I was influenced to do. And I thought it could be like this: 1. I shall say to my wife that she could move to her family with our daughter for a while, so I can prepare for a good qualifying examination. (She becomes sad.) 2. I forget this. 3. My wife says to me that she shall move home to her parents with our daughter. (I become sad.) 4. I only have my daughter in mind, and do not have thought for other things any longer. 5. I shall make a cradle to my daughter, so her mother will try to rock her to sleep. But my daughter will miss how she is used to that I sing for her before she sleeps, and will not like the cradle. She was used to be able to communicate with me. (They have found out that my daughter have learned how to get me to come and sing for here in the evenings; because they have asked me questions. I sang for my daughter every evening.) 6. I understand that my daughter suffer from want of her father, I become desperate and do not have thoughts for anything else. (A friend tells me that my daughter is so terrible sad and has a hard time.) 7. My daughter wants cradle song, and not a cradle; and she do not like the cradle. I do not understand that, and become desperate and do not care about the qualifying examination any longer. I only finish the examination without thinking about it at all. 8. They who have done this to me, can sit and laugh of me, because they can damage me without my knowledge about it. I will only think that they are kind to me and not want to do me any harm. 9. This could only be some devils plan, so therefore it can be correct that it is like this. We had much to do with each other. We were on a camping trip. And we move together again after a couple of months. It all happens in the summertime, so it all has to be within the summer months. This is nothing I remember, it is something I understand that can has happened. I cannot remember anything about how this has been done. What I have thought that I remembered earlier, have only been things I have been influenced to start to think about. All of it was only misinformation. I wonder if they maybe have had some teamwork going on with me, someone ask questions, and others makes plans from the answers I say. I know that they have actuate things in my mind to begin develop by it selves. So that is also a possibility they have. I cannot remember about these things, I can only try to understand about them. It is possible to understand a pattern in the whole world, there all are played out against each other, where all are doing what these criminals want, no one do against their will. This pattern is something it is necessary to understand about and be able to change. We must come out of their plan. ▬ This messages page has now become something else than what was the meaning with it. I have used this page to tell about how I have been trying to come to a correct angle regarding starting to write about what all of this has been. The last days I have reached that goal I think. And now I have found 11 images more, which I think that will show a little of the situation seen from my earlier wife's, our child's, and mine situation. First a picture of me, were I stands by the gate where we lived in 1975 and 1976. There are two mail boxes side by side, and one of them was ours. They are placed with the front towards the garden. Here is my wife in 1976. She, our daughter, and I; are on a camping trip together in the middle of the summer. She sits outside the tent. Here is our daughter inside the tent. Here is I inside the tent. Here is my wife and our child inside the tent. We were on a bicycle ride together in 1977. Here is our daughter back on my wife's bicycle. Our daughter become in a fantastic high spirits on this bicycle ride. She sang at the top of here voice the whole day when we were cycling on such small roads. Here is I at the bicycle ride. After we were divorced, we celebrated a cheerful Christmas Eve together in 1982. This is home with our daughter and her mother. Christmas 1982. Christmas 1982. Christmas 1982. It is me who had set up the wood-burning stove. ▬ Now I have been focused on what happened in 1976. And after I published the pictures here on this page yesterday, I could se that my wife at that time in 1977, had the sweater on; which she earlier had given to me. I had it on, at the camping trip in 1976, shown on a picture on this page yesterday. And this become something in my thoughts, that I started to think could be something similar to the cradle and cradle song systematism which I write about some days ago on Monday July 15. My wife that time with the sweater on. A camp site another place which shows the tent. This was only a site we had to use because it had been so late in the evening. This picture is taken in the morning. This is like finding some speck of dust which are suspicious. And such small things are important when things are tried to be hidden. My wife that time, gave this sweater to me. I am not sure about when it was; and that can also be because of influence by these criminals. I think it must be either at Christmas Eve or my birthday in June1976. If it was at Christmas Eve, these criminals can have been busy with such things witch had to do wit our love for each other, which they want to damage. And again they can have influenced me to say something which I afterwards not remember, like that this sweater will suit my wife better than me. Or something that in another way have caused this; like that I shall wish to get a sweater, and afterwards say that it suit her better than me. In this case, this is suspicious. I remember how my wife was engaged with this sweater, which was something she wanted to give me. She had also made fine clothes to me. But so she bought a new sweater to me, which I have on the picture with the bicycle on of the pictures from 1977. Now I look at this in connection to the cradle and cradle song systematism, like the sweater and sweater systematism. This is suspicious. Some other explanatory details, can in a very fast way be: In 1986; at least two other different deranged people come together, regarding our situation And together these two people become absolutely totally mad. Psychiatrists and others who in the beginning had superficial fun, after some time become afraid for their reputations. And after that they have hidden their breaches of the law by ruin our lives more and more every time they have something to do with this case. And all of them lied to me all the time, so I only understand less and less. Here is a few key words for why this has become so terrible wrong. So that comes in addition to those totally unknown criminals who have caused this problems. Now I think this has become a correct starting point for finding out more of this case. For some time ahead I have different other tings to do, which I can not put off any longer. But I will not let it go more that a couple of weeks between when I write a little about how things are going. This page has now become a page with some incipient informations for them who are looking for such. ▬ A comment on the previous message: Because of the new cradle, our daughter's bed disappeared in one way or another. This bed I bought at a second-hand store in the town centre, and carried on one and the other of my shoulders to our home, about 30 minutes to walk. It was a traditional bed for children; which was made of two parts, which could be drawn to a longer and longer bed. Our daughter could have had this bed for some years. When I come home with this bed; before our daughter was born; I was tired but glad, my wife that time get in high spirits, and we both looked happy at this bed. My wife painted it fine with two colors, I think it was brown and orange. To get this bed to disappear; could also have been a destructive 'kind of chess' move. Then the cradle, the sweater, and this bed; has bin a kind of one, two, three; in my thoughts. Nothing you start to think about, less you have got a reason for doing so. What can this be? Imperceptible influences we newer had a single thought about that could be something like this. Now I only listen to music from 1975 and before. But not so much, only a little. ▬ Here is a link to the name of all the LPs I now remember that I had I 1975. There are two singles among them, marked with Single. The most of these records was music I had on the tape recorder, which I had recorded from my friends, only a few of them was my own LPs. All these records I now have remembered in my mind, I have not had a single note about one of them any longer. All I had in 1975, had now disappeared. But these records here, is now on my PC. I also had much classical music, but these records was often different music put together, therefore it is more difficult to find exactly the correct LP again. It is important for me to find correct things from the past, because I have been influenced to be confused in my memory, like shuffling cards. I have looked on the internet to find information about these LPs, like they were as vinyl LPs. I now also have more different classical music from composers I liked to listen to before. But these are those I am sure about. ► Names of LPs from 1975 and earlier. Separate window. ▬ On Friday, July 19, I wrote about my wife's dog. That we had her dog at that time in 1975 and 1976. This had already on Friday become something which changed in my mind. First I thought that the dog afterwards was killed by her father because it had become overweight. After some hours this become something in my mind that I do not know, and I changed it to that the dog died. Now I have started to think that this can be such a kind of hallucination that I earlier have written about. That is that I took a walk with the dog down to the town center, and there the dog shit at the sidewalk. This do not seems to be likely, I had taken the dog to the outdoor spaces which there are plenty of at that place. Something else, is also that the dog slept on a little oval carpet my grandmother made to me when I was younger. Both these two things can be such hallucinations. And these criminals have been busy with these things. That I thought that maybe this dog is the first to get that kind of fate, to be killed, can also be something I have been influenced to think. I think they also have influenced me to think that they are CIA and use LSD, which then is misinformation. They try to get me to think that they are very big, when the truth is that they probably are so small that it is nearly impossible to find them. I have thought about that my situation regarding this is like this: Something I am sure about that I remember correct. Other things I am sure about that are such hallucinations. And there are also things which I can not be sure about. In my mind these three possibilities have a kind of schematic picture; correct, hallucinations, and not sure. These hallucinations are facts when I know it for sure, which show something that have been done to me in that way. These hallucinations are more clear than what is correct memory. Now I am quite sure about that these memory pictures are such hallucinations. I do not know what have been correct regarding the dog. If we had the dog, I think it only could have been for a short while. But my only things to go on are these hallucinations. And this is a typical problem for me, such things are more clear than things which are correct. So I have to understand that what I am so very sure about, that is not correct. We had a cat, called Sofus. And here is a picture of that cat. The cat moved to her parents, when our daughter was born. After that; a picture of my earlier wife before we got married, in the summer 1974, at the summer pasture where my mother's mother and mother's father lived at that time. After that; a picture of her in the nature around the summer pasture. I told her to sit in that tree, to take a picture of her there; because I thought that could be a fine picture. Then a picture of me that summer in 1974, in a park at the town Gjøvik; by the biggest Norwegian lake, Mjøsa. The fifth picture is of our daughter in the area around the summer pasture in 1984. Here I also told our daughter what to do, to look up in the tree. I said to her that she could look for her mother up in the tree, because we have a picture of her mother up in such a tree. ▬ Sunday, July 21, I wrote about that I remembered that I talked with my daughter's mother on Friday, January 31, in 1986. Like what I write about the dog; in the earlier message, on Friday, July 19; I also this time start to find out that I must have written something wrong about what we talked about that Friday in 1986. Here I repeat it. I remember that I talked with my daughter's mother about something which must be such clear memory images which had led to that I moved so we get divorced. At that time I was sure about that these had happened. But I am not absolutely sure about what we talked about in that connection that day, but it was something. I remember it was that she had shouted that she wanted a divorce when our daughter sat and plaid on the floor, when we were married. And I thought that our daughter can not grow up in such a home. But it comes more. I have though that she will be insane of living together with me. I have thought that it is hard for here to live with me. And I have thought that she has beaten me. This is something I am influenced to think, and I had never wanted to talk about it at all, because I have not wanted to hurt her. I moved because I wanted to be kind to here. I thought I had to move because it was more difficult for her to move, I thought that her family forced her to be with me against her own will. I understand that I have different such hallucinations as memory images, and they are difficult, because they are more clear than correct memory. And if you do not understand about it, you are absolutely sure about such memory images. What I write about here, is correct. But now I think that we did not talk about this that Friday in 1986. Something I am sure about that we talked about that Friday, January 31, 1986; is this. My daughter's mother told me that when her family came to her 12 days earlier, all of them had been completely crazy, and started to blame me in a way that was not correct. And they were so many, that she could not manage it, she said. This is correct. Some few days; before that Sunday 12 days earlier. My daughter's mother had insisted on that I should begin to be more together with our daughter at her place. She also suggested that our daughter and I could be there even when she was not at home her selves. Therefore what started to happened a short time afterwards, really was crazy; totally crazy all of it. When I have been thinking of these things now, I have started to think that our daughter got a kind of constant want for her father, because I had moved in 1979. We had tried to make our daughter feel it like I am a part of here everyday life, because I visited her at her home every week. And our daughter smiled when she saw her mother and me talking to each other. But she also wanted to be together with me, and that was because of what had developed between us after that I moved in 1979, we developed our own contact in a very strong way. Our contact with each other developed in a special way, our regularly way of being together was a kind or very strong friendship. Our daughter also developed a strong contact to my family, also based on regularly contact. My family also came and visited us at my place now and then when she was there. She had a very strong connection to my family. This was well known, and nothing at all difficult to find out about. But in 1986 other outsiders ruined all of it. It seems like the people who got involved in this case, which much was developed by themselves; all the time more and more moved the attention away from what really had happened. The police promised to always take me away if I tried to get in contact again, and that was something they really did also, many times, for half a year. But it was never my daughter's mother who called for the police. And for our daughter, this has been something very sad. The first time she got really very angry about it, and for that she had a very good reason. These last messages I always have find some more pictures, and that motivated me to find a picture this time also. This is the first picture taken of my girlfriend that time and me in 1974, it was in a photo machine where you sit in a kind of box and put on money and push a button to take a picture. So an earlier picture of us, is it impossible to find I think. ▬ In the spring 1986, my daughter got hypnotized regarding her love for her father. And I was told that I never should get to know who it was who did that. At that time I had been exposed to a number of ruinous encroachments, continuous for several months. And so; they started the same way against my daughter also. And all the time more and more people got involved. All of them let themselves be lead by the situation, or they started to hide what they know they had done wrong; no one started to work by themselves to find out about what was going on. At that time my situation had been; that every time I thought, that someone wanted to help us, I only learned that they did something worse than it already had been done. This had brought me to a behavior where I not believed in anybody any longer. At that time, and until now; I every day have been preoccupied in my daughters situation. All the time, from the very first beginning, it was others who more and more ruined our lives. At that time they told my daughter that her father not deserve her love. This situation have the hidden activity as its real cause. These people have planned something like this, and they have got it to be like this. That is the decisive cause. And it is possible to find out more and more about that. Here on this Web Site I am on the way of finding out about it. It is like something which is so very weak, it only works when people do not understand about it. If they start to lose their grip on us, they do not have the power to take it back again. They are too weak. In many ways all our problems is due to that my wife that time is so unique nice and kind to me. I think; that is what this hidden criminals have found out about. And so they have planned to use me, to influence my wife, by getting me to say to her, things she can do. And every time she does what I say, because she is so kind to me, and because of that; everything become worse and worse. This time I also have found a picture. Here my wife is sitting by the sewing machine. This sewing machine I bought at a handle jumble sale before I met her. At our wedding we got a new sewing machine form my parents. Here we just had moved in. But she had already sewn the curtains ahead of the window. She also made many cloths to our daughter, to her selves, to me, and also many other tings than cloths. ▬ After I made the list Saturday, July 20, 2013; with LP's I had in 1975; something has changed. The records by Beatles have been difficult to be sure about. The person who had these records, had them all or many of them; and I have listen to all of them, and we talked about the record's and the cover's. I think we talked about that I should record the two latest records on the tape recorder, Abbey Road and Let It Be. This is now corrected on the list. First I wrote that it was White Album and Abbey Road. Many years later, I also got the record Let It Be from another person. He had records he should give away, and asked me if I wanted some of them, and I said that it could be good to have Let It Be. For me, this is not most of all to find these records again; but to find out of the connections in my memory; where associations and understandings get wrong or do not work at all, when the memory components are wrong. When the most are right, the rest also easier become right too. Now when things come in order in my memory, I also have much more energy. There are also a few more records I had. But I have thought that I could go and look in a vinyl record shop now and then; which there are several of here in Oslo, for both old and new vinyl records. Maybe vinyl records have their own distinctive legitimacy, because of their unique quality. Two records which not are on the list, are Terje Rypdal - Min Bul LP 1970 and Junipher Greene - Friendship LP 1971. It has been difficult to find these records. But I think it also can be good for my memory, to take a look in some of the vinyl shops, like I did before, and look for them. It is my understanding that I have been influence to not be able to remember correct any longer. And most of all, not be able to remember anything at all. But now it becomes much better, I remember very well. The pain by remembering; is much better than the inner emptiness without remembering. Now I have different other things I must take care of. I have put it off for so long. But I will not let it go more than two weeks between when I write a little about how it goes, her on the Web Site. A good advice: Do not believe in unhealthy lifestyles. It is true that such lifestyles are unhealthy. And it is not difficult to live healthy. The best you can eat, is healthy food. And healthy activities are very good for you, a little of such is very much. I think I have been influenced to do wrong with these things; and that the reason for that, is that I in one way or another shall die because of such. But I feel fine. All of such I think are in a sneaking way, first a little, and them more and more. I also think that I have been influenced to die because of road accidents. After I understood that, I started to travel much more by train again, like I did before, because I am often could be tired when I was driving, because I work at night. It is comfortable to travel by train and other public transports. You also put other people's life in risk, when you not drive safe. Now I also think that what happened in 1986, was that the psychiatrist who at that time, did more and more against us, without being allowed to do that; this psychiatrist got my daughter hypnotized, to forget what had happened, and hopes that I not could remember anything about it again. But I think that this psychiatrist only is one of the pieces in this situation, but a very dangerous one, because this psychiatrist does things in a way so no one understand what it is. This is a dangerous person. But the very much more dangerous people, are them who totally hide who they are and what they do. ▬ What I have written earlier, about my daughter's first bed and the cradle, Friday, July 19, and Monday, July 15; I now have thought more about. I think that I can have been influenced to this: 1. I said to my wife that she could move to her family with our daughter for a while, so I can prepare for a good qualifying examination. 2. I forgotten about this. 3. My wife said to me that she shall move home to her parents with our daughter. 4. I made a cradle. Because I think about that our daughter maybe do not like to rock, I made it easy to change it to a ordinary bed. 5. This new bed came instead of the first bed, which my wife and I had planned to use for some years. 6. I was preoccupied with this instead of singing cradle songs. This little episode seems likely for me that can has been done in this way. That puts the time after our daughter was born and until the summer 1976, as the right time for when this has been done to me. Probable early in 1976. Then this point of time can be quite clear. I can not remember that this has been done to me, I can only understand it. ▬ |
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